Wrapping his arms around her, Kevin followed in suit.

Kevin awoke to the grumbling of his stomach. Still sleepy, he moaned in objection to his tummy's complaints and moved deeper under the covers to discover two things. One: damp pillows are extremely unpleasant to cozy up into (probably what he deserved for going to bed with soggy hair last night). Two: Gwen was no longer beside him. He sat up and looked around. Correction – Gwen was nowhere in the room. Honestly, that girl must have been a magician in another life with all the disappearing acts she pulled. Grumbling he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.

He was splashing water on his face looked up to see Gwen peeking around the edge of the door at him.

"Keep staring like that and I'll start charging," he joked.

"Good thing I brought payment then," Gwen waved a large brown paper bag just beyond the handle towards him.

"Breakfast? Nice." Kevin shook as much water from his face and hands as he could before coming out of the bathroom, still entirely nude.

"But how did you pa–" Kevin broke off mid sentence at the sight before him.

Gwen stood in front of him clad in a day-glow pink sixties sock-hoper dress. He could just gape.

"What the heck?"

"Oh, close your mouth." Gwen tossed a towel at him. "It's not like you've got a right to stare at other people's attire."

Kevin wrapped the towel around his waist, and wisely keeping quiet, waiting for a complete explanation.

"I left my clothes in the bathroom and they were still wet this morning," Gwen clarified her wardrobe. "They had been sitting in a puddle of water all night. I think we splashed a lot out yesterday."

Kevin glanced back at the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I've already clean it up," Gwen assured him.

Kevin scratched the back of his head in amazement.

"So I slept though all of this? Man. Hey, what time is it?"

"About nine o'clock." Gwen sat down on the bed and opened the bag. "I called my parents from a payphone inside the convenience store which is where I also got this."

She held up a toasty bagel from the paper bag.

"Thanks." He accepted it from her taking a big mouthful out of it as well. "So how'd your parents take it?"

"Mom was hysterical for a bit but Dad was pretty calm." She pulled out her own bagel and took a bite. "He just promised me we'll talk later and hung up."

They both chewed in silence.

"Oh, that reminds me." Gwen swallowed and set down her bagel. "Here."

She held out his wallet. Kevin looked shocked.

"When did you take that?" he demanded indignantly.

"Talk about your cheap date, Kevin." Gwen tossed it at him. "I just brought breakfast, that's all."

Kevin caught and looked inside the wallet anyway to see that there were indeed only a few small bills missing. Gwen huffed in annoyance and went back to eating. Giving indifference grunt put down his cash and food and began looking something to wear.

He was relieved to find that his own clothes bunched on the floor at the foot of the bed were dry. It appeared he was saved from the same fashion fiasco as Gwen.

Kevin shook out and pulled on his wrinkle jeans.

Gwen's soft chortle got his attention.


"Nothing. Still never figured you for going buff." Gwen continued. "Might explain why you're always in a bad mood though. I imaging it'd be a bit uncomfortable…"

"I do own underwear," Kevin retorted. "I just was a bit behind doing laundry that's all." He yanked on his rumple shirt.

"Besides," he leered. "If your stuff is still wet I'm betting you're not wearing any either."

"Touché." Gwen acknowledged with a bit of a blush.

Kevin straightened himself out.

"Are your parents going to pick you up?"

"No. I told them I'd be home later."

"Good." Kevin walk around the bed en route for her. "Does that mean we'll have some more time together?"

A loud knock answered the question for Gwen.

"I swear that lady just don't know when to quit!" Kevin crossed the room and flung open the door.

"Hey guys!" In walked a very different person from who he'd been expecting.

"Ben!" cried Gwen rushing forwards to greet her cousin.

"Hi, Gwen." Ben returned her hug. "What's with the outfit?"

"Long story," Gwen dismissed. "What are you doing here?"

"Julie and her dad gave me a ride up here," Ben explained. "It's kinda a long story, but after you guys didn't show up to pick us up Julie called her dad to drive us home. The rain was so bad it washed away one of the roads Mr. Yamamoto was using for one of his sort cuts."

"Yep. This is gonna take awhile," Kevin agreed and went back to his elapsed breakfast.

"We had to stop at this hotel for the night," Ben continued. "I called my parents from there and told them what happened. They'd gotten s call from your parents and were really concerned. Anyhow the next day we were driving along the main road when we came across some sort of accident. The police were directing traffic around a down power line while a tow truck was getting a car out of a ditch."

"My car?" Kevin looked up from his meal.

"Yeah, your car which I recognized right away. So I had Mr. Yamamoto pull over and talked to the people around. This guy from the electric company told us about this place so we figured we'd check it out. The manager recognized my description of you two and gave me the room number."

"But what about Julie, Ben?" Gwen asked.

"Never mind that," Kevin butted in. "What about my car?"

"I told them to tow it here." Ben pointed towards the window. "It's just outside."

Kevin looked out the window and gave a whoop of joy at seeing his beloved car in the parking lot.

Ben took a good look around the room and noticed only one messy bed.

"Hey, did you two share a bed?"

Gwen looked alarmed.

"No, I'm just leaving mine for room service." Kevin blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh, typical," Ben scoffed.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Kevin challenged turning around.

"How about we check out now?" Gwen suggested stepping between them.

"Yeah sounds good."

Gwen gathered up the still damp clothes she'd worn last night and the three of them trooped to the lobby to return the key.

After the cooing of Mrs. Woodworth over how pretty Gwen looked all dolled up was and assuring Gwen that she should keep the dress, they were all very glad to be leaving that place for good.

"Finally free of that old busybody," Kevin said gleefully slamming the door shut of his car.

"Kevin..." Gwen sighed buckling her seat-belt.

"Hey, Gwen," Ben started as the car pulled out. "Why is your shirt back here?"


Okay, please review earthling. Should I continue writing K&G or not?