Another loud noise, blue orbs shoot open as a brown tail curls rapidly around its owner's waist and ears twitch nervously as a

Another loud noise, blue orbs shoot open as a brown tail curls rapidly around its owner's waist and ears twitch nervously as another flash bounces off the walls of the alley and the young one shoots up from under his newspaper bed covers. The rain pours down and starts to soak his soft brown untamed hair his tail and ears twitching nervously as the sound of footsteps slowly approach.

The young one walks back slowly into a dark corner arching up his back and drawing out his claws ready to strike.

It had only been a few hours since the last one so why now, why so soon?

The little neko felt tears streaming down his soft cheeks as his mind cast back to what had happened to him only a few hours ago.

(Flashback) Sora's young bare chest was pressed hard up against a brick wall that scratched as his soft skin as a tall man slammed hard inside of Sora. He tried to cry out but the man shoved a cloth into his young feline mouth to muffle his screams as again and again he thrust up inside him, caring not for his well being. Sora's eyes closed slowly as once again he simply accepted what was happening to him.

It wasn't the first time nor would it be the last. Men visited this alley quite often to get a piece of the little neko. He could have moved elsewhere to another alley but it wouldn't change anything, as soon as one person found out where he was others would soon follow.

After what seemed almost like an eternity the men came and left poor Sora to fall down into the muddy dirty alley in a small pool of cum and blood. Sora slowly pulled up what remained of his black shorts his teeth grinding as pain throbbed inside him. The man pulled out a few small change coins and tossed them down at the neko before taking his leave. Sora clutched his small crown pendant around his neck. Well at least he still had this, he had next to no money, he had no family, no friends but he did have this. Sleep soon fell upon him but he found himself being startled awake by the thunderstorm.

(End Flashback)

A pair of long black leather trousers stops at the entrance to the alley way that is lit up by the light emitted from street lights and flashing signs. This highlighted the rest of the tall and dark figure whose shoulder length hair seemed to move gently with the light breeze that soon whipped around the young one hidden in his small corner. The young one shivered making some newspapers rustle catching the figures attention that began walking into the alleyway.

Sora tensed up even more his neko senses taking full control of his young body. The tall figure kept on coming towards him and Sora had no where else to go as he soon found himself backed up against a wall. This was it; he was going to dieā€¦