Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight Saga sadly. But one day I will own Robert Pattinson….. mwahahaha

I prewrote this story and it's going to be in three parts. Fun stuff. Haha It kind of has a Tuck Everlasting feel to it but it's not a crossover. So it's okay. Haha

Notes: Bella is twelve in this story. The Cullens are still vampires. Jacob is all human. Renee and Charlie are together still. No romance between Edward and Bella…..yet…. haha

I'm never one for adventure or anything of the sort. Maybe it's because my parents Charlie and Renee kept me fenced in our rather large mansion we owned. Or maybe I was just too scared to see what lies beyond the fence that divided me from a huge forest. I lay in my usual position on my back about two feet away just starring at through the fence, I imagined what was out there, magically things like fairies and unicorns. I know it's childish to think but I just wonder. My dress white as snow crinkled under me as I slowly sat up. I would've preferred to wear a basic tee-shirt and jeans like always but my mom insisted I wore a dress as we had company coming over that night. I'm not sure who Renee and Charlie -as I like to call them behind their backs- invited over but I needed to look pretty and be on my best behaviour.

I rolled my eyes when Renee told me this like I ever do anything bad. I'm just Isabella Swan a twelve year old who is very badly socialized and over educated. I never really met any kids my age besides the ones that resided in the TV a world way. I'm always at my house with Charlie and Renee and the staff. The only times I'm ever outside my property is going into town with one of my parents to get something which is rare but usually it's to go to the hospital. I'll get to that detail later. They keep telling me that it's for my own good. When I get out in the world, I'll be very educated and will be able to do anything I want. I'm twelve I should be giggling to my friends and playing with Barbies or something. But no, I get to read Shakespeare and learn how the Rome Empire fell. Yet, the sad thing is that I like it. Why can't I act normal? Why can't I be normal?

"Isabella, get inside before our guest come and please, don't tell me you got any grass stain on your dress." I heard Renee call as I peered out at the forest that was so close I could reach it but I would never have such a chance. I got up lazily and examine myself to check for any small stains. Thankfully I found none and grin to myself but as I'm celebrating that I actually kept an article of clothing clean, I take off to my home when my foot snagged a rock and I find myself flying through the air. I land with thud on the green sea that would be my lawn and expected the worse. And of course, I find a huge grass stain on the knees of my pure white dress. There was no way I could hide it.

Oh and did I mention I'm really clumsy? So clumsy I'm a danger to myself. Charlie doesn't understand how I can be this way and neither do I really. I guess my feet just don't like me. To think about it, I've broken probably half the bones in my body at least once. If I was anywhere else than in my little world that only consisted of my home, I probably would kill myself from tripping down a manhole or another situation a regular human being would never find themselves in. I frowned at the stupid stain caused by my stupid feet not being about to work right. I began to rub the stain to try to fade it but I only made it worse. Deciding to just take the heat from Renee, I walked while watching my feet attentively up to the house I have grown so familiar to and prepare to get yelled at by my mother.

Just as I thought Renee gave me one of those glares that only a mom can give. You know a, "I'm so disappointed that you couldn't do the one little thing I told you to do" kind of look. "Isabella Marie Swan, I told you multiple times we're having some important guests over and you needed to look your best. And now I find you with grass stains all over your dress. Just come inside and get changed, Amelia will help you find something else to wear." she told me in her stern voice.

I decided to stand firm instead of letting my face flush in a palette of reds, I muttered angrily under my breath, "Well it's not like I tried to do this." Adding to that, I give a harsh glare to Renee and began walking up to my room but I feel her reach out and pull me back.

"Isabella, don't take that tone with me. I want you to change this instant then come downstairs right after." Shrugging out of her grasp and going red as usual, I slowly and loudly made my way up to my bedroom showing my displeasure to find Amelia who is one of our maids already there.

I hate being rich, everything about it is so superficial. I don't need designer clothes or luxurious things to make me happy. I don't really know what I need though but it's defiantly not this. I stood at the doorway of my room and politely smiled at Amelia as I did actually like her when she wasn't forced to do something either one of my parents commanded and this happened to be one of those times.

She greeted me in her very formal way, "Hello Miss Swan." I groaned quite loudly as she knows I hate her calling me that.

"Amelia, please call me Bella or at least Isabella." I corrected her.

See if I had friends, I would want them to call me Bella. No not because it means beautiful in Italian because in no means am I beautiful. It's just very simple and way less…well… proper sounding I guess. Bella just seems more normal and more me. Isabella is a very graceful and girly name which I am neither. I could be graceful if my feet actually cooperated with my body and I'm just not girly as Renee wished I would be.

But as always, Amelia doesn't say anything about my name again and goes back to my parents' orders. Stupid mindless maid. I frowned when she pulled out a pale pink dress. I seriously think my parents hate me. It's not that it's an ugly dress but I have voice my opinion on pink far too many times for them to forget I hate pink. I think of myself as more of a Joan of Arc than a Marie Antoinette. I'm more about fighting for my beliefs and trying to escape my prison than spending money on pretty dresses and fine jewelry. Pink seems to represent that sort of person to me, a selfish and childish person which I am neither.

Handing me the dress, Amelia walked out so I could change. I glared at the dress in my hands. These guests better be happy that I'm wearing this because I'm sure not. Changing for the green stained dress to the pink dress I hated so much, I thought of ways I could 'accidentally' wreck the dress but then I figured I might have to change into something worse than this. With a glance in the mirror, I didn't recognize myself. My normally straight brown hair was now done up in loose ringlets that Renee said with a huge grin that they made me look like a doll. Next came the dress, it was alright I guess. It was pale pink with a yellow ribbon around it, it just wasn't me. Like I said before, jeans and t-shirt is good with me. I already hate these people coming over for making me dress up.

Before I knew it, I sat at my large dining table with Renee and Charlie and two additional people, Billy Black and his son Jacob. At first I had no idea who they were but once conversation started, everything became clear.

Charlie kept praising all my accomplishments like how I'm a Grade Eight pianist. How I'm nearly graduated high school as I'm home schooled. How I plan to be a lawyer or doctor. And finally how lady like I am and how I passed etiquette lessons with flying colours. I fold my arms and grumbled… only half of that stuff was true. Yes, I'm a grade eight pianist -I really like playing piano but I would love it if I wasn't forced to play since I was five- and I am almost graduated high school. Though I don't want to be a lawyer or doctor, I'm twelve all I want to be is a kid which I'm being deprived of. And the etiquette lesson went horribly; the lady only passed me when I broke down in tears because of being so frustrated about trying to tell my dessert fork from my salad fork. So she felt horrible for me and passed me.

This praising of the children continued when Billy added his Jacob was top marks in his seventh grade. I quickly became jealous of this Jacob kid as I heard more about him. He got to go to school and have friends while I was stuck in prison like home. Jacob gazed over at me and gave me a sheepish smile. I just glared at him and turn my focus on my parents who smiled and laughed while they talked to Billy. I wasn't stupid; I saw what they were doing. They were trying to match me and Jacob up. I snorted in disgust and draw attention to myself as I angrily raised my voice, "Do you think I'm stupid? Jacob might be dense," Jacob looked down at his plate at the mention of this, he seemed pretty embarrassed, "But I see what's going on. You're trying to arrange for me and Jacob to be together. This isn't the ninety hundreds, it's the two thousands if you didn't realize. Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to my room." Charlie and Renee just starred at me and Billy looked dumbfounded. I smirked while I stood up and shoved my chair out loudly.

Walking away in a quicker fashion than I'm used to, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings at all as I muttered about how stupid my parents thought I was. Though making myself look stupid, I banged into cabinet that had an antique vase on it which was almost the size of me and pretty heavy. Before I could react, I heard a crash and felt myself fall down. The stupid vase smashed and fell on me. This is what you get for living in a museum. Everything started to go black as I heard Renee yell to Charlie, "I think we're going to have to take her to the hospital." Oh great, I finally make a statement and I just have to injury myself and everyone forgets about it. I fought with my eyes to stay open but I couldn't win as they shut way all the light.

Note to self: This is an excellent way to get out of a dinner party. Just hurt myself.

So there it is. Chapter one. You can tell me how you like it by pushing the little blue button. :D

Ashley aka PeachiePineapple