A/N: I don't really know where this came from! But I actually found it quite calming and it put a smile on my face as I wrote it, so hopefully it's not too bad!

Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, then what you are about to read would definitely happen.


The taste of it still amazes them - the warm sweetness of it blended with a little coffee, sugary tea, something fruity and a hint of chocolate mixed with something a little more savoury. And the texture of it – soft like butter on a summer's day and as luxurious as silk. This moment's kiss is tenderly passionate, but in a way that's not going to lead to anything; not this time anyway. They're too caught up in the feel of their mouths on each other, the gentle slide of tongue against tongue, caressing and probing, and the soft, sensual tickle of a moustache against a clean-shaven upper lip. Then the tongues are taken away and replaced with sweet little kisses pressed to red, swollen lips, over and over again, eyes closed, lashes fluttering against skin, small moans of pleasure escaping on tiny rushes of air panted from their mouths. Hands brush lightly over faces, thumbs stroking over cheeks, fingers run gently through soft hair before grazing over necks, over shoulders, squeezing and hugging, skimming over backs and waists, coming back up to do it all over again, pulling each other into an even closer embrace, the small kisses merging yet again into a deep, erotic dance. The man with the moustache sucks teasingly on the object of his affection's bottom lip, extracting a tiny, pleading whimper, one which is quickly silenced with the soft, wet stroke of a tongue running over a quivering mouth and then pushing its way into it, coming into contact with its equal, and they fight for dominance as lips meld together, nibbling and licking and sucking. The kiss is full of longing and happiness and sunshine and above all, more than anything, it's full of love.

They finally pull away breathlessly, hands still holding each others faces, warm honey and hazel eyes resting on brilliant sapphire blues, and they smile at each other and it's the most beautiful thing in the world, so full of hope and adoration, and the weight of the emotions in the simplicity of it is enough to cause the Big Bang all over again. It's fireworks and electricity and joy.

And it's forever.