For the LAST TIME: I do NOT won the death Note series!

The sky was dark with its unshed tears and heavy with sin. Blacks and grays smothered the Sun out of eye shot while the wind screamed the ailments of the heart.

Her picture rested against the cold black box that contained what remained of her body, but did not hold her soul. She smiled lightly to anyone willing to look, but her eyes spoke of pain. No one really seemed to notice, but he saw the signs and the real her. Not the persona that she built around herself. Not the mask that she adorned everyday to cease people's questions... No... Light saw her very essence.

What lay in the box before him, in the cold world, alone was not the person that he grew to cherish.

The service had been over for quite some time. Many people had come: her school 'friends', her colleagues, and her many acquaintances; but none of them really knew her, the real her, and they never will...

"E-excuse me," a small woman new stood beside Light adorning a black hat and a long black dress. A thin veil covered her face, falling from her wide rimed hat. Her voice held a familiar softness that he once knew. None the less, he turned to peer at her.

"You were... you were her boyfriend?" Her soft voice staggered out of her trembling lips. A tissue was squeezed in her trembling grasp. Light studied this before replying in a calm manner, "I am the last thing she has."

His gaze returned to her picture that stood strong against the wind. "Her friends didn't understand her and her family left her." The woman sobbed audibly, but Light ignored it. "I was as important to her as she was to me," he continued with hardening eyes, "they ripped her from me before time was finished; leaving me in this rotten world to wander."

This was his mission, to continue living. To create the perfect world that, despite her words, she would have smiled upon. He knew she was trying to create a better world too; just by different means and for the sake of her family, the people she cared about, the people that were also taken too soon...

His hands were numb and he felt that even a pulse did not fun in his veins. After she left, with her, his heart stopped and has not continued to beat. Light unconsciously questioned why he was left alone. Why he was spared the wrath of the death god?

His eyes were dull as he looked upon her gravestone. He knew the reason, but just because you know the answer does not mean you have to listen to it right away.

"Then," he woman removed her hat that obscured her view, staring a the photograph of the untimely youth with a gaze filled with sorrow before taking a glance at Light. "What are you going to do about it?"

A soft wind began to blow again and the Sun was able to escape the clouds for a mere moment to shine upon the past youth. Light's eyes widened and his lips only slightly parted. 'Kino..?' But, only for a second was she there before the greedy clouds consumed the light once more and left the surface in dread once again. It was not Kino...

The woman had a sprinkle of grey in a sea of ink dark hair. It was tied back, away from her soft, pale face that was beginning to show tell-tale signs of age. Her dark eyes showed much experience with the world, but were puffy with tears and red from her constant wipes.


"Yes," she sobbed once more into her tissue, but her eyes never left the photograph of the woman that used to be so small. "I used to be her mother..."

It seemed that the church bell tolled once more, leaving the vibrations of the woman's voice to resignation longer through Light's ears. The voice made things all the more real.

"I still love her," the woman continued with an increasing tear rate, "I have always watched her, checked up on her; but I could not bring myself to face her after all these years of her thinking I was dead." She paused to breath, to try and calm herself, but it had the opposing affect instead. "I might as well have been. What mother leaves their child and husband with nothing? And she was but a girl..."

"What did you leave her?" Light's voice was hard and strained. He was having difficulty in understanding how this woman, the pathetic creature that now stood beside him, was the center of his love's purpose in life. Was her life really that much of a waste?

"I had no choice. They needed someone to testify against the yakuza and I was the only one to see their faces that was still alive. They thought it best to keep me apart, to say I was indeed dead, while my family went into witness protection. The trial lasted years and before I knew it, I realized my life had been waited and that my little girl was no longer little..." The tears just kept coming.


For the last time, Light turned to face the ruined woman. "There has always been a choice..."

He walked away from the scene, away from the cold grave, only leaving a white orchid in his place on my grave.

'Everything that she has done...' Light's core hardened into ice, filling the crevice where his heart used to be, 'Everything that she ever worked for crumbled into nothingness...'

My life would fade away in this world, leaving no trail and destined to forever be unnoticed; but Light would be sure to carry on his fate and for once, make sure that his life would not parish. Light would make people notice...


Just so much blood...

His footsteps were turrets of crimson in his footsteps. How could blood flow so easily from his chest? Was his heart not gone? Hadn't his heart been killed five years before?

Light struggled to keep his footing as he ran through the industrial park. Pain came faster than his blood could flow and his vision began to fade. It was only by sheer willpower that he could continue his pace.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a dark blur. He felt a very human heartbeat within his breat, just causing more pain to pulse through his veins; but with the pain also came an old sense of pleasure and light. 'Kino...?'

He knew he might be hallucinating, especially after the blur became larger, changing shape, seemingly sprouting dark wings; but at the moment, he didn't care.

Voice could not reach him, but he followed the dark figure into a building. It flew so easily out of his desperate reach. "Kino..."

His voice cracked and only seemed to bring blood into his lungs and mouth. His pace stopped at the stairs where only after three steps did he finally fall. The light was in his eye, beating upon his pale face. Where had she gone?

Desperately, his eyes wandered around the building he now lay in. What he saw, was not Kino; but a vivid image of a man he once knew, a man he had killed long ago. 'Ryuzaki...?'

Light's eyes turned upward where a figure seemed to lover over him, blocking out the Sun. He strained to see, only to find his world going black with only the sound of his own heartbeat to comfort him. Regret almost followed him; regret about not finishing what he should have, about not creating his Utopia, but it was chased off by a sudden embrace. It was familiar, all too familiar, but nostalgic and from a memory...


The voice hummed over his heartbeat, it was crystal and a vibration of silver bells. He wished for the voice once more. "Light..."

The voice beckoned once more, drawing his soul out of his un-accepting body. He welcomed death to wash over him, and Death entered...

His soul was picked up in a motherly way, being carried into a different world. "Light..." The voice called to him, pleading him. It was all too familiar. He felt himself being caressed by a silky touch, lulling him out of his sleep.


His red eyes opened to meet the black eyes of one he know so well. My hand slid through his hair to rest upon his cold cheek. Long, inky hair fell upon his forehead, tickling him in a teasing manner.

His hand reached up to attempt to touch me, who's gaze held him intently. He felt my face and felt the scars upon it. Despite this, only one word could describe the porcelain face: beautiful... Deathly beautiful...

"Kira..." My voice flowed through his ears like a perfectly tunes note. It was my voice that he had heard.


My expression did not change, but my dark orbs began to show a twinkle within. He felt my slender fingers upon his face.

"I've been waiting," I explained while he was cradled in my scared arms.

"So have I..." He found himself answering. He noticed bony, black wings protruding from my fragile shoulder blades. They seemed to wrap around both of us, "We're in a new world now," I whispered upon his temple with palm against his chest. Inside, he could feel something beat within. It was not the heart he was born with, but it was rightfully his. He felt the heart within his breast call out to another, his own heart that he knew was in me. He found himself at peace, I was meant to posses his heart, while he carried mine.

We have tainted our shattered souls with so much sin and saturated our vile bodies with so much hate that the Gods have taken them from us. But for what they took, they exchanged. With no true beating hearts to give and with no souls to connect, Fate allowed our broken remains to remain together. We eill live forever connected in a rotting world not much different than our previous.

"It's a rotten world we live in, but we can't always change it. As long as we're together, it will be fine. Things can just go unnoticed..."


Well, there you have it. It has officially ended, this time, on a slightly happier note. Please do not hate me for it, but my heart just wanted a happy ending. Any questions? Please feel free to contact me. I would not only love to hear from you, but I would also love the discussion.

Please take a look at some of my other series too. I have a few Yu-Gi-Oh! ones, involving Seto Kaiba and I even have a Naruto series up that I will try and start updating more. If none of those sound all that interesting, then I have some suggestions on my profile page for some different series that I have been thinking about starting too.

Thank you!
