Vampire Knight -

Not much to say really.

At the arrival of Miyake Souta tensions begin to run high and blood begins to pour. Zero has his hands full and Kain is ordered to face up to the past, how far will Kaname allow it to go before he steps in. multiple pairings (including male/male)

This is my first Vampire Knight fic, I hope you enjoy and please review.


Vampire Knight - Hush Hush

Chapter One

Ichijou thought that maybe Kaname was under a bit of stress recently…and he wished he could find a reason why.

Maybe he'd over looked it? Maybe he made a mistake…? Did Kaname make mistakes? No…no he didn't…he made balanced decisions…which made Ichijou's heart sink further into his chest.

The rest of the residence at the Moon Dorm had noticed his gloomy mood, for some reason he wasn't saying anything, which was unusual for him…and quite frankly the gloom was beginning to affect the others, and yet they'd no reason why. Three days had passed, Ichijou remaining in sweet denial and in silence when Hanabusa Aidou finally decided that he'd had enough…the gloom was affecting his sleep.

"Speak, Ichijou! I've had it with this, will you just tell the rest of us what's wrong!" Aidou dropped back his head as he rested upon the settee, the glass of fake blood shattered like ice to the ground, causing Kain to sigh at Aidou's usual recklessness.

Ichijou turned around, his green eyes lost in some deep thought. He heaved a sigh, suddenly dramatic in his movement and shook his head. "I…I can't…"

"Is your grandfather coming to visit again?" Kain asked in a leisurely voice before Aidou could say anything.

Ichijou shook his head with a kind of thankful bout before his demeanour became grim again and he skulked towards the settee and sat down opposite a clearly un-amused Aidou and an indifferent Kain. Aidou sighed and rolled his eyes, staring at Ichijou with his eyes bustling with annoyance.

"Miyake Souta will be joining the Night Class."

Kain choked almost violently on his blood, covering his mouth as he began to cough, Aidou patted him on the back as confusion marred his features and Kaname walked down the stairs.

"Kaname-sama," Ichijou said respectfully. Kaname reached the bottom of the staircase as Kain climbed onto his feet and turned away, wiping his mouth and taking a deep breath, slightly embarrassed.

"I didn't intend to surprise you, Kain." Kaname voiced his apology and Kain turned to nod his head in acceptance.

Aidou stared dumbfounded…"Who is Miyake Souta?" he voiced looking again over at Kain. "Apparently Akatsuki knows him."

"Kaname -," Kain was about to begin his protest when he caught Kaname's eye and decided against it. He lowered his head and took another heavy breath as he put down the glass onto the table and ran his fingers through his hair almost nervously…Aidou raised an eyebrow, suddenly even more annoyed than he had been prior to the first answer he'd been given.

"Miyake Souta isn't exactly the most…gracious of vampires…" Ichijou began trying to find the right words as he was in Kaname's presence and didn't want to insult the one who'd allowed Souta into the school.

"He's a vampire who hates humans," Kain stated. "He's vicious and violent and is disrespectful to anyone who is above him in status, and that's a lot of Nobles and Purebloods considering he's at the very bottom."

"Eek, you sound bitter. Bad experience?" Aidou inquired as he watched Kain's usually warm eyes become cold and cruel. Kain glanced at him and Aidou felt a small flicker of heat against his face…he turned away and looked back towards Kaname and a twitching Ichijou.

"Kain still harbours some aches from a previous meeting with Souta," Kaname began casually. "The truth is that although he is at the bottom of the Social Standing Nobles, his mother is reasonably respected. I expect that he receive the same kind of treatment as the rest of us whilst here…the reason as to why I've decided to accept him here at the Academy is due to the fact that his mother wrote me a letter directly asking that I consider allowing him into the company of not only other vampires but humans as well. He's been very isolated from both sides, which is why he's so disrespectful - as Kain put it."

"But why is he at such a low social standing? I've never heard of him before…" Aidou wondered, resting his head on his arm as he tried to think through all of the faces and all of the names of the noble families that he knew of…and indeed Miyake was not one of them.

"He's a bastard," Kain said. "No one knows who is father is, he isn't the heir to anything and because of that he was outcast from the others…His mother still refuses to name the father until this day…"

"And although Souta-kun is known to have Noble blood and he's strong and it's obvious that his father was of a higher stature, because his mother chooses to keep it a secret he's been terribly ridiculed." Ichijou sighed, he still felt the deep gloom looming over him, he'd met Miyake Souta only once before and he didn't plan on doing so again…he wondered what kid of carnage he could do? What type of chaos he would cause at the school? Would Kaname-sama be able to control him or would he have to make certain that he remained true to the Academy rules as he'd had to do in the past with other such disturbances to their little world.

"Why won't she say? That seems rather unnecessary." Aidou complained.

"Because," Kain began. "He could be your brother. He could be my brother - heaven forbid - he could be the brother to anyone of us."

"Oh…adultery!" Aidou now realised the full scale of it. "What a scandal."

"That's exactly why Miyake-san decided to keep it a secret. The father probably doesn't even know." Ichijou sighed and dropped his shoulders. "His attitude really doesn't help him though."

"Then why let him come here?" Aidou asked what was on everyone's minds, yet caused Ichijou to flinch and Kain to mummer something inaudible even to their vampire ears.

All eyes turned anxiously to Kaname for the answer which soon followed.

"Miyake Souta has always been undermined because of petty social gossip and left out of almost anything to do with the Blood Council, along with his mother. I intend for such things to cease, if he is to be a member of this new peace in which we are trying to create then he needs to begin somewhere. I'd rather it be here were I am able to keep an eye on him."

And so it was Kaname's word against the rest of them…Kain felt as if he'd lost at least half of his sanity already as he muttered to himself and skulked off to his room having recalled his previous meeting with the black-haired brute of a vampire…of course that had been when they were barely children…maybe he was being a little too petty?

Ichijou supposed that although he felt greatly at unease about Kaname's decision he knew that he was right…they needed to give Souta a chance…he'd met him only once and for a brief period of time…he didn't notice anything wrong with his behaviour as he was…but there was something so very unsettling about Miyake Souta that made him wish that he would never have to be in his presence again.

Yet it seemed that in only a night's time he would have to greet this creature once more and welcome him to the Moon Dorms.


"I have news!" hailed the chairman as Yuuki and Zero entered his room, Zero already wishing to leave, and Yuuki having to pull him back although she herself had been reasonably caught off guard by the chairman's astounding outburst…it was apparent that he was rather…cheerful about something.

"What is it?" Yuuki inquired stood ahead of his desk, noting that it was full of papers, which was unusual. Zero stood silently off to her left, uncaring, his hands in his pockets and eyes gently shut. Oblivious to the world, probably as he preferred it.

"We have a new transfer!" the chairman cheered. "And look at how pretty he is!" armed with a photo the chairman rested over his desk and practically shoved the small headshot into Yuuki's face. She took one look at it and had to agree, but there was one problem.

"He's a Night Class student…?" Yuuki pointed out, someone couldn't look like that and not be. Zero peered through an eye with his lips pressed together and his face creased into a frown, that was all he needed, more vampires.

"Oh you noticed!" the chairman clapped his hands and brought the photograph down onto the file, the sharp topaz eyes staring up at him coldly, despite their warm colour. Still the chairman wouldn't let the fact that this cold and apparently angry vampire somehow reminded him of Zero and was simply glad to have another student attend his academy. In fact he felt very proud.

"Otosan…you remember what happened the last time that we let in a Night Class student, don't you?" Yuuki leant forward and whispered, gesturing towards Zero with her eyes, trying to be discrete.

"Yes…we'll have to be extra careful this time…" the chairman replied, equally as quiet, only causing Zero to inwardly curse the fact that he continued to put up with them. "But you see, this one was actually a direct request from Kaname-kun, that's why I'm excited."

"What makes him any different from the rest of them?" Zero muttered harshly from his distance from them. The chairman and Yuuki glanced in his direction before the chairman continued.

"As Kaname put it, Miyake-kun is a special case. Kiriyuu-kun may be interested to know that I have some special bullets for him."

"What? He's allowed to shoot him?!" Yuuki cried, almost entirely outraged by it, standing back in annoyance as she noticed the strange glee in Zero's eyes as he suddenly became interested in what was being said. "I can't believe this…" Yuuki pouted, watching as the chairman reached into his desk and pulled out a small cardboard box and slid it over the surface of his desk towards Zero.

"Explain!" Yuuki demanded, scowling between the both of them.

"Well as it so happens Miyake Souta-kun hasn't really got a very good reputation among the nobles…and insistent on keeping him out of trouble his mother even had them moved very deep into the middle of nowhere." The chairman shrugged as Zero opened the box to examine the bullets. "The reason why Kaname-kun wishes for Souta-kun to be accepted here is because he is unruly and his mother doesn't wish for him to be excluded any further…but because of his behaviour, Kaname-kun has given me permission to use such force against him if he is not there to provide it in order to keep Souta-kun under control."

"You're actually letting him into the school if he's like that?" Yuuki felt baffled, as if all that she'd been trying to prove to herself over the years was about to blow up in her face again…of course she knew there were bad vampires and good vampires, just like there were bad people and good people…but to actually allow an apparently violent vampire onto school grounds didn't really fit into her beliefs…she wondered what Kaname was trying to prove?

"Yes well that's why Kiriyuu-kun has those bullets." The chairman continued. "They won't kill him - of course not - but they'll subdue him enough so that if he becomes a threat that he will be easily taken care of. But only if it is totally and absolutely necessary - understand, Zero?"

Zero nodded his head and the box of bullets vanished into his jacket pocket. Yuuki still reasonably numbed by the conversation felt dread beginning to creep up over her at the idea of this new student; it began to sound like an awfully bad idea.

"Do you expect one of us to show him around the academy tomorrow?" Yuuki asked, she wasn't hopeful, actually she was pretty nervous. Zero was back to his indifferent self and the chairman went back to adoring his folders of all of his prized Night Class students and sorted the new student into his collection.

"No, Kaname-kun and I believe that it's probably best left to one of their own. So your Guardian duties are the same as always tomorrow night - obviously keep an eye on the situation, but try to be discrete."


Much to his dismay, Kain had been the one who'd been appointed to greet Miyake Souta after Ichijou somehow managed to graciously back out. He remained in dark solitude throughout the rest of the night and found it difficult to sleep as he waited the coming night that rested like a heavy weight upon his shoulders.

Aidou still didn't see the fuss about it; in fact he was looking forwards to seeing a new face around, and to meet someone who managed to spur some different emotions in Akatsuki that he found amusing. Kain on the other hand was very far from being amused…he was almost certain that in someway this was a cruel form of punishment…but he felt that this was a little too far fetched. This was just a greeting, not punishment.

He arrived at the chairman's office a little after dusk. The others had gone to class and he decided he might as well make an appearance. He knocked on the door, realising that it wasn't very often - if at all - that he spent any time in that part of the academy. Soon enough the chairman called for him to come in and he did so, uncertain whether he was thankful or not that Souta was yet to arrive.

"Ah, Akatsuki-kun," the chairman looked to Akatsuki from the window with his usual gracious smile. Kain shut the door behind him and the chairman showed him that he could sit down and he did so promptly, feeling the dread steadily rising within him. "I hear from Kaname-kun that you and Souta-kun are already acquainted?"

Kain dropped his powerful shoulders, his eyes somewhat darted away for a moment before he focused again on the matter at hand. "Yes, well our mothers are distantly related…he used to spend summers at our house as a child."

"Oh! I didn't realise that you were relatives." The chairman clapped.

"We're not." Kain replied almost bitterly, deeply in denial.

"Yes…well," The chairman paused, coughing into his palm to clear his throat as he turned back to the window. "Ah! Here he is now!"

A pair of deep topaz eyes looked up at the building through a heavy fall of black hair. His face was barred of any emotion, yet within his heart he felt a great amount of anger and betrayal. He could smell the blood all around him, as if taunting him, smothering him and calling for him…even dressed somewhat in the uniform that he'd been given - lacking the total neatness - he felt as if he was betraying himself, ignoring what he was. This angered him greatly…in the car over it had been bad enough, but now he was actually there and he couldn't believe the amount of hate he was feeling.

The subtle spring breeze swept his long hair from his eyes and his shoulders, not only that but brought to him another scent…the scent of someone lurking and watching…waiting for him to slip up.

His lips curled into a dark smirk, his head lowered and his eyes glanced to his right through the fall of his bangs. And there resting against a tree, watching him with an almost fearful intensity stood one creature he felt he could actually tolerate. A vampire hunter…not only that…but a vampire, at least an ex-human. He was bemused by this but found it almost intoxicating to think that someone could be so cruel as to do that to a hunter, inwardly he laughed shortly…outwardly he was thankful. At least there would be someone at the Academy who would treat him like what he was.

He said nothing, looked ahead again and moved on, but he would not forget that face and nor the name that went with it. "Kiriyuu Zero," he mused to himself, making certain that he wasn't too far out of earshot when said. "I hope we become good friends."

Kain stood up from the chair as the door opened to the chairman's command and in entered the transfer student. Of course a lot had changed in those long years…Kain realised that Miyake Souta was no longer the short, obnoxious child that he had been when they'd last met one another…he'd grown up, so much taller than Akatsuki could have imagined he would be, his hair worn long and shrouding his face…so much more dangerous, the aura was almost black around him. Akatsuki took his eyes away and clenched his jaw, the scowl apparent upon his brow…

Kain realised that the chairman was either totally ignorant of the air of death and hate that surrounded Souta or was playing it so cool that it made it look like he was. Either way, Kain knew that there would be some heavy trouble at the Academy due to this one single creature.

"How nice to finally meet you, Souta-kun," the chairman put out his hand as an offer of greeting, his face a friendly smile, but once he realised that this creature wasn't about to shake his hand he looked him in the eyes that were somewhat hidden behind those heavy bangs…he was pretty…older than he was in the photograph…and the look in his eyes was almost murderous.

The chairman stood back and returned his hand to his side, noting the slight irony at the necklace that his creature wore…the random silver beads upon the tight black lace that was looped around his throat, a small silver crucifix dangling from one of the strands.

"Well, Akatsuki-kun will be showing you around the school before you go off to class to meet the rest of the students. If there's anything you need of me, don't hesitate to ask, I'll do the best I can in order to fulfil your needs in order to make you as comfortable as possible here at Cross Academy." The chairman continued his smiling, feeling awful for thinking it, but suddenly glad that Kaname had allowed him to give those bullets to Zero, from the looks and general feeling he was getting from this vampire he felt as though they wouldn't be short of problems.

Souta glanced towards Akatsuki and a small curl came to his white lips and he raised his head so that his hair fell slightly from his seductive eyes. His eyes met with the chairman's and the smile grew…Akatsuki felt slight dread in his heart, wondering what on earth he could be up to.

"Thank-you, Chairman-Cross." He said kindly and slowly yet graciously bowed his head without taking his eyes from the chairman's. "I'll bare that in mind."

Kain left the room with Souta at his side, they were yet to say anything to one another, yet as they continued down the hallways, Akatsuki about to begin his half-assed attempt at a tour, he couldn't help but feel that although he was the one watching Souta, he was the one being sized-up, as if Souta was readying himself for attack.

"You've always been so tall, Kain…" Souta finally said, his tone leisurely, causing Akatsuki's frown to deepen. "I always remember having to look up at you, even now after all of the time that I've had to catch up with you…honestly, I don't mind all that much…I like tall."

Akatsuki tried not to listen, tried to pay him no heed, but no matter how he tried to ignore and pray that he wouldn't say anything else, he was only resting on false hope.

"Ne, Kain…do I have to call you senpai?" he chucked softly, deviously. "That would be adorable, ne, Kain-senpai? You don't still hate me, do you? You've had so long to get over it…" he sighed, trying Kain's patience that was already wearing so very thin. "I suppose being surrounded by all of these humans has made you soft, ne, Kain-senpai? Does one of them look like her I wonder?"

Kain felt his rage meet boiling point, anger burned in his already fiery eyes, his arm launching out to take hold of Souta, gripping hold of the front of his uniform and slamming him with a massive force against the nearest stone pillar. "You want to try my patience? Is that it, Souta? I swear I'll break your damn neck," and much as he said his hand closed around Souta's throat, able to feel the shape of the crucifix pressing against the flesh of his palm.

Souta remained silent for a moment or two, his head lowered, hair covering his eyes, yet the moment he looked up and met Kain's eyes a smile shone deep within them, causing Kain's fingers to tighten around his throat, baring his fangs furiously. Souta opened his mouth to speak, but held back momentarily, licking his lips.

"Would you, Kain-senpai?" he whispered, staring directly into Kain's eyes, his long slender fingered hand reached up and he placed it atop of Kain's hand as it gripped onto his throat. "Would you kill me?" Kain suddenly felt his hands beginning to tremble, his grip loosening on Souta's throat, unable to take his eyes away.

Souta's hands reached up and wrapped around Kain's neck as he fell slightly away, shutting his eyes. Souta smiled softly, reaching up and holding onto Kain's body, holding him in a gentle embrace, feeling the smoothness of his hair against his fingertips…thankful of not being pushed away.

"She saw what we were, Kain-chan…" Souta whispered, gently stroking the back of Kain's smooth, fiery hair. "She saw what we were doing…we made a promise, remember…? We made a pact…forgive and forget, Kain…forgive me, forget her…"

Kain shut his eyes and took hold of Souta's arms moving himself away from his embrace and shook his head. "Stay in the past, Miyake," he sighed walking onwards down the open corridor. "It's where you belong."

Souta dropped his shoulders and folded his arms. A small laugh broke his silence, causing Kain to stop in his tracks; Souta ran his fingers through his hair and bought all of his bangs from his eyes, his seductive topaz eyes glimmering in the moonlight that shone upon him through the openings between the columns.

"So noble of you, Kain-chan…I suppose all of these years you've been trying to convince yourself that you'd nothing to do with it…if you remember correctly it was you who I was trying to protect…it was you she saw."

"I don't need to hear it from you." Kain growled, turning around again, the distance between he and Souta seemed to have entirely vanished, Souta had gripped onto the front of his shirt and had pulled him forwards, he felt Souta's lips against his exposed throat, and became very still.

"It was just like this…I remember how I felt so strange when your lips touched my throat…back then I suppose we didn't understand…then you abandoned me, didn't you, Kain-chan? Is that why you hate me so much? Because it's easier to hate me than it would be to hate yourself?"

Souta brought his lips from Kain's throat and walked away around him, continuing down the corridor, leaving Kain stood motionlessly in the moonlight, his eyes staring at the nothingness ahead of him, questioning himself…the anger making way for guilt. He shut his eyes and stood up straight, about to turn around before he realised that they'd been watched.

He raised his eyes and they met with Kiriyuu Zero's. He stood a distance away but he'd seen it…Kain heaved a deep breath before he turned around, his face a picture of frustration and denial. He walked off after Souta who had apparently decided against the tour of the Academy and headed straight towards the rest of the Night Class.

Aidou rested back on the bench, looking up at nothing as he thought about the conversation he'd had the night before about the new transfer that Akatsuki had gone to meet. Aidou had never known Akatsuki to hold that kind of grudge before, or to make such a fool of himself…well, not really. He questioned Miyake Souta, he thought about where he'd stepped in, in Akatsuki's past in order to cause him to do something like choke out of shock of hearing his name.

Aidou sighed loudly and dropped his shoulders. It seemed hopeless to find a reason or even place Miyake Souta into Akatsuki's past…of course Aidou knew that he hadn't always been around Akatsuki…not always…but they'd known each other for years and years…and not once had he ever mentioned Miyake Souta…somehow he felt maybe a little betrayed, but curious more than anything. Had Souta really had that much of an affect on him that not only would he be aggravated by the mentioning of him, and so that he would never have mentioned him before.

"Something bad must have happened…" he mouthed quietly to himself with another depressed sigh.

"Something bothering you, Aidou?" Ichijou asked from the bench ahead of him.

"Akatsuki." Aidou sighed. "He's been acting weird." He dropped forwards, putting his head into his arms just as the classroom door opened.

They all expected it to be their hostile and unwelcome Vampire Hunter teacher...yet instead they were all awoken by the surprisingly murderous aura that swamped the chamber. All eyes suddenly looked up. Even Kaname was drawn away from the pages of his book.

A figure was stood ahead of the classroom; hands placed leisurely in his pockets, eyes glowing brightly from the darkness of his heavy bangs. His lips were curled into a smirk…the whiteness of his skin like snow, along with the hideous chill of his murderous aura caused tensions to rise in the room. Aidou stared at him, at his strange appearance, the length of his hair, the rise of his throat, the curl to his lips…it wasn't long after his arrival that Kain appeared behind him and shut the door, oddly taking his seat at the far end of the classroom.

"Seems I've managed to cause quite a stir of emotions." Souta chuckled softly; glancing over his fellow classmates…he spotted the one and only Kuran Kaname at the window, watching him. He bowed his head respectfully and began his introduction. "I am Miyake Souta, it is an honour and a privilege to be accepted into a class with such vampires as you, some more than others, but the privilege is there all the same. I hope that you'll take care of me while I'm here, either that or pay no heed to me, I'll try to behave myself."

If it was anything it was certainly not far from a sincere introduction, actually it seemed to trouble many of the Night Class. Ichijou took a deep breath, realising that he'd not been overreacting at the idea of having this creature here with them at the Academy…he had thought that Kaname had some kind of plan of action, but he only had his hopes to lean on for that.

Aidou was reasonably surprised…but after only this brief introduction he realised the reason maybe why Akatsuki had decided never to mention him again. But when he met Souta's eyes he felt suddenly drawn in. He swallowed hard, feeling a little nervous but excited, not fearful. He was caught off guard though when Akatsuki suddenly appeared at his side, sitting down heavily as if he was making a point.

Souta smirked and mock-pouted, going to take a seat ahead of them, near to a highly nervous Ichijou as the teacher finally entered the class room.

Yagari Touga had been informed of the new student. Yet he'd not heard of him before he couldn't say that he'd cared very much, but Cross seemed to be insistent that there was something to watch out for and that he shouldn't attack him no matter what…he hadn't really known what the Chairman had been yammering on about, he had far much more control than that…but then he had entered the classroom and almost at once his eyes were drawn towards the new member of the Night Class, just as Miyake Souta looked at him.

He felt somehow that this was going to be the beginning of a very interesting lesson, even more so than usual.


Zero had been watching him all night.

The new Night Class student - even by Zero's standard - was different. Miyake Souta seemed to even have an affect upon the other Night Class students; he could see the tension, read the confusion on their faces…the excitement on some.

The Chairman - for once - had been right in giving him the bullets. He would most certainly be using them. Yuuki hadn't seemed to notice, not really, she was just as curious about him as any of the others were, but she hadn't noticed the strange infestation that rested within this creature…somehow seeing a creature like this among the Night Class gave him an odd sense of self.

He wondered how long it would take Miyake Souta to show his true colours. How long it would be before he broke out? Before he rebelled against the rules…before Zero could actually be of some use?

Yuuki had never approved of him being hostile towards the Night Class, that was obvious enough…yet after what he'd seen tonight, after what he'd already learnt, Miyake Souta obviously wasn't all that shy about being a vampire, or about being caught. Souta had known he was there every step of the way, glancing at him now and again with the curl of the lip…Zero wondered if he'd become the first target of this vampire, that would make it at least interesting.

"Spying on the Night Class, Zero?"

Yuuki walked over to him and sat down on the wall that Zero was stood against, staring obviously into the classroom. She looked through all of them, the backs of their heads and picked out Kaname-senpai before moving on and finding the new student which she assumed would be Zero's new obsession.

"Has he done anything, yet?" She asked, turning to look at a motionless and scowling Zero, it was as though he was his old self again.

She couldn't help but smile, even just a little.
