Final Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me, it is all the rightful property of Stephenie Meyer and Co, and I wish to make no purchases, gain any money, etc, out of this.
Thank you!
WARNING: This part includes the actual pregnancy, not in so much detail but enough.

Epilogue: A Divine Angel

After we destroyed the Volturi, we had burned the bodies in two pyres in the clearing. The threat had been eliminated, and immediately after, we moved to Alaska. It was about time, too; we had been in Forks for a couple of years now, and it was strange that none of us were changing.

I said goodbye to my father, knowing it would be the last time I ever saw him, and then we went. I still stayed in contact with him for the time being, though, and Renée was back in Jacksonville.

Edward and I decided to go to college for a few years at Juneau after the baby arrived, and then we would move again, enrolling in the high school as juniors, a new start in a new country.

Six months had gone by, and I discovered that my baby grew a quarter of the normal rate faster than ordinary babies. Alice went shopping for me and brought back maternity clothes, which, conveniently enough, were exactly my measurement.

One day, I heard the sound of a car pulling up in our driveway, and Alice came in through the living room door holding a heavy box. Automatically, seeing Alice's small frame beneath the large box, I stood up to help her but Edward pulled me back down.

"Bella!" He warned.

"I have it." Alice beamed as she set the box down on the floor and stood up, smiling.

"And that would be?" I asked, suspicious.

"A cradle." Alice explained.

I gaped at her. "We havn't even picked out a room for the baby yet!"

"Second floor first room." Edward said.

I glared at them. "I have this feeling you guys love doing things for me without telling me."

Alice smiled angelically. "Of course we'd tell you, but after we do it, because we know how you can't decide things. It's just one of your many bad traits, like you being a bad liar."

"It's my baby." I muttered.

"Ours." Edward reminded me.

"I want to decide what's best for her." I argued.

"Of course you can, love, but all Alice is saying is that you wouldn't be able to…decide…anything so she decided to choose for you." Edward assured me.

I nodded, and then felt something trickle down my legs. "Oh, crap, Edward! I've wet myself."

Alice was at my side in a flash. "No, you haven't."

I started at her in horror. "You mean I'm going into labour?" Alice had forced me to go to many maternity classes with Edward and her, and now I knew everything there was to know about babies, even things that I wished I hadn't found out. Labour was one of them.

"Come on." Alice took hold of my arm, Edward supporting most of my weight, and helped me upstairs. They set me down on my bed and Edward held my hand gently, pushing a few strands of hair away from my face. Carlisle and Esme came through the door, Esme coming straight over to me.

"Bella, do you want to go to a hospital?" She asked.

My hands clenched into fists. "I don't know. My stomach keeps burning."

"What do you mean, your stomach keeps burning?" Alice asked.

"It started hurting hours ago, every half an hour, and now it keeps on coming every 5 minutes." I explained, my teeth gritted.

Esme's eyes widened. "Bella, why didn't you tell us this before? You're having contractions. And at the rate you're going, we won't have enough time to get you to a hospital."

"I. Don't. Care. It. Hurts. Like. Hell." I gasped. I clung onto Edward's hand; my nails digging into his skin hard enough to form 5 perfect half moons.

Alice looked regretfully at me. "Sorry, Bella. I'm not set out for this."

I stared at her incredulously. "After all the classes you dragged me to!"

"I won't be able to control myself." Her eyes flickered to Edward and then she disappeared out the door.

"Bella, are you okay?" Carlisle asked.

"I'm. Fi -" I started to say when my stomach started to burn hotter. I screamed, and Esme made me lie down, instructing Edward to wipe my forehead with a damp cloth. The contractions started coming faster, and then after what seemed like hours of pushing, Esme held up a wailing newborn and went away with it, returning with a clean baby girl swathed in blankets.

"Congratulations Bella, it's a girl!" She beamed at me, looking lovingly down at the infant.

"I know." I was tired and ached all over, but I let go of Edward's hand and held out my arms for my child. Esme passed her over to me, and I looked down at her, letting out my breath slowly. She was beautiful.

Her head was adorned with shimmery silvery-blonde fuzz, and her eyes were a clear jade. In that instant I felt as though I had found a puzzle of my life that fit perfectly into the jigsaw, completing it. A part that I hadn't been consciously aware I had been finding, but nonetheless having found it anyways, as I looked down at the lovely baby lying in my arms.

All my tiredness, worries, strains and aches faded away. She had stopped crying when she came to me, and now looked up at me, her eyes wide.

"She's divine." Edward murmured. He looked down at me, smiling tenderly, his arms around my shoulder as he sat next to my pillow.

"I know." I whispered. I glowed with happiness, feeling as though everything was perfect.

"What will you call her?" Carlisle asked.

I glanced at Edward. His face was impassive, as though he was afraid I would change her name. "Edward and I decided to call her Elizabeth, after Elizabeth Masen."

Carlisle smiled. "She does have the hair and the eyes. It's a befitting name."

"Can I hold her?" Esme asked. She looked worried, as though I would have refused.

"You don't have to ask." I passed Esme Elizabeth and she looked down at her, her face full of wonder. Elizabeth 's eyes fluttered shut, as though she were asleep.

"She's the most perfect thing in the world." Esme's eyes were brimming, and Carlisle put his arm around her shoulder.

"Could she recognise us as her grandparents?" Carlisle asked, quietly.

As if on cue, Elizabeth's eyes opened and she stared up at them, her hand curling around Carlisle's finger. My heart bubbled, and my eyes swam with tears.

Esme fussed over Elizabeth and then finally handed her back to me.

"I could be her nanny and take over for you at times; babies can be a pesky little thing." She told me.

I smiled. "Not my angel."

"Even angels." Esme countered. She smiled warmly at me, coming over and kissing my forehead, and then left to call Alice and the others. Carlisle smiled at me, before following his wife out.

"Bella, are you okay?" Edward asked, his forehead creasing.

I nodded. "I'm fine, actually."

At that moment, Alice came through the doorway, Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie behind her.

"Bella!" she cried. She came over and fussed over my baby, beaming. Even Jasper smiled at Elizabeth, a soft look on his face.

"Hey Bella, think when she's old enough I could teach her how to play ball?" Emmett asked.

I glared at him. "You may be her uncle, but I don't want her getting hurt."

Emmett laughed. "I wouldn't like to be the girl if that's how over-protective you're going to be."

"I wouldn't want anything happening to Elizabeth, either." Edward warned. Emmett rolled his eyes, and Rosalie hung at the back, an unsure expression on her face. Alice handed Elizabeth back to me.

"She is an angel." She announced.

Edward smirked. "We knew that before you."

Alice glanced at Rosalie. "We'll be going and let you have some privacy."

She grabbed Jasper and Emmett and steered them out the door. Edward kissed me lightly and followed them, leaving me alone with Rosalie.

"Bella?" Rosalie came over, smiling hesitatingly at me.

"Don't worry, I know what you want to say." I told her.

"I want to say it anyways." Rosalie took a deep breath, her words coming out in a rush. "You know I didn't like you because you were a human and I thought you were throwing your future away to be one of the eternally damned, but after what happened, and you having a lovely daughter, I realised that you're different and that I don't not like you anymore; I'm so glad you're my sister. My life didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be, that's why I didn't want you to become a vampire, but now I see, like Jasper, that I was wrong, so, so wrong about you. I'm sorry about everything, and I'm really pleased for you. I hope you don't hold anything against me."

"I understand, Rose. Really I do."

"Thanks." Rosalie smiled shyly at me. "I don't regret you becoming my sister. I hope we can be close one day."

I surprised both of us by getting up and hugging her. "I hope so, too."

Rosalie started for the door, but I called her back. "Rose, wait!"

She turned around, a puzzled on her face, and walked back to me. "Did you want something, Bella?"

"I want to ask you something." I glanced down at Elizabeth. "Would you…be Elizabeth's godmother?"

Rosalie's eyes widened. "But I -"

"I think you would be perfect to be Cinderella's fairy godmother – and I hope that, since you always wanted a child, you can help me out with Elizabeth."

Rosalie had tears in her eyes. "I can't thank you enough for this. May I?"

I nodded, holding Elizabeth out to her. She took her gently, looking down at her with a rapt expression on her face much like Esme's.

"She's so charming." She breathed.

"I know." I answered, smiling.

Rosalie smiled, passing Elizabeth back to me. "I will be the best fairy godmother anyone could want. There'll always be a carriage and horsemen waiting for Cinderella, as long as she gets home by midnight." She promised.

I laughed. "I can tell."

Rosalie walked towards the door, turning back to me before she left. "Thank you Bella, again, for everything. I'll forever be glad you're my sister – if we held the vote again, I would choose the right option this time." After she left, Edward slipped in, noticing me feeding Elizabeth.

"Did it work out with Rosalie?" He asked softly. Elizabeth stopped drinking and I tucked my dress back in place, cradling her in my arms.

"Sure. She's now officially Cinderella's fairy godmother."

Edward chuckled. "You must be tired. Shall I take Elizabeth for you?" He offered.

I shook my head. "It's okay. Could you sing my lullaby? I think this angel finds it hard to sleep."

"Anything and everything for the love of my life." Edward started to croon my lullaby and within seconds Elizabeth's eyes fluttered shut, her chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out evenly, her tiny heart fluttering like a hummingbird's wings.

I wished I could capture that moment in time forever as my child slept in my arms and my husband held us both against him; it just felt so right. Life couldn't get any better than this.