a/n: I didn't know how best to start, after several drafts, but we'll go with this one. not necessarily as funny as Shall We Dance, may be slightly serious. Focuses on the interpersonal relationships between Shin, Kumiko, and the people who will be involved with them, and the community at large. Will contain some OCs.

sorry for the delay. like SWD, reviews will be replied to, at the end of the following chapter. Please feel free to tell me anything you like, and i hope i'll be able to write better, in the future, because of it.

Thanks for the support and please, read and review!!


While he expected this outcome, even approved and was pleased to some degree, Kuroda Ryuuichirou felt a little regret for the young man in front of him. He knew that his granddaughter's former student was aware of the weight of his actions, what this choice would entail, the dangers involved, and what would be expected of him. He knew what he would be gaining, and what he would be giving up, in order to follow "the Gokudo."

It wasn't just a term to mean "gangsters," it was also to some degree, wordplay to mean "The gangster's way of life."

A choice that should only be allowed to people who understood a very important lesson. The value of human life. The lives of one's family, friends and loved ones. Lives that would be endangered, by becoming a gangster. Not to mention the lives of one's comrades, that at some point or other may be placed under one's responsibility.

It was a heavy burden to bear, that not everyone was capable of accepting. Essentially, to become gokudo, was to sacrifice yourself for the good of others.

Nowadays, very few groups upheld the standard, and every year, the new recruits seem to be getting younger and younger. Today's youth seemed too blinded, too enamored by how the media painted them.

Feared. Respected. Valuing only money, women. Seemingly above the law, having little to no regard for another person's life, if it makes you look good. And these were nothing but weak, spineless trash who eventually become bullies and drug pushers and murderers, poisoning the territory they claim, and further cementing the bad image of their chosen profession.

The older man inwardly groaned in disgust.

It was never supposed to be like that. Once, long ago, to be Yakuza, was to protect the people in your territory. To value your comrades, enough to sacrifice your own life, if need be. To keep the peace, and be the hand of justice to those who were denied it, the kumicho becoming a sort of feudal lord of the area they claimed.

The Ooedo was one of the few who still held on to those beliefs, and would hopefully continue to, and while The Ooedo was a small group, the recruits were loyal, and there was a close relationship between its members. Unlike most of the newer groups, The Ooedo was loved by the people in their territory.

Of course, they did not accept people easily, regardless of their age. Kuroda Ryuuichirou and his men understood that it was their responsibility to choose carefully who to bring into the fold, and as he looked at the set expression on the redhead who kneeled before him, he felt sorry for the less hazardous, less complicated, promising future Sawada Shin could have had.

But he respected the younger man's determination, and his motives. Despite being rejected by his granddaughter, Sawada Shin had remained adamant in his decision. Unlike most, Sawada Shin understood fully what it would mean, to become one of them. Knew that it would likely be even harder, more complicated to attain Kumiko's approval and affection, maybe even impossible, that he might even have to submit to another, should she choose someone else and succession passes on to whoever became her husband, but he requested for family bonds, either way.

At 18, Sawada Shin was turning out just fine. He was becoming a good man. A decent man.

A very stubborn man.

Kuroda Ryuuichirou gave Sawada Shin an amused grin. Well...if the young man was decided, then he was going to give him a different kind of future. Different, but promising. With a chuckle, he thought to himself...

Hell, it's even downright ambitious.