A/N: I'm soooooooo sorry! I apologize for not posting a new chapter until now, I know you have all been waiting for a new chapter and I finally have it for you. I know excuses mean so little to some, but my older computer had finally died and took all of my already written chapters with it. I didn't have any backups, so I had to start from scratch. Well I hope you enjoy, and I promise to TRY to get another chapter up sooner. PS. A few things have changed, I hope you like where it's going.

"How did I get here, you know what I'm going to the dance floor. Order me another drink Ry, please I'm going to need it." Lia said bothered by the sight of Finn shoving his tongue down a blonde's throat. Once Lia got the nod from Rory, she walked away from the groups table.

Rory felt bad for Lia having to go through all the hurt, but before she had agreed to get Lia another drink she saw what she feared would happen if Finn didn't get his ass in gear. Rory turned her attention back to Logan and the others, with the exception of Finn and the bimbo on his lap. "Well, its official Li's given up."

"What, how do you know?" Colin asked while whipping his head around so fast it looked like it might have hurt, but when Rory nudged her head in the direction of Finn he understood. It had been over a month since they had told the group and announced to the world of their status in society.

Everyone was confused for the last month, because Finn had been there for Lia since she had told them she was a Del' Atla as well, as the heir to the fortune. They thought he was finally going to ask her out, and tell her he had liked her for awhile; instead he tore her heart apart. They watched as Lia lost herself into the music, and danced with a guy who looked familiar to at least Rory.

The wedding was in two weeks, and Lia didn't have a date for it but Finn had already got one. Rory knew Lia wouldn't bring a date just for the hell of it; she would need to actually like the guy to take him to mom's wedding. Finn hadn't even noticed Lia had left the table, because if he would have noticed four of his friends were glaring at him and his fuck buddy of the night.

"What does he see, in the dumb blonde?" Steph asked begrudgingly, she didn't like seeing her friends hurt. Especially Lia, who has been hurt way too many time by the person she thought cared.

Logan looked at the blonde, and could see she was fairly young. No younger then a freshman, and with the way she had talked when she could take her attention away from Finn's neck, she was fake through and through. "She's a freshman, and dumb as a door nail."

"Exactly, which means he's just in it for the lay." Colin countered with a look of disgust in Finn's direction, because he knew what it was like to finally have someone you truly love. He and Steph has been a couple now for over a month, and he couldn't have asked for anyone better.

Rory kept quiet watching her best friend, who was more like a sister dance with a new guy. As far as Rory was concerned, Finn had given up on feeling the love that she and Logan shared. He has lost his chance, with someone who could have been the best thing to happen to him. Lia was on the dance floor dancing with a gorgeous guy, and Rory hoped she was having fun and not even thinking about Finn. "Let him do what he wants, Lia's going to move on from it starting tonight."

The three friends turned to see what Rory was looking at, coming to find Lia smiling and nodding her head in some sort of agreement with the guy she had just been dancing with. She gave the universal sign of hold on, and made her way back to the table. "Hey guys, look I'm going to head out."

"You're leaving with Mr. Mysterious over there, aren't you?" Rory accused playfully, because she could see the genuine smile on Lia's face. It was similar to the look she when she had dated Marcus, but in a way closer to when she's around Finn.

Lia nodded enthusiastically and with a bright smile, as she grabbed her grey jacket and hobo bag. Logan saw what Rory did, and knew he could give the guy a chance. He knew who the guy was, and he was sure Rory didn't have a clue. "Never took you for a basketball player, type of girl Maes."

"Guess it's a good thing I haven't been a girl for quite some time than, isn't it. Besides, he's in my philosophy class, and he has baby blue eyes to die for." Lia winked in Logan's direction, and everyone knew she was referring to the first time she and Logan had sex. Lia was definitely no girl, she was all woman no doubt about it in any of their minds.

"You know who that is, tell me." Rory demanded of her boyfriend who just laughed at her eagerness, but was met with Lia waving goodbye and running off to meet the so called basketball player. Just than Finn and the blonde came up for air, and Finn noticed Lia missing from the group.

He looked at the bar, and when he couldn't see her there moved to the dance floor. Not finding her there either, he assumed she was in the restroom. This just so happened to be where his date for the evening was headed; so he offered to buy the next round of drinks, and made his way to the bar where Joe was serving. When his date returned to the table, and Rory took the drink meant for Lia, he knew something was up. "Where's Lia?"

"Where's who?" Asked the dumb blonde and everyone at the table except Finn raised an eyebrow at her, as if she was truly that dumb. Rory and Steph chose to not talk to Finn and leave it up to the boys who seemed to at least know who the guy was she left with, Finn gave Rory and Steph an odd look as they had changed seats with the boys to be able to sit closer together to talk.

Finn turned to his questioning gaze towards his best mates, and they had continued to have a staring contest for a few minutes. Colin personally didn't care if Finn wanted to know, if he really cared he wouldn't have been shoving his tongue down the freshman's throat. Finn watched as Colin drank his scotch and continued to stare at him, so he focused his stare on Logan. "She left; Riley Gordon asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else. Maes took him up on the offer, got the hand it to her good choice in athlete."

"Wait, you mean this Maes chick; got Riley Gordon the captain of Yale's Varsity Basketball Team to take her out, wow guess all those rumors were wrong." The blonde interrupted Finn from speaking, as she was in disbelief over the fact she didn't get a shot with the basketball star.

Rory and Steph perked up at this tidbit of information, not because they wanted to gossip but because Lia was with a hot shot basketball player. "What rumors?"

"The one where he doesn't date, from what I've heard he's never asked a girl out since he's been here. Rumor has it; he hasn't found a girl worth dating that understands his passion for basketball." She replied while looking at herself in her compact mirror, and applying more cover up to her already over powdered cheeks. For a freshman she sure knew a lot about the social hierarchy, but then again she was at the pub with Finn. "There is a line to date him if he chose too, and she seems to have jumped it. Though I shouldn't judge I did jump the line myself, I'm here with Finny."

"There's actually a line, I thought that was just a myth." Colin and Logan commented at the same time, while Rory and Steph both shook their heads. They had tried to tell them once about being accosted by some girls for jumping the line, but they hadn't believed them and told them to forget about it.

Maybe now they'll believe them, which it seemed they did from the looks, they were being given. It was probably a good thing they never mentioned the threat, these girls apart of the line gave Lia concerning Finn. It wasn't like Lia didn't threaten them back with socially disowning their families, because Lia so could do it when pushed. Though it seemed like blonde couldn't keep her mouth shut, when it came to the line. "Yup, totally real. Which surprises me that Finny even still hangs with girls in the line with what happened awhile ago, but who am I to complain."

What do you mean, with what happened awhile ago?" The boys all questioned at the same time, while Rory and Steph discreetly sipped their drinks trying to stay out of the conversation now. All the guys turn to Rory and Steph as they started a conversation about the upcoming wedding, right than they knew the girls had kept something from them.

"Well that friend you yours Lexi, Lena, Lia or whatever; got threatened by a few of the girls, because they were worried she'd steal the last richest bachelor available worth dating. They told her to stay away from Finny, and if she didn't she's regret it. From what I heard though, she responded back with threatening their social status as well as their families if she so much as spotted them within a 200 foot radius of her." They were seeing red after the blonde explained the situation, but they still couldn't believe none of the girls told them. Why would they keep such a thing from them, no matter Lia taking it in strides they could have been a united front. No one talked about the line the rest of the night, but everyone was wondering what Lia was doing with Riley.

Lia & Riley

"So you grew up in both a small town and society, how did that work out?" Riley asked Lia as they sat comfortably in a tiny café near campus, getting to know one another in a quiet environment instead of a loud establishment like the pub. They had already gotten past the whole you're not using me because I'm a basketball player, or one of the richest single females in the world.

Riley had informed Lia that he had seen her around campus, since last year and she had interested him long before it was revealed she was one of the richest females in the world. "I think it worked out rather well, if I say so myself."

"No complaints here; and I'm not sure you'll ever find one. So besides the coffee addiction, and a love for a good party every now and then. What else is there to know about you?" He asked very interested in finding out more about the enigma that is Lia Morgan Del' Atla, because he could sense that she had more to offer the world than just the things you can see from the outside.

Lia smiled at his genuine curiosity, and how he probably knew more about her than just her coffee addiction and her love for a good party occasionally. "A good alcoholic beverage every Friday night after a hard week of school, and dealing with a drunken Australian. Family and friends are my life; if they needed me I wouldn't hesitate about leave your ass here."

"Good to know and I can relate to the drink though it's usually either Saturday or Sunday, since Friday nights can be a game night. What about you're music, I mean I saw you in the concert a month or so ago." He had laughed heartedly at Lia's comfortable demeanor, she was laid back and took everything in strides but he's seen her be completely serious about things she believe in. The concert a month ago he hadn't planned on going, but he heard from a friend that Lia was in charge of it. So he went with his team mate Justin, who had gone to support his girlfriend who was playing three sets. She was good, but Riley's attention that night was fully on Lia when she was on stage. Justin's girlfriend Darla said Lia was going to be Yale's most famous student, but also the smartest with her grade point average.

"My music is sort of like you with basketball I assume, which makes music my escape away from reality just for a little while. Music has always been a passion of mine, because I can express who I am, but in a sense it relates to a lot of different people too. The songs I write and sing represent something in my life or had it directly happen to me, or something I was a witness too." Lia responded gently with a fierce passion, and she could see a sort of understanding in Riley's eyes. He knew the type of passion she was talking about, and he knew she'd always be involved in music in some way possible.

He couldn't help but smile at her explanation of her love for music, and he was sure her passion for music will lead her to more of it one way or another. She had it in her blood, like he has basketball in his. He was surprised at how she realized basketball was the same for him, because he hadn't known she known he played basketball. "You follow the Yale basketball team?"

"On occasion, don't get me wrong I'm not big on sports, but after dating Logan and being friends with the guy for so long they've made me understand basketball, that and they boys won't shut up about you when there's a game on." She answered honestly, because she really wasn't big on sports. She couldn't play a sport for the life of her, and the only exercise she ever got was walking around campus or Stars Hollow, and the occasional ice skating when she got the chance.

Riley was surprised to hear about her being one of the many to Logan Huntzberger, before he had officially let go of his playboy ways to really date her best friend. "You dated Logan Huntzberger?"

"Yes, but not in way you're probably thinking. I've never been the type of girl to be in a string-less relationship, but I was Logan's first real girlfriend when we were in the sixth grade together." Lia soothed Riley's concern, and smiled smugly at him as he sighed in relief."

He didn't sign in relief because she wasn't one of the many women Logan used, but at the fact he did peg her right. It wouldn't have changed his feelings towards her, but he was glad to know she wasn't obsessed with the string-less relationships. "Sorry it's not that it would matter if you were, it's just I've liked you for some time now."

"Oh really, and how long have you liked me exactly?" She asked extremely curious as to why he had never asked her out, before now but if she thought about it they weren't really on a date now either. She wouldn't mind if he asked her, in fact she would agree to a date with him to see how it went.

Riley blushed slightly ay Lia's question, because he knew after he had said his comment he was in for it with questions. He knew most women heard the rumor going around campus about him not dating anyone in Connecticut, who understood him on the level his friends and Lia apparently do. "Since this past spring semester."

"Wow, why did it take you so long to approach me?" Lia asked even more curious now that she knew he liked her for so long, and she wondered what he's thinking. Riley is gorgeous with his deep baby blue eyes, and amazing body. Anyone could tell he worked out, and when they danced she could feel his amazing abs under his shirt.

"Honestly, I didn't think you'd go out with me. Seriously, if I had walked up to you, and asked you to go out on a date with me; what would you have said?" He asked seriously, but deep down he was extremely nervous. Technically, this wasn't a date, and he is very curious to know if she would go on a date with if he were to ask.

"Why don't you ask, and find out?" Lia challenged with a smirk planted on her face, and a glint in her eye daring him to ask her. She was trying to get Riley to risk getting let down, but she was definitely going to say yes. She could see nothing wrong with the gentleman in front of her, yes he probably had his flaws but she also had her own.

Yes, Riley could definitely see the challenge in Lia's eyes, which brought a smirk of his own to his face. Was he naturally shy about asking gorgeous women out like Lia, yes but he didn't see her turning him down. "Would you like to have dinner with me, sometime?"

Wedding Bells

"How do I look?" Lorelai asked her bridal party, who consisted of Rory, Sookie, Lane and Steph. Francine was also in the room, along with Tasha who thinks of Lorelai as another daughter. Francine and Tasha gasped at the sight of her, while everyone else couldn't make a sound.

Rory walked to her mom who looks like perfection in her white dress, and she even had a tiara in her hair. Rory was trying to find the words to describe how perfect, her mother had truly looked, but knew that she just wouldn't do it justice. "Mom, you look incredibly gorgeous. Seriously, there are no words on how beautiful you look."

"She's right my dear, your stunning I'm so happy to see you getting married to such an amazing man." Tasha said as dug in her purse, and producing a jewelry box. She opened it, showing Lorelai the contents inside before taking it and placing it around Lorelai's neck. "Cassandra asked me to give you this, the day you got married."

"Mom I can't take this, you gave it to Cas on her 21st birthday!" Exclaimed Lorelai with tears in her welling up in her eyes, because she always dreamed Cassandra would here next to her as she got married. She had been strong enough to not think about her, until Tasha brought the pearl necklace. She attempted to take it off, and give it back to her.

Rory was taking deep breaths trying to keep herself from crying, and she knew if Lia were in this room she'd force Lorelai to wear it. Lia always knew her mom would do something special on each of their wedding days, because that's just how her mom was. "Mom you know if she were here, she'd kick your ass for not wearing it."

"Right, mom would you please help me put it back on." Lorelai asked after a minute of thought, while Francine held her hand for quite strength. Tasha re-clasped the necklace around Lorelai's neck, and it didn't go unnoticed how everyone was trying to keep they're tears from falling.

There was a knock on the door, and everyone began sniffling. Sookie went to the door to unlock it, and to see who it is. Sookie was meet by Richard, she quickly ushered him into the room. He gasped at the sight of his daughter, he had always known she was gorgeous but she looked magnificent. "Lorelai you look exquisite, and I have to say Luke is a very lucky man."

"I'm pretty sure I'm the lucky one daddy, and his great with Rory and Lia, always has been." Was Lorelai's reply to her father, who now had teary eyes himself and he knew if Trix were here, she'd be telling him that Gilmore men do not show weakness. It made Lorelai wonder if Grams even cried at Richard's wedding, and if they were from joy or sadness.

"Alright, if Grandpa's here it means it's time. Here's your something new." Rory said pulling a garter belt out, while lifting the dress up so she could slide it up Lorelai's leg. The something old is the necklace Cassandra gave her. For something borrowed Lane, gave her a Hello Kitty bracelet. Steph had the something blue, and it was really from Lia. It is a blue silk pouch, which ties around her bouquet of flowers.

The bridesmaid's left Lorelai with Richard and Rory to take their places, Rory wasn't too far behind after she had given her mom a quick hug for encouragement. "Let's get me married, shall we?"

Richard placed Lorelai's arm through his, and he kissed her forehead before he began to walk with her towards the town gazebo. They waited for the wedding march music to begin, before they walked through the doors and down the aisle made of red carpets and daises. Lorelai spotted Luke and smiled, as he mouthed 'Hi' as she walked down the aisle. Lia spotted her mom's old pearl necklace, and she smiled that Lorelai was now keeping them safe.

The priest began the ceremony, and it seemed to go by fairly fast for the couple who weren't completely paying attention to anyone else but each other. Soon enough, it was time for their vows. "God, I had this memorized last night, but I find myself changing all of it standing up here right now. Lorelai you drive me absolutely nuts, but that's what makes me love you among other things. You're different from anyone I've ever meet, especially with your unhealthy eating habits and your coffee addiction."

"Blasphemy!" Lorelai exclaimed which caused everyone in attendance to laugh, and Taylor to grumble in annoyance. "Coffee is what keeps me alive; it's what runs through my veins not blood."

"You're crazy as everyone is a witness to that, but it's who you are. You have an uncanny way to rant about the most stupid things in the world, and still make utter sense to me. So I promise to always love your crazy coffee loving self every day of my life and after with ten coffee pots on hand." Luke promised with his vows that had tears coming down Lorelai's face, and a loving smile attached to her lips. She couldn't think of better vows, especially with the ten coffee pots promised to her every day.

Lorelai could practically see Lia drooling over the thought of her having ten pots of coffee from Luke's to herself, and knew Rory was probably no better. She'd be smug about it later, at the reception when she was officially Lorelai Danes. "You know the girls and Chris tease me to this day, about me falling in love with you from the first taste of your coffee. But it wasn't that day; it was the day after when you were debating with Rory, over having lettuce on a burger. You were fighting to keep a smile off your face, and Rory was glowing with amusement. I promise to always drink you're amazing coffee from all ten pots, and to always love your crazy backwards cap grumpy self every day of my life and after."

Lia watched as Luke wiped Lorelai's tears away, before taking the ring from Lia's out stretched hand. Lia had found a perfect wedding band to match Lorelai's engagement ring, small round diamond ring with small diamonds going all around. Luke's was different but if you asked Lorelai it was perfect for him, it was multiple different pieces of white gold twisted into an intricate woven design. Lorelai had told them that, it was made to show the world how truly connected our little family was.

The wedding reception was at the Dragonfly Inn, Lia and Rory had worked throughout the night to make sure the dining room turned ballroom was just perfect for tonight. Lia had made sure that all the sounds systems were in working order, as well as making sure that the makeshift stage properly set us and that no one would get hurt. The Dance floor arrived the day before and it was perfectly set up, which made Lia and Rory's lives so much easier. They had quickly set all the tables and chairs up, making sure to count how many seats they had so everyone would have a seat who attended and those who just showed up without RSVPing. Now as each guest enters, all you can here is a gasp of surprise. The cake Sookie had made stand tall and proud over by the wedding parties table, and it just screamed Lorelai and Luke with little people on top of the cake. The man was definitely Luke seeing as he was wearing a flannel shirt and instead of a top hat and backwards baseball cap. The woman, who was supposed to represent Lorelai, was wearing a Bangles band tee, and leopard print legging with converses on.

Lia had changed out of her tuxedo, and into a gorgeous blue gown. Lorelai told her that she had to wear a dress at the reception, because she just wanted to see her girls that way one last time before she was whisked away on her honeymoon. So Lia complied, and now as she walked in next to Rory she saw who all was here. She chuckled surprised he had even stayed for the reception; she had figured he would have left as soon as the ceremony was over. He had never actually liked Stars Hollow, thought the town was to suffocating. Sure Lia sort of got that, him being from such a big city, to such a small town that knew everything about everyone. "Wonder why he decided to stay around, didn't expect that."

"We will have to find out later, because mom and pops are right behind us." Rory told Lia with a quick nudge in the side, but something told Rory she knew why Jess was sticking around. Lia and Rory had spent a week in New York this past summer, Lia and Jess definitely had something going that entire week. Not that Rory was upset about it; she just hoped they didn't hurt each other in the long run. Rory quickly put those thoughts away for a later time, right now was all about Lorelai and Luke entering their wedding reception.

As the DJ introduced the couple as Lorelai and Luke Danes, everyone cheered and clapped for them. They stopped in the center of the room, and Luke made a big production of it with dipping Lorelai and kissing her senseless. Soon the food was brought out, and everyone began eating. Soon it was time for toasts, and Rory was the first one up. "As you all should know I'm Rory the beautiful daughter of one Lorelai Victoria Gilmore now Danes and I couldn't tell you how much fun she has made my life. I practically grew up in Luke's Diner, and there has never been a dull moment. As of today Luke has officially been made my step-father, but he has always had that role even before today. He and my father Chris have made it a point that either one or both of them had to be at my graduations or debates and I loved them for it. They shared the responsibility of raising not only me, but Lia as well. I couldn't ask for someone better to be the man that married my mother, but you should know there better be some coffee pots for me pops."

"For those of you who don't know me I'm Lia, but mostly everyone here knows me. They remember my mother, when she brought me here to grow up with Rory and Lorelai. Rory and I grew up like sisters, and that will never change. Lorelai was my second mother, and before any of us were ready she became my only one. For most you know my father was never around, but Luke and Chris were. No matter where I was in the world, Luke or Chris where there cheering for me when I graduated or doing a school play that I got conned into, because it was for part of my grade and didn't have a choice. I remember all the times that Lorelai and Luke flirted throughout the years, and how in love they both were with each other. Who knows what really took them this long to get married, we are just happy it's finally happened. To Luke and Lorelai and hopefully many years of happiness, and many years of craziness!" Lia said confidently to the room, and during the part about Cassandra there were many who had a few tears in their eyes. Everyone from Stars Hollow still mourn the loss of Cassandra, she was another Lorelai yet so much more spunk. Lia held a lot of Cassandra in her, and that's why they watched over her so much. They had watched her as a little girl; grow up to be this magnificent woman who is becoming more and more like her mother.

Everyone watched as Lia walked up on the stage, and in front of the mic. They knew it was time for the first dance, but Luke and Lorelai waited to be asked to go out on the dance floor before moving from their seats. Just as the DJ switched songs, Lia asked Lorelai and Luke to come to the dance floor. "It's now time for the first dance, I personally wrote this song just for you guys."

What's your definition of it? How's it make you feel?
Tell me what'd you say that truly makes it real
Kings and queens, philosophers have tried so hard to find
Tell me what it means to you, dear, never mind

Luke held Lorelai close as they swayed across the dance floor, they looked just beautiful together like they always have through the years. Lorelai had tears in her eyes as Lia sang the song she had written just for them. Lorelai had remembered asking the girls one day, what they had thought love was like. They had sat down and made a list, and Luke had overheard and added some of his own points on what love is like.

Love is kind when the world is cold
Love stays strong when the fight gets old
Love is a shoulder to lean on, love is you

Love's like the water when the well runs dry
Quench my thirst, keep me alive
Just need one sip, baby, love is you
Love is you, love is you, love is you, love is you

Is it possible there's a kiss that's so divine?
Or am I just too fool? Is it all in my mind?
Is there something chemical? A scientist might say
Well, love must be drug to make me feel this way

'Cause love is my permission to be who I am
Knowing the business 'cause you understand
Freedom to breathe, oh baby, love is you

Love's like a kiss when the sun goes down
Holds me tight when no one's around
Love's what I wanna hold on to, love is you
Love is you, love is you, love is you, love is you
Love is you, love is you, love is you, love is you

Love is kind, it makes me stronger
I don't have to look no longer
You're the one I'd cling to, love is you

When the chips are down
Love will stick around
I'm so glad I found, love is you

Masters have tried to clarify
Love's quite simple, it's just my guide
A perfect definition
Love is you, love is you, love is you, love is you, is you

As the song ended Lorelai kissed Luke, before running up on stage to hug and kiss Lia. They held onto each other for quite awhile, and Lorelai continued to cry. "You are such an amazing woman, who an amazing talent to put everything she or others feel into a song that touches everyone around her."

"Thanks mom, and that's all I've ever hoped to do. But you need to get back on that dance floor, grandpa is waiting for you." Lia kissed Lorelai's cheek, before pushing her lightly towards the stairs. Lia was back behind the mic, Lorelai was confused to see her still up there but Richard pulled her close just as Lia began to sing Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman.

She spins and she sways
To whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing
The weight of the world on my shoulders

It's been a long day
And there's still work to do
She's pulling at me
Saying "Dad, I need you

There's a ball at the castle
And I've been invited
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone...

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed
She wants to know if I approve of the dress
She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

Chris took Rory out on the dance floor, and as much as Luke wanted to grab Lia from behind the mic to dance with her he knew she wanted to do this for Lorelai and Richard. Luke went to talk to Jess, and see how he was doing. As they talked in their own monosyllable way, Luke caught the way Jess was looking at Lia. He honestly thought if Jess had meet Lia first, and she hadn't been jumping all over the world between boarding schools they would have gotten together instead of Jess and Rory. Lia had always been good at putting people in their place, when they screwed up in some way or another.

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

She will be gone

Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowing and telling us all they had planned
She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away
But I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

As Lia got off stage, Jess made his way over to her and Rory. He figured now was the best time he had for talking to them, versus them finding him in a dark corner later on trying to kill him somehow. They were happy to see that Jess was beginning to grow up a little, and to hear that he had started writing and that maybe one day they would be able to read it. Rory knew that Jess' perception of the world around him was different compared to most, but Lia understood it more than she ever could have. She saw the world differently than she did, and yeah it was because she was sheltered from growing up in Stars Hollow. She knew of the dangers in the world, she was the kid who sat in front of the TV watching CNN all the time.

Lia excused herself so she could get a drink, as she was leaving the bar she got trapped in a conversation with one of Grandpa Hayden's colleagues. She knew them fairly well, but they were quickly making her lose her mind talking about business at Lorelai's wedding. Jess had been on his way to the bar for another beer, when he caught sight of Lia in a boring conversation with an older gentleman. He walks up behind Lia; and wraps his arms around her waist before asking. "Dance with me?"

"Of course, Dodger." She excused herself, and they gently smiled and allowed her to go. Wondering quietly who the strange man was, who walked her to the dance floor to some ungodly music. What young man in his right mind would make a gorgeous girl like Lia dance to such music? Lia loved it though; it wouldn't be them any other way. "Of course, we'd be dancing to You're Crazy by Guns 'N' Roses."

I've been lookin' for a trace
Lookin' for a heart
Lookin' for a lover in a world
That's much too dark
Because you don't want my love, no, no
You want to sati-satisfaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, ow!
You don't need my love
You got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece of the action
Yeah, ow yeah, look out

"Do you expect anything less?" Jess asks with a smirk, knowing full well that this was the first song they had ever agreed on that they both liked. That was of course because Lia had been listening to it in her car, and she had given him and Rory a ride to a bookstore in Hartford. She had planned on going anyways, she hadn't brought any reading material, and she had wanted something new to read over the thousands of books that Jess and Rory had she had read all of them about a thousand different times already.

Say where ya goin' What you gonna do?
I been lookin' everywhere said I
I been lookin' for you
Because you don't want my love, no, no
You want to sati-satisfaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
You don't need my love
You got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece
Of the action

Lia remembered the first time she had meet Jess Mariano, he was different to the guys Rory usually hung out with. She had never actually meet Dean until that same week she meet Jess, but from the way Rory had described him to her he was the cute boy next door. Jess was definitely not the boy next door, he was the smart yet bad boy who broke others rules and had his own that he lived by. She understood that, because she had lived by her own rules a good part of her life. "A slow dance maybe, can't really dance they way you should to this song in this dress."

"That's a shame, seeing as you look absolutely breath taking in it." Complimented Jess and he was honest about it too. He was pretty sure Lia could dress in anything, and still look breath taking in it. He had always had a crush on Lia, since the first time her meet her, but he knew back than it never would have worked. Not to say he didn't love Rory when he was with her, because he did it just wasn't a love that was meant to last. It never would have really worked out, seeing as Lorelai and Luke were destined to be married. Though they wouldn't have been blood related, they would have still been step-cousins and that just wasn't something neither one of them could handle being if they dated.

With a sparkle in her eye, and smirk on her lips she could take over the world. But for now she was just going to make the man in front of her squirm, it was just who they were they flirted with each other. They always had this passionate heat; whenever they were in proximity to each other it was intoxicating. "Do you expect anything less?"

You're crazy, hey, hey
You know you're crazy, oh my!
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child
You know you're crazy
Ay,ay,ay,ay,ay,ay,ah,ah,ah,oooh, yeah!
Woh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh na,no,na,no,na,no,na,no,na,no,no,no
No,no,no, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no
No,no,no! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, ow! Woooaaah, hayow!

"No, it's just something I'll never get used to." Jess didn't know why, but honesty just seemed to be pouring out of him today. Lia tended to make that happen with anyone around her, except for the Australian apparently. Luke had told him about how she had, had a crush on him and everyone knew he had a thing for her but he never did anything about it. Jess would have loved to be in the Australian shoes, and have the chance to be with Lia.

"Seriously, I think this is the most you've talked ever." Lia joked changing the subject, knowing them it would take them down a road they couldn't go down right now. She had been on a few dates with Riley, and though she didn't know where it would go after the holidays she didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Say, boy, where ya comin' from?
Where'd ya get that point of view?
When I was younger
I knew a motherfucker like you
And she said
'You don't need my love
You want to sati-satisfaction'
***** you don't need my love
You've got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece
Of the action

"Hahaha, laugh it up Morgan. So, the Aussie huh?" He started sarcastically, and ended with serious wondering what she had seen in the guy. Sure he was tall, dark and to some probably handsome; but Lia didn't fall for looks. She had always been more of the type to go for guys who didn't use their money for silly petty things. Sure she used the Morgan money to get where she wants too, seeing as her father is a goddamn prick.

Lia thought about it, and even though the only people that knew she had given up on Finn were Rory, Lorelai and Tristan. He wasn't worth the trouble any longer; she was done waiting for something that looked like it was never going to happen. It was a silly idea to begin with really, as much as she loves to party Finn takes it to a whole other level that she doesn't want a part of. Finn needs to be drunk to be the life of the party, and Lia just needs to have fun and not worry about everything else. "Yeah not one of my brightest ideas, but what can you do?"

You're crazy, hey, hey
You know you're crazy, oh my!
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child
You know you're crazy, Ay, ay, ay, ay
You know you're crazy, Hey, hey
You're fuckin' crazy, Oh child
You know you're crazy, Ay, ay, ay, ay
You're fuckin' crazy, yeah
You know you are!
Bring it down!
You're fuckin' crazy!

"Let me take you back to the apartment, and have my way with you." Jess half joked and was half serious, that week they shared in New York was the best week he had ever had in his life. They weren't always alone in a room together ravishing each other, they had spent a lot of time with Tristan and Rory going out and seeing the sights in New York. Jess had been impressed when they had first meet, and had bonded over their separate times in New York, but when they had visited he hadn't realized that they had frequented some of the same places.

"I'm sort of seeing someone, Dodger." Lia mentioned almost deflated, because she did see something in Jess. She just couldn't be with him, knowing how he used to be. Afraid that all they would ever do to each other is hurt another, because that's all either of them had been good at in the past. Sure she had been hurt more by others, than her hurting the people who cared about her. He didn't know about her past, and that was because no one had told him.

"Damn it, why is it your always with someone when I want a shot at you?" He asked in frustration, knowing that the only thing he could do was be patient. He knew that she could be stubborn it seem to run in Gilmores, or were closely related to them. Sure he knew Lia and Rory weren't really related just God-sisters, but that was all they really needed to be family to one another.

"Hey we had that week this past summer, when we were in New York." Lia joked trying to make the tension disappear, but she knew that it wouldn't work it would come back eventually. It just how it worked with them and Lia wished it could be different but she wasn't sure if it ever really would change. Sure they were attracted to each other, and they shared a lot of common interests.

"Yeah but that was just mind blowing sex. The best I've ever had in fact, but I want to actually date you." He argued playfully at first, but the last part of his sentence was very much serious. Sex can never be sex, when it's between two people who have as much passion as they do. He knows that, and he know Lia does too she's just being careful he knew that too.

"Eh top five, than again my memories a little fuzzy on how good it was. Besides you dated Ry, do you really think I'd be any better?" Lia again tried to ease the tension with a joke, but she knew it probably wouldn't work just like the time before that. She didn't want to hurt Jess, but at the same time she didn't want to start something where they would both just end up hurt either. She felt as though this was the only way to keep them, from hurting one another.

"Tease and your only saying that because of this other guy you started seeing. Ror and I are more like best friends that just turned family. So yes, I think you and I would turn out better." Had been his answer, because they would be better than him and Rory, because they understand each other, better than Rory had ever understood him. Rory had tried, but it had never fully clicked for him. Sure Rory had learned all about Lia's bad side, but Rory had always seen why she had done those things not always understanding them though.

"May I cut in?" Just as he was getting ready to say more Chris, had come up behind him, Chris had seen how serious the conversation was getting, by just looking at Lia's eyes. It wasn't a conversation she wanted to behaving, so he got her out of it as quickly as he could. He didn't know what was going on with the two, and he was sure he didn't want to know until absolutely necessary. Lia was another daughter to him, because he was there throughout her life. He watched out for her, as well as made it a point to be where her actual father couldn't.

"Sure."Jess replied after seeing who it was, who asked to cut in between him and Lia. He would have said no, if it had been anyone else except for his uncle. Jess knew how much Chris and Luke had been a big part of Lia's life as she grew up. Did he know why really, probably not but that was for Lia to tell him. He pulled Lia closer to him, kissing her check before whispering in her ear. "We will finish out talk later."

"Of course, you will make sure of it I'm sure." Was her response back knowing full well, that he would follow through with finishing the conversation they were having. It was postponed for a little while, and for Lia that was good because it meant she had time to think about what she was going to do about it. It was just the way he was, when he was serious about things. Rory might not have realized that until it was too late, but I had known right from the beginning just from actually talking to him. He had made the effort to talk to me and Rory, even though Lorelai and Luke were shut out a lot by him when he was a boy.

Chris could tell she wasn't really paying attention to music playing as they danced, she was too busy thinking about something. He could only assume it was about the man she had just been dancing with. He decided on trying to distract her, by trying to be witty; which the girls try and tell him he just isn't. "Going after another one of my girls, does he have no shame?"

"Better be careful, Gigi might be next." Lia said with a laugh, but she couldn't help but making him freak out just a little bit. He was just too easy, and it helped that he had been handed three girls too raise. Even though he didn't have to be there to help raise her, he did anyways because he had loved her just like Luke had when he had first meet her. Lia was grateful for that, otherwise she would be stuck with a monosyllable male figure in her life.

Lia had gotten the desired effect, and she knew this from the glare he had sent her way. She knew he was probably hoping that Gigi would never date, but they all knew that she would it just runs in the genes. Chris was not happy about the comment, for one Jess was way too old to go after his four year old daughter. "Don't even kid about that, she isn't allowed to date until she's 40."

"Yeah, I hope you know that isn't happening." Lia had seen this happening, at least he didn't expect her not to date at all even though she knew he'd be lucky if she didn't date until college. Between herself and Rory, he'd be lucky if she didn't start dating until she was sixteen like Rory had. Seeing as Lia had started dating when she was 12, and had lost her virginity when she was 13. Sure that was probably young, but at least it was with someone she trusted and had loved in her own way.

"30?"Chris had asked, after Lia had shaken her head no to that happening. He sighed in disappointment, over the fact that Lia wouldn't let him live in the fantasy of his youngest daughter to date until she had finished college and had a career. He knew it was wishful thinking, but at least he could live in that world until she really started dating. Lia had pretty much told him that it would never happen, just like Lorelai had told him a few days ago that Gigi would follow in one of the girls steps just depends on who now. "Can't you just let me live in my own little fantasy?"

"Not that one, come on you said the same about me and Ry. It didn't work out like you planned, now did it?" Lia had questioned him, and she knew what the answer would have been if he dared to answer. Chris probably wouldn't answer, and try to change the subject and that she couldn't predict even though she wish she could have.

"I know you had a thing for Finn, but how do you feel about the hoodlum?" Chris asked changing the subject like Lia had predicted, and if he had known that she had he probably would have just stayed quite or answered the actual question. As soon as he had said hoodlum, he knew there was something between the two stronger than there ever was with the Australian. Sure he saw the attraction between Lia and Finn, but the look that Lia had in her eyes right now showed just how much more she feels for Jess; but he also saw how scared she is of being with him.

"It's complicated; he used to date Ry. When they broke up I was the one who had to get in his face, for just leaving the way he did with no explanation. They didn't work out, who's to say we would?" She wanted to deny it, but she knew Chris would just see right through it. He had seen her at one of her weakest moments in life, and knows when she's lying. There just wasn't any point with denying her feelings to Chris, because he probably already knew.

Chris hadn't expected Lia to admit she was scared of being with someone, because Lia had always been the strongest person he had ever known besides Lorelai. He wondered if Lorelai and Rory knew about this, or if he was the first one she had admitted this too. "So what I'm hearing is you have feelings for Jess as well, but you're scared it will end the same way it did for him and Rory. Look you and Logan dated years ago, yet him and Rory are together now, and as hard as it is for me to admit; they seem like a couple that will be where Luke and Lorelai are right now."

"Logan and I were kids, besides we don't have a past like Ry and Jess do." Lia argued quietly, not wanting anyone to hear what she was saying to Chris. Her private life had always been her own, she had made sure of that but she didn't know if there were people here willing to sell her life story away.

"You and Rory were never just kids, especially you who had to grow up long before you had too. I've always been proud of both of you, and I have one daughter who's truly happy now. I'm just hoping you will be truly happy, so I can stop worrying so much." Chris countered her reasoning, with facts about Lia's life without actually saying what she had gone through. He knew how much her privacy mattered to her, and he would never be able to tell others about her life without her knowledge ahead of time.

Lia smiled at Christopher, hoping he could see how much she loved him for always being there for her. For always worrying about her, even though she was only a phone call away. No one knew, that when she was in the hospital in Boston during Jake's attack on her while she was at Harvard, Chris had been the one she called to come see her. She didn't know if he had told Lorelai, seeing as she had never brought it up in conversation. Lia did know , that he had told Luke because he had shown up shortly after Chris had. "I will be, eventually. You shouldn't worry about me, but I know you still will anyways."

"You're one of my girls, so of course I'm always going to worry." Chris told her, also going back to that day she was in the hospital bed not able to move. He had taken her back to his home in Boston, so he could take care of her and see that she didn't do anything she shouldn't. It was heartbreaking to know what some people could do, especially to the people you so dearly cared about.

"Cutting in." Rory said completely oblivious to what they had both been thinking about, just knowing that Lia looked like she could use a break that involved a drink. Seeing an opportunity to save Lia, so she could escape for a drink seemed like a good idea. Besides she had things she could talk to her dad about, and they might be things he didn't want to talk about but at least it was reprieve for Lia.

"Finally, now I can get a drink." Lia said with an exaggerated sigh of relief, though she could definitely use a drink after the thoughts that passed through her mind as she was talking to Chris. She wished there was a way to repay him for all he did, as well as repaying Luke for all he had done for her over the years. Luke would never take money from her, to proud and besides he never made her pay for coffee in her life.

"Don't drink too much young lady!" Chris reprimanded jokingly, knowing that his statement would just get the two girls in front of him to scold him like a child. He needed a break from his thoughts as well, but he just couldn't tell either of them. From what Lia had told him, Rory knew what happened but she didn't know what happened after the hospital visit. One day Rory was going to ask, and I hope that day was very far away.

Lia scoffed in a un-lady like manner, getting looks from some of society's older couples. She really could care less, she was at Lorelai's wedding. When had Lorelai been truly ladylike? She knew Chris knew better to make a statement, but she went along with it. "Do you not know who you're talking to?"

"Really dad, you should know better." Rory scolded him playfully, as Lia walked away towards the bar. Chris and Luke both knew, how much alcohol Lia could consume without getting drunk. It was something that confused them all, but they just took it in strides. They had all enjoyed it when guys would challenge her, after any of them warned them you didn't want to drink with her.

"So how are you and Logan?" Chris decided it was time to change the subject away from Lia for now, because he needed to forget the time he had been plastered after a night drinking with Lia. He had tried to keep up with her, but it just didn't happen. Luke ended up dragging his ass back to his room, while Lia had just directed him and laughed. Enjoying her winning moment against him, surprisingly he remembered that, though he couldn't remember calling Lorelai.

Rory looked at her father, thinking how she wanted to broach this. Two days ago, Logan had come to her and asked her to move in with him once they started up spring semester. Lorelai and Luke knew, and were all for it, but Chris was always the wild factor. "Good, we plan on living together next semester. I don't want to stay with Paris, and besides she's dating our editor in chief and that's just weird."

"Are you sure, you are ready to move in with him? I mean that's a big step to take, especially since you've only been dating a couple of months." In reality Chris was okay with it, like he had told Lia he saw Rory and Logan lasting a very long time. He just wanted to make sure, she was doing this because she really thought it through. Though if he was honest with himself, he was asking the wrong daughter. Rory had always been the one to think through every detail, and Lia was the impulsive one though she did think things through before doing them but not as detailed as Rory.

Rory had seen that question coming, it was the same thing Stephanie had asked her when she had told Lia and Steph the plans. Lia hadn't been surprised, and really that didn't surprise Rory. Lia always knew things, before everyone else knew. This time though, it was because Logan had gone to her, to ask her opinion on the idea. "I'm sure, besides we have until after New Years for anything bad to happen. We've known each other for eight months, and Lia already told me she had a long talk about it with Logan before he even brought it up to me."

"Okay, but I would still like you to be careful." Chris had somehow seen Logan going to Lia about those sorts of things, but Chris did hope that Logan would ask him, Lorelai and Luke for Rory's hand in marriage and not Lia. Though Chris was sure, if Logan did ask him he would go to Lia to make sure of his decision before giving him one.

"I will dad, I promise." Rory smiled with her promise, she knew her dad was just worried about her. He was getting better at showing it, instead of showing up in the middle of the night after the car accident with Jess. Though from what she understood of that night, he had scared the living daylights out of Lorelai.

"So tell me I shouldn't be worried that the town hoodlum is going after another one of my girls." He asked wanting to know Rory thinks about Lia and Jess, because if she had a problem with it than he could see why Lia was scared. Chris just wanted all of his girls happy, and if Rory was okay with Jess and Lia than he knew he had one less girl to worry about being happy. Though he'd always worry about his girls, the worry never really goes away he learned.

Rory smiled thoughtfully, as she turned to look at the two in question. If she had known that her dad had been questioning Lia on Jess, she would have intervened sooner. Jess and Lia had to work out what was really going on between them, and Rory knew Lia always had some feeling for Jess. Even when she was dating him, but Lia was just so happy that Rory was actually with someone better than Dean. "I can't tell you that, but you may want to keep Gigi away from him."

"No stop saying that, first Lia and now you. She's not dating until she's 40!" Chris said in mock frustration, though he was really getting tired of them not living in his fantasy world. He swears they share the same brain sometimes, because they come up with the same answers to freak him out. Though they had always been that way, it still freaked him out a little bit from time to time.

"Never going to happen, just think about it. Between Lia and me, you're lucky if she starts dating at sixteen like I did." Rory answered with a small smirk, and her father knew that she was teasing him but also being as honest as possible about this. Lia had been the same, if not just a little but blunter about it.

It really wasn't fair to gang up on him like this, he had seen the hurt that both of them had gone through. He didn't want that for his youngest daughter, to go through all the heartache. When Gigi did start to date, Chris hoped that she would find the one guy she will spend the rest of her life with the first go. "The two of you, are too much alike. So seeing those together, and him flirting with her isn't a problem?"

"No, actually I think he would be better for her, than the guy she has been spending time with. As much as he seems like a good guy, I think Jess will keep her grounded in a way no one else would." Rory told him honestly, she had thought about them a lot when Lia and she got back from New York at the end of the summer. Since neither of them had heard from him after that, Rory figured it was just a onetime fling. But from the looks of things, Jess had been growing up and making a life for himself. Trying to support himself, and show Lia he had grown up from his old seventeen year old self.

"Oh, are we talking about hoodlum and Li?" Lorelai and Luke had been dancing by them and heard part of the conversation, and Lorelai just couldn't help putting her two cents in too. It was just how Lorelai was, but she had always seen the attraction between the two. She knew in some way if Jess had meet Lia first, they would have been together a long time ago if only Frank hadn't continued to send her to boarding school after boarding school. Sure Lorelai knew, Lia made it a point to get kicked out of each school to piss off Frank, and so he would waste more of his money.

Chris thought about it, and decided he wanted their opinion on it too. Though Luke was Jess' uncle, he treated Lia like a daughter so he would give an honest opinion seeing as he didn't want to see Lia hurt. Like him, he had seen Lia at her absolute worst when he had come for a few days to watch her since Chris had to actually go into work for a few hours. "Yes, what do you two think?"

"Their perfect for each other, he brings outs the things in her only we are really allowed to see. He loves music and to read, hell from what Luke's told me, he's started to write too. Li is apparently a part of the reason he started, Rory being the other of course." Lorelai answered honestly, knowing that Jess was a better fit for Lia than he ever was for Rory. They connected more than Rory ever could to either of them really, and though she wished Rory could know as much as them Rory never would, not really.

"He told me about the writing, but he didn't mention what had inspired him to do so." Rory had commented shocked by the news, she had always known he would do great things and now he was. She would love to see his book in a book store one day, and be able to pick it up and buy it saying she knows the author.

Luke couldn't help but smile at Lorelai, after hearing what she thought about Lia and Jess. Let alone her being proud of Jess, which has what he had always hoped for. "There's a publishing company in New York, interested in the finish product. I think they will keep each other grounded, as well as happy. They have a lot of things in common even though they are very different in how they were raised."

"So why is she so scared?" Chris asked confused by why she is so scared, if Jess was so good for her why not jump at the chance to be with him. Sure he didn't like the fact that she could be in a relationship that is so serious, especially with how horrible her past is but she deserved to be happy more than anyone he knew in his life.

"She's been through way too many bad relationships, and she is probably worried about it ending worse than mine did when I had dated him. I don't think she can handle another broken heart." Rory answered to the best of her ability, she and Lia had never actually talked about Jess or them together. Sure Rory knew Lia had been on a couple of dates with Riley, but she didn't see that going anywhere. He wasn't the type of guy, that Lia would end up with he tried to get her but there were so many different layers to Lia that he only just scratched the surface.

"Looks like Jess is slowly breaking those barriers of hers down, let's hope it works." Lorelai stated as she continued to look at the couple by the bar talking, or arguing depending on how you looked at it. They were always good at arguing from Lorelai could remember, it was never hurtful it was always playful between them like they had natural chemistry that was like foreplay. She hated thinking about Rory and Lia's sex life, but she knew they existed so she couldn't ignore it. She just hoped Jess could find away to really break through her barriers that she has built around her heart, and once he gets through never break it himself because just like Rory she didn't think she could take another broken heart.

"Seriously, tell me why this other guy and not me?" Jess asks desperately, not that he would every really admit that that was what it was. Lia is the only one who could make him feel this way, and she drives him bat shit crazy. She is the only one he knows in this crazy fucking town, that gets him really. Sure he has come to realize that Lorelai has begun to see it over the years, but as soon as he and Lia meet it was an instant connection. Sure Lia still grew up differently than he had, but she still understood the world like he did.

Lia wish she could tell him that she would rather be with him, but Riley was a safer because she knew it wouldn't hurt as much if it didn't work out between them. But if she were to get with Jess, he had the potential to break her and she wasn't sure she would survive that. "I don't know really, there's just something that attracts me to him. I'm not saying you don't have things that attract me too, because we know that you do."

"Than what Lia, give me a real honest answer." Jess demanded immediately, as she tried to walk away from him. He wouldn't let that happen, he wanted no needed to know why she was so unwilling to start something with him. If she was so attracted to him, like he was attracted to her why not try at a relationship? He just didn't get it, and he needed to understand why she was doing what she was doing with this other guy.

Lia shouldn't have been surprised that Jess pushed her buttons like he was doing, because he was so good at it. They were both good at pushing each other's buttons, but this time he pushed so much she just let it all out. "A relationship with you scares me, because I know what yours and Ry's relationship was like. I don't want to guess when I'm going to see you next, when you're going to actually call me or at all. I want somethingreal and stable for once in my life, and though I know anything with Riley would probably never last long term. I know my friends and Ry would be there to kick his ass whenever it was needed."

"I'm not that same idiot kid I was back then, I made a lot of mistakes when I was with Ror. I admit that, but I've learned from those mistakes. Did you know I got my GED, as well as an Associate's degree in English Lit.? All of the credit goes to you and Rory." Jess started with a sigh, happy that he finally got an honest answer out of her but sad that she thought he was still that eighteen year old boy. He had grown up, and learned from his mistakes truly. Everything he was telling her was true; everything he was doing now with his life is because of her and Rory.

She was shocked honestly, and she really didn't know what to say. She wanted to believe he had changed from that eighteen year old boy she had first meet so many years ago it feels like. She just didn't know how to, when she didn't have physical evidence to back up his statement. "All I can say is prove it, don't just tell me about all of this actually prove it. When you can do that, we'll talk Dodger."

"They look good together, don't they?" Trisha said to Logan, who was observing Lia with Jess. He had been watching them, ever since they had started dancing. He was jealous, just a concerned friend looking out for his best friend who had been through way too much pain for someone wonderful. He had noticed her happiness and relief in the beginning, and soon he started to see her walls slam shut around her as they continued to talk.

Trisha had also watched, she had known about Jess for quite some time. Her granddaughter just hasn't been the same since she had left Harvard, for unexplained reasons that her and her husband knew not to push for. Something told her that the young Huntzberger as well as all of his friends knew the reason now. That's why they have all been silently watching Lia with Jess all evening, making sure she was okay and that she didn't need any of they're help.

"He's not from her world, from our world." Logan told her quietly, hoping to not grab anyone else's attention. He knew that Jess was Rory's ex-boyfriend, and that they were now literally cousins to one another. It just didn't seem like Lia had liked him all that much, but Rory tells him that they shared so many things in common plus a week in New York. Logan isn't stupid enough to believe that he knows everything about Lia, but he thought he knew her well enough to know what guys captured her so much like Jess has apparently. Looking at Trisha Del' Atla now, he sees that he might have been wrong in his statement.

And to her he was, because Lia didn't really grow up in high society like Logan and his friends. Lia had been raised very similar to Rory had until she had been 11, and was sent to her first boarding school. Even than she had never used her last name, or her money to get where she wanted to be; that had always been Frank's way of dealing with things. Jess wasn't from Stars Hollow, but he was from the same world of knowing how to make your money last and when to spend it on the necessities. He was familiar with a parent who wasn't really present, and one no longer being with you. Sure the circumstances were different, but Jess had gotten her the moment she had stepped into Stars Hollow and meet her for the first time. "That's where you're wrong; he is from her world just not the one that you grew up in."

"He's not from money, how would that ever work?" Logan questioned, truly wondering how she saw any type of relationship between Lia and Jess working. She had sounded so sure, that they were good for each other. Wasn't it suppose to be opposites attract, is she is right than they are the opposites their similar. He wanted Lia to be happy, but he wanted her to be happy with the right person who wouldn't break her heart.

"Ever think maybe that is the kind of person she needs, someone who can see society from the outside. She sees it, because she grew up on the outside of it. Of course she always had the money, but she was raised to never take anything for granted. "Trisha answered him in earnest, because that's truly what she saw with Lia and Jess. He helped keep her grounded on the outside world of society, because if she doesn't have that she will be sucked in to Frank's world and she would hate that life. Finn Rothschild would have been a good match for her, but he would never be a great or perfect match for Lia.

Logan looks back over the months since him and Lia have been reunited, and he sees what Trisha has been telling him. He thinks back to when they had first met, and realizes that she's always been that way. "She has always been different from the girls in society, but I never truly realized how much until we re-connected. I always thought; she'd be forced to marry someone with money like my parents have tried to force me."

"I don't think you will ever realize how different she would have been, if her mother was able to marry who she wanted. Her mother Cassandra married Frank, because the one man she was truly in love with followed his father's orders on marrying who he chose for him." Trisha explained to him, and even though she knew Lia hadn't told anyone about her past outside of her family for now. Trisha was starting the process of, letting the information Lia was going to end up telling them.

Logan was confused by what she was saying; sure Lia and he had never really talked about her mom and father. When they did talk about her father, she was always more agitated with Frank than anything. They bonded over how their fathers were, but Lia never said anything about her parent's relationship itself. Then again he knew from Rory and Lorelai, that it was hard for Lia to talk about her mom. Lia had lost her, at a really young age and that was hard on her growing up. "You mean he had an arranged marriage?"

"Yes, and he had the choice to leave this life, but chose to follow his father's decisions. Jess and Lia will find their way, and I have no doubt they will be happy for many years, if Lia would just let her heart go." Trisha explained to him, yet not giving everything away. She knew how close Lia was to Logan, and to the rest of the group and how they were like a family. Family shared they're past and secrets with each other, she was just pushing it ahead a little bit. Trisha walked away, as she saw Lia coming their way leaving Jess staring at her as she walked.

"From the look on your face, I see that grandma told you a little of my history." Lia stated more than questioned, and also from hearing the end of what her grandmother had said to Logan. It wasn't every day you saw a shocked look on Logan's face, and when you did it was usually because of something he learned about Lia or Rory.

If Logan didn't love Rory, and trust Lia with his life he might think about just leaving. Because something the will end up doing or saying, will give him a heart attack from the shock he was sure. Once he gets some brain activity back, he so happens to ask probably one of the stupidest questions. "Does Rory know?"

"Of course she does, I don't keep a lot of things from her. Only things I keep from her are things that I know would truly hurt her. Colin doesn't know, and I'm pretty sure that's why things would have never worked out between us besides the fact that he is in love with Steph." Lia explained even though, she thought Logan was stupid to think Rory didn't know. Hell Tristan knew, but that's also because he was family. Logan was family now too, so Lia didn't see the point of hiding it from him since Trisha had already told him most of it.

"Wait Colin could have been your brother?" Logan exclaimed surprised once again, because he didn't know it was someone so close to the group. Trisha Del' Atla didn't let him know that before she had walked away, after she had spotted Lia making her way to them. For someone so loud and vivacious, she could have seriously be a spy if she wanted to become one. Everyone would get stumped by her beauty, and tell all their secrets to her with one smile from her. That and she can be so fucking quiet, it seriously unnerved him sometimes how quiet she could be. When she got quiet, he started getting nerves cause it was when she started planning something devious.

"We would have had the same parents; his dad had come to my mom's funeral. He saw me and you could just see the pure sadness he had, that's when I knew he could have been my father. In some ways I'm glad he isn't, because who knows what would have happened if it had I might have a stick so far up my ass like Colin." Lia tried to joke, but knew this was a very serious conversation. Logan was learning a little bit more about her life, a very serious part of it that she normally didn't share with others. Rory and Lorelai knew, as well as Tristan and the rest of her family.

A/N: Luke and Lorelai's First Dance is a song by Chrisette Michele called Love Is You. Give me some reviews so I know how you liked it, already working on the next chapter.