Emma sat by her computer and let out a whistle as she finished watching Death Note episode 12 (English dub) she shook her head and let out a sigh

Emma sat by her computer and let out a whistle as she finished watching Death Note episode 12 (English dub) she shook her head and let out a sigh

L was so sexy, if he was real she would hunt him down and do -ahem- stuff to him

She grinned then glared as a picture of Light came on screen

She knew she hated Light and that L died, but that was all she really knew

She wasn't even sure if Light killed L, (Well Misa under Light's order) or if L turned into a shit and tried to kill Misa, therefore Rem (Misa'a Shinigami) killed L

Emma sighed, half of her didn't want to know, and the other half was dying to know

She shut down the computer and whished that she was in Death Note, so she could meet L and save him

She wondered what she would do if she got a death note and who she would kill

She shrugged and went outside for a smoke

She smiled down at her cat and when she was done she and her cat went inside to go to bed


That night in another realm a Shinigami smiled down at Emma's sleeping form

Some times wishes could come true

Yuhi smiled and rubbed his hands together

This was going to be fun, and finally Yuhi would get to show that smug Ryuk how real gods of death played


Emma woke up at around 3pm and got out of bed

She turned on the computer and went to the bathroom

She turned on the radio as she got ready to shower and heard

Shocking events as more of the world's criminals are mysteriously dying of

She turned it over to CD

The news was depressing so she didn't watch it, or listen to it

She turned on her mixed CD and started singing to herself in the shower


She made herself some coffee (four sugars and milk) and went outside for a smoke

She let her cat out and sat down on the couch

Her family thought it was strange that she had a couch outside, but it was a shit couch and comfortable so she ignored any questions of her sanity

She still giggled every time she thought of her mother's argument

"But what if someone steals it"

Emma laughed and shook her head, she loved her mother, worshipped her, but her mother sometimes gave her the feeling that all the blonde jokes in the world were written about her beautiful (But slightly chubby) fair haired mother

Emma herself was a bit of an idiot at times, but she liked to use the fact that she was half blonde (using the 'I'm blonde' excuse doesn't work with her black hair)

Besides it was hardly her fault that she wasn't always quick on the ball, or sporty, or coordinated

It was like a family gene that caused them all to be spazzes

Even her nieces and nephews were doing the family proud by tripping over air and falling off chairs

She did wish though that her family did have another more useful gift

So far her family was gifted with spazzness and dirty, dirty minds, and that was about it

She grinned and shrugged and took a sip of coffee

She sat back and lit her smoke

Her phone rung and she cursed and placed her lit smoke on the table and ran inside for the cordless

Her mother had a strict rule about smoking inside, it wasn't allowed (Even though Emma lived alone her mother still enforced that rule)

She picked up the phone "Hello"

"Hey, I'm surprised you're up this early"

She grinned and went outside "Shut up"

Her sister laughed "Seriously though, why are you up so early? Is there a... what the hell do you call it? Cartoon marathon or something?"

Emma groaned and grabbed her smoke "It's called anime"

"What ever"

She rolled her eyes, her sisters thought she was crazy to love anime so much, her mother (bless her) just smiled and ignored her youngest daughters peculiar taste (as her darling mother called it)

"So what's up?"

Her sister sighed "Haven't you seen the news?"

Emma laughed "Adurr, stupid question"

"Right, you love cartoons about people killing each other and demons, but the news is to depressing"

"Hey, its anime"

"What ever, anywho want me to tell you what you're missing?"

She laughed "Go on, like I could stop you anyway"

"All of the world's biggest criminals are dying by heart attacks"

Emma froze "What?"

"Yeah, it's really weird they're blaming it on someone they call 'Kira'"

Emma sat down hard

She looked at her back yard and saw something fall on her lawn

She swallowed and interrupted her sister "I have to go, I'll call you back"

She hung up on her sisters protests

She stared at the object and shakily got up

She walked slowly over to it and moaned softly in denial

There lying on her lawn was a black note book with 'DEATH NOTE' written on the cover

She closed her eyes and muttered "This isn't happening, this isn't happening"

Her cat hissed at something and Emma looked back and found her cat hissing at something only she could see

Emma swallowed and bent down and picked up the note book

She kept her eyes on the space her cat was hissing at and whimpered

The second her hand touched the book she saw what her cat could see

It was a creature that was tall and had hoofed feet, its arms were long and its fingers were clawed, the head was almost human like except for the fangs sticking of its mouth, it had long black hair and red eyes

She closed her eyes and whispered "This isn't happening, this isn't happening"

She heard it laugh "Oh it's real and happening"

She opened her eyes and picked up the note book "Who? What? Why?"

The creature grinned and bowed to her "Who? Yuhi, What? Shinigami, Why? Because I heard you last night and decided to grant your wish"

Emma shook her head "Oh god, I really am as crazy as those skanks in school said"

She walked slowly over and stood in front of Yuhi, she ran her hand down its arm and to its claws, the claw cut her fingers and she started to bleed

She looked down at the blood and shook her head, she transferred the book over to her bleeding hand and used her free hand to touch its face, and she ran a finger over the fangs and down the creature's chest

Yuhi smiled "Please, go lower"

She snatched her hand back and glared "Pervert"

Yuhi laughed "Well I am male"

She looked at him and frowned, then turned to go inside, she stopped and sighed "Come on in, I have apples on the counter if you want some"

Yuhi sped into her house at the mention of apples and Emma ran to her computer

She got onto the internet and googled 'Death note'

Nothing came up about the manga or anime

She let out a shuddering breath and tried again

Each time the same thing would happen

It was like death note had never existed

She typed in 'Kira' and got about a million results

She looked through the first ten results and found support and fears for the person they called 'Kira'

She groaned and slammed her head into her computer table


Yuhi laughed "You won't find it"

She glared at him "Thanks for that"

Yuhi shrugged "Not a problem"

She groaned and then sat up "WAIT, DOES THAT MEAN THAT L"

"Exists? Yes"

She looked at him "I have to find a way to contact him, how far into death note are we?"

Yuhi shrugged "Work it out yourself"

Emma stood up and poked him in the chest "Do you want to eat any more apples, EVER"

Yuhi looked shocked "You wouldn't"

She crossed her arms over her chest "Try me big boy"

Yuhi cursed "FINE! They've just received the Kira footage"

"You mean the second Kira's message?"

"Yes, Now APPLES"

"Help yourself, they're in the fridge"

Yuhi left and Emma sat down and wondered what the hell she was going to do


The news was everywhere, the police weren't going to cooperate with Kira, and Emma knew that she had to act fast

Damn it, she had only seen up to this bit really, of all the goddamn luck

She looked around and cursed

Yuhi came back in "You're out of apples"

She looked at him and had an idea "Tell me how to get into contact with L and we'll go straight to the shops and I'll get you some bags of apples"

Yuhi thought about it for a while "Alright, I'll give you a name"

Emma nodded and grabbed a pen and paper, she looked down to make sure she hadn't grabbed the death note, cause that would've sucked

Yuhi smiled "Dennis Anderson"

Emma blinked "My Uncle Den?"

Yuhi nodded "Apples?"

Emma sat down "Of course, he's a retired spy; he can use his government contacts"

She grabbed the phone

Yuhi was whining about apples

Emma ignored him and dialed the number "Uncle Den?"

"Emma, what can I do for you?"

"Look I need a favor, a big favor"

"What is it love? Are you in trouble?"

"No, please just listen and don't interrupt"


"I need you to get in touch with L, I have some information he would love to know, but the thing is I want no one but L and his contact to know about the information, so I wont give it over the phone, Please Uncle Den"

"Emma, what's going on, do you have information about Kira?"

"I ... I don't know, but I can only tell this to L, can you grab a pen and paper?"

"Got it already"

"Good, when you get into contact tell him that it's important no one but he knows about me, tell him" she took a deep breath "Tell him I know why Shinigami love red apples, get him to call me, give him my name and numbers, home and mobile okay"



"Alright, I'll see what I can do tonight"

"Thank you Uncle Den, and if something happens, I love you, goodbye"

She hung up and let out a sigh

Yuhi looked down at her "Now what?"

Emma grabbed her house keys "Now we go to the store and then we wait"


L was sitting down watching the Kira video's when Watari came in and cleared his throat "My apologies Ryuzaki but you have a very important call, it's from a Dennis Anderson"

L frowned "Dennis Anderson? That sounds familiar, ah yes, I worked that case years back with him, he was good, I'll take the call"

Watari went out and grabbed the phone; L grabbed his voice modifier "Hello"

"Um, L?"


A sigh was heard "Thank god, I really hope it is you"

"We worked a case together three years ago Dennis"

"Thank god it is you, my niece asked me to call you, she says" he hesitated

"What does your niece say?"

"She doesn't want anyone but you and your contact to know about her yet"

"And why is that Dennis?"

"I'm not sure, but she gave me a very specific message to give to you"

"What is this message?"

He cleared his throat "I know why Shinigami love red apples"

L stopped "Repeat that"

"I know why Shinigami love red apples"

L closed his eyes; this could be a ruse to get him out in the open, then again what if this girl really did have information

L took a leap "What after that?"

"She said to give you all her details, name and phone numbers"

L gestured for pen and paper "Tell me"

He got the details down and thanked Dennis before hanging up

He looked down at the name and numbers before looking at Watari "I need a private line"


"Come on"


"Come on"


"Just one name"


"For me?"

Emma gritted her teeth "Yuhi I am not going to kill anyone to amuse you"

Yuhi pouted "Why not?"


Yuhi sighed "You don't have to yell, and what's one person?"


"That was mean"

She sighed, who knew Shinigami were so... piss ass annoying, childish and emotional

She didn't remember seeing any o that on death note

The phone rung and she jumped up and grabbed it "Hello?"

"Hello" the voice was almost mechanical "Emma McConnell?"


"It is L"

She sighed and punched a fist into the air "YES"

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, I tend to get a little excited easily"

"How do I know this is Emma?"

"How do I know you're L?"



"Well the real Emma would know how she contacted me and the message"

"And the real L would know the message"

"Tell me how you contacted me?"

"And put that person in danger? I think not"

"Then the message"

"You first"

"This is childish"

"I agree, so we'll finish it like children"


"At the count of three we both say the message"

"Alright, one, two three"

On three they both said "I know why Shinigami love red apples"

Emma sighed in relief and whispered to Yuhi "It's really him"

"Who are you talking to?"

"My cat"


"Because I like to talk to my cat"



"What do you want to tell me?"

"I kinda can't do it over the phone, not secure or something like that, is there anyway we could meet in person?"


"Because I just told you"

"So you wish to come to me"

Emma felt like drooling at the dirty mental images that congered up "Not really"


"Well I haven't got enough money to go to you so you'd need to come to me"

"I see"


"Well, how do I know this isn't a trap?"

"How do I know it's not a trap? We both risk the same thing by meeting"

"That is true"


"I will contact you at a later date"



"If I go to you I have to bring my cat, she can't go anywhere else so like I said, it's better for you to come here"




She hung up and danced around the room "L CONTACTED ME, THE L, OH MY GOD, I WANT TO CELEBRATE, LETS GET DRUNK"

Yuhi smiled "Alright"

Emma grinned and opened a bottle of vodka "WHOO, ONE MAN PARTY"


L sat by his computer and nibbled on his thumb

He was intrigued by this Emma, her file was long, just average grades at school, on tests she had excelled but assignments she hadn't bothered handing any in

She had been done for stealing once by the school and once by the police, though it had been one of her sisters doing the actual stealing, no charges had been filed for either case

She had a slightly above average IQ and earned a living with her own blog page

She lived alone with one cat and was single, no drivers license, no credit card

She was... normal

Except when it came to her mental health, there was an incident in her past that had her on anti-depressants and in and out of counseling

Watari walked over and handed L a plate of cake "Well Ryuzaki?"

"We shall send someone to collect her in my stead"

Watari nodded "I'll get right on it"

L looked over "Her name must be kept a secret from the others"

Watari nodded "And the meeting place"


Watari went to leave when L called out again "And make arrangements for her to bring her cat"


It had been three days since the phone call and Yuhi was pissing her off again

The Shinigami bastard liked to pop up in the worst places,

Like when she was showering, or shaving, or sleeping

He loved scaring the crap out of her and really was a pervert; he had watched her shower nearly everyday

She cursed the bastard who had built the bathroom with a giant spa bath/shower without a shower door or sheet

Someone banged on the door and she grumbled and opened it "What? If this is religious then not to worry, I sold my soul to Satan years ago, If you're selling something, I'm poor and don't want what you're selling because I already have five of them, If this is the wrong house then leave, if you're lost, turn around and go back"

The man blinked at her

She glared "Don't make me go through my speech again, cause I didn't write it down and the new version will contain swearing and throwing things"

He cleared his throat "I am here under orders of L to take you to him"

She blinked "Oh, ok"

"Pack for a long trip, we're going to him in Japan"

She blinked "My cat?"

"Arrangements have already been made"

"Okay, how long do I have to pack?"

"10 minutes"

She gapped at him then screeched "WHAT?"

He looked alarmed "10 minutes"

She turned "Oh my god, where's my suitcase, where's my cat, WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE"

"It's spring"


She sprinted into her room and picked up her cat, she threw her at the man "TAKE CARE OF MY CAT"

She pulled off her shirt and the man gapped

She ran into her room and pulled down two suitcases, one large and the other medium

She threw all her boots into the large suitcase and grabbed her other shoes and chucked them in

The large suitcase was done (filled with shoes and makeup and hair and girly stuff)

She grabbed the medium suitcase and dumped her whole underwear in it, she grabbed one long jacked and shoved it in, then five jumpers and three pairs of skinny jeans, two pairs of boot legs, and then just chucked random items of clothing in
She cursed and grabbed her sexy black dress and shoved it in

That done she grabbed her lap top and shoved it in the bag and looked around madly

The man looked at her with wide eyes "Um...Um...um..."

She glared "SPIT IT OUT"

He pointed to her and she looked down and realized she was just wearing a bra and her PJ pants

She cursed and ran back into her room

She grabbed a black shirt that V'd down and showed off her tattoo and grabbed her long black trench coat

She chucked on a pair of black skinny jeans and opened the large suitcase, she grabbed her knee high lace up boots and found a pair of ankle socks

Dressed now she wore her coat 'Hellsing' style (wearing it on her shoulders but her arms weren't in the sleeves)

She grabbed her suitcases and threw them out into the hall

She picked up her purse and computer bag

"Okay let's go"


L's eyes had widened when she had taken off her shirt

He was watching her run around and grab different things and then throw suitcases at his proxy

He watched it all through a small camera on the proxies tie

They got in the car and he made sure that he could hear what was going on

The others entered the room, but only L could see her face on the small monitor in his hands, all of them could hear what was going on


She flopped back and sighed

Suddenly Yuhi's face popped out of the seat in front of her and she screamed

The man looked alarmed

Emma smiled at him "Sorry just thought I forgot my cat"

Yuhi just laughed

"I'm going to kill you"

The man looked alarmed and squeaked "What?"

She smiled at him "It's a song, I'm going to kill you, It's by darling violetta, I love it but I have a tendency to speak my thoughts aloud so don't worry"

The man nodded "For safety reasons you will not be referred to by your real name starting from now"

She nodded "Can I be Lara Croft?"


"My name, can I be Lara Croft?"


"Hmm, how about Puss in Boots?"

"What? NO"

"Hmm, Britney Spears, no, no one wants to be her, how about Sex Kitten, I like that, Hi I'm Sex Kitten"


"Mistress Sexy?"


"Sexy Bitch?"


"Oh come on, I'm Sexy Bitch, what's your name?"

"NO! And I am L"

She smiled evilly at him "In that case L, call me Kira"

'L' scooted over fast and went white


Light looked around the room on shock "She admitted it"

The others were just as shocked "My god, Kira"

L smiled at the screen and wondered what she would say next


Yuhi was laughing his ass off, if he had an ass, Emma made a mental note to ask him later

'L' was gapping at her "Oh god, please don't kill me"

She laughed "To late, you're already dead"

The man screamed

Emma winced and pulled out her MP3 and turned it on to drown out the mans pleading and sobbing

She sighed when she could still hear him and cursed

She turned off her MP3 and looked at him


Light grinned, now that they had the imposter the focus would be off him, he couldn't wait for the man to die

He grimaced as the mans sobbing and pleading was heard

Everyone was waiting for the sound of his death

L just started to laugh

They all stared at him in shock

Light frowned "You find this funny? A man is going to die"

L just shook his head


She slapped him hard across the face "Focus dipshit"

The man stopped and looked at her in horror "Wha...What?"

She sighed "You're really no fun you know that"


She looked at him again "I simply meant that if you are really L, then I am Kira, and since you are not L I am not Kira"

The man looked shocked "What?"

She let out a sigh "Is this a non smoking car?"

"Um, yes I mean no, Can I have one"

She lit a smoke and handed it to him before lighting one for herself "Where was I?"

"You were explaining about me being L"

"Ah yes, you see the real L wouldn't have been so nervous by me, he would have been watchful, he would have tried to trick me into answer questions I would rather not"

She ashed out the window "The real L wouldn't have screamed like a girl and pleaded for his life when I informed him I was Kira"

The man calmed down slightly

"The real L would have thought it over and realized that logically there is no way I could be Kira"


"For one thing the deaths are centered around Japan, we're in Australia, how many deaths have been here? Not many, if any, how many dudes you know got the skill to go in rock a show like this, uh, uh, uh, uh I don't know anybody"


"Sorry, when I get bored I tend to think in either shows, movies or songs, that bored me and I thought of Scribe's song 'Not many' moving on, The fact that it is true I did study Japanese for about eight years, sadly I only know how to say yes, no, my name, hello, goodbye, thank you, and count to ten, so I am so screwed I you dump me in Japan and if you do I will hunt you down and give you a new Columbian necktie"

"What's that?"

She told him and he paled

She rolled her eyes "Besides, from what my contact told me L loves percentages and not once have you mentioned percentages, so you are not L and I am not Kira, now we know and everybody's happy, yes, no, I don't care"




"Once again you prove you are not L"


L grinned down at her and shook his head; she had him pegged, which was strange when he thought about it

He leant down into the microphone and told the man to ask some questions for him


The man looked over "What would you have done if I was Kira? In fact how do you know I'm not?"

She shrugged "There is a 23 percent chance you are Kira, but I know that I'm safe at least until we reach Japan"


"Well if I contacted L and soon after die of a heart attack then L would look into it and all he would really have to do and look at the flights out of Japan to Australia and he would have a list of names, also he would come here or send somebody over and then they will find my insurance policy"

"What insurance policy?"

"Let's just say if I die, L will still receive the information I have for him, it just might take longer to decipher and find"

"What is it? Where is it?"

"Up, up, up, a magician never reveals there secrets, well that one dick head did and now I cannot watch magic shows, bastard"

"You can tell me; do you want money for it?"

She slapped him and glared "ARE YOU CALLING ME A WHORE?"

"What? No"

She huffed "Good, and no, I won't reveal anything more, after all as I pointed out earlier there is a 13 percent chance you are Kira"

"I thought it was 23 or something?"

"Percentages change, besides I don't think the real Kira would tolerate me bitch slapping him"


They were on the plane to Japan and Emma looked around "Oooh, first class, ritzy"

The man just nodded "You should sleep, or at least put your bag under the chair"

She gasped "And leave myself wide open to underpants gnome attacks, I think not"

The man looked away and she eyed him suspiciously, not long before they had reached the airport he had shown a very determined interest in her bag

She glared at him; even though he wasn't looking it still made her feel better

She let out a yawn and he turned and practically pounced "You should sleep"

She sat back in her chair with wide eyes "Personal space, personal space, personal space, PERSONAL SPACE"

He backed off and she eyed him warily now

The plane took off and they were in the air for about an hour when the man got up to go to the bathroom

Emma muttered "Yuhi?"

Yuhi appeared next to her "What?"

She opened a little bag that she had requested from the stewardess

Yuhi's eyes widened "Is that APPLES?"

She nodded "I'm going to nap; you can have the apples if you promise to wake me if the man tries to look through my bag"


She placed the apples down on her tray and they all disappeared by the time the man came back

She smiled at him "I'm going to take your advice and nap a bit, don't disturb me" she glared



She mumbled "Hmm" and woke slightly

"Pretend to go back sleep, he's going to go for your bag"

She woke up but kept her eyes closed and her breathing steady

"Not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet"

She was tempted to hit Yuhi and his bloody 'not yets'

"Not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet"

FIVE agonizing minutes later

"Not yet, not yet, not yet, NOW"

Her eyes snapped open and she saw he was practically on top of her trying to open her bag

She screamed

He screamed

The man in the seat across from them looked over and stood up

The stewardess ran over "Is there a problem?"

'L' laughed "Not at all"

But Emma mentally smiled her evil smile and gasped "I DON'T KNOW THIS MAN AND HE WAS TRYING TO" she let out a sob "TO"

The man in the seat across grabbed 'L' and pulled him out of the seat "SO you like attacking helpless young girls while they sleep"

The stewardess didn't know what to do, so she sat next to Emma and wrapped her arms around her "It's alright sweetheart, we'll find you a new seat far away from him and we'll make sure he doesn't go near you again" she looked up at 'L' and glared "You sir should be ashamed"

Emma looked up and was very proud of the tears in her eyes, she looked at her 'rescuer' and knew he was Aussie, and from the way he had acted she knew it wouldn't take much for him to snap the fake 'L'

Emma sobbed slightly "I'm just a Queensland girl from a poorer part of town, what did I do?"

The Aussie looked both sympathetic and more pissed "It wasn't you love, it was this sick bastard here"

And then bless him 'L' glared at her and muttered "I didn't do anything wrong"

Emma practically cheered, she looked at all of the people gathered round and said with a slight catch in her voice "So it's my fault, it's because of what I'm wearing isn't it?"

Then like all good Aussie men the guy spun 'L' around and punched him in the face "THAT'S FOR MOLESTING THIS SWEET YOUNG GIRL"

The stewardess nodded and looked back at Emma "We'll find you a new seat love"

"Can I sit with him" Emma pointed to her Aussie savior

The Aussie grinned "Sure thing sweetness, what's your name?"

Emma smiled "Lara"

"Nice to meet you Lara, I'm Greg"

Emma sat next to Greg for the rest of the flight and smiled to herself, she was good


L shook his head, she was good

The others stood in shock "What happened?"

L sighed "Some good Samaritan punched out my proxy"

Light muttered "She's good"

And so are you, L thought


When the plane touched down Emma walked out with her arm hooked through Greg's, he was telling her about how he was here to surprise his fiancée

He claimed his fiancée laughed every time he spoke Japanese and claimed he slaughtered the language

Emma laughed and admitted that she could say her name and that was about the extent of her knowledge

Greg was sweet enough to escort her to baggage pickup and wait with her; he waved to his fiancée and introduced Emma to her

Emma was happy to see she was a beautiful with a great sense of humor, turned out Emma also slaughtered the language with her accent

She knew they wanted to leave and have hello sex so she waved at a random old man (who thankfully waved back) and told them to go

They left smiling and holding hands

Emma smiled at that then cursed when she realized she had no idea what to do now


She sat outside the airport and had a smoke while wondering what to do; she could call her uncle and see if he could get through to L again

But what if L was pissed that she got his proxy punched out

She was wondering why shit like this always happened to her when she saw a man carrying her cat out

She jumped up and ran to him and snatched her cat away and hissed (literally) at him

The man blinked in surprise and she glared and walked back to her luggage and sat down with her cat and continued to worry slightly

She started chewing on her thumb and cursed

The catnapper came over and scratched him head and said something in Japanese

Emma stared blankly at him

He looked around and appeared as lost as she was

He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her

She looked down and read it

This is the police captain,
He will take you and your cat to the hotel to meet me
don't worry about my proxy, he'll be fine
though you did get him arrested

She smiled at that

Never mind though
you will be safe with this man

She frowned and jumped slightly when Yuhi appeared next to her

She looked down so the police man couldn't see her mouth and whispered "Yuhi, I want you to keep out of sight until I have a chance to talk to L, I don't want Light to see you"

Yuhi sighed "FINE, but I better get a lot of apples for this"

Emma smiled and handed the man the note and nodded

He picked up her bags and she grabbed her cat and they went to an expensive looking black car


They arrived at a hotel and Emma let out a whistle of appreciation

They went to the lift and she mentally started singing 'Blue' by Eiffel 65

They walked up to a room and the man knocked

The door was opened by an elderly gentleman who Emma knew was Watari

They walked in and the policeman put her bags down and said something

She stared blankly again

He sighed and pointed to her then to her bags and repeated what he had said before

She turned around and looked behind her then back at him, and muttered "No dice"

He said something that she knew had to be a curse word and repeated it

He looked alarmed and moved his hands as if to say no

She scratched her head

He started talking again and she mentally resumed singing Blue

He threw his hands in the air and she cheered

Unfortunately she did it out loud and from the way he was staring at her he thought she was insane


L was trying not to laugh

Soichiro was trying to tell the girl that she would be staying in the same suite as L himself so L could keep an eye on her

He was also warning her not to double cross them

She muttered "No dice"

Soichiroswore and she repeated it

Poor Soichirolooked horrified and tried to tell her not to say that

She scratched her head and Soichirostarted explaining it again

Her expression turned blank and L knew she wasn't paying attention anymore

Soichirofigured it out after a while and threw his hands up in defeat

The girl cheered

Soichirowas staring at her like she was mad and L started to laugh

Light and the others came out to see what was so funny


Emma heard someone laugh and looked over

She saw a group of men standing there and her first thought was 'Oh god, I haven't stumbled into a cheap porno have I?'

Unfortunately that too she said out loud


L's first thought when she turned to look at him was 'She's prettier in person'

He laughed when he heard what she said


Light looked at the girl and thought 'God she's stunning'

He was slightly shocked at what she said and walked over to greet her


Emma looked warily at the guy walking over to her

He smiled down at her and she mentally sighed over her short stature

He bowed to her and then held out his hand "Hello, I'm Light Yagami"

She blinked at the English and sighed "THANK GOD, I CAN HEAR AGAIN"

She frowned and remembered what he said "Light?"


She took his hand and shook it warily

'So this is the smarmy son of a bitch who thinks he's god'

"Nice to meet you Light"

A very sexy disheveled man walked over, he was wearing his usual pants and white shirt, his hair was unkempt and his eyes black, he had giant black marks under them

He nodded to her "Hello"

She grinned "Hi"

He looked around "I am L, but call me Ryuzaki"

She hugged him

Everyone was shocked

He looked around and patted her twice on the back and cleared his throat "Well yes"

She let him go and thought 'My god he's sexy'

His eyes widened and her smile fell, she sighed "I said that out loud didn't I?"

He nodded

She grinned "Whoops, my bad"

He stared at her as though she was a bomb he was afraid would blow up any second

She scratched her head "So... You like stuff?"

He frowned and stepped away from her "What exactly do you mean by stuff?"

She shrugged "You know, things, places, shows, songs, THE WORLDS YOUR OYSTER"

"There is a 7 percent chance you are mentally insane"

She grinned "Only seven? Damn I must be losing my touch"