A/N: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters besides my own.

This is my new story, which is called Oh, Babies. I know I haven't finish my other stories, but I could resist this one. I'm really excited about this one. This is going to be a Kagome and Sesshomaru fic because I simply love this pairing.

So here's the full summary of Oh, Babies.

Kagome Takahashi has been feeling sick for the past few months and consults a doctor. Dr. Tanaka explains that she is definitely 'expecting'. What she didn't expect when she went to her next appointment was that she was going to be expecting more than one baby. How will Kagome and Sesshomaru deal with the risks involved in multiple births?

Chapter One


The waiting room was quite empty save for two other people, both whom were female that were waiting along with her to see Dr. Tanaka. They were probably in the same boat she might be in right now. Apprehensive green eyes roams around the nicely size room and looks over the multiple posters of the stages of pregnancy on the wall. There was also posters of the developing of the fetus and advertisements of the qualities that breastfeeding will give to your baby.

Kagome Takahashi has had her suspicion that she may be pregnant right now, but couldn't be sure. She may just have a really bad flu and winter was beginning early this year and had back her theory up. With all the vomiting she had been doing she was sure it was a really bad case of the flu, not to mention nauseous and fatigue.

Kagome nervously fiddles with her newly manicure hands and chews on her lower lip mercilessly. 'I can't be pregnant at least not now. I'm still young.' She thought to herself as she begins to shake her left leg lightly. 'I mean I love children and so does Sesshomaru and besides I have the flu so I have nothing to worry about.' She continued on trying to convince herself that it was nothing, but the flu.

Once Dr. Tanaka tells her that it was nothing, but a very bad case of the flu she was going to laugh at the thought of being pregnant. At that she calms down and releases her now swollen bottom lip and ceases the nervous fiddling of her manicure hands. She look onto the table besides her chair and grabs a magazine about healthy dieting.

It was least than ten mintutes that she was looking at the magazines that a nurse calls her name. Kagome looks over to the clock and read that it eleven ten on the dot and was amazed. These people really did their jobs well considering that her appointment was at eleven thirty. 'I guess Dr. Tanaka doesn't have that many patients today.' She told herself as she put the magazine down and follow the nurse to the back.

Just as she walk down the hall she heard a scream. "I can't be pregnant! I'm only sixteen!" Kagome cringed at the shriek and heard light giggles coming from the nurse in front of her. "If you can't handle the consquences, then don't do the act." She said wisely as Kagome agreed.

"Mrs. Takahashi you are in room 110A and I am Ami by the way." The nurse said as Kagome follow her to the back where Ami showed her into. Once in the room Ami place her chart on top of the desk by the computer and gestures with her hand for Kagome to take a seat. Once seated Ami begins to ask Kagome a few routine questions.

"Alright Mrs. Takahashi, let's start off with the usual questions and then I'll take your vitals and temperature." Ami said with a smile, which Kagome provided with as well. This Ami was nice, unlike the other old nurses she was used to in the past, who deem they knew what they were doing.

"Sure." Kagome said as she folded her right leg over her right with her hands folded on top of her knee. "How old are you Mrs. Takahashi?" She started off first, looking expectingly at Kagome as she grabs the pen from her ear and the note pad from her pocket. "Twenty three." She responded.

"Okay, what seems to be the cause for this visit?" She asked. "Well, I've been feeling sick for the past few months and it doesn't seem to be letting up." She told her truthfully.

Ami wrote this all down. "What were you experiencing?" She ask as Kagome sighs lightly. "Vomiting in the mornings and after certain meals, fatigue, the worst headaches imaginable, and light heartburn occasionally." She told Ami as the black haired woman slightly picked up her head from writing and glances discreetly over to Kagome, mainly her midsection.

The suit jacket she was working didn't show much of her midsection so she couldn't tell if she was right or not.

"And how long have these symptoms been happening?" She asked as Kagome had a thoughtful look on her face for a moment. These whole symptoms began roughly around the time her residency began in Tokyo Hospital. "For about at least two to three months." She said causing Ami to raise a brow.

"Three months you say and you never saw a physician once during that time?" She said with a serious voice, her brown eyes lighting with worry. Kagome blush with slight shame and a mix of embarrassment. "You see I work as a resident in Tokyo Hospital and it mostly takes up most of my time. Every time I made an appointment I couldn't make it due to emergencies in the E.R." She explained as Ami nodded in understanding.

"I see." She said as Kagome let out a tired sign. She shouldn't be this tired so early in the morning. "When was your last menstrual cycle?" Ami asked as Kagome went to respond, but quickly halted. Good question when was her last period? She search through her brain for a date. She had been spotting in the beginning of the last month, but she was sure that didn't count.

"Uh...I really don't remember, but I was spotting in the beginning of December." She told Ami as she wrote it down. "Now how long did it last?" She ask as Kagome let out a low yawn, covering her mouth with her hand. "At least a week or so and a few times here and there, but it hasn't happened since January." She told her as Ami finished writing down the answer in to her notepad.

"Do you think it is a possibility that you maybe pregnant, Mrs. Takahashi?" Ami asked out of curiosity and knowing eyes. Kagome winces outwardly and smiles weakly. "I don't think so, it's probably the flu mix with stress from my residency at the hospital." Kagome said Ami catching the doubt behind her voice.

She looks up and smiles before standing up and going over to the vital machine. "Now its time for vitals." She said changing the subject as she wraps Kagome's arm with the black strap and presses the on bottom. Immediately the machine fills the strap with arm, adding pressure around Kagome's arm. Meanwhile, Ami takes the thermometer and place it underneath Kagome's tongue.

"Hold that until it beeps." Ami told her as Kagome nodded, taking the thermometer in her free hand.

A few mintutes later the vital machine began beeping signaling that it was done. Ami looks over the results and her eyes widen slightly and sharply looks over to Kagome. "Does high blood pressure run in your family Mrs. Takahashi?" Ami ask as Kagome furrows her brows, pulling out her thermometer and telling her no and why she asked.

"Oh, it's just that your blood pressure is considerably high. I'll go get Dr. Tanaka to come see you now." She said with a calm expression, her eyes shining with mirth as she made way to the door. She looks over her shoulder and smiles at Kagome. 'Congratulations.' She said through her eyes as she closes the door and went to fetch Dr. Tanaka.

Kagome felt slightly bothered by Ami's gaze on her before she left. She knew something, she could feel it. Her eyelids were feeling heavy and propose that once she got home she was going to take a long nice nap.

She shook her head lightly causing her long dark hair to flare around her. She let out another yawn and her eyes water slightly this and time she didn't bother covering her mouth because it was just too tiring. 'I wonder what Sesshomaru is doing right now?' She thought to herself and was missing her husband terribly. He was away on a business trip in London and was in the process of merging with another company.

He was gone for a month and a half now.

She had been staying at their home all by herself along with her cat buyo. The reason it wasn't their cat was because Sesshomaru was a Inuyoukai and detests felines. He had tried everything to get rid of her poor buyo and she had threatened to purify him if he did. Being a miko had a few advantages.

'I have to call him tonight and see how he's doing.' She told herself as she made a mental note in her head. It has been three days since he last called her and she was going to make sure he got a piece of her mind for not calling. She narrows her eyes and folds her arms across her chest.

Sesshomaru and she have been married for six months now and have known each other for eight years. They had met one another through Inuyasha, Sesshomaru's younger half sibling and Kagome's former crush. They hadn't got along in the beginning, but as time past and they have gotten older things between began to change.

Kagome felt herself absentmindedly stroking her stomach through her jacket lightly and stop immediately. 'Why was I doing that?' She asked herself as she frowns slightly at her midsection. Her slim waist has been expanding slightly and her abdomen was bulging outwards. All this stress being in the medical field was beginning to take its toll on her body.

She was going to have to exercise during her breaks instead of eating all the time. But then again her breaks were never long enough for her to get in a full exercise workout in the hospital's gym due to emergencies. A rumble reaches her ear and she lets out a light laugh. She was hungry...again. 'I just had breakfast not too long before I got here.' She told herself as she grabs a granola bar from within her purse.

She opens the package and eats it, calming the rumbles from her stomach. After a few seconds the bar was gone and the door opened to reveal Dr. Tanaka. The woman had long brown hair tied in a high ponytail, mahogany eyes with pink eyeliner. The woman appear to be a few years older than herself.

Dr. Tanaka smiles before taking her seat and looks through the notes Ami wrote down. As she read them it all but scream out to her that her patient was pregnant. She smile as she looks over Mrs. Takahashi. "Hello, sorry to keep you waiting long, but I had to calm a sixteen year old patient down when I told her she was pregnant." She said as Kagome let out a nervous laugh. "So you were the news breaker." She said as Dr. Tanaka laughed lightly.

"It seems that all the patients I've seen today were all expecting mothers." She said with a thoughtful look as Kagome's expression falter. All pregnant. "Surely that isn't possible." She said as Dr. Tanaka smirk. "Believe me all twenty patients." She told Kagome as she gave the young woman a thoughtful look. "I'm guessing you will be the twenty first from the symptoms Ami wrote down here for me." She said as Kagome shook her head.

"I doubt it and besides it just the flu combine with my stressful job." She told Dr. Tanaka.

The doctor didn't look impress and decided to indulge with her. "Okay, let's start off with the weighing. Please take off your shoes and stand on the scale." She said politely as Kagome took off her designer high heels shoes and climb on the scale. Dr. Tanaka pulled the scale to the one hundred pound.

Kagome eyed the scale wearily. She weigh exactly one hundred and twenty five pounds, which was the normal weigh for her height of five feet and two inches. Her heart drop when Dr. Tanaka push the weight pass twenty five and onto thirty eight.


"I cannot have gained thirteen pounds." She screamed in outrage as Dr. Tanaka let out a small smile. "Well you said it yourself that you have been stress, and stress leads to weight gain am I right Mrs.Takahashi." She explained as Kagome bit her lip and nodded.

Kami, what the hell was wrong with her body! She had never weight pass one hundred and twenty five in her entire life. She thought she may have weight at least five pounds, not thirteen. Dr. Tanaka wrote the weight in Kagome's chart and gestures for her to sit down on the examination table.

Kagome climbed onto the table and allowed Dr. Tanaka to examine her ears, mouth, chest, and throat. Once Dr. Tanaka was done she told Kagome to lay down on her back. Dr. Tanaka had an amuse smile when she saw Kagome's emerald eyes fill with nervousness.

'She really doesn't want to be pregnant either that or she's terrified of the labor pains.' Dr. Tanaka thought as she gently began to pry Kagome's fingers from her dark blue suit jacket. "There is nothing to be nervous about Mrs. Takahashi." She assured her as Kagome nodded.

She was apprehensive and felt as Dr. Tanaka opens her dress shirt until she reaches just beneath her bra. Dr. Tanaka eye Kagome's abdomen and saw that it look normal, it was protruding slightly, but non the less normal.

Maybe she wasn't pregnant after all.

She began making circular motions with added pressure onto her abdomen and stop when she felt movement. Kagome raise a brow at her and Dr. Tanaka only smiled. 'Maybe she is after all.' She thought to herself.

"Okay Mrs. Takahashi you can sit up now." She told her as Kagome began to button up her shirt and close her jacket that match her knee length skirt. She had came from an office meeting at the hospital with her superiors before heading over here to the clinic.

"So it is the flu Dr. Tanaka?" Kagome asked as she stood from the table and stare at the woman before her. Dr. Tanaka had to know why she keep insisted that she isn't pregnant when she knew Mrs. Takahashi was a physician herself. "Is there a reason why you do not want to be pregnant Mrs. Takahashi? There are other choices you know if you do not want to go through with it." Dr. Tanaka told her as Kagome remained quite.

She had to give Kagome her choices if she didn't want to have this baby, but she would not be the one to complete the procedure. She would refuse to end an innocents life. "No, I will never have an abortion or to think of having one!" She said appalled that she would think that. "I love children, it's just that...I'm really nervous and terrified is all, especially considering my family's history." She confessed as Dr. Tanaka let out a comforting smile to the soon to be mother.

"That is perfectly normal Mrs. Takahashi, all first mother's tend to be nervous and afraid. I've read your family's history and there hasn't been many multiples since you and your sister. There might be a slight chance, but I doubt it." She told her as Kagome let out a small smile. "So I take it that I'm pregnant then Dr. Tanaka." She said as the brunette nodded in confirmation. Kagome inhale slowly as she began to accept it and felt a sense of joy and excitement fill her body.

Until now she hadn't been sure and had been ignoring the possibilities.

Now she was sure and she was going to be a mother and Sesshomaru was going to be a father. Count on Sesshomaru to get her pregnant when their newly weds and during the crucial moments in their careers. How was she going to study and finish up her residency when she was expecting.

Sure, she was more than financially stable, but she really wanted to become a full fledge doctor. Once the baby was born she would have to give all her attention and care to their little one. Then there was the nursery, clothing, formula and toys. Then as soon as you know it she would be planning birthday parties and taking their prom pictures, and not to mention the wedding.

"Mrs. Takahashi are you alright?" Dr. Tanaka asked as she came and hug Kagome. She had just started to cry out of no where. "I'm fine, I'm going to be planning birthdays and soon a wedding! I'm so happy right now!" She cried out as Dr. Tanaka grimace slightly. The baby wasn't even born yet and here she was thinking about planning birthdays and a wedding, but at least she admitted she was happy.

That was all that matter to her.

Kagome wipes the tears from her cheeks and apologizes. Dr. Tanaka told her it was the hormones from the pregnancy that had her so emotional right now. "I'm going to give you prenatal vitamins for you to take and make sure you make an appointment with me within the next two weeks." She instructed as Kagome nodded and left to the front.

Once there she went to the front where a older woman was at. She was talking on the phone and signaled for her to wait one moment. "Okay, there is one at 2:45 on Thursday." She said as she wrote down the name of the patient on the appointment book. "Bye bye now." The woman hung up and turned her attention to Kagome.

"Hello, can I help you?" She said in a sweet voice as Kagome nodded. "Yes, I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Tanaka next week, preferably next Wednesday at 11:00 am." She said as the woman search through the computer for the opening before shaking her head. "Sorry it's taken, but there is one at 12:00. Would you like that one?" She asked as Kagome thought about it.

She had a meeting at 1:00 and it will take an hour for her to get to the hospital in time for the meeting. "Um, is there one in an early time?" She asked. "There is one on Tuesday of next week at 10:30." She told her as Kagome nodded.

"Okay." She said handing the woman her insurance health card and the woman began to enter her into the appointment book. "Okay Mrs. Takahashi." She said passing Kagome her health card. "Thank you." She said as she made her way out the clinic and to her black eclipse car.

She just sat there and stared into space. "I'm pregnant." She said trying to get used to it as she began to feel her abdomen. "Not sure how many months though, but I know your growing in there." She said as she started the car and headed home to take that nap she had promised herself earlier in the doctor's room.

"I'm twenty three and pregnant, but look on the bright side I know mom will be ecstatic when she hears the good news." She said with a bright smile on her lips. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad and hopefully what happened to her ancestor's pregnancy wouldn't happen to her.

The Higurashi women were known to very fertile and thus resulting in multiple births. The most it has been was twins and that was when their mother had given birth to her and Kikyo. Kikyo was the oldest by an hour seeing as Kagome had been a breeched baby, coming foot first in the birth canal.

There was only one time through the Higurashi family line that a set of quadruples occurred and that was by her great great grandmother, by whom she had been named after. Two hadn't survive due to complications.

There was a slight chance that it could happen to her. After all she carried the gene for having multiples and thankfully Sesshomaru didn't. If not there was no escaping it.

Then again the only multiples in their family were her and Kikyo, no other member from their family had twins or more. Each member has had one healthy child, so she would have one healthy child. 'Hopefully a girl.' She thought happily as she swap her card from the front gates and waited until it opened fully before she drove through her driveway and up the hill to their mansion.

There were security guards station every ten feet from one another since Sesshomaru was gone and her husband was a bit paranoid. Kagome waved to each one as she parked the car into the garage. She got out and headed inside and up the stairs to her huge comfortable King size bed. As she climbed the stairs to her room she discard her clothing save for her bar and underwear and walked stood in front of a mirror.

From the front her waist looks slightly thick and as she turns to the side her abdomen was protruding outwards. She seem to look about three in a half months, but surely she couldn't be that far along. She shook her head and climb into bed covering herself with the blankets before falling asleep.

'I'll tell Sesshomaru the news later after I wake up.' She thought as rubbed her stomach softly. Sesshomaru was a demon wouldn't he been able to smell the change in her scent just like he did to Kouga's wife Ayame when she was expecting her first baby or cub.

Her eyes narrowed slightly before softening again. She was too tired to get angry at him right now.

That was just another thing to add onto her hit list.

She inhales softly to smell the scent of the new shampoo she's been using for the past four months. It was the same as her natural scent, which was that of an ocean breeze. The smell was calming to her and made a mental note to buy more because she was running out.

She soon fell asleep knowing that she was pregnant and happy. there will be no complications and there will be no worries save for when she goes into labor.

A/N: Here is the first chapter of Oh, Babies. So tell me what you think about it and If I get a lot of reviews I'll start setting up the next chapter and turn my attention away from my other stories to Oh, Babies. So please tell me if you like it! ;) Review!!

Lady Manami