Chapter Eighteen

The cat is out of the bag, so to speak

Rin glanced out the window with wide, curious honey brown eyes. Inuyasha wasn't kidding when he said they were going to have some fun tonight. After leaving the dinner part, Inuyasha had been driving for the past couple of hours out of the city. It wasn't until she saw a welcoming sign to the city of Yokohama that Rin realized where he was taking her. Yokohama was known for its spectacular views, shopping centers, restaurants and other entertainment in the Minato Mirai 21 area. Rin couldn't take her eyes off of all the brightly and colorfully lit buildings and stores. It was like Tokyo at night, but much more exciting, well for her at least. She never had the time to see Tokyo in all its glory because of work and school, but if it was anything like Yokohama she would sure it would be twice as amazing. "This is so cool!" Rin exclaimed with a wide grin before pulling her face away from the open window and turning to stare at Inuyasha with shimmering bright eyes. "What are we going to do tonight?" She asked.

Inuyasha smirked at her before turning a corner, bringing into view The Pan Pacific Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu. It was one of his favorite hotels to stay in when he visited Yokohama for business. The room views were breathtaking. "First we're going to check into our room and then get you another dress before we go out." He told her before pulling up to the front of the hotel and getting out the car. Rin followed suit, but not before glancing at her attire. Her dress had a large stain on it from her smeared mascara and her hair was a mess. She didn't even want to look in the mirror to see her smeared make up. Inuyasha met her on her side and handed her his jacket to cover up the stain. Rin muttered out a thank you before following him into the hotel.

It wasn't long until they got to their room and were getting ready for the evening. It was almost eleven by the time Rin was done getting ready. Looking at her new golden, shimmering dress and dramatic new makeup, Rin felt like a different person. The dress was a snug fit on her torso that consisted of a sweetheart neck line which was embroidered with diamonds. The end piece flared out in small ruffles down to her knees and a pair of nude colored pumps graced her feet. Her dark wild hair was pulled up once again in an elegant bun that showed off her diamond earrings and necklace.

Rin felt beautiful in the dress. In all her nineteen years she's never felt this beautiful with the exception of earlier. It felt good to be in a new city and away from her life back home. She was starting to get the feeling that starting over would be a good thing for her, a new environment to start anew where no one would know her. She could probably even get a better job here and transfer colleges. "What do you think grandma? Should I get away from Tokyo and start a new life here?" Rin asked softly as she made her way to the large window to take in the view of the city before her. Surely it was cheaper to live out here than in the capital of Japan.

The lights from outside reflected on her face and body, coloring her with bright neon colors. The Cosmo Clock Ferris wheel shone the brightest and it was Rin's favorite so far. Ever since her grandmother passed away, Rin has felt lost, but right now she felt as if she was finding her way again. She didn't feel alone like she did before, especially with Inuyasha here. She inadvertently thought back the kiss they had shared earlier. It was nice and she would be lying if she didn't want more it. A light blush spread on her cheeks and a small shy smile appeared on her peach colored lips. "To think I was infatuated with the older one." Rin muttered softly.

"Who are you talking to?" Rin gasped and quickly spun around at the sound of Inuyasha's voice so close by her. She looked up and saw him standing right in front of her, wearing a suit and clasping on his gold watch. "Nobody, just thinking out loud." Rin muttered shyly while blushing a deep red at being caught talking to herself. Inuyasha raised a dark brow at her before shaking his head and calling her crazy. Rin glared at him before folding her arms across her chest. The action caught the hanyou's attention. His brow twitched slightly as he tore his eyes away from her slightly enhanced cleavage. Rin didn't have the fullest of breasts, but they weren't small either, especially when she folded her arms across her chest like she currently was.

Inuyasha coughed and walked away from the sight she created. "Let's go our car is waiting." Inuyasha announced. At that statement Rin's smile returned full force. She quickly ran to the mirror and checked herself one last time before grabbing her matching nude purse. Inuyasha watched her with amusement. It felt good to see her so excited and happy, but most of all because he was the one behind it. He used to be able to do that for Kikyo when they were younger, but as they grew older and she became more famous in her own right with her modeling things just started to change. The model was no longer impressed with his efforts, so he stopped all together. The arguments just kept coming, especially within the past year. He lost count on how many times he was banned from the apartment they shared.

Inuyasha wondered how Kikyo would react when she found out he left the baby shower early with his date and was nowhere to be found. He'll deal with the consequences tomorrow because right now his main priority was to give Rin a good time. She finally made it by his side and together they left the hotel to enjoy the wonders the city of Tokohama had to offer them.

If only he knew then that his good intention to give Rin a good time would change the course of future and his family forever, he probably would have taken her home just as she had asked earlier, but the hanyou's heart was in the right place. He couldn't have known the outcome of that night or maybe he did and didn't care. He just wanted to feel like a provider to someone who needed him, because he obviously wasn't getting that feeling from Kikyo any longer.

Sesshomaru was unable to sleep through the night because of the events that had occurred last night at the dinner part. It did not go according to plan. His brother was being an idiotic moron and even worse his sister-in-law was acting like one as well. Some of the guest and family members were gossiping about it after the incident. It was embarrassing to the least. To make matters worse Inuyasha and his date were nowhere to be found after the revealing of the genders of his pups. To say Sesshomaru was hurt was pushing the bar, but he would admit that he was disappointed that the hanyou had missed such a family orientated ordeal. Both his father and he tried contacting the stubborn hanyou, but received no answer or response. It seemed Inuyasha had turned off his cell phone in favor to whatever it was that he was doing. Kikyo had been furious once she learned the hanyou had disappeared and was nowhere to be found. She tried calling him on her cell, but just like the rest she received no answer. It led to her breaking down and his poor little wife had to help her calm down.

The stress that Kagome was experiencing irritated the pups and once she started expressing pain he knew he had to get her back home. So he ended up taking both Higurashi women back to his home. He placed Kagome to bed first before taking care of his incoherent sister-in-law. It was rather difficult taking care of Kikyo. Her powers were enhanced by her emotions so the occasional zap of purification stung him from time to time. After ten minutes of her fussing he decided to knock her out and left her in bed with a trash can nearby with a bottle of water and pain killers. He had just about been ready to head to bed himself when he got a call from his father informing him of the reporter that had gotten away with pictures of the event. He did not know how she knew the even was taking place or how she managed to enter the estate, but it did not fare well with the Takahashi clan.

Come morning the whole city would know that Kagome was pregnant and her since of normalcy will be gone. Marrying him had taken that from her, but he had at least wanted her to enjoy her pregnancy with some privacy. They lasted this long, so he suppose it was a feat. That photo shoot Kagome had done for maternity wear would have revealed her current status, but it wasn't due to be released for another three months.

As he lay in his bed and deep in thought he missed the fact that his little wife was awake with her own thoughts running through her mind. "Did you find Inuyasha?" She asked softly with worry green eyes. He shook his head and gently ran his hand through her hair to relax her. "I am sure he is fine." He offered. Kagome closed her eyes and placed a hand on her belly. "He went off with Rin, the young woman who he brought as his date. I feel nothing good will come from that. Inuyasha ruined his chance with my sister." Sesshomaru nodded his head in agreement. His younger brother was foolish.

The sun was shining through their curtains, highlighting their features. "I want to see the news and see what pictures they actually took from last night." Kagome stated while grabbing the remote control and turning the TV on to the popular news channel and as expected an image of the Takahashi estate came into view. Soon after the reporter was done describing the event that had taken place last night, he introduced the reporter who took the pictures and wrote the story. Sesshomaru made sure to memorize her name and face. She better enjoy her fifteen minutes of fame because after this news outlet her career will be over. He would make sure of that himself.

Behind them were photos of his family and of them cutting the cake revealing only one color, indicating one of his sons. The reporter managed to capture a very clear photo of a very pregnant Kagome. "Well that's it. Now the world knows and I will be hunted down like an animal after this." Kagome sighed depressed.

Sesshomaru's thoughts were interrupted when his phone started to ring. He glanced at it and noticed that it was Inuyasha. Without hesitation he answered with a tone of controlled anger. "Where are you?" He questioned tightly.

"Calm down, I'm alright. I just went out of state to clear my head."

Sesshomaru resisted the urge to growl through the phone, but once he heard the groan of a female in the background he let it be known. "What have you done Inuyasha?" He asked forcefully.

He could hear Inuyasha's breath hitch slightly over the receiver. "Listen, I-I need to be alone for a couple of weeks. I need to think about things and being home isn't helping. I'm sorry about last night."

Sesshomaru gritted his teeth in annoyance. He needed to be alone for a couple of weeks? What about his job?

"I know what you're thinking; I'll be working from here and taking care of business. I have already informed Myoga. He's going to send all my files and paperwork through fax."

Sesshomaru couldn't believe what he was hearing and so he stood up and made his way outside to prevent his little wife from eavesdropping. Once he was in a secure location he let Inuyasha have it.

"Listen to me Inuyasha; I know you have that woman you brought last night with you right now. Meanwhile your girlfriend is passed out in my guest room after worrying herself sick regarding your whereabouts. Do you really have no concern for Kikyo?" He asked sharply, leaving out the part that he had to knock her out.

"I know…but I think it's best if Kikyo and I have our own space for now. I already left Kikyo a voicemail informing her of my decision." Inuyasha's tone was solemn, resolved almost in his decision.

Sesshomaru would have pulled out his own hair if he didn't have such excellent self-control. "You better think through this long and hard. If you come back now maybe you would be forgiven. Don't be a fool and make decisions based on a moment of temporary infatuation." He felt like he wasn't getting through to the thick headed hanyou. Inuyasha wasn't thinking clearly. He couldn't blame his younger brother for falling for the affections of another woman who showed him attention. It wasn't entirely his fault either; Kikyo also played a role in this as well.

"I appreciate the help, Sesshomaru. But there's no going back now. Kikyo won't ever take me back after last night." Sesshomaru's eyes widen at his words and what they indicated. "Inuyasha," The taiyoukai muttered out in disbelief.

"Like I said, I'll be back home in a couple of weeks. If not, then definitely by the time the pups are born."

Sesshomaru growled when he heard the dial tone. Inuyasha hung up on him. Frustrated and anger by all means he angrily crushed his cell phone within his palms. Father will not be pleased once he learned about this. Not only did Inuyasha successfully ruin his relationship with Kikyo, but he also placed an indirect strained between the two families. No doubt the twin's father will be enraged and this will place more stress on Kagome.

"Inuyasha you truly are a fool." He angrily gritted out before heading to take a shower. He needed to get out the house and resolve the issue with this reporter who trespassed on his family's property.

A/N: It's been a long time and although the chapter is shorter than usual I wanted to get the chapters started again. I want to finish this story as well as my other ones! It's time for Oh, Babies to reach its end. I know some of you guys have waited a long time for their births, so have I! Expect for the quadruplets to arrive soon.

Also, I will keep you all posted on the prequel that has yet to be titled.

Read and Review

Lady Manami