Dear Readers and Polite Reviewers ignore the following (or read and glare at the offender), okay merchantofam, its one thing to give an author reviewers, but when you start making remarks like (quote) Your grammar if horribly inadequate... Unless of course you are going for quantity rather than quality...(unquote). HELLO! I told my readers before that my grammar is crap, so I know that. But that does not give you the right to say that. Reviews are to tell authors about mistakes, and say whether they want a story to continue. Its rude to me and other readers when you said things like that. And frankly if my grammar bothers you SO much they don't read. No one's forcing you.

Anyhow, I think I'd like a beta reader if anyone up to it, but I have to warn you that first chapters are crap and need a lot of work. Now then onto the story...

Blood Noir

By: Amethyst Ichigo

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. Plus the idea for this story belongs to Mashin Kitsune. Only parts of the plot are mine, and the original characters…


Chapter 4

Last Time

Ichigo slashed his sword though the air to rid Zangetsu of the blood. The blood landed in a spatter on the dirt floor.

"Idiots." He muttered vaguely wondering as he did, if he would forever have to run from Soul Society.

"Assholes. "Grimmjow said kicking a dirt pile on the ground. "Stupid shinigami can't even put up a decent fight."

"I agree," Kinomi said. "You'd think we'd rate high enough on the danger scale to at least a fuku-taichou." She licked her lips wiping blood off. Even as the battle were over blood lust remained in her eyes, held back barely in the face of her friends.

"They stand in war-"The twins started in.

"-and we do not. As such-." They traded off casually, preferring not to say more they felt like.

"- they can't waste much on us." The twins said while picking one of Lisa's books, and reading. Their boredom was taken away from the conversation and directed fully and their favorite pastime, reading yaoi.

"They're right." Lisa said looking at Grimmjow and Kinomi. She appeared to be observing them.

Grimmjow rolled his eye, and muttered a few choice words under his breath. Ichigo glared at him, get complete silence in the cuss words department.

"When aren't they?" Kinomi asked rhetorically. She was leaning on her right hand in a matter (creepily) similar to the thinker…though in a stupid kind of light.

No one had an answer.


In Soul Society captain's meeting room…

Yamamoto sou-taichou sighed deeply as the reports from the latest mission came in. In short, the mission was an absolute disaster. Kurosaki Ichigo still remained alive, and to worsen matters, the ex-substitute shinigami managed (at least he guessed) to rally the other vaizards against Soul Society.

Overall, it was a very bad situation.

"Yamamoto sou-taichou?" The captain commander looked up with the intensity of a war veteran. He didn't say anything, but it was obvious he was curious to the question.

It was a messenger from the second division that was trying to get his attention.

"The last known location of the vaizards has been evacuated. None of the outlaws remain; they appeared to have…vanished. We have scouts searching, but nothing has turned up. Captain Soifon fears that they have escaped to Hueco Mundo. What are your orders?"

Yamamoto quietly sighed. It'd seem the situation has become deadly in its danger…

"Report back to Seireitei with our fallen, and send out the hell butterflies. All captains assemble immediately." The sou-taichou slammed his staff.

"Hai." The messenger said shunpo-ing off.

Silence returned to the meeting hall…would Soul Society turn out the same?


New Hide Out…

Ichigo gritted his teeth, as the wind of Hueco Mundo blew more sand into his face. Oh, how Ichigo hated the sand powder, but he pushed away his hatred for the small stones. Right now they needed to travel to forest surround Los Noches (1) before Yama-jii sent any 'visitors' after the crew.

"Are we almost there?" Kinomi asked for the zenith time. A large angry mark appeared over Hiyori's and Lisa's head. It was easy to tell that they were greatly aggravated by the berry named girl.

"No, the hell we are not." Hiyori grounded out.

"Are we there now?"

Lisa let out an annoyed growl and tried to charge the aggravating chit. The keyword being 'tried' as Love held her back, and the twins knocking Kinomi out as to avoid further…problems…

Shinji breathed in deeply. "Finally some peace and quiet."

Ichigo rubbed his forehead. He had a headache, and Kinomi's stupid comments had been making it worst.

"Something wrong shinigami?" Grimmjow said casually.

Ichigo sighed. "You called me by my name earlier, why am I back to shinigami?"

Grimmjow shrugged.

"And technically I'm not even a shinigami, I'm a vaizard." Something was off with how Ichigo said this, and everyone conscious glanced at the two. Shinji barely noticed they'd stopped running as the conversation continued.

"No you're not a vaizard." Ichigo blinked and turned to the speaker. It was Hiyori surprising that said this. "You're part of our family dickhead. And don't you forget it!" She hissed.

Ichigo smiled and the group moved again.

They had family, and they going to protect each other…it's was silent promise they shared.


"The scouts of lost sign of the vaizards and Kurosaki Ichigo." Ulquiorra informed Aizen blankly. "Stark and his fraccion (2) are searching but so far their efforts have proven uselessly."

Aizen frowned slightly for a second before returning to his fake smile. Even in time of mistakes he could not afford to appear distracted or upset.

"I see." His said. "Continue the search for one more day, and then have Stark return to base if nothing is found."

"Hai." Ulquiorra bowed, and left silently.

Aizen never noticed the slight emotion Ulquiorra had in his eyes when he said Kurosaki Ichigo, and never would…


A/N: At first I was considering ending this chapter here, but as I've said with other stories, if I've been particularly awful and haven't updated a certain story for a while, or just updates in general then I try to make chapters longer…as an apology. Sorry! Midterm hell is almost over and probably be over by the time I post this chapter! Again sorry, loved the death threats!


Chapter 4 Part 2

"So this it?" Ichigo asked motioning to the medium sized mansion inside a cave. It'd seemed strange that a structure like this was Hueco Mundo, but here it was untouched by hollows.

"How'd you get something like this built?" Kinomi asked for the collective newbies. The twins nodded in agreement for the question.

"The ero-shinigami (3) built for us, and lined it with powerful wards." Lisa said casually, she had taken a book out of her pocket walked into the direction of the house.

"We lived here before we were in the human world." Love supplied smiling.

Ichigo nodded. "I had wondered where you'd all lived before coming to Karakura."

Hachi shrugged.

"Well, now you know." Hiyori told them pointedly. She fixed her sword and sonido-ed off, not caring if their guests followed or not.


It had taken about six hours but everyone of the fallen shinigami had been returned to Seireitei, and the results of the fight were less then joyous. Many of the casualties were displaying claw attacks at if some sort of hollow had chewed on them viciously.

Yamamoto as well as all the entire captains went grim at the news.

Any hope they had 'redeeming' the ex-substitute shinigami was almost gone now. The sight before them was so violent. Most of the deceased were missing limbs, and a select few were so badly wounded that it would taken a high class coroner to tell any of the soldiers apart.

"Were there any survivors?" Ukitake-taichou whispered but his voice was firm and everyone heard it.

Unohana-taichou glanced down as her eyes became shadowed, it was Ukitake needed to get an answer.

The room tensed for what seemed like an eternity, before Yamamoto spoke.

"Kurotsuchi, report."

The mentioned captain nodded and smiled happily as though there weren't dead any dead corpses being spoken about. Unohana-taichou glanced at him frowning at his uncaring attitude.

"I wasn't able to gather any sufficient data," He grounded out angrily. "But I was able to gather was Kurosaki Ichigo new reiatsu signature."

A few eyebrows rose at Mayuri's statement.

"New reiatsu?" Hitsugaya–taichou wondered out loud.

Mayuri's smile widens. "Yes, when a shinigami becomes a vaizard their reiatsu signature changes slightly, but its enough to destroy any tracer kidou's. But because we have his new reiatsu signature it is simply a matter of time until we find him…"


A/N: Still not long enough for my taste but, stupid writer's block is keeping from writing anything more…damn it! Hopeful I can get this story to five thousand or more words before chapter ten.

Oh, before I forget because I got some special reviews from the following reviewers, they will receive the next chapter before anyone else....(um...I can't really send the anonyous reviewers anything...)

Reveiwers-Namu Kyumi, Bleached Kitty, dark shadowed rose, Tsuki no Akebono,TAKCH1, Aftonen, MaskedTwilight, ragnorokrising, Kuroi Amaya, Dark Thorned Rose, Skeleton Toes....( You'll be getting the chapters around next week..)

Well, you readers know the drill…

Read and Review!