Start: June 16, 2008

Keri: Well, this is the last chapter. I know I didn't keep my updating promise, but with moving, lack of internet, school, and all the sicknesses I've been going in and out of, you're lucky you're getting anything at all.


Sabaki: Keri

Start: June 16, 2008

- - - -

Hidan stood in shock, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide. He shook it off quickly and followed Kakuzu several feet behind, turning off at the hotel and picking up his things. With his headband back on and his scythe tied to his back he left. He left Takigakure slowly in hopes of putting a mile between Kakuzu and himself. He arrived at the dock and saw the same two ninja from the other day.
"Where's your partner?" one of them asked.
"We split up," Hidan said. At realizing that Kakuzu had not come that way yet he pulled of his Akatsuki ring and handed it to the man. "Give him this..." And with that Hidan left Takigakure, heading in the direction of his home village. Hidan walked for a few minutes, the fact that he had ruined everything slowly sinking in, when left foot stuck to the ground. He sighed, "I was wondering when we'd meet again, old man."

A shadow-hand lifted Hidan up off the ground as a middle aged man jumped from a tree. He looked disgustedly at his son, dangling from the air like an animal. "Have you completely forgotten your manners, boy? Respect your elders and do not speak until spoken to."

Hidan flipped his father off. "I never did show you any respect and I won't be doing it any time soon. Not that I have the time." He hoisted himself so he could grab his leg. "So, are you going to kill me now, or are you taking me back so the Elder can kill me?"

"I would prefer to take you home alive, but if you're going to misbehave, I'll be forced to kill you." He placed a hand inside one of the long sleeves of the coat he wore over his Hakama. From it he withdrew a metal thread, walking to Hidan he held out his free hand. "Give me your wrists," he ordered.

"Misbehaving is my choice, Ka!" With a puff of smoke Hidan was replaced with a crude sign that read 'Fuck you looser.' "So dad, did you know that I am not your pure little boy any more? My virginity belongs to a man!" Hidan lazily tossed a kunai from the trees before he moved again.

The man only stood where he was, the shadow moving to deflect the weapons tossed. "I'm aware of this; I've been following you for sometime." He brushed some dust off his clothing, not really interested in the conversation at hand. "Takigakure no Kakuzu I believe he is. A filthy heathen."

"I bet you didn't know this!" Hidan tossed a stick this time, one with an exploding tag on it, "I am in love him. And when it comes to him, Jashin-sama is nothing."

He jumped from the bomb, 'poof'ing behind Hidan to round-house kick him to the head. As the pale man fell to the ground, he loomed over him, a foot on Hidan's neck. "How DARE you! Jashin-sama is the ONLY person you should love!" He put more pressure on Hidan's neck. "I knew I should have killed you when you were a child. I knew you were not going to be a soul worthy of Jashin-sama."

"I know you did, but mother begged you not too. You never liked me because I am an albino. You think every one should be perfect." Hidan's sneering face softened. "Did you love mother?"
"Does it matter?" he said, bending down to tie Hidan's wrists, back to back so it would be impossible for him to perform hand signals, as well as his ankles. "The High Priests said we were to wed, and we did." The man threw his only child over his shoulder, adjusting the weapon on his side.

"This isn't very fair. I was look forward to a big ass battle. My scythe verses your morning star," Hidan mused. "I'd die from a mystic wound, go to hell, and Kakuzu would be as happy as you will be when it happens."

The man just made a noise of acknowledgment and kept walking. "So whatever happened to your partner?" he asked after nearly an hour of silence, shifting Hidan on his shoulder.

"I kicked his briefcase into some mud and he dumped me, not that you know what dumped means, old man." Hidan suddenly felt like crying. "He used to carry me like this."

"Don't get nostalgic on me." He then attempted to spank Hidan as hard as he could in the angle he was in. "And I told you to respect your elders. You better watch what you say around the Elders, lest they curse your soul before they kill you. Betraying your village, selling your body and soul to some heathen when it was rightfully Lord Jashin's," he scoffed, "you'll be lucky if you even get a glance at heaven."

But at that he sighed. "Everyone thought you would be the perfect sacrifice. Son of Yoshirou Sabaki, one of the most regarded men in our village, and Hotaka Itsuki, daughter of a high priest." He sighed again. "We all hoped Jashin would be pleased with you, but now you've forced us to raise another. We'll be late on our sacrifice; the harvest is already suffering."

"Blah blah blah! Just shut up. Maybe if you did something other then pray and kill for a good harvest you'd get better results." Hidan pounded on his father's back, vaguely aware he was sounding like Kakuzu. "Zetsu never kills or prays, and he has better plants then anyone. Jashin won't do shit."

"Every time we give him a sacrifice things get better, when we don't, they get worse." He glared sideways at his son. "You should be greatful; do you have any idea how hard it was for your grandfather to get permission to have your mother? We had to offer you as a sacrifice; you're entire existence has been simply for Jashin-sama, and now he's taking it out on our village. Freak lightening storms, deaths of immortals left and right, plagues and droughts, and famine is the next one. Everyone is going to die just because you decided to be a little slut."

"I'm not a slut. I've slept with only one person, and that's Kakuzu." Hidan began to gnaw on the wires on his wrists in an attempt to free him self. "I don't want to be sacrificed; my soul will be purified if I am. I won't go to hell and I can't ever be with Kakuzu. Let me go!"

"We know that, that's why we're doing it. All of our priests and the Elders have been praying in hopes to clear your name so Jashin-sama will take you." He flipped Hidan around so he could make sure he didn't get away. "Now you stop that."

Hidan began to thrash around, managing to get out of his father's grasp and fall to the ground. "No, I won't! Kakuzu, help me!" he used chakra to amplify this voice when he screamed for Kakuzu. He knew that Kakuzu would hear him, what he didn't know was if Kakuzu would even bother.

Sabaki let out a frustrated noise. "This ought to keep you quiet," he growled, pulling his morning star from its holder. He brought the weapon down on Hidan's head, blood squirted from the wound as Hidan fell to the ground unconscious.

- - - -

Hidan woke up some time during the night. He let out a groan. "Fucking cock sucker."

"Watch your mouth boy," Sabaki said, sipping his evening tea out of a porcelain glass, the kettle still hanging over the fire in the clearing. "It should only be a few more hours before we get home and I don't need you to be taking that mouth of yours along as well."

"Kakuzu!" Hidan sobbed, doing his best to crawl away. "Fucking stupid, mother fucking losers wanna kill me!"

His father stood, nudging Hidan with his foot back to where he had placed him. "You want I should knock you out again?" he asked calmly. "I'd be more than happy to; you were far more pleasant that way."

Hidan shook his head no, tears streaming down his face. "Kakuzu..." He was not coming; Kakuzu was leaving him to die.

"That's good boy." Sabaki pat Hidan on the head as he walked back to his seat. "Tea?" he offered. He may have hated his son, but the Elders would have his head if the boy was half starved and beaten to a bloody pulp.

Hidan nodded; Sabaki held the cup to his lips and he sipped at it. It was herbal tea: Hidan hated herbal tea. "Kakuzu isn't coming, is he?" It was stupid to ask his father, but it was that or curse at him and get his head bashed it.

"Probably not." The man pulled the drink away, rummaging in his bag he pulled out two onigiri, holding one out for Hidan. "I'm willing to bet he only used you for sex. Why, I have no idea." He scoffed and took a bite of his own.

Hidan took a bite, nearly gagging at the fact it had no taste. "He said he thought I was beautiful... perfect." Hidan began to cry again. "'Kuzu said that he loved me."
Sabaki let out a sarcastic laugh. "You just don't get it. Men will say anything to have sex." He looked distastefully at Hidan. "I knew you were stupid, but I didn't know you were that stupid."

"He held me. He wanted me to think about us. He even tried to push me away because he though he wasn't any good for me." Hidan tossed the onigiri at his father. "If he only wanted me for sex then we would have done it more. We only did it three or four times!"

Sabaki simply wiped the food off his face. "You must be a complete moron," he said, continuing to eat.

"Let's just go... I want to die." Hidan curled tightly into a ball, crying once again.

"Get a hold of your self boy," he sneered. "You don't want Jashin-sama to see you in such a state, do you?" Sabaki strained up, sipping at his tea once more.

"I don't care; maybe he'll pity me and give me Kakuzu." Hidan did his best to bury his face in his hands. "I want to get this done. Kakuzu may not love me, but I love him."

Sabaki stood, beating his son about the head with a stick he found on the ground. "Don't you dare chose that heathen over Lord Jashin!" He shouted at the young priest. "Take back those words this moment! Lest Lord Jashin condemn your corrupted soul!" He continued to beat Hidan, only stepping back after he was covered in small welts and whip marks. "Now pray and beg for forgiveness!"

"No! It would be a lie! You always told me that faking your emotions behind a prayer was wrong!" Hidan looked up at his father. "Mother loved me and you more then Jashin and I love Kakuzu more then him as well! Deal with it!"

The man swore under his breath. "There really is no hope for you." Sabaki glared at Hidan. "I hope Jashin never allows you to see that horrible man again." He grabbed Hidan's arm, pulling him to his feet. "Get up, we're leaving." He grabbed his tea kettle, pouring the water onto the fire before he packed his things, never once letting go of his son.

Hidan said nothing as he was dragged about. When his father was ready Hidan followed him obediently, no longer talking but crying still.


By mid-morning the next day they had reached their home village. A small town, usually well kept and orderly. Clean with friendly, talkative people. But as the two men walked the streets, the people hid in their doorways, each one pale and thin. Husbands muttered to their wives, who hid their weak children behind them. The usual lush grass was brown and dead, and the fields, normally covered with wheat, corn, and other food stuffs, were barren.

Sabaki snuffed the humid air, thick with death. "See what you've done," he said coldly. He ignored the looks given to Hidan, some full of hope and thanks, others laced with hate and contempt.

Hidan did not look up from the ground. Only when he passed by were the ninja academy, which nothing but a pile of burned timber, did he raise his head. "You chased out the ninja... Afraid they'd take over?"

"I only wish," he said quietly. "True, the Elders thought it would be best if most left, but they simply sent them on wild goose-chase missions that they knew they would fail in. The rest died at Jashin's hand when a bolt of rouge lightening struck the place." He turned to Hidan. "Do you really think we'd be so stupid as to kick out ninja when we were at our weakest, only for them to become enemies?"

Hidan puckered his lips in thought. "I... I guess I'm the only ninja left then," he said in a monotone voice. He turned to look behind him, hoping that Kakuzu would be there, but of there was only an old dog.

"C'mon, hurry it up." Sabaki yanked on the metal wire tied to the one binding Hidan's wrists, leading him like an animal. "We're almost there. The Elders can then bless you, you can get cleaned up to be presentable, and then you may die."

"Is grandfather alive?" Hidan liked his grandfather; he had been kind to him. "And if you want me to die so badly then let's move faster."

"No," he said simply. "He died shortly after you left. Losing both you and your mother was enough to send him to his grave."

Hidan saddened again, the last of his family who cared about him was dead. He looked up to see the temple. Despite the fact he would die in there, he found himself lurching out of his father's grasp and running to its doors. He placed his cheek against the cool metal: He was home.

Sabaki couldn't help but smile: Maybe there was some hope for his son after all. "Go in, they're expecting you."

Hidan swallowed before pushing the counter-balanced doors. He glanced around nervously. When Sabaki entered the torches lit.

"Sabaki, you were successful," Tenrai, the Grand Elder said. "Hidan has returned, what has the outside world done to him?"

Sabaki took a step forward, now standing slightly ahead of Hidan. "It's nothing a little cleansing, prayer, and repentance can't fix." He nodded to each of the ancient Jashinists before continuing. "Once Hidan is settled I will submit a fuller, more detailed report."

"Hmm, but we must know now," Oujou, a sharp faced man said, "what sort of cleansing must be done. Fire or maybe bleeding? Perhaps it is bad enough that a cleansing ritual must be done."
The only woman elder started laughing. "You just want to see him scream and writhe, you senile fool."

Sabaki cleared his throat. "He has not only been slacking in his prayers and rituals, but has given his body to a mortal man. A non-Jashinist even."

The group gasped, looking at Hidan in utter horror. Their purest soul, used and tainted like a bath-house whore? "Is this true?" Kentai, the man closest to Hidan, and the youngest of the group, asked. "Hidan-san please tell me that this is a lie!" His eyes softened on the young man, Kentai had over-seen Hidan's training into priesthood and had loved him very dearly. He given him the fatherly affection that Sabaki had not. But this was unspeakable, if years ago someone were to have told him that this was to transpire, he would have deemed them insane.

Hidan bit his lip. "I'm sorry, Kentai-sempai, but it is." Hidan suddenly felt ashamed, he had not cared about what his father thought, but the elders were different, "And I... I love him. I gave him my heart emotionally and physically."
"Love? Such a useless thing to waist on a mortal." the woman, Meimei, said, "It is better spent on Jashin-sama."
"But I... I love him, so much." Hidan looked down, his face a deep red.

"Hidan," he said sadly, shaking his head. "Let us just hope, for your sake, Jashin-sama at least smiles on this heathen's acts."

"Meimei, please fetch the girls that will get Hidan cleaned and dressed." One of the men stood, using a cane carved with vines and leaves to help him do so. "We'll have dinner, and then bed. We'll do the ritual at midnight."

"Yes, of course." Meimei stood and walked to Hidan, grabbing his arm tightly and leading him off. "Of all the shameful things and with a man. No wonder Jashin-sama has caused such disasters."
"I'm sorry, Meimei-dono." Hidan said quietly.
"Hmm... Ah here we are!" Meimei pushed the door open to the baths. "Girls, guess who has returned!"

In the room there were five girls, ranging for seventeen to twenty-one. Girls from the village trying to gain skills that would help them when they got married. The women gasped, running up to Hidan with squeals and giggles.

"Hidan-kun!" One yelled, clinking to his neck. "Where have you been? I've missed you so much!"

"I've been everywhere, Megami-san. Working for a guy who thinks he's god." Hidan said.
"And having sex with a man." Meimei added before she left.
The youngest girl looked at Hidan with confusion. "How does that work? Sex with a man?"

Two girls, identical twins, looked at one another in confusion then back at Hidan. "We thought you were celibate." They spoke in unison, taking a mirrored step closer to Hidan. "Saving your self for Jashin-sama..."

"Well, I fell in love with him, but I don't think he cares any more." Hidan sighed. "The elders told me to bathe for my death."
"Then we'll bathe you. Get a bathing robe on. We have some water ready," the eldest girl said. "Megami, get off him!"
Hidan complied, changing behind a screen and then sitting in the tub when he was ready. The young women flocked around him, each with a different job.

"I truly hope Jashin-sama forgives you," the girl on his right said as she lifted his arm to scrub it. "It would be a shame if someone like you went to hell over one silly mistake."

"Have you even tried-" the first twin started.

"-to pray for forgiveness?" and the second twin finished.

"I don't want forgiveness. I want to go to hell." Hidan closed his eyes as Megami began to wash his hair. "That way when he dies, if he ever dies, we can me together."

The girls gasped, letting go of him and each backing up. "You want to go to hell?" One girl said, completely flabbergasted.

The twins looked at each other in shock and horror.

"He's insane!"

"Gone complete mad!"

"Get Meimei!" The said in unison, jumping up to fetch the woman.

"I'm sure she knows already. My father is probably explaining how far I've fallen." Hidan scratched his nose. "If I can't be with Kakuzu then even heaven would be hell. But the ritual they're going to perform will not only kill me, but purify my soul so it doesn't matter. Father will make sure I never see Kakuzu again." He began crying.
"Oh we made him cry!" the youngest said, coming back up to Hidan as to comfort him.

The twins snuffed, turning away from Hidan, one hand out and one hand on their hips, both eerily mirrored. "So what? He's no better than a filthy heathen."

Another girl sighed, kneeling next to Hidan. "Hidan-san," she said quietly, "love…how could you fall in love when you knew your fate? If you knew it would only end in pain and suffering?" She placed a gentle hand on his arm, rubbing it slightly, trying to sooth him. "Jashin-sama will not be pleased with you; he probably will do nothing to assist you either: he is the evil god, after all."

"Love just happens, you may understand later." Hidan fell silent, letting the girls finish washing, rinsing, and dressing him. He sat in his room, waiting for dinner to arrive.

"Knock-knock," a soft, slightly sad voice said. Kentai peeked his head in. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, you can come in," Hidan said, fiddling with his rosary.

Kentai smiled lightly as he sat next to Hidan on the small, yet plush, bed. "I brought you something to eat," he said calmly. "Meimei has been throwing quite the tantrum. She usually is the most outspoken, but this is bordering entertaining."

Hidan held out his hands. "What is the tantrum about?"

He shrugged. "You being a disgrace to our village, a whore, the usual."

Hidan took a bite out of a slice of bread. "I'm not a whore. Whores are women who sleep with dozens of men." He wiped his eyes quickly, getting rid of the tears that were welling in his eyes. "I am a man, and I've been with only one man. How many times do I need to say it?"

"Unfortunately," Kentai said, placing a strand of hair behind Hidan's ear, "no one here sees a difference. All they see is a person who not only betrayed their village, but also betrayed their duty to Jashin-sama."

"So I guess father told you what I said on the way here," Hidan mumbled, taking another bite. "I want Kakuzu to save me; but we had a fight, it was so stupid. It was just a bunch of fucking papers. He dumped me for that. They were stupid, replaceable papers. Out of all the things I could do it was that." He began to pound at his head as hard as he could, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Kentai quickly pulled Hidan's hands away from his own head. "Now you stop that." He sighed sadly, eyes softening on Hidan. "You'll be dead soon, Hidan-san. All this mortal pain will be gone and you will go to live in heaven." Kentai smiled sadly and brushed Hidan's tears away. "You already look like an angel."

"I-I don't want to live in heaven. I don't want to be an angel!" Hidan began to hyperventilate. "I want to-I want to be with Kakuzu. I won't be happy anywhere unless he's with me."

"Hidan," Kentai said sternly, cupping Hidan's face, "close your mouth, and breathe through your nose." He rolled his hand to guide Hidan with 'in-and-out'. "Put your hands to your face and hold your breath for five seconds." The Elder pet Hidan's hair, trying to soothe him.

Hidan obeyed, doing his best to calm his breathing. "No one understands me. I love Kakuzu, I want to be with him, doesn't it matter what I want?"

"I'm afraid that you have no say in your fate. You were born and raised simply for Jashin-sama." Kentai sighed, pulling Hidan into a hug. "I'm sorry…"

"Thank you, Kentai-sempai," Hidan said. "Thank you for making me feel better... Kentai-sempai... Have you ever been in love?"

"Me? In love? Good heavens no, my boy." He pulled back some to laugh lightly. Kentai smiled at Hidan, making a content sound in the back of his throat. "Why are you so different from everyone else? Even when you were a child you were never normal.."

"Maybe I am destined for something greater," Hidan said quietly.
The door burst open to reveal Oujou and Sabaki. "We have to cut this touching scene short. Jashin has spoken threw Tenrai," he sneered. "Your execution has been moved to now, Hidan-kun. Take him to the altar, Sabaki."

The man nodded, grabbing Hidan by the arm to yank him to his feet. "Come along, boy."

Kentai stood, following. "Has Jashin-sama given a reason for the sudden change - not that I would question his mighty will, of course?"

"Jashin does not want this sorry excuse to live a moment longer," Oujou said. "The ritual he has asked us to perform will destroy his soul. You hear that Hidan? There will be no heaven or hell for you. You will never see that heathen again."
Hidan's eyes widened. "What? No!" He threw his weight against his father's hold. "Let me go! Kentai-sempai!"

Kentai grabbed Hidan away, for the time being. "Please," he said desperately, "there must be something we can do! What if Hidan repents and is truly sorry for what he's done? A trade: a new virgin, perhaps?" The man felt a lurch in his stomach, he would not be able to do much for Hidan if this was what Jashin-sama had said.

Oujou backhanded Kentai, grabbing Hidan's arm and pulling them apart. "Yet another worshiper has lost his nerve. You should know that only Tenrai may make contact when Jashin so chooses, a negotiation is out of the question now." Oujou roughly shoved Hidan along. "Make sure Kentai-san doesn't try anything, Sabaki."
Hidan looked back at Kentai as he was pushed along. When they reached the heart of the temple the symbol of Jashin was drawn onto the floor with fresh blood. He was shoved into the center of the inner triangle and watched Oujou and Kentai take their places.
"Sabaki, draw the blood of the High Elder into the bowl and make Hidan drink it," Meimei said.

The grey haired man nodded. He walked to the priest in question and bowed. After slicing his wrists with deep cuts, he held a wooden bowl under them to catch the required amount before giving it to Hidan. He did not break eye-contact with the boy and merely sneered once they were close.

Hidan took the bowl from his father and drank the blood. He was used to ingesting blood in small amounts, but this much made him feel sick. When he finished, he had to put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from vomiting.
"The blood you have ingested has weakened your soul's bond to your body." Tenrai sad smoothly, rubbing his already healed wrists, he then turned to the elderly man, "Hogosha, guardian of the staff, remove his soul so it may be destroyed."

Right as Hogosha was coming towards Hidan, the door to the room was kicked in. "Sorry I'm late," the man said, walking out form the dust. "I really hope I didn't come at a horrible cliché time."

Hidan's eyes widened in delight. "Kakuzu!" he scrambled to his feet and attempted the run to him, Oujou however sped to him, grabbing the albino's hair and yanking him back.
"You're not going any where, boy," the man sneered. "So you're the man that Hidan is blabbing about? Well I think we should kill you first. That should make him shut up about love."
Hidan reached his hands out for Kakuzu, his eyes pleading to get away from his captors.

Kakuzu, ignoring Hidan for the moment, smirked under his mask. He placed his hands on the pockets on his pants – something special he did for himself – and said "Hit me with your best shot."

Sabaki was the first to attack, coming at Kakuzu swinging his morning star. He aimed for his head, but switched to the man's torso once he was close enough, trying to confuse him.

The ex-waterfall nin jumped back, landing a mid-air round house kick to the back of Sabaki's head. His body, however, was still hardened from kicking the door down, and the kick effectively knocked Sabaki unconscious. He looked at Oujou. "Next?"

Oujou gritted his teeth, but soon replace his grimace with a sickeningly sweet smile. "It looks like your lover isn't going to really help you, Hidan. He'd rather fight a few people first." He pulled Hidan back sharply, causing him to fall back, only then did he charge forward. Withdrawing a crystal sword, he slashed at Kakuzu's forearm. Despite the hardened state of Kakuzu's skin it sliced threw the flesh cutting the arm clean off.
"Kakuzu," Hidan yelled, "that won't work: his sword is made of diamond!"

Kakuzu hissed at the injury, but soon shook it off to smirk again. "Nice try," he breathed, removing his coat. There was no blood dripping from the wound; long, thick strings unwove themselves from Kakuzu's shoulder to reattach the severed limb. Kakuzu struck a defensive pose. "I'd like to see you try that again."

Tenrai stood abruptly. "A man of strings with emerald eyes stealing precious silver from Jashin," he said. "Hidan, you gave your virginity to this... thing."
Hidan nodded weakly. "Y-yes."
Meimei shrieked. "The text spoke true. The devil has come to take precious silver." She stood abruptly. "But it is not what we thought it was. It is Hidan he is after. There is no soul to destroy High Elder, it has already been taken."
Hidan turned to Kentai. "What is Meimei-dono talking about, Sempai?"

Kentai looked from Hidan to Kakuzu, his eyes boring into the man's back. "There is a scroll, as old as our Holy Text. It has been kept a secret so as not to cause a panic; it says that a man with eyes of emerald and made of strings would steal Jashin's most precious silver. We had thought at first the scroll meant our rosaries, but it seems that is not so." He looked back at Hidan, staring at him gravely.

Hidan looked confused, but he stood and ran to Kakuzu. "Play along with them. Act or something," he muttered to his partner, wrapping his arms around the larger man's middle and burying his face in the man's muscled chest.
Tenrai glared at Kakuzu, his breathing slow and deep. "So, Master of Darkness... You have placed Hidan under your spell." He stepped down from his seat.

"Urm," Kakuzu said, thinking as fast as he could, "yes. I have…you would honestly believe I would allow Jashin to…have something so…precious?" The man pulled Hidan just a little closer, simply testing the waters of the conversation. He was now thanking whatever entity that had forced Hidan to read to him his bible. He at least had a mild idea of what to say and how to act.

Meimei shifted uncomfortably at seeing Kakuzu tighten his hold on Hidan. "The utter sin of this. Hidan how could you betray us, betray Jashin-sama?"
Tenrai held up his hand, causing Meimei to fall silent. "It is not Hidan's fault, this 'thing' is to blame," he said in a calm voice. "It has made Hidan become blind with false affections."
"Kakuzu, say 'These affections are as real as you' and then kiss me as deeply as you can," Hidan whispered. "Don't forget what I said, the devil thrives on the cardinal lust of others."

Kakuzu was now getting rather annoyed, between the Jashinist crazies and Hidan telling him what to do, he was about to lose his mind and go slasher-movie on everyone in the room. "Of course someone like you would know, having never been in love who's to say Hidan is not? Maybe it is possible that I have something Jashin lacks?"

Hidan glared at Kakuzu. This had nothing to do with their relationship, that was what the Devil would have done. He dug his nails into Kakuzu's bare back. "You're screwing us over," he whispered.
"Oh really?" Oujou asked. "Well, show us what Jashin, a supreme being, lacks."

"Humanity: when I found Hidan the poor man was so needy, alone, needing comfort and affection Jashin would only give him if he did exactly as he was told instead of caring for him as him. I needed no spell to get Hidan to love me." Kakuzu tugged down his mask before pulling Hidan's hair back by his head and licking up the side of his face.

"Kakuzu" Hidan groaned, acting as if Kakuzu's action sent him into a lustful frenzy, "I want you so bad... Take me now." He kissed under the man's chin.
A look of disgust spread over Oujou's face. "Hidan is nothing but a little slut, now." He pointed his sword at the two of them, "however, if we kill you, your hold over him will break."
Meimei scoffed. "We can not kill the Devil you fool, he helps keep the balance. He is Jashin-sama's adversary."

Kentai grabbed Oujou. "Meimei is right! There's no way any of us could defeat him; he would kill us just with a glance! We need to leave him be to save Hidan later!" The man felt a pang at his heart that the man he had treated as a son was so lost. "Hidan," he said quietly, looking at the pale man.

Kakuzu smirked, pulling Hidan closer to him. "I'm glad you see it my way." He placed a hard kiss upon Hidan's lips. "But I now grow tired of this conversation: I will leave you now." He raised a hand, some of the stitching on his forearm undid and two of the masks emerged to protect the two Akatsukis. It had been painful for Kakuzu to do such a thing, but it did not show on his face. He scooped up his coat and turned to leave.

Hidan stole a quick glance back at the elders, namely Kentai. He'd do better, he would worship more then he had been over the last few weeks. Hopefully Jashin-sama would ease his anger and bring the rain, but right now he was happy again. "Thank you for getting me Kakuzu," he said quietly. "I thought you would never come and get me. I'm sorry for ruining your papers."

Kakuzu nodded solemnly. He did not want to say anything to neither help fix their relationship nor make it worse. One day, he thought, he may want to be back with Hidan. Hell, he wanted to be back with him now. But his animal lusts were not worth the mental ache. "Hidan," he said calmly, "I'm not mad at you anymore."

Hidan squeezed Kakuzu's arm. "I'm still sorry, and I understand if you don't want to be together any more," he looked at Kakuzu sadly. "I told you that I would ruin it." He then held his hand out to the heart with the bird mask. It looked at the digit before making a garbled noise and biting the finger softly.

Once Kakuzu figured that they were safe enough, the masks returned to their owner. Kakuzu sighed heavily and pulled his coat back on. So much work, headaches, and ruined reputations for nothing. He looked down at Hidan, tossing the boy his coat and scythe. "Found these," he said.

Hidan took the scythe first, wrapping the extra rope around his waist before pulling on his cloak and setting the weapon on his back. "Why did you choose to come and get me Kakuzu?" he asked. "And what took you so long? Answer both please."

"Took me so long? You ruined all my maps." He placed his hands behind his head and looked at the sky. "I came to get you because I wanted to."

"Did you get the ring from the guard?" Hidan asked quietly.

Kakuzu held the colored, labeled ring up. Once it was taken he wiped his hand off on his cloak. "I promised," he said quietly.

Hidan slid the ring back on. "Promised what, 'Kuzu?" he asked.

"Promised I'd save you if they caught you…"

Hidan smiled softly, grabbing Kakuzu's hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss it. "I'll always love you, 'Kuzu but..." Hidan paused, swallowing the lump in his throat. "But Jashin-sama will continue to cause my village to suffer, so... I can't sleep with or kiss you ever again. I will still love you; my heart and soul are yours forever." He pulled himself to Kakuzu and hugged him tightly as he began to cry softly. "Can I have one last kiss, please? Not long pecks on the lips either, make your threads explore me."

Kakuzu looked down at Hidan, his eyes softening. He sighed and lifted Hidan's head up, pulling his mask past down he lay his lips upon Hidan's. Kakuzu placed a hand behind Hidan's head, dragging him even closer. He would never admit that it was for him more than it was for Hidan.

When he pulled away he looked sadly down at Hidan, stroking his face gently. He pulled away like he'd been bit, turning away. "We still have a ton of things to do before we can go home." He began his trek down the dirt path. "Let's just get the damned Jinchuuriki, hit Konoha, and then get this mission over with."

Hidan trotted after Kakuzu. "Okay, but don't be a greedy bastard and stop for a bounty," he snapped. "And don't get killed. It'll be tiresome to fallow you into hell... No, do get killed so I can follow you into hell. Maybe someone will kill me." He grabbed the back of Kakuzu's cloak. "Hey fucker, friends alive and lovers in hell?"

Kakuzu smiled down at Hidan. "Deal," he said holding his hand out to shake Hidan's. "And I won't stop for a bounty if you don't do any rituals," he said teasingly.

"I'm shaking your hand on the 'lets have sex the moment we get to hell' thing. Not the 'no ritual'." Hidan grabbed Kakuzu's hand and shook it. "Get all the fucking bounties you want."
Kakuzu rolled his eyes. "Let's just go already" The man smiled under his mask, knowing that there was no way Hidan could wait. Fortunately for the two of them would be together for a long, long time before they would meet again.

- - - -

End: June 24, 2008

Keri: Alright! It's over! And yeah, this does pretty much jump right into the manga. I'm sure that there's a few days or something between now and then, but meh…