Hello! Mit-chan here! I know I haven't updated in ages, but I'm waiting to get a few more votes on my poll for my new story, which has a future title of "Cats and Strawberries". X Charas alternates between me and Ni-chan, so I can't write anything until I've read her chapter. Not that I mind.

Anyway, here is another story! The Prologue is before the time of the main story. The story is called Promise… for now.

Okay, I hope you enjoy my new story and please review and tell me what you think!

Ikuto: I'm not doing the disclaimer!

Amu: Neither.


Amu, Ikuto & Mit-chan: -sweatdrops-

Ran: She doesn't own Shugo Chara!

Everyone except Mit-chan: Shut up! She was supposed to say it!

Mit-chan: You're all mean! –sends death glares-

Everyone except Mit-chan: -sweatdrops-

Mit-chan: -smiles kindly- Enjoy!



)(Unknown Person's POV)(


"What are you doing here?" Amu crossed her arms and sent a questioning look towards me.

I looked away, smirking. She knew perfectly well what I was doing here. "Why, isn't it obvious?"

"Yes. But couldn't you have gone and used up your spare-stalking-time to stalk fish?"

"Interesting comparison. But, unlike Yoru, I'm not a cat. Although, you look far more appetising than a fish…" I stepped closer to her, trying to make her blush. I was looking into her unimpressed eyes now.

"Sh-shut up, you pervert!" That's good. She was beginning to stutter.

"Hmm…? I haven't even touched you and your beginning to blush…"

"A-am not! Just go away! You're so annoying, Ikuto!"

I winced slightly at that. I knew she was joking, but it still hurt to here her say those words so… distantly. I stared after her as she walked back towards the hall. I eyed her bare back. It was too good a chance to pass up.

"I love that dress you're wearing. You're very pale on your back, though," I paused as I saw her stop and shiver slightly. Perfect. I inched closer, narrowing the space between us with every word. "Are you cold, Amu? Here, let me warm you up…" I wrapped my arms around her, my chin on her shoulder. I waited for her to blush, but there was no need. Her cheeks were already a rosy pink. I kissed her neck gently, hugging her tighter.

"I-Ikuto…" I felt her hair tickle my cheek.

"Shh…" I whispered in her ear, closing my eyes. The only sound around us was the swoosh of the leaves, as a gentle summer breeze blew them. The songs from the dance couldn't be heard here.

"Ikuto. I-I have to go back inside…" She dropped her voice to my level. I barely heard her.

"Amu… don't go…" I stopped, looking into her eyes. She looked back. I just stared, not having expected…


We both tore away from each other's gaze, looking towards the tree we were hiding behind. The voice was far away, but we both recognised it.

"T-Tadase-kun," Amu looked at me again, whispering his name.

"I know," I sighed as I let her go. She was blushing badly, but I didn't have time to feel happy about it. I knew she would take off now, and I might never see her again. "Amu."

"Ikuto, I have to go. I'm sorry…" She looked down, not meeting my gaze.

I stepped forward. I cupped her face in my hands, leaning down and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. I never wanted to let her go now.

She didn't resist. I felt her give in.

After a while, I broke away from her. I hugged her again. "Amu, please don't go…"

"I'm sorry Ikuto. But I have to…" I could hear in her voice that she was crying.

"Hinamori-san? Are you out here?" I heard his voice coming closer.

"Amu. I'll wait for you. I'll never leave here. I'll always wait for you," I spoke into her hair. I was still much taller than her.

"Yes. Wait for me. Please. I promise I'll come back…" She tightened her grip on my shirt.

"Okay. Okay, Amu." I heard the Kiddy King call her name again. This time, he seemed to be right on the other side of the tree. I released her reluctantly. She stared into my eyes. I pulled my blazer's sleeve over the palm of my hand and used it to gently wipe away her tears. She hugged me again.

"I don't want to go, Ikuto…"

"Amu. He'll find us…"

"I don't care. Ikuto, I lo-"

"Hinamori-san!" Tadase was glaring at me.

"Tadase-kun!" She turned to him, surprised.

That was it. It was officially over. I leant down and whispered in her ear, "I'll wait for you, Amu. I'll always wait. Right here, nowhere else," I wavered on my next sentence, not wanting to say it. "Good bye, Amu."

I heard her call my name as I walked into the shadows, leaving behind the school that we all went to. I wouldn't be coming back here until the new semester. I wouldn't be coming back to Amu for a lot longer.



Okay! There's the Prologue! I hope you like it! Now, to fill you in on a few things from the Prologue:

- Amu is 13, Ikuto is 18.

- Amu, Tadase and Rima have just started the same school as Ikuto.

- Tadase and Rima organized a big party for Amu.

I won't tell you what's happening; you have to figure that out. Or you can just wait for chapter 1 of Promise!

Ikuto: Yup.

Amu: You do the disclaimer next time, Mit-chan!

Mit-chan: …

Amu & Ikuto: -sighs- Thank you for reading and please review!

Mit-chan: Hey! That's my line!

Amu & Ikuto: …

Mit-chan: -sighs- Thank you for reading and please review!