
Perfection is nothing but a state of mind. Everyone's opinion of perfection is different.

To Hinata, perfection comes in the form of a hyperactive, ramen-obsessed blonde.

To Sakura, perfection used to be a raven haired, icy hearted shinobi. Now it's the green glow that appears from her hands as she heals yet another patient, perfectly.

To Ino perfection is every flower arrangement that goes out the doors of the Yamanaka Flower Shop.

To Neji, perfection is himself. But to Neji, perfection is flawed.

All his life he had been told he was the Hyuuga prodigy, perfection.

But he was also told he was a branch member, flawed.

And that's what he loves about Tenten.

She's flawed.


Perfectly flawed.

She had her flaws, her occasional black out rage, her tendency to blow things out of proportion, and her way of… quieting… Lee.

But she had her perfections, her smile, her eyes, her warily trusting nature, and many, many, many more things.

She was his perfectly flawed wife.

To Tenten, perfection didn't exist. In till she first saw Neji smile.

It was winter, not snowing as Tenten would've preferred but still cold, and she was heading to the training grounds. And when she got there she saw Neji , standing there watching birds fly.

And there it was, present quite clearly on his face, a tiny little smile.

But that didn't even come close to the smile he had when she said she would be his girlfriend. And when she said she would marry him.

But nothing compared to the almost… predatory grin when the priest said "You may now kiss the bride"

The best 28.94 seconds of her life.


Yet… Tenten thought as she climbed into the limo heading to her wedding reception. She nestled herself into Neji's arms, for this was truly perfection.

Okay! My new oneshot!! Now that I've FINALLY got this out of my head I'm gonna start updating my other fics!! Please review!! I don't mind flames, I'll use them to burn Melissa's EVIL laptop!!

-Teera 3