Welp, here's some story that I --might have-- come up with in fourty seconds...

Dino watched in awe at the sight before him. The one many respected and all feared, Kyoya Hibari, was on HIS bed in HIS room. Asleep. Not only that, but it seems he made himself comfortable. Very comfortable. There on Dino's bed slept the most dangerous person that ever lived, in a white shirt and a pair of jeans that hugged his hips in a very nice manner. Dino walked at least two steps until he saw a note perched carefully on Hibari's chest. Reluctantly, Dino picked it up and read carefully the writing on the note.

Wake me and I shall Bite you, Cavallone.

Dino swallowed as he felt a drop of sweat fell down his cheeks. He knew if he did wake him up, it wouldn't be like a practice battle, oh no. It'd be a full blown beat-down. He tip-toed to his couch at the other side of the room and layed down there, since obviously his bed was out of the question. He looked over to Hibari once more, to see if he had shifted into another position. The moonlight glazed Hibari's body ever so gently as he curled up with a smirk on his face. 'Wow, who would have thought Tsuna had such good taste in friends...Wait...What am I thinking?!' Dino thought as he gave himself a mental slap. He was snapped out of his train of thought when he heard a mumble.

"Bite...death...stupid...Mu-Mukuro..." Hibari rolled over and did the one thing nobody thought he would do.

"...Did he just purr?!" Dino shouted. Then he covered his mouth with his hands as he realized his idiotic mistake. Dino looked over to his bed to find that Hibari wasn't there... "Shit! Where'd he g-" He was cut off by a pair of lips connecting to his in a silent stolen kiss. "You're looking awefully tasty. Tell me. Should I bite you now, or should I tenderize you first?" Hibari said silently after pulling back. Dino knew he should be afraid. Okay, very afraid right now...but oddly wasn't. He felt strangely calm and- was that a moan that just came from his own lips?! "Hibari...what are you...doinnnng?" Dino tried to ask, but was only turned into another longing moan caused by Hibari. "I didn't say you could question me. I only wanted an answer, but now, I suppose I'll just bite you now." Hibari growled. As Hibari slowly arose from Dino's chest, Dino himself raised an arm to shield his head, expecting a blow from Hibari's so-called 'Death Tonfas'.

The blow came, but it wasn't the blow Dino expected. Instead of searing pain flowing through him, it was another feeling, one of pain still, but of pleasure at the same time. Dino opened his eyes to see Hibari sinking his fangs into Dino's neck lightly. "Hi-Hibari? What are doing? Better yet why are you- Ngh!" Dino was yet again cut off. Hibari had finally sunk his fangs into his neck enough to draw blood. the Cavallone boss moaned as the cloud guardian ran his toungue over the bite marks he had just created. Hibari came up a bit so that his warm breath fell upon Dino's awaiting lips. "I told you I'd bite you, Cavallone..."Hibari said as he kissed Dino once more. He pushed his toungue into Dino's mouth giving him a chance to taste his own blood, swirled with the mysterious taste of Hibari's saliva. When he finally closed his eyes, he felt Hibari get off of him once more and leave the room.

One thing was for sure...He needed to wake Hibari up more often...