Notes: OK, so technically, this isn't a ranger romance theme challenge, seeing as how they're villains. Heh. Also, at this point, I don't plan on doing all 60 challenges or even 40 of them; and I don't know how regularly this will be updated. I want to write it as the mood takes me. Credit for the title goes to Destiny45. Thank you, D. I'll shut up now.

Us Against the World

Disclaimer: No, I don't own PR. It's property of Saban and Disney.

Challenge: Power

Timeframe: During Friends Don't Fade Away

Ships: Dai Shi/Camille

He wanted a new power. He would stop at nothing to possess it, and it was a power that Camille knew would help greatly in their quest for domination.

Grizzaka wouldn't help Dai Shi learn the Sokado technique. He refused to help a human master. Camille was angry at the Earth Overlord for defying a direct order. Couldn't he see that winning was the most important thing?

Camille watched as Grizzaka and Dai Shi sparred. Grizzaka was winning, and she felt worried for her love. But she also realized that losing a fight would make Dai Shi more determined than ever to possess the power.

Dai Shi spiraled to the ground. "Dai Shi!" Camille cried. She knelt by his side, a hand on his shoulder. He nodded very slightly and lowered his gaze to the ground. She did the same.

"He has Sokado," Dai Shi muttered. "I must possess it as well. I must."

"Yes, Master," Camille said obediently. She promised herself that she would do whatever it took to help her love grow powerful enough to take down the rangers and rule the world.