The rangers returned about half an hour later

Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish it, Power Rangers does not belong to me, it belongs to Disney.

Timeline: This happens in Power Rangers Zeo, during and after "King For A Day"

Author's Notes: This story happens to be Tommy/Jason slash, which means these two extremely hot rangers are getting it on. If you can't handle that, turn back now. Otherwise, don't say I didn't warn you!

Chapter Three: What's Next

The rangers returned about half an hour later. Tanya leaned against a console. "That guy was tough!"

"Yeah," Rocky said, joining her. "Gasket packed a punch with that one."

Tommy looked over at Jason, who had sat up at their arrival. He gave him a small smile. Jason felt a sliver of hope in his heart. There was a hint of promise in that smile.

"Man, I'm ready for bed," Adam said.

"You have done an excellent job today, rangers, and I am proud of you. Now I recommend you all go home and get some much needed rest," Zordon remarked.

"Sounds good to me," Tommy said. "I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." He looked over at Jason and beckoned with his head. Jason walked over to him as everyone else teleported out. Tommy looked at him with a smile. "Wanna go back to my house?"

"Definitely," Jason replied. They both reached for their communicators and disappeared.

They teleported directly into Tommy's room. The next thing Jason knew, Tommy's lips were pressed against his. This kiss was different, it was forceful, demanding. Jason moaned as Tommy's tongue found it's way into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around him, returning the kiss with vigor. They stood there for a long time, devouring each other's mouths. When they finally pulled apart Jason looked at Tommy, breathless. "Wow."

"Yeah," Tommy said with a smile. "Definitely wow."

Jason laced his fingers through Tommy's and pulled him over to sit on the bed. "God, Tommy, I've never felt like this before. I feel like I'm flying."

"I know. Me too." He rubbed the back of Jason's hand with his thumb. "I never want this day to end."

Jason looked at him seriously. "Is that all it is? This day?"

"That's not what I meant." Tommy let go of Jason's hand, got up and walked across the room. "I mean, this is absolutely amazing. But where do we go from here? What's next?"

Standing, Jason walked across the room to join him. Taking his hand, he kissed him softly. "I don't know, Tommy. But does it really matter right now? What matters is that we've finally found this. I don't want this day to end either, but more importantly, I don't want this to end. I found you now, and it's not something I'm letting go of."

Tommy smiled, leaning in to kiss him tenderly. Jason returned the kiss, then swayed as a sudden wave of dizziness hit him. With it came a jolt of pain from his ribs. He moaned, and it was not one of pleasure.

Tommy grabbed him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jason gasped. "Just a little dizzy." He winced as another jolt ran through him. "And in pain."

"Jesus, I was so wrapped up in this I forgot that you were hurt! Why didn't you say something?"

Jason smiled as Tommy helped him to the bed. "I was a little wrapped up in this too."

Tommy helped him lay down, then sat down next to him. "So what do we do now? It's gonna be a little difficult. I mean, we can't exactly go out to the movies and hold hands."

"I know, but we'll figure it out," Jason replied, getting comfortable. "We'll just take it slow and deal with stuff as it happens."

"And what about the guys? What do we tell them?"

"I doubt the guys will have a problem with us being together. They love us and will accept us for what we are. Besides, they're all pretty open minded. And if there is a problem, they'll have to deal." He squeezed Tommy's hand. "Besides, it's not like we have to come out and announce this to everyone tomorrow. We can take our time." Tommy chuckled, and Jason looked at him curiously. "What?"

"It's just what you said about "coming out." I never saw myself as gay before."

Jason smiled. "Me neither."

Tommy looked at Jason intensely, then leaned down to kiss him passionately. Jason accepted the kiss gladly, returning it with as much passion as he felt. When they finally pulled apart Jason smiled at him, reaching up to run his fingers through Tommy's long hair. "But I do know one thing."

"What's that?"

Jason pulled Tommy down for another tender kiss. "I finally know what 'I love you' really means."