Disclaimer: We don't own Twilight.

Author's Note: Go Gators! Based on the scene where Emmett says, "Go Gators" in Breaking Dawn, after Jacob, Bella, and Edward trying to give Charlie enough info that he knows something is up, but not enough to get him in trouble.

This is a collection of other moments we believe the phrase would be appropriate to break up the awkwardness…

This is the last and final piece of A Cullen Moment. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as we enjoyed writing it! Again from the bottom of our hearts we thank you for reading this! THANK YOU!

And now we present: Go Gators!


Awkward Moment 1


"Edward, I know what you are." Bella stared into his topaz eyes, drinking in their seducing, sexy color. She knew. She had always known. And now she'd tell him.

"Ummm…" Edward was dumbfounded.

"You're a vampire!" She exclaimed.

Feeling awkward and gawky, Edward said the first thing that came to mind. "Go Gators!" He scurried away.


Awkward Moment 2


"Bella, we can't be friends anymore." Jacob bit his lip. He couldn't not be her friend, that would kill him.

He leaned down to give her a goodbye kiss; she allowed it. He needed this before he left.

They were lost in each other for a second, and then Jacob pulled back. "Goodbye, Bella"

Bella grabbed his arm. "It's alright, Jake. I know you're a werewolf." Bella smiled.

"Well…umm…this definitely awkward…." Jacob looked around for an escape. He hadn't really thought that she'd actually figure out what he was trying to tell her that night.

"Yeah, pretty much." Bella agreed.

They stood for a moment, not looking at each other, just staring at the ground.

Jacob then caught a glimpse of an escape. "Go Gators!" He ran away.


Awkward Moment 3


"Bella," Jacob burst through the door of the Cullen home. "I've come to save you from these blood-thirsty vampires! Ha-zah!"

Bella stared at him, then said. "Jacob, I'm pregnant."

"Oh, well that throws a monkey wrench into things…." Jacob patted his pockets and glanced around. "Go Gators!" He ran right back out the door in a flash.


Awkward Moment 4


Bella held up the box of tampons, showing them off to Edward. "Edward, what are these?! What are these?!"

"Umm…tampons?" Edward wasn't entirely sure since no woman in house actually had working female parts.

"And what are they used for?!" Bella screamed, tossing the box at Edward.

"Oh…yeah…Go Gators!" Edward used his vampire speed to flee from her.


Awkward Moment 5


Bella rolled around on the ground, heartbroken and lost. Edward had just left her there, without even a parting glance. The hole in her heart was swallowing her whole. She was waiting for the darkness to come. It was peaceful then.

But his image refused to leave her mind. "Edward, Edward, Edward." She moaned, her eyes tightly shut. She pretended to be kissing him; unable to hear the shouts and complaints of the guy that is now carrying her from the forest.

She opened her eyes to see that she was kissing Sam as she pretended to kiss Edward.

"Umm…" Bella looked around. "Go Gators!" She booked it away from him.


Awkward Moment 6


Jacob looked at Bella, then Renesmee, then Bella again, then Renesmee. "Umm…Bella…" She looked at him. "I don't know how to say this, but…" He paused. "I love your baby…a lot."

Bella growled.

"Yeah, this is kind of awkward considering I've spent so long trying to save you from becoming a vampire and all. And I kissed you and such. And it's gonna be kind of awkward telling Renesmee that I totally made-out with her mom…"

Bella growled again.

"Umm…yeah…Go Gators!" Jacob shuffled away.


Awkward Moment 7


Charlie was sitting on his couch in the living room. Jacob told him he had something to tell him, so he waited.

"Charlie, I'm a werewolf." Jacob admitted, while phasing.

"Oh my Edward Cullen!" Charlie shouted, gaping at the fact that Jacob had just turned into a large wolf in his living room.

Jacob phased back into a human.

"You're naked!" Charlie yelled. This was even worse than the whole changing into a wolf in the middle of his living room.

Jacob looked down over himself, and then glanced up at Charlie. "Umm… yeah…right…Go Gators!" Jacob bolted from the house.


Awkward Moment 8


Edward was hugging Jacob, holding on to him because he knew he would probably never see him again. "Goodbye, Jacob, my brother…my son (Breaking Dawn, page 723)."

"WT Wendy, Edward?" Jacob took step back. "When the heck did I become your son? Are you secretly Billy?" Jacob stared at him, trying to investigate for signs of his father.

Edward looked embarrassed. "Yes…no…Go Gators!" Edward grabbed his wife and scurried away to be destroyed by the Volturi.


Awkward Moment 9


"Renesmee," Jacob knelt down, pulling a small, black, velvet box from his back pants pocket. "I love you…and would like to ask you to marry me." He opened the box, grinning.

Renesmee smiled back, nodding fiercely. "Yes, yes."

"Good," he put the ring on her finger. "And since we're planning on being husband and wife, I think I should get everything out in the open. Renesmee," he looked in her eyes. "I totally used to have fantasies of doing it with your mother." He beamed.

Renesmee's eyebrows rose. "What?"

"Umm…yeah." His smile faded. "I completely wanted to get some from your mom before you came along."

She glared…this was kind of awkward…

"Okay, then." Jacob backed up. "Go Gators!" And he fled.


Awkward Moment 10


Edward didn't want her to become a vampire, but she so wanted to. "No, Bella. Being a vampire sucks."

"No, Edward. I want to be with you!" She pulled him closer, noticing his eyes. "For forever! And I think you need to hunt."

"No, I can't hunt! Because I will know that you won't run off with Carlisle in the morning!"

"How did you know about me and Carlisle?" Bella looked at him. Most would assume Edward was referring to the fact she might run away with Carlisle and become a vampire while he was gone. But those who knew her, knew about them.

"I read your blog!" He shouted.

"Oh, well…" She blushed. "Go Gators!" Was her last statement before she ran off.


Author's Note: We wrote this months and months ago, but never posted it, so here you go. Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween (if you celebrate)! :D We thank you again! You guys seriously and totally rock my socks! I mean if you could see my socks right now you could see how entirely rocked they are. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!

-Marina and Mikayla (Wolf Babies)