Summary: Harry's at a park, alone. Someone takes notice. AU. Child abuse. One-shot.

Rating: K/PG

Disclaimer: All characters belong to the lovely J.K Rowling

A/N: My first fic in a loooong time! This is in honor of summer, I was feeling in a kind of summer-y mood today since the rain has finally cleared away. And games like Cherry Drop and Hot Lava Monster and very real games I played in elementary school. Enjoy!


Swish. Creak.

Seven-year-old Harry James Potter swung morosely at the local park in Little Whinging, his scuffed trainers making tracks in the sand. Children's laughter filled the air as mothers and fathers sat around the park, children running around and screaming, playing child games like Cherry Drop and Hot Lava Monster and Tag. Little girls played hop-scotch and jump rope, while the little boys saw who would dare to climb the top of the playground, and jump from the highest tower. The very little children were in the sandbox, the older boys playing kickball and football, the older girls playing hand games.

But not Harry. No, the scruffy little boy with too-large glasses and baggy, dirty clothing wasn't welcome with the other children. His cousin, Dudley, made sure of that. No, while the other children ran about, having a grand old time, Harry was perched delicately on the only swing that wasn't broken. None of the other children liked the swings anyway. Next to him, a mother pushed her toddler on the baby swing, curious eyes taking in the sad little boy.

Bright green eyes focused on the toes of his trainers, a blush making it's way up Harry's neck and ears as he felt the lady's gaze on him. Harry silently wished everyone would stop staring- that they would stop staring at his messy hair and broken glasses, his baggy, ripped, and dirty hand-me-downs from his cousins, and the too-big trainers that had the soles coming away from the canvas of the shoe.

Dragging his trainers through the sand, Harry jerked with the woman with the toddler next to him placed a hand on his shoulder.

Flinching back, Harry fell off the swing, landing with a thump on the packed sand behind him. His breath knocked out of him, Harry struggled to sit up, his feet and calves still on the swing. The woman looked shocked, moving towards Harry. Gasping and jerking back slightly, Harry flinched from the hand he knew would be coming his way. When none did, Harry peeked up at the lady through his fringe, seeing the scowl on her face. Quickly untangling himself, Harry leapt to his feet, sprinting back to Privet Drive. He knew his aunt and uncle wouldn't be pleased he was back early, but it was better than an adult pretending she cared.