This is going to be my sencondary fic since I'm having a giant mental block on konohas black avenger so while I gather ideas I'm going to do this new fanfic

This will be naruto WoW crossover. Bet that's never been done before!

naruto, aged 7, was currently running from a mob of villagers who were chasing him with kunai and torches. This was the third time today he was being chased by the villagers, he had gotten away twice, once when he was eating ramen at the ichiraku ramen stand and once when he was playing in the park but now he had gotten caught when he was walking home. Naruto quickly rounded a corner and came to a halt in front of a brick wall, naruto pulled out his camouflage sheet and hid up against the wall

"where'd that damn demon go?" one of the mob members shouted

"he must have jumped the fence, quickly! We'll cut him off" another yelled as they ran out of the alley

"bakas" naruto smirked as he uncovered himself and walked out of the alley only to walk into 2 chuunins, he tried to run but the chuunins grabbed him and held him down

"well well, the mighty demon of konoha, trapped like a mouse" the chuunin laughed as he pulled out a kunai, naruto struggled as they pinned him against the wall and started to kick and punch him in the gut. The leader then threw a kunai at him, naruto screamed as the kunai lodged itself in his arm. the mob of villagers rounded the corner and saw naruto being held to the wall

"good work mikito" the leader said to one of the chuunins "you've helped us rid this town of the demon"

The mob then rushed at naruto and began to kick him, a couple had swords and gave naruto long gashes down his body and stabbed him multiple times

"fire style: phoenix flower jutsu!" one of the chuunins said as he blew bolts of fire that scorched naruto and burned his flesh, the mob continued to beat him and stab him until naruto was just a bloody mess

"goodbye demon" they said as they walked off leaving naruto for dead. Naruto lay there waiting for a the dark embrace of death to wash over him, but it never came. Naruto lay in pain for hours before a squad of ANBU found him and carried him to the hospital

"we're not treating that demon! He's better off dead!" the receptionist yelled, one of the ANBU who was wearing a dog mask and spiked silver hair grabbed her

"you will treat this boy as if he was another other citizen or so help me I will kill you and your entire family!" he threatened, the receptionist hastily called the doctors who brought naruto into surgery and quickly fixing him up, all the time the ANBU were watching to make sure nothing happened

1 week later

Naruto slowly awoke to find himself in the hospital room he spent so much time in. Naruto winced as he tried to sit up but fell back onto his arms

"Easy naruto" said a familiar voice

Naruto turned to see the hokage sitting by his bed, smoking his pipe

"ojii-san..." naruto croaked "what happened?" naruto said, his memories were still fuzzy from the last few nights

"you were attacked again naruto, pretty badly this time" the hokage said "but the people who attacked you have been dealt with" the hokage smirked as he thought what kind of torture ibiki was giving them

"Minato...sometimes I wonder why you bothered to sacrifice yourself for this village" the hokage thought

"ojii-san...why do they hate me?" naruto asked

The hokage sighed; maybe it was finally time to tell naruto about his past, maybe he deserved to know his destiny. He had kept it secret for years and because of that naruto had been hated and beaten by the villagers.

"meet me in my office when you leave the hospital naruto, I will tell you of your heritage" the hokage said as he got up and walked off

A couple of days later naruto was meeting the hokage in his office

"naruto, are you sure you want to know of your past and destiny?" the hokage, naruto nodded eagerly. The hokage sighed and pulled out a lockbox, he cut his thumb and applied blood to it before putting his hand in the tiger seal and whispering "kai". The box unlocked and the hokage took out a few scrolls and a map

"your father wanted me to give this to you when you turned genin but I think it's best if you have it now" the hokage said as he handed naruto a scroll, naruto unfolded it and read it

Dear naruto

You're probably a bit confused at why you're getting this letter about a decade after my death but let me explain. When the kyuubi attacked konoha I knew there was no way I could destroy it, its healing abilitys were too much for even jiraiya to handle, so instead of killing it I sealed it away. I sealed it in a new born infant, that infant is you naruto. Don't believe what the villagers say about you, you are the hero of konoha for keeping the kyuubi at bay and I know you will grow to be a great shinobi one day.

You have to know of your heritage naruto, the world may hang in the balance so do not take this lightly. I was once part of a group known as the scarlet crusade; I was the last if them as they had slowly died out eons ago, I and thirteen others swore to protect the human race from any evil that may befoul this earth. How much do you know about the history of the world? Naruto, we aren't the only race on this planet, there are many sentient life forms apart from humans. When the scarlet crusade was formed there were many different species on this earth, there were the loyal humans, the proud dwarfs, the mystical night elves, the genius gnomes, the noble draenei, the powerful orcs, 

the bestial tauren, the vicious trolls, the dark undead and the masters of the arcane known as the blood elves.all of the races lived on earth, but back then earth was known as Azeroth. There was a constant war going on between the horde (made up of the orcs, trolls, tauren, undead and the blood elves) and the alliance (made up of the humans, gnomes, dwarfs, night elves and the draenei), after much thought, warlord thrall held a giant battle between the two factions however during this battle the lich king rose the scourge up from the earth and attempted to destroy the world and enslave all the races of Azeroth. Some of the races escaped but the rest were taken prisoner by the lich king who turned them all into his undead warriors. The rest of the races retreated and went into hiding. For 750 years the lich king reigned over Azeroth but the scarlet crusade who had survived the battle banded together and brought about the second coming of the ashbringer, a legendary swordsman who wielded the sword ashbringer which could smite the undead with terrifying holy energys. The ahsbringer was fordged from a crystal which was the very incarnate of light itself, but then scarlet commander Renault betrayed his father and killed him with the ashbringer, permanently corrupting it and tainting it with evil, or so they thought. When the scarlet crusade banded together with all the other races of the world who had put aside their differences and joined they charged the fields of azeroth in a quest to find the ashbringer. They found alexandros mograine in naxxramas, the fort of Kel'thuzad. They found him in an undead state wielding the corrupted ashbringer, the battle between them was long and hard but they managed to destroy him by healing him. Life is the only thing which can defeat death naruto, remember this. When mograine was defeated, the healing spell placed on him cured him of his curse and banished him from control of Kel'thuzad and the lich king. Mograine brought the sword back to the scarlet monastery cathedral and brought judgement to his son for betraying him, when he had killed his son the blade reverted back to its holy form. Renault had become corrupted with power and when the ashbringer killed him the blade absorbed the holy intent of the killing and it reverted. After this mograine led the charge on the icecrown citadel and singled handily destroyed the lich king and his armies. They sealed the remains of the lich king inside a enchanted block of ice once more and threw it into the twisting nether, destroying it forever. When mograine died his soul was sealed into the ashbringer and the sword was locked away for when it would be needed once more. However a prophecy from kami herself stated that the lich king would one day rise again and take the earth, unless the new ashbringer wasn't prepared for the final battle which will rock the earth to its very core and decide the fate of all being of this world. That day is coming soon naruto and I know it, the scarlet crusade all selected you to be the next ashbringer and saviour of this world naruto, I knew the kyuubi was coming and the monks of the scarlet crusade gave me the power to seal it in you as its energies would help you tap into your full potential as the new ashbringer. Naruto, find the ashbringer, find mograine and have him train you in the ways of the light. We are all depending on son.


Minato Namikaze
Commander of the scarlet crusade
The Yondimane

"you do realize the significance of this naruto, one day the lich king will come and you best be ready for it..." the hokage was cut off by his desk being smashed in half

"that bastard! He was my father all along and he didn't even give me an opinion In this!" naruto said as he looked up with red slitted eyes

"naruto you have to understand, minato did all he could to try and free you of this burden but the decision was made by the council of the scarlet crusade, they have even more power than me" the hokage said as he picked up another scroll, he unfolded it and showed naruto a picture of the ashbringer

"this sword will give you power over the entire fate of the world, I know your dream is to be the hokage but believe me you don't want to be one of them, the paper work is hell" the hokage laughed "the title of ashbringer is seconded to only kami herself, don't you want that kind of respect naruto?"

Naruto wiped tears from his eyes

"I promised to protect my loved ones so I have no choice" naruto sniffed "who will be the new lich king?"

"the prophecy says it will be someone who's heart was once pure but was tainted by evil and loneliness, the new lich king will seek revenge against everyone and do anything to obtain power" the hokage said "I will give you this map and send two ANBU along with you to find the scarlet temple, from there I will leave you in the hands of the members of the crusade, pack your things and meet me at the gates in two hours" the hokage said

Naruto was at the gate with the hokage and the two ANBU, most of the villagers were there too to say goodbye to the demon child who had tormented them for years. Most of the villagers were happy that he was leaving, but not all, teuchi and ayame were sad to see their favourite customer leave and so was iruka who had taken a liking to the boy. The hokage turned to the crowd

"I think that you all should know now since you'll find out eventually...naruto is not the a demon child but instead he is the only hope this world has!" the hokage announced

"That demon tormented us for years!" fugaku uchiha yelled out "how could he possibly be our only hope!"

"naruto is not the demon but only the child who holds the kyuubi at bay! He and he alone has the power to save this world, but you lot, have mistreated him and beaten him every day of his life! None of you deserve to be saved!" the hokage yelled, the crowd started yelling and shouting at this. The hokage turned to naruto and hugged him

"go naruto, train for your final battle" he said as he let go and naruto walked off into the sunset, not to return to the village for 7 years

Naruto walked for hours following the map to the temple, he walked deep into the forest, so deep that the ANBU thought of quitting and heading home. Eventually naruto came to a giant cathedral in the middle of the forest, naruto want to push open the doors but they opened by themselves

"enter..." a deep voice sound out from the door

Naruto turned to the ANBU and bowed, the ANBU did the same then quickly left, feeling a massive amount of power inside those walls. Naruto walked inside and the doors slammed shut behind him. Naruto gulped and walked down the long winding halls, the only light being thrown on the floor why the torches attached to the walls. Naruto came to a giant set of doors and slowly pushed them open to find a large table with 10 people sitting around it, all wearing red robes lined with gold and black

"welcome, young hero" one of the people said with the voice of an angel, she had long blue hair and glowing golden eyes and purple skin with long ears that pointed backwards

"I take it you are the son of the commander minato?" another said, this one had green skin and large broad shoulders with fangs sticking out of the sides of his mouth, he was bald except for a pony tail at the back of his head

"yes, I'm naruto uzumaki" naruto said as he walked to the front of the table

"well we have heard a lot about you" said another, he had human coloured skin but glowing green eyes and long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, his ears where long and pointed upwards "and seen a lot of you"

" could you see me?" naruto asked

"you can see anything with the right sort of spell" he said as he twirled his hand causing speckles of white and blue light to circle his palm

"allow me to introduce everyone" the one with green skin said. he pointed to the woman with blue hair "this is vanya caladwen", he pointed to the one with green eyes "that is landion melgeder", he pointed to a man with blue skin and red hair with fangs "that is jin", he pointed to a short man who was barely the height of naruto with pink hair "that is emil elwocket", he pointed to a man who had pale skin and glowing yellow eyes with lumps of skin missing showing his bones "this is Richard, he doesn't remember his last name", he pointed to a large woman who resembled a cow, she had black fir and hair tied back and flowing down her shoudlers and only one horn "this is tanya whisperwind", he pointed to a human woman with long blonde hair and pierced ears "that is jane proudmoore " (A/N if you play WoW, do not confuse her with jaina proudmoore from WoW lore), he pointed to a short wide man who was a little taller than naruto "that is rohtir doomblot" "call me uncle barley kid" the rohtir said. he pointed to a large man with a tail and tentacles coming out of his face, he had a raised forehead and blue skin, "and I am khadgar" he finished

"so you're going to be my teachers for the next few years" naruto said

"yes child, but before we can accept this position, you must consult with mograine" vanya said as she got up and walked naruto down a long hallway, naruto and vanya continued to walk down the hallway with naruto glancing at her every now and then

"so...are you a night elf? The ones that dad talked about?" naruto asked

"yes child, unfortunately my kin was wiped out long ago and now there are only a small group of us left" she said sadly

"stop calling me child, I'm not that young, just call me naruto" naruto said

"okay...naruto" vanya said

"so what will you be teaching me?" naruto asked

"I will be teaching you healing and etiquette" vanya said

"I'm lucky to have someone as beautiful as you for a teacher" naruto said

Vanya blushed at this, though it was hardly noticeable against her purple skin, they reached the chamber and vanya waved her hands, unlocking the door, she and naruto walked in to find a long dark hall with two torches at the end, and hanging on the wall in the middle of those torches was the ashbringer in all its glory

"wow, its even more amazing than the picture" naruto said as they walked up to it

"okay naruto, when you touch the ashbringer, your soul will be tied to it and you be able to speak with mograine" vanya said. then then turned to naruto

"are you sure you want to do this naruto?" she said with concern in her voice "once you do this there's no going back"

"don't worry vanya, I swore to protect my loved ones and I'm going to do that" naruto smiled as he slowly reached for the sword, when he touched the sword he fell into darkness and kept falling...

Naruto slowly awoke to find himself in what looked like a giant sewer. He slowly got up and walked along the passages, the walls had large blue pipes connected to them with smaller white pipes running alongside them. Naruto slowly walked down the halls until he came to a giant room with a huge cage in it with the kanji for seal on the door

"who awakens me from my slumber?" a deep voice bellowed from the cage

"the kyuubi no kitsune eh?" naruto said as he walked up to the cage "I imagined you'd be more...menacing"

"you dare insult the king of demons!" the kyuubi yelled as it growled and showed its fangs

"well what are you going to do?" naruto smirked "that seal holds you in place so you can't hurt me"

"kit, if I could break that damned seal I would kill you and your entire village without a second thought" the kyuubi said

"you will not harm this boy demon" a voice said from behind naruto, naruto turned around to see a man in gold and blue armour with red hair, bald at the top and running along the sides of his head

"are you mograine?" naruto asked

"yes naruto, I'm am the former ashbringer mograine" mograine said "and I take it you are naruto namikaze"

"thats me!" naruto said

Mograine walked up to the cage of the kyuubi

"so this is the mighty kyuubi no kitsune" mograine smirked "isn't it ironic you've been defeated by the ones who you tried so hard to destroy"

"if it wasn't for that damned hokage I would be free and destroyed that bastard village!" the kyuubi yelled as he smashed his claws against the bars trying to hit mograine, mograine grabbed his claw and threw the kyuubi back against the wall. Then he turned to naruto

"you're lucky to have those twelve be your teachers" mograine said "though you better watch out for khadgar, he's quite a slave driver"

"how do you know about them?" naruto asked "you died thousands of years ago"

"when merged with the ashbringer I inhibited a state of copiousness far beyond what any mortal has ever had" morgraine said " I could see outside of the ashbringer and even outside of this world, I saw things that no one thought imaginable"

"so what's going to happen now that I've merged with the ashbringer?" naruto asked

"now naruto" morgraine said "you begin your training..."

Well I hoped you liked the first chapter of this new story I'm writing!

Please review and tell me what you think!