Disclaimer: I don't own

Disclaimer: I don't own. Simple. As. That.

Warning: Yaoi. SasuNaru. GaaraNejiGaara. Possibility of bad British humour.

If you don't like, please don't read. Hit the back button and have a good day!

A/N: Hello! I've been in Japan! Did I mention that to anyone? What?? I bragged constantly? Oh. Sorry. Had this random idea at some point, can't quite remember when. This was going to be a one-shot (as I'm incapable of completing a story otherwise but I changed my mind. Obviously. Hope it's ok, would really appreciate a review. Cheers love ilks x

-The Argument-

"And you call him an idiot." said Neji as he sat in his very comfortable living room, all cream sofas and long silky curtains.

The long-haired teen was feeling particularly smug (even if it was past midnight). After all it wasn't every day the one and only Uchiha Sasuke appeared at your front door, soaking wet, scowling with what appeared to be an overnight bag clutched in is steely grip.

Well you'd expect the frown but the rest was a common as getting a hole-in-one, blindfolded, while getting stuck by lightening…twice.

The smirk on the pale boys face hitched slightly as he saw the look of disgust cross perfect features as Sasuke realised that the yukata he had donned after changing out of his wet clothes had the word "Hyuuga" embroidered on the left side of his chest.

Schooling his features, but letting his superior position and obvious amusement show, Neji waited for Sasuke to talk- he did have all night after all- minutes passed and finally, after hours of Uchiha brooding Sasuke decided to break the silence.

"That's because he is an idiot." The Uchiha said wearily, running a hand through damp raven hair.

"Yes. Idiot would fit. It took him long enough to kick you out." Neji countered, ignoring Sasuke's predictable withering glare in favour of sipping at his now drinkable tea.

"How exactly did you say it?" The brunette asked, apparently unconcerned.

"I told you."

"Sasuke, stop being so bloody stubborn. You're the one that got kicked out and came here with your tail between your legs. Not me. Don't act like this is my fault…

Or anyone else's for that matter." He added as an after thought.

Neji looked at his 'friend' with a critical gaze. He could see that Sasuke had screwed something up royally and was fighting with his pride to decide whether he should admit to it or not.

His skin looked pasty but there were kohl coloured smudges in the corners beneath his dark eyes. This imperfection caused Neji to frown slightly as did the fidgeting of Sasuke's usually still hands- especially as it was his property that they picked at.

Taking another sip of his tea, Neji rolled a shoulder forward and crossed his legs.

"I want exact words."

Sasuke sighed and tried to put all his hate for his situation into one glare.

"That's not progress. Sasu-chan." Neji replied without even looking at him.

The Uchiha's frown deepened. "I don't know what I said!" Sasuke spat aggressively. "Something like, 'don't you think it's time to stop getting so obsessed about it.'"?

Neji's eyes narrowed. "Something like that, or that exactly?"

Sasuke didn't answer, but his eyes fell to the table between them and he reached out for his cup of tea.

"Sasuke." Neji said firmly, not missing the slight trembling of pale fingers, even though his eyes were fixed on Sasuke's face.

"That exactly." The Uchiha muttered, swirling the green liquid round like a petulant child.

"Ok. So let me get this straight. You, Uchiha Sasuke told someone to stop being 'so obsessed' about something?"


"And then you told Naruto to stop being 'so obsessed' about something?" Neji continued, pointing accusingly at Sasuke every time he said you.


"Have you met Naruto before?" He asked exasperatedly. Sasuke merely scowled at the question.

"After him being 'so obsessed' with you is the only reason that you are here in Konoha. The only reason that you're with him?"


"And after how you were 'SO obsessed' with killing Itachi that it led you to leave everything, including him, behind on numerous occasions?!" Neji could feel himself getting angry, unbelieving that the village fawned over someone so…clueless.


"Well aren't we hypocritical." The Hyuuga mused as his sipped his tea again.

"What did you tell him to get over?" Neji asked curiously as he shifted his weight to make himself more comfortable on the creamy sofa, noticing the slight paling of Sasuke's skin.

"What? I already know it didn't go down well. He kicked you out remember." Sasuke's expression preventing Neji from smirking at this.

"I told him he might want to…consider the possibility that…he might not-"

"Uchiha it's 2am. Get on wit it." Neji cut through, while rubbing a patch of skin between his eyebrows.

Sasuke muttered something and Neji's head shot up to look at Sasuke, eyes widening in surprise only for his forehead to crease in a frown.

"Tell me I heard that wrong." He said coldly.

Sasuke's head dropped, his straight black hair shielding his face from Neji's rapidly darkening gaze.

"Tell me Uchiha."

"You didn't hear wrong."

"Hokage?" Neji asked bewildered. "You told him to stop being so obsessed with becoming Hokage?"


"I don't understand…wha- how did you-? You said that to Naruto?" Neji stammered."What's wrong with you? It's his most wanted… his most sought after dr-"

"Don't you think I know that?" Sasuke interrupted suddenly. The anger in his voice trailing away to reveal something more akin to utter disbelief.

The Hyuuga raised his eyebrows. "I don't know. Your head has always been lodged up your own arse but I didn't think you were stupid."

Red tinged eyes flashed at the long haired boy, who didn't even flinch." Yeah, not going to help is it Sasuke?"

"What should I do?" Sasuke asked suddenly as he stared wide-eyed into space.

Neji laughed openly, the noise hollow in the quiet of the early morning. "That, is for you to figure out. And as much fun as it is watching you angst, I'm going to bed."

"But Neji! I thought you were going to help me!" Neji smiled and stood, clicking his back as he did so.

"So did I until I heard what you said. I'm not sure if you could have screwed up any more. I'm not getting involved- I value my life."

"…" The brunette smiled again, turning away from the affronted boy sat in his front room as he moved gracefully across the hardwood floors.

"You know, Gaara is going to kill you right?" Neji said softly as he reached the door. "I'm actually quite surprised Naruto didn't."

"You're still dating that psychopath then." Sasuke growled as he stood, picking bad temperedly at the yukata he was wearing. "He's as bad as Naruto you know."

A frown appeared on Neji's porcelain skin as he looked over his shoulder at Sasuke, but he then chuckled in a most out of character way. "Perhaps. But at least I can keep him here Uchiha."

Sasuke was the one to frown this time.

"You can sleep in here or in one of the spare rooms." Neji continued aloof. "I suggest a spare room. They have locks on the doors." He paused as Sasuke stood and followed him into the dark hall.

"As I said, Gaara is going to kill you."

-The Argument-

A/N: So what do you think? Worth continuing or not? I know it's rated highly but it will get there with time x