
Lothíriel woke to a soft knocking at her chamber door. The golden morning sunlight of the first day of autumn lined her sheets from the window above her bed, and she stretched lazily. It had been a year and a half since Frodo Baggins destroyed the Ring that caused the downfall of Sauron, and finally, things were starting to get back to normal.

She had just turned twenty-two. She was a princess in the wealthiest country of Middle-Earth, and finally, her brothers and father were home to stay for good, so she no longer had to take over the rule of Dol Amroth. She had been a dutiful daughter, but for the time being, she had nothing to do but sit, make lace, and occasionally look nice for a suitor that had no chance of marrying her. She was young, pretty, and a wealthy princess with a huge dowry to boot. Life was good.

The door to her room opened, and one of her ladies-in-waiting, Minuialîn, poked her head around the corner. "Prince Imrahil, wishes to see you in his study, my lady." She paused, taking in the scene. Lothíriel groaned inwardly. She had wanted to sleep in for one day, and was, of course, still in her nightdress, with the covers pulled up to her chin. Now Minuialîn must think her lazy. "He says that it is urgent."

"With Father everything is urgent: he's a general," Lothíriel muttered under her breath, but nodded to her lady-in-waiting, who came in to help her get dressed. She got out of bed, feeling very well rested, and reached into her closet for her favorite, silver-gray gown.

She slipped out of her nightgown and into her slip unhurriedly, but Minuialîn seemed to be too excited for her slow ways. When she dropped her slippers the third time, Lothíriel became irritated. "For Eru's sake, Minuialîn, what has gotten into you?" she reprimanded. "You are more jumpy than a Nazgûl in a waterfall."

The girl blushed at her clumsiness and bowed profusely. "I am sorry, my lady, but I am so happy for you!" She seemed to enjoy the confused expression on Lothíriel's face. "Oh, do you not know, my lady? You are to be married to the King of Rohan!"