A/N- Hie people!! I recently discovered I work better under pressure, so I shall work two stories at a time. This one I've been planning longer then my Loveless story (Musei) all most, so read it ok?? It took a freakin long time to merge Naruto and Spy High.

Oops, Disclaimer- I do not own Spy High (A. J. Butcher) or Naruto (Masashi Kishimoto).

In one week, six teen's lives are completely and irreversibly changed. Six completely different kids with completely different backgrounds are thrown together and expected to work together.


Sasuke Uchiha, whose extreme talents and lethal hotness make him instant crushability. The power and prestige granted to the Uchiha clan goes to his head giving him the arrogance and sense of leadership of any Uchiha. A few years ago, his entire family was killed by his brother who vanished soon after.


Hinata Hyuuga, the quiet but beautiful Hyuuga heiress. Her I.Q. levels are off the charts, but she is underestimated and over-looked by virtually everyone family included. Because she's heiress she's treated like a dimwit, and she tries to prove she isn't a baby but a woman who doesn't need constant watch.


Neji Hyuuga, the Hyuuga prodigy and cousin and protector to an unwilling Hinata. The most gifted of the family, whose I.Q. is second only to Hinata. But he's in the branch of the family that may as well be indentured servants instead of actual family.


Tenten, who's lack of surname would usually mean lack of past. But Tenten has her own dark past that she won't explain to anybody. Naturally gifted at all things weapon related, her rage and pain from the past gets in the way of real control.


Naruto Uzumaki, mis-fit and no brains. Alone his entire life and outcasted from his hometown, his overly optimistic attitude masks any pain that he hides. His skills lie in athletic ability and speed, and an annoyance level that is off the Richter scale.


And Temari. Rebel and outcast and her attitude proves it. Years of living on the streets taught her instinct and stealth and she's a master of it. It also helped her hone a flawless ability of hacking, such as into state of the art security systems. A lifetime of being double crossed and betrayed made her trust level very low.


Six teens with entirely different personalities. Everything they've evr known is about to be changed by two sentences.

"Hello, I'm Kakashi-sensei. Have you ever heard of the Sarutobi Academy?"

"Hey mister!! Are even in the same country anymore?!" Naruto yelled in that obnoxiously loud voice of his. The cab driver cringed and replied.

"Yes we are. You saw the sign for the Sarutobi Academy didn't you?"

"Yeah but that was a while ago and all I see are trees!!"

"The grounds are very, very extensive."

"No kidding! I've seen country's way smaller then this place!"

"The building should be right here."

The buildings popped up like the mere mention of its name called it. It was a huge Gothic Victorian style castle that looked bigger then the grounds. There were so many towers and spires coming from it that he lost count after fifteen. The driveway was as long as a football field, and speaking of which there was a very big one nearby.

When the cab finally reached the front doors, Naruto had a problem. He had more then enough money from the Academy to pay the driver and tip big. But he never had that much money before, and extra cash never hurt.

"Just pay me kid and get your bags already!" Naruto finally settled on a small tip, and the cab driver shot out of there, relieved to finally get rid of the insane blond kid.


"It's too quiet here." Naruto grumbled as he grabbed his bags and walked toward the door. He was watching the only quiet game of high school football in the world. The doors swung open automatically. He walked in and to a old lady sitting behind a desk.

"Hey Granny, I'm here- "

"Don't Granny me! Kakashi must have been having a bad day when he picked you."

"Hey what does that mean?!"

""Sit over there Mr. Uzumaki, with the other students."

"Cranky old bat. How'd she know my name?" He grumbled to himself as he dragged his bags over to the indicated area. The first thing he saw was a pale, dark and long-haired, beautiful girl sitting at a table in jeans, sneakers, and a fitting top sitting at a table. Sitting next to her was an equally pale boy with equally long dark hair in jeans and a hoodie next to her. They looked to be brother and sister.

"Hi!! I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" He yelled, nearly scaring the two half to death. The girl squeaked and the boy twitched.

"Um hello. I'm Hinata Hyuuga and this is Neji."

"Hyuuga? You're a Hyuuga?" Whoa, rich kids. "Is he your brother?"

She laughed. "No, he's my cousin. Yes, I'm a Hyuuga."

"Your cousin doesn't talk much does he?"

"Yes, I can speak thank you. Don't get to close to Ms. Hinata."

"Neji!" Hinata glared at him.

"Hey, I can do whatever I want as long as she's okay with it!"

"Both of you stop already. Hey, there are some more kids coming this way." Neji and Naruto looked. A boy and a girl in uniforms were walking toward them, talking quietly.

"Hey! I'm Naruto and these two are- " The two walked right past him. Hinata giggled and Neji snorted.

"Do people usually act like that?"

"Hey I'm talking to you!" Naruto yelled, pissed off at Neji's comment. He reached out to hit the guy. "I said- " Naruto's hand past through the guy and the rest of him followed. "Whoa! Did you see that."

"Hai. Just like I see that." Hinata pointed at the same exact boy and girl walking toward them."

"Holograms." Neji and the old lady at the desk said at the same time. They glared at each other as Neji stood up. He walked toward the two kids and stood right in front of them. They walked straight through him.

"At least one of you has a brain." The old lady muttered.

"Hey!! What did you sa- "

"Now now. Calm down Naruto." Kakashi-sensei appeared behind the teens.


"Kakashi, you're late as usual."


"Grab your bags and come with me." The three proceeded to do it and followed Kakshi into what looked like a library.

"What are we doing in here Kakashi-sensei?"

"Open the door will you Neji?"

"Uh- "He opened the door again. Instead of a lobby, they were looking at a room full of pulsing machines and computers and crammed with men and women in lab coats. The walls were covered with screens, each featuring a different channel with people speaking different languages.

"What is this all for?" Hinata said, examining each machine with excited eyes.

"This, Ms. Hyuuga is our Intelligence Gathering Center, or IGC. Nothing happens that we don't know about here.

"Please don't call me Ms. Hyuuga, my name is Hinata."

"Whatever you say. Come, let's meet the rest of your team.

'The rest of their team' consisted of two girls and one boy. The boy was Sasuke Uchiha, another rich kid. Naruto made sure to be nice to him. Ever since his brother had killed his whole family, Sasuke had been known to be an excellent fighter. With a small impatience problem. He was looking at Hinata out of the corner of his eyes, and Neji was glaring at him.

He took more interest in the other girls, Tenten and Temari. Tenten had slightly asian features, with shiny brown hair pulled into two buns on top of her head. Her brown eyes were bright and she was looking over the rest of the team with blank stares.

Temari was really tall. She was probably a little older then the rest of them. She had dirty blond hair that was pulled into four ponytails that stuck out of the back of her head. It made her look very exotic. Her green eyes were sharp and she was looking over everyone else with critical stares. After all the introductions were made, the six kids split into groups depending on gender.


Sasuke introduced himself with a very arrogant voice to Neji and Naruto. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha. And you are?"

"I'm Hyuuga Neji."

"Oh, The Hyuuga prodigy? Or the Hyuuga body guard?"

Neji glared. "Both."

"So you're in the cadet branch?"

The glare got darker. Steam was practically boiling from his ears. "Yes."

"And you are?"

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! You know, you weren't being very nice to Neji." Two boys were now glaring at Naruto. "Uh oh."


On the girl's side, things were going a little better. "I'm Hinata."

"Hi I'm Temari. And this is Tenten. She doesn't talk much."

"TEMARI! Ignore her, I do talk!"

"I see that."

"Hey, who's the guy with the really long hair?"

"That's Neji, my cousin."

"Why's he trying to look like a drag queen?"

"TEMARI!" Hinata and Tenten yelled.

"I'm kidding. It actually looks good on him."

"Is that Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Yeah the one and only, and doesn't he know it."

"I heard he was snobbish. Being a Uchiha must go to his head."

"What about you? Aren't you a Hyuuga?" Hinata fliched.

"And," Tenten continued. "Aren't you the Hyuuga heiress?"

"How did you know?"

"You and Neji have the Hyuuga eyes. Plus, Neji was in an article last month.

"Don't mention it to him. He hated that article. Please don't call me Hyuuga. I'm tired of people thinking my name makes me a snob. Or an airhead."

"Okay we won't. Right Temari?"


Feedback squealed across speakers and yelling was heard from a lot of teens. Neji and Sasuke looked up from trying to hurt Naruto.

"Sorry about that. May I get your attention please? Welcome to Spy High."

A/N- Okay I may have been overly mean to Naruto. I'm sorry!

To anyone who has actually read Spy High, you can message me if you think I did something wrong, but don't be harsh about the choice of Naruto charaters, because it took a while to fine people who fit perfectly except for Naruto, Sasuke and Tenten. Temari was the closest thing to Cally I could find, and I didn't want to us a OC.

So Read and Review!!