As it turns out this chapter has been sitting on my computer for some time, I could have sworn I had put it up but I guess I didn't. I know! I'm a horrible person and I'm sure most of you have given up on me at this point, please believe me that I am so sorry.

I am very thankful to those that reviewed and every one who shares my love for this perfect pairing. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

The accent was familiar, the voice was familiar and then it clicked. "Viktor!" Hermione exclaimed looking up into those dark eyes she'd so missed. He hadn't changed much since she'd last seen him, tall and muscular with shortly cropped hair and 5 o'clock shadow. She was only slightly surprised to see him, as it was so busy, still it was a Quidditch convention after all, and Ginny had made it very clear he was the best seeker around.

Judging by the look on his face however, it was quite a surprise for him to see her. He just stared at her for a moment, looking shocked. "Hermione?" He pronounced it slowly to make sure he got it right. "Vhat are you doing here?" Viktor asked putting his hands on her arms, as if she might turn into mist at any second. "Well, it's a long story really…" Hermione said a slight blush creeping onto the Gryffindor's face.

"My parents are away for the summer and my friend Ginny, you remember her, right? Bright red hair? She was at the Yule Ball with Neville Longbottom. Anyways she had tickets for this and wanted to bring me but she didn't tell me it was going to be an entire week long. In the end she managed to badger me into it because I have nothing else to do and-" Hermione realized she was babbling about nothing but couldn't stop the stream of pointless explanations spewing from her mouth.

The usually somber Bulgarians face broke into a smile. "You do not haff to explain," He said. "I am just very… surprised to see you here. It is a good surprise, yes?" Viktor asked although he didn't wait for her to respond. "Vhere is the girl you say is Ginny?"

"I, uh… I'm not exactly sure… She ran off after mentioning Barry Ryan, but that was ages ago, really."

"You come vith me, yes?" Viktor asked, a hopeful expression on his face, it was only now that Hermione realized they were still standing in the middle of a very crowded area, and people were staring. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" She asked quietly, praying she didn't sound rude; she just didn't want him to get into any trouble on her behalf. "No, and if I did you vould still accompany me."

A little voice in her head, (that sounded strangely like Ginny) was egging her on. "Er… Alright then." Hermione said not missing the smile on his face as he held out his arm for her. She took it and stared determinedly in front of her, she didn't want to see the people looking at her. After all, Viktor was just her friend and she shuddered at what The Prophet would do to their being in such close proximity. It had been rather slow for them and they would've jumped eagerly at something even as trivial as this.

After a while of winding through the camp ground crowd, a task made difficult by the fact Viktor had to stop to sign autographs, Hermione managed to get a few words in. "Viktor, where are we going?" She asked pulling her eyes away from an area in the distance where she could see people flying, a demonstration, she guessed.

"Ve are looking for your friend, correct? Or for my team, as I am not sure vhere they are now." Hermione voiced a soft "Oh." Before Viktor continued. "I am sorry that ve cannot talk more freely, I feel it vould be… unvise in this setting." Hermione smiled, She wasn't sure Viktor had ever spoken freely to her in words, but his letters had always been long and carefully written. "I agree," Hermione said before her eyes widened.

"Ginny!" She exclaimed pointing into the sky at a slowing streak of pale green and vibrant red. "She's flying in a dress!" How on Earth Ginny had even managed to be flying in the first place was completely beyond Hermione, but in a dress? It was official now. Her friend was insane.

"She is very good." Viktor said as Ginny took off again doing a few loops in the air. Hermione wasn't sure if she should be amazed at the display the petite girl was putting on or furious at her for having disappeared in the first place, and she ended up in a strange state of both.

With a slight jerk Hermione was pulling Viktor in the direction of her flying friend. Luckily Viktor seemed to think better of saying anything to stop the fuming girl dragging him through the crowd, with such a look on her face that no one tried to get his attention. In her rush to reach her friend she missed the small smile on his face.

As they came upon the fenced off area Ginny landed and, with a huge smile on her face, waved at Hermione happily. Seemingly unaware of the rather peeved state of her best friend. "Hermione," Viktor leaned over slightly to whisper into Hermione's ear. "My team is here and they vill be doing this demonstration next, you vill vait for me, yes?"

"Sure." Hermione glowered hardly listening to what he'd said in the first place. Only after Ginny was headed to Hermione did he slip away to his team. "Hermione!" Ginny called, her face alight. "They want to sign me!" This statement took Hermione completely off guard. "What?"

"The Holly Head Harpies! They want to sign me as seeker but they can't because I'm too young!"

"That's great Ginny." Hermione smiled, the anger fading at the look on Ginny's face. "Really great."

"By the way, were you just with Viktor Krum?" Hermione sighed, purely exasperated. "Yes Gin, but we're only friends, you know that."

"Oh, do I?"

"Yes," Hermione began scrambling for something sufficient enough to change the topic. "Where's Harry anyways? I'm surprised you didn't take him." Hermione didn't add that he'd probably appreciate it more than her in the first place. "He's coming." Ginny responded with a wave of her hand. "The Ministry wanted to talk to him, you know the drill."

"I wonder why he didn't let me know about it."

"Hermione, can we talk about this later? Like when we're back in the tent or something, because it's very hard to watch this with you constantly talking." Hermione rolled her eyes, Ginny was definitely a Weasley.

Turning her gaze to the sky Hermione tried to pick out Viktor, she couldn't. The whole team was moving so quickly that she couldn't distinguish any of them, there was no doubt that Ginny could but Hermione wasn't as well acquainted with Quidditch as her friend was.

As the zooming figures on broomsticks slowed slightly Hermione saw the one highest in the air to be Viktor, but her thoughts were quickly drowned out by vicious clapping and Ginny's shouting, which clearly belonged to someone four times her size. Flinching away slightly Hermione let out a strangled laugh, somewhere between fright at the uproar she hadn't been expecting and the insane noise issuing from her friend's mouth.

"That was amazing! Did you see Ivonov?" Ginny said when the noise had died down and the scarlet clad figures had dismounted their brooms. "No." Hermione answered truthfully. "But I'm sure he was."

"Hey! Look, Viktor's headed this way." Hermione gave Ginny a pointed look trying to press the fact that she should shut up.

"Hermione," Viktor said, his voice low to keep the jostling crowd from hearing him. "Ve cannot talk here, too busy. Vhere is your tent?" Hermione opened her mouth to reply but found she had no clue where it was and promptly closed it. "Section D number forty-seven." Ginny said, a wide smile on her face, Hermione narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything. "Thank you." Viktor replied curtly before turning his attention back to Hermione. "I vill see you tonight, yes? After dark, vhere I vill not be seen."

"Oh, alright then." Hermione smiled nervously as he bowed slightly and disappeared back to his team.

Turning to Ginny, the grin on her face clearly evident, it was quite disturbing actually. "Shut up Ginny. Whatever you were going to say, I don't want to hear it."

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything. I was just going to keep smiling at you."

"What? Like that? Looks like more of a grimace to me."

"Call it what you will, doesn't mean I'm going to stop."

Hermione sighed and looked at her wristwatch. "Let's get some dinner, I'm starving." She said standing on her toes to try and see over the crowd to where the food might be. "I think we should eat at the tent tonight." Ginny told her grabbing Hermione's wrist to pull her through the crowd. "Why?"

"Well, I'm expecting Harry soon and you can't eat with the Quidditch players, so I honestly see no point."

"Of course you don't." Hermione sighed as Ginny ploughed her way through vast numbers of people.

It hadn't struck Hermione how far she had walked until they were just entering the camping grounds. Her feet were a little bit sore but with a quick glance at Ginny's shoes she shuddered slightly at how bad Ginny's must have been; running around from place to place all day.

"Here we are!" Ginny smiled pushing back the tent flap so she and Hermione could go inside. "I'll start dinner now because I'm hungry to." The younger girl crossed to the kitchen and with a few flicks and movements of her wand carrots, potatoes, onions and beef were being chopped by knives. "Alright." Hermione responded absentmindedly as she headed to her side of the room.

Digging around in her trunk for something warmer Hermione changed into a pair of jeans and a pale blue jumper. She pulled on a pair of socks and the trainers she'd originally been wearing. She felt much more in her element now, she felt like she could handle things. Grabbing a thick, leather bound book she headed back into the main room of the tent and sat down.

A large pot had replaced the vegetables and meat and Ginny was just adding some basil when a tall, bespectacled man with messy black hair and a lightning bolt scar entered the tent. "Hi Harry!" Ginny said making a wooden spoon stir the contents of the pot with her wand. Crossing the room quickly Harry kissed his girlfriend before Hermione could get a word in. "Not in front of me please!" She said pulling the book up to cover her face relieved to have interrupted before things could go the way they were headed.

"Well, hello to you too Hermione." Harry smiled.

So, it probably wasn't worth the wait, (I won't point out how long it's been or I may be killed) but I promise to make it up to you all in future chapters, please review and tell me what you think! Your reviews are what inspire me to keep working on the story and I ADORE reading them.

Much love, CHF