A/N: Wow…this has to be some type of lamo record. I last updated this story back in 2008. It only took me three years to write the last chapter. What happened was that I got a VERY bad case of writer's block. Usually it will go away within a month. This one never really did. After a while, I gave up. Then when I opened the story, I had an idea of how to end it, but by that time years had gone by, so I figured there wasn't any point. Until today, that is, when I received a private message from one of my readers, Ealasaid Una, who asked me if I was going to finish this story. This reader had actually sent me a message back in March, asking the same thing, so this chapter happened because of her. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Ealasaid Una! Hope you enjoy the conclusion!

Racetrack was true to his word. Every day he sold his papes within seeing distance of Bookworm. Anytime that she would get that faraway look in her eye, he would lean over and simply say, "It wasn't your fault."

At first, it felt like Bookworm was resisting the thought. It was almost like she didn't dare believe that she wasn't to blame for her parents' death. Finally, after months of talking, Bookworm suddenly turned to Racetrack one night while they were sitting up on the roof.

"It really wasn't my fault, was it?" she asked in wonderment.

Racetrack smiled gently. "No, it wasn't," he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Bookworm leaned into his chest, and broke down sobbing. Racetrack simply wrapped his arms around her and let her cry. After she had finished, she continued to stay in Racetrack's embrace. "Thank you," she said softly.

"I'll always be here for you," Racetrack promised. They continued to look at each other until Racetrack spoke again. "Can I kiss you?"

Bookworm's heart started to race, but she smiled. "I would love it if you did."

Racetrack leaned down slightly, intending to only give her a quick kiss. Once his lips touched hers, however, he found he didn't want to pull away. As Bookworm's arms went around his neck so she could sink her hands into his hair, he deepened the kiss. Their tongues fought a playful battle for domination as Racetrack pulled her into his lap. After a while, they both pulled away slightly. Racetrack reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind Bookworm's ear.

"I love you," he whispered.

Bookworm just stared at him for a few moments, her eyes filling up with tears. "Because of you, I finally understand that I am someone worth loving."

Racetrack pulled her into another hug. "You have always been worth loving, Bookworm," he assured her before kissing her again.

The two of them stayed there the rest of the night, kissing under the stars, both optimistic about the future that lay before them.