A.N. -
Well here's another one shot. Fresh and new. An idea I got off a conversation between Mari and myself over Rihanna's song Rockstar 101, which I do not own. Nor do I own Hellsing and its characters (as much as I wish to every night). But I do own the idea and writing of this fic. They're mine. I wrote them. Mwhahaha. I simply…how do I put this…borrowed the characters and song. Anyways…Enjoy and review! Please? *puppy dog eyes*

Summary: None. It'd give it away. So instead I shall say "I give you!"

Rockstar 101

"Darn you Rihanna! Darn you! You and your lies," Seras exclaimed, walking down the dungeon's hallway to the vampires' kitchen, headphones plugged in and turned down low since low was just the right amount of loud for her sensitive ears. "Everyone knows you're not a rockstar! This song isn't even rock! But does that stop you from saying you're one? No! And does that stop you from making an awesome song about how you're one? No! And will that stop me from listening to your song? No," Seras continued with her rant as she kept up her meanderings to the kitchen.

On her way, the song began, and so did Seras' play-acting and singing.

"Got up in the club
Posted in the back
Feeling so good
Looking so bad"

On came her swag, then she stopped to lean back with arms crossed and her head held high, lips pursed and eyes squinted (since she didn't actually have shades on) before continuing on in her swaggish style.

"Rocking this skirt
Rocking this club"

Her hands gesturing at her skirt and the 'club' around her before flicking off the imaginary camera while she sang,

"Got my middle finger up
I don't really give a fuck"

As Seras' walk continued she pretended to show off a large chain around her neck and wink at invisible paparazzi,

"Rocking these diamonds
I'm rocking this chain
Make sure you get a picture
I'm rocking my fame"

And then her style changed a bit, the swagger stayed where it was, but modified. Her hips swayed a bit more seductively and her walk became a bit more predatorial as her eyes turned to red,

"To be what you is
You gotta be what you are
The only thing I'm missing
Is a black guitar" she sang as she started to play the air guitar crazily. Jumping around with her head down a bit as she shook her hair around, not quite head banging, but still singing the song. Well. More like yelling the song.

"I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby

Big city
Bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all night"

And that's how she came into the kitchen. Yelling the song and madly playing air guitar,

"Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby it's...

Big cities
And bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all night

Baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a-"

And that was when it happened. Right there. Because right there was where a deep voice cut her off and asked, "So does that make me a rockstar too?" And as Seras looked up into her Master's deep red eyes from her slightly crouched position, she was suddenly hit by the greatest epiphany. Of. Her. Life.

Three months later found them, Alucard and Seras, and the other two they'd added to their group, Pip and Walter, on stage doing their cover of the same song that had sprung this crazy idea of Seras'. Integra was backstage acting as their manager and still not even believing she ever let this happen. Let Seras convince Pip and Walter to be in a band with her; Pip on drums, Walter on bass, Seras as a secondary singer and guitarist. All they'd needed was a lead singer and they sure as hell knew Integra wouldn't do it (besides the fact that they thought she'd do a fine job as their manager instead) so their only option left was…Alucard.

And for as long and as much as Seras bugged and begged him to do it he refused. That was…Until Seras told Pip to convince her Master for her. And all it took was two simple minutes and one small statement before Seras was confronted by a very willing and curious Alucard asking her, "What's this rock band thing you were talking about? And what do we have to do?"

Hope that all those who read this enjoyed it. Hope you all review it. It was written as something to break my terrible writer's block. But alas it did not really work. That I know of. Yet. Hm… Perhaps I shall write another one shot. Because I have an idea for one. Not related to this theme. Meaning song fic. But characters shall be those of Hellsing. But I will give you no further insite to my inner mind's workings…Good day. Enjoy the rest of your day, week, and yeah…I don't want to say "life" because that seems a bit too dismissing. Lol. So I'll leave it at 'Good day' reader.
(Don't forget to review and even perhaps stop by my page and look through my other stuff)
p.s.- I think I might of just kinda 'made up' the word 'predatorial' since the comp says it's wrong and the online dictionary apparently doesn't have it though a few other websites do, so...I liked it. lol.