a/n - I was on a roll today, so I thought I might as well add the next chapter also. Thank you again to those who have been following this story, especially Anshu, who's a much better writer than I.

Jun turned affronted eyes upon the man serving them. "It's not I who is the great ballerina, it is M'mselle herself." She gestured toward Anzu with open hands.

The morning was starting to prove all too much for his nerves. Blinking owlishly he dared venture the question of how. Jun sniffed lightly. "It wasn't I who was given a scholarship to the principle school of dance."

All three sets of male eyes turned their attention upon Anzu. Mokuba's voice came quietly. "You were offered a scholarship? You said you failed the audition."

Jun's smile faltered and Anzu's eyes dropped to the empty place before her. Gripping the champagne flute she downed the contents in one go.

"Can I have another please?" Anzu stuttered.

Jun's eyebrows shot to her hairline and she stifled a giggle, before sobering to the situation once more.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything but the silly man made me. Do you forgive mon cher?" Jun looked from Anzu to the very hurt Mokuba. "You must be Kaiba Mokuba, Anzu would often speak of you at class and still does so in her letters to me."

Mokuba stayed in sulky silence. The one he thought he could trust never to lie to him had done just that. Jun dipped her head trying to catch his eye. "She did it for the most admirable of reasons you know." He looked up.

"There's never a good reason to lie."

Jun gave a knowing look. "Not even to protect the heart of those you love most little one?"

Mokuba's face was stony.

"Do you not remember what you said to her?"

"Good grief Jun," exclaimed a now slightly tipsy Anzu, who hoped the meal would arrive soon to fill some of the emptiness the beverage was swimming around in. "That was…" She tried to calculate the time.

"Four years ago." Helped Jun

"Well you can't honestly expect him to remember…"

Mokuba cut in. "I said it would break my heart, and I would never feel safe if you weren't around."

Jun smiled and nodded, turning an "I told you so look at her dearest friend". Earning in return a steely glare whilst her 'dearest' leapt towards the boy who looked to the world like he would cry. Seto just sat in quiet contemplation.

Having at last remembered her manners, breakfasts arrival playing more than a small role in this achievement; Anzu formally introduced her friend to her companions and proceeded to grill her unmercifully about her return and failure to tell her.

Jun laughed. "Anzu I rang and left a message for you the day before. Honestly he," and here she indicated Seto, "can't be working you that hard."

And just like that sobriety reigned once more.

"Oh dear, I really am making a fist of things this morning. Shall I step out and start again."

"Not at all." Came the deep and silky resonance of He.

Anzu watched in awe at the ease in which conversation flowed between the two strangers, and it occurred to her that she had never been graced with such a privilege. Even Mokuba seemed to come out of himself and join in and for the rest of breakfast Anzu was able, without interruption, to observe a magical connection. Though better for the sustenance, she was still light headed enough from the champagne and brewing illness to let her mind and heart run away with themselves. Like a robot she arose and said goodbye to the three, excusing herself with the promise of entering a future meeting in the busy CEO's diary, the knowledge that she had been reinstated coming as part of the discourse.

"Yes," Her mind scolded as she passed through the front doors of the exclusive hotel, "You are back exactly where you belong, no more than what you were previously."

"And no less," She added quietly.

"Sorry Miss." The porter stepped forward.

"I was talking to myself…sorry." With a light step she moved forward from the building only to stop and look about her, the earlier frown reappearing. A shiver made its way down her spine and back to the roots of her hair, but nothing obvious sprang into view. Scanning the area once more, her eyes came to rest on a shadowed alley way and curiosity brought her a step closer. However, the lilt of Jun's voice broke her reverie and the moment passed.

"Heaven's dearest I thought you'd be long gone," The distraction in her friends face brought uneasiness to Jun and her eyes flickered nervously about. "Is something wrong?"

The smile was too swift and reply to sudden to push the demons of Jun's heart away. Fate was at work and she understood now why she must return to a place where only one good thing remained. Well maybe more than one thing, the quiet thought passed through her mind. With a smile she thanked the Kaiba's for the offer of a lift, but declined stating it would be good to reacquaint herself with the city from the ground up again. She waited with them as the valet brought Seto's car to him, but the conversation was stilted as she looked about for signs of why her dearest was so distracted.

Mokuba laughed. "You're as bad as Anzu now."

The returned smile didn't quite make it all the way to the souls windows, and her sudden frown alerted both males that something was afoot. Mokuba tried to see what Jun could see, but failed miserably, without a clue as to what he was looking for; the concession that finding a needle in a haystack would prove easier ended the search, but not the curiosity.

"What are you looking for Jun?"

"Mokuba." Stern voice offered a warning against nosiness.

"Oh nothing, and then again," The shadows of the alleyway shifted slightly; with a gentle rub she focused her eyes that way again.

Mokuba stood in expectant silence. She smiled down at him. "It was nothing after all, just my jet lagged brain playing tricks on me. Ahh your car is arrived, until we meet again Mon Cher."

Mokuba giggled. "Do you know a lot of French, could you teach me?"

Jun laughed openly. "I'll let you in on a secret, I know very little; only what Mdme Timu used to say in class." Leaning conspiratorially toward Mokuba she lowered her voice. "And I strongly suspect that is all she knows too."

Mokuba tried to take this in. "But Jun, her name sounds French."

Jun tapped her nose a couple of times and the tinkle of her laugh could be heard floating back on the small breeze.

"Women!" Muttered the youngest sliding into the front seat, earning a smirk from the driver's side.

Having deposited Mokuba at his home away from home, the thoughtful CEO set course for his office. Seto almost pitied Yugi, as he walked back to his car, the King of Games had barely managed a hello before the excited teen opened the floodgates on his unusual morning. And as Seto looked back through the glass from the car, it was evident that no further progression on Yugi's part had been made.

Striding forth from the lift to his office, Seto's step slowed marginally as he took in the scene ahead. Anzu sat as though nailed to her chair, while some weedy looking little man, not much older than she, leaned menacingly over her. The point of which failed him, as the entirety of his diatribe could be heard six blocks away.

Anzu winced under the tirade, her ears hurting from the sharpness of his voice offering another tell tale sign to her coming unwellness.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have been away. I knew nothing of the conversation between you and Mori-san." She tried in vain to appease and met with a nasty sneer and derisive sniff.

"Well for your incompetence, you just might find yourself away permanently. Oki…."

"Problem?" Anzu peaked round her attacker to the source of the question.

Turning about the assistant presented his smarmiest smile, and gathered his briefcase closer.

"Yes Kaiba-san, your," and with a toss of his head to indicate he was meaning Anzu, "here just lost you a multi million dollar deal. Goodbye."

Moving to step round the now closed face CEO, the assistant shuddered as he felt the grip of Kaiba's hand around the top of his arm. All cockiness left him as the arctic glare drilled down upon him, and fear swept through every limb as the all too familiar smirk made its way to the young mans lips.

"Enlighten me."

The weedy little assistant's mouth went dry, and what words came were broken. By the end, including a call to Okinori's office he resembled little more than a puddle upon the floor, and as such was swept toward the lift with a profusion of apologies Anzu's way.

"Did you really have to do that?" She asked, watching the lift door close.

A closed expression met her gaze. "Do you want to follow?"

Sitting herself down, she resumed her tasks for the day in silence.