A/N: I hope that this is as much a joy to read as it was to write. I'll admit…I cried a bit. Don't worry, there should be more where this comes from.

"At long last, love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive…

You're just too good to be true,

Can't take my eyes off of you"

"Oh, for the love of all that's holy!"

"What's wrong?" Bella questioned, her heartbeat quickening in slight alarm.

"You don't have to call my brothers," I explained. "Apparently Emmett and Jasper are not going to let me bow out tonight." I could hear both of them running at full speed toward the house, Emmett leaping over Bella's truck like a hurdle. I could also hear their amused thoughts as they prepared to kidnap me for my bachelor party.

Eddie…you can't hide with her all night. You owe us one more night of male bonding before you latch on the old ball and chain!

Come on, Edward- it's time...

Bella gave a little sigh before squeezing me closely for a moment and releasing me. "Have fun," she conceded. My body instantly began to miss the heat from hers, and for the thousandth time, I seriously considered telling my brothers to shove off and let me spend the night where I actually wanted to be—tradition be damned.

A high-pitched screech came from the windowpane as Emmett scratched his nails down the glass. I saw Bella wince and shiver slightly as the sound pierced the room.

"If you don't send Edward out, we're coming in after him!" Emmett hissed at us both. You can run, but you can't hide…

"Go!" Bella laughed, shoving me slightly. "Before they break my house." I couldn't help but grin at her before I rolled my eyes and jumped up from the bed. I threw my shirt back on and couldn't resist giving her one more swift kiss on her forehead.

"Get to sleep," I whispered. " You've got a big day tomorrow."

"Thanks! That's sure to help me wind down," she grumbled, and I could hear her heart speed up considerably in anxiety. I had to physically restrain myself from shaking my head at her. I knew she wanted to marry me—she just had such a hard time handling attention. Silly girl.

"I'll meet you at the altar," I said, barely able to contain my excitement. If my heart could race with anticipation, it would be pulsing visibly from my chest.

"I'll be the one in white," she joked, feigning calm. As talented and beautiful as she may be, I once again noted to myself that Isabella Swan would never win any Academy Awards for her acting.

"Very convincing," I said aloud before I launched myself out of Bella's window. If I had to make it through a full day without seeing Bella, I wanted to make sure I could focus on the image of her at that moment, sitting up in her bed with her hair disheveled and her lips swollen from my kisses, for the full eighteen hours.

Jasper felt my desire as I flew toward the ground and he indicated as much to Emmett.

Don't worry, Eddie, by this time tomorrow night, you'll finally be on your way to getting laid! Emmett thought, his mind flashing to indecent images of ways he had been with Rosalie on their many honeymoons. I took the split second of my flight to aim my landing right onto Emmett, nearly knocking him to the ground.

"Son of a bitch, that almost hurt!" he said aloud, rubbing his arm absently.

"You'd better not make him late," Bella said softly from her bedroom, sounding almost worried. Jasper sensed my sudden inflamed desire to scale back up the wall and ditch them—so he shoved me back slightly and scaled the wall himself to reassure my fiancée.

"Don't worry, Bella. We'll get him home in plenty of time." Jasper sent a wave of calm towards Bella, and I heard her heart slow a bit as she relaxed. He sent some towards me as well, and then began to shift some excitement my way for the "bachelor party" we were about to enjoy.

However much I longed to be with Bella, and however much I enjoyed spending time with my brothers, there was nothing compared to the sheer joy and anticipation I felt in regards to the next 24 hours. By this time tomorrow, Bella Swan would be Bella Cullen—my wife. To say I felt exultant would be the understatement of the millennium.

"Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?" I scoffed. As if any other woman would hold a candle to—

"Don't tell her anything!" Emmett all but growled, interrupting my train of thought. I used his distraction to push him down to the ground. He looked up at me in shocked irritation. I couldn't help it, I laughed. Nothing, nothing at all, could bring my mood down.

I heard Jasper explain our plans to Bella in reassurance, and she thanked him sincerely before he dropped back down to the ground.

"Ready, little brother?" Emmett grinned. "It's time for us to school you." He lunged for me, but I read it in his thoughts before he moved and jumped deftly out of the way. He smirked and took off running, with Jasper and I on his heels.


By the next morning, my thirst was sated and I had thoroughly enjoyed the distraction of my brothers' light banter and innuendos about finally joining what they so respectably referred to as "the club." However, the deeper that conversation went, the more nervous I became—as I did when anything had to possibility of jeopardizing Bella's safety. However, she was planning on marrying me and had offered up her very life to me—the very least I could do was comply with the one thing she asked me for in return.

It was midday before we came running back up to the house, and the scent of beautiful flowers wafted out into the expansive backyard. The freesias that I had requested Alice include in the arrangements mingled with Bella's own freesia scent—she was upstairs with my sisters, no doubt enduring their finicky beautifying techniques with a gracious (albeit gritted) smile.

Five more hours. As a vampire, time had come to mean precious little to me…but I knew that the next five hours were going to be excruciating.

As if she sensed my predicament, Esme came flying out of the back door in a whirlwind.

"Need something to do, Edward?" I smiled at her gratefully.

"Well, we need some more chairs set up out here—be sure to leave enough space between them for walking. And could you be a dear and make sure the ribbons on those trees over there are straight? Then, when you're done with that, you could set up the music if you'd like. Also, the piano probably needs to be tuned…" she trailed off, a smile playing on her lips.

"Yes, mother," I agree, rolling my eyes playfully. She grinned at me, crinkling her nose up in excitement.

"Oh, Edward…I'm just so happy for you, sweetheart." Her amber eyes showed the depth of her emotion, and her thoughts echoed her words with such pure joy that I felt a surge of emotion cause the back of my eyes to prick as if they could tear.

"Thanks, mom," I whispered, before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Well, now, you just get to work and make sure you're upstairs getting ready by about 4:30. The guests are due to start arriving by 5 or so."

"Mhmm," I agreed, willing myself to set the chairs out at a human pace.

After I finished checking off Esme's to-do list, it was nearly 4. I headed up the stairs, willing myself to speed past the bathroom where my sisters were holding my fiancée captive. To ensure that I could not see what she looked like, Rosalie was picturing herself in her head as if she was looking in a mirror. Alice was less transparent and chose to visualize the sheet music from Wagner's traditional wedding march while noting what kind of embellishments she knew would work best—intent on sharing these thoughts with Rosalie. She paused for one second, however, for my benefit.

She's going to be stunning, Edward. Absolutely stunning.

"Always is, Alice," I muttered as I forced myself past the door.

Ugh, you know what I mean, Edward. Give it a rest. Go get ready. Your tux is on your bed and your tie is hanging from the back detailing that you so lovingly destroyed.

"I want it intricate," I heard her say aloud to Rosalie. "The veil goes here…"

I jumped out of her head, not wanting to ruin the anticipation that was building pleasantly within me—I almost felt warm because of it.

I heard Carlisle's thoughts from behind the door before I even reached my room. When I entered, I found him leaning against one of the many shelves of CD's, a huge smile on his face.

"Well, son? How are you feeling?"

"Impatient," I admitted, stepping to the bed and grabbing my tux. He started, and then turned to give me a split second of privacy as I changed.

When he turned, he had my tie in his hand.

"May I?" he asked formally.

"Carlisle, I'm perfectly capab-" I started to say, but he was already shaking his head.

"Come now, Edward. Give me just one fatherly opportunity today."

I rolled my eyes, smiling, and nodded. He grinned, stepping forward and looping the tie around my neck.

"So, Carlisle, any fatherly advice for the day?" I asked as he expertly knotted my tie at a human pace.

He pulled the tie straight, adjusted it, and stepped back to admire his work before looking in my eyes.

Just like Esme, his thoughts spoke volumes about the breadth of his emotion. The joy that filled the house was inescapable today.

"Well, Edward. I could repeat my speech about safety on the honeymoon, but I don't think that's necessary. Or, I could regale you with memories of how I felt just before I married Esme…though you were present for that. I could also repeat verbatim the speech you gave me just before I headed down the aisle…though it was rather devoid of romantic sentiment, I must admit."

I chuckled softly, recalling the day that Carlisle first took Esme as his wife. Out of the three couples our family constituted, Esme and Carlisle were the only ones who chose to marry just once. For the human charade, it was because it was assumed they were already married. They also held firm to the belief that they only needed to say their vows once—because they lived them sincerely every day of eternity. While none of us believed that the repeated weddings of my siblings cheapened their original vows (Alice couldn't resist updating her wedding gowns with changing fashions, and Rosalie was, well, Rosalie), I knew that this would be mine and Bella's only public wedding ceremony. For one, I would be hard-pressed to convince her to ever go through such a public display of attention again…and a selfish part of me wanted to remember a blushing bride.

Carlisle had not been nervous in the least on his wedding day—just as I felt no anxiety, either. I had watched him get ready at lightning speed, while Esme changed into a simple dress down the hall. They chose to get married on the beach as the moon rose, with a few small torches to light the ceremony. As we had chosen to stay below the human radar, the ceremony was brief—the only witnesses were myself and the officiate. He asked me if I had any words of wisdom and I had smiled tightly, unable to relate any. I remembered telling him that I hoped he and Esme shared all the joy in the world, and that I was very happy for them. It wasn't until their honeymoon that I ran off for a few years, allowing them time alone together while I scoured the Earth as a nomad, ultimately rebelling against Carlisle's vegetarian ideals. I did not deserve their kindness upon my return.

Carlisle shook me out of my thoughts by gently placing his hands on both of my shoulders.

"Son, I don't have any advice to give you other than to….cherish this day, this moment. Our kind experience change very rarely, and when we do—it changes us forever. The changes that I have seen in you…the growth, the maturity, the unending capacity for compassion and love…all in just over a year…I cannot express to you how much I have enjoyed watching you these past months. Though it was hard being separated from you for that short time-"

I broke his gaze then, shame coursing through my veins. He squeezed my shoulders again.

"Son, look at me." I did as he asked, though unwillingly. I hated remembering the pain I put my family through. Not to mention the pain I put Bella through.

"Don't think about that, Edward. You…you grew as a result of that time, too. As horrible as it was—I think feeling what it would be like to lose her serves as the cornerstone of your relationship. And I think that you realize it, too. Her blood no longer tempts you as it used to. I have watched you become a man in your time with her, and I have watched you become a greater man than I could ever hope to be."

His eyes filled with emotion, and I almost had to look away from them—I felt undeserving of his praise.

"I'm so proud of you, Edward."

I pulled him into a vice-like hug.

"Thanks, Dad," I muttered into his shoulder. "I love you."

He pulled back and looked me in the eye again. "I love you, too."

Edward, it's almost time—you and Carlisle get downstairs! Alice's thoughts wafted towards me as I heard Renee rush up the stairs and squeal. It would be so much easier in a few moments, when I could stop putting forth so much effort not to see Bella in anyone's thoughts.

Carlisle coughed, in a very human way, to break the scene of emotion as I repeated Alice's intentions. Emmett and Jasper came banging through the door then, and sandwiched me in a hug and left the room in a flash to take their seats next to Esme.

"Ready?" Carlisle asked, his eyes widening and a cheesy grin flashing across his face.


We made our way down the stairs at an excruciatingly slow pace, and I took the moment to fully admire my sister's handiwork. The flowers, the satin, the canopy…it was perfect, all of it. I allowed the thoughts to permeate my brain; the well-wishes and love were almost tangible.

Even Rosalie's thoughts were cheerful as she continued to play gracefully at the piano. I shared a smile with Mr. Weber as Carlisle and I took our place underneath the garland canopy at the altar.

I looked down the aisle and towards the curve of the grand staircase in my family's foyer just as Alice came into view. Her grin was reflected in the glow of the candlelight as she practically danced down the last few stairs.

Here comes the bride, Edward…try not to drool on your tuxedo, please.

She winked at me and took her place to my right, leaving just enough room for my bride to join me. I glanced back up to the staircase and inhaled an unnecessary breath as Rosalie shifted into a loud and exultant fanfare to signal Bella's entrance.

"Don't let me fall, Dad," her beautiful voice whispered from the top of the stairs, and I shared another quick smile with Carlisle and Alice—though none of the humans present could have possibly heard her. My precious Bella was about to become mine for eternity, and she was still worried about falling down the stairs. By God, how I love her.

I concentrated on the stairs, watching Charlie guide her and hold her steady. I could not get a full view of her while the staircase curved, as Charlie was situated at her right arm, blocking her from my sight. His thoughts were a jumble of joy and paternal sadness at letting go of his daughter, but his emotions were generally happy with her choice—he knew that this is what she really wanted.

I took that second, as I watched Bella descend the last step with her father, before she turned to face me, to tune out every thought in the room completely. I wanted to be completely focused on my bride as she walked down the aisle and into my arms—when we would never be separated again. Charlie guided her and she turned, her eyes slowly looking up from the floor.

The deep breath I had inhaled came out in a short, rushing sigh. She, quite literally, took my breath away.

Her eyes glanced quickly around the room, taking in the vast beauty of the decorations as I had. Suddenly, her cheeks blushed crimson as she registered the crowd watching her entrance. It was the four thousandth, nine hundred and seventy second time I had seen her blush. I would miss it, but I knew that this, out of all the others, would be the one blush I would never, ever forget.

I swallowed convulsively as she finally, finally caught my gaze. In that instant, I saw her chocolate brown eyes light up, and I knew that all of her fears had dissolved. Her heart began to race—not out of anxiety as it had when she walked down the stairs, but out of love, hope, and impatience. She ached for me as I ached for her.

I felt my face break into a smile that was so big it almost hurt. Her brown hair was piled up elegantly around her delicate veil, and I saw the beautiful intricacy of the lace that surrounded the bodice of her timeless, pure white wedding gown. It hugged her delicate form, flaring slightly at the bottom and trailing behind her. Her veil had a traditional blusher, covering her face in a sheer layer of toile lined in tiny gemstones. Her bouquet matched the flowers in the room, and there was a collective gasp as the rest of the guests finally got the full glimpse of her that I was first privy to.

If my heart had not stopped beating over ninety years before, it would have stopped at this moment. I had never beheld a more beautiful creature in all of my existence.

She staggered down the aisle, barely able to keep time with the music, in an effort to reach me faster. As much as my fingers ached for her, I wanted the moment to last as long as possible. As she finally reached my side, I extended my left hand to her. Charlie's eyes crinkled as he smiled at me, placing his daughter's hand in my own.

Take care of her, Edward. She's my baby.

His eyes expressed his thoughts, because he was unaware that I could hear them. I nodded my understanding to him, unwilling to take my eyes away from Bella's any longer than absolutely necessary. I curved my stone fingers around her warm, soft hand and we turned together to face Mr. Weber.

"Dearly beloved," Mr. Weber began, smiling down at Bella and I before glancing at the audience. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the pure love and devotion that Edward and Bella share. They have voiced their desire to make a public and permanent covenant, to God and to each other, to cherish each other for the rest of their lives."

I saw Bella's eyes fill with tears as she smiled at the sentiment. I squeezed her hand gently and tucked her right arm in the crook of my left. She glanced at me, her brown eyes threatening to spill the tears she was holding back. Her smile blinded me, and she winked, allowing a tear to spill over before we simultaneously looked back to Mr. Weber. After a few more words of introduction, he asked us to face each other and prepare to exchange our rings and our vows.

Bella broke my gaze and turned to Alice to switch her bouquet for my ring. I turned to Carlisle, who handed me Bella's delicate wedding band.

"Now, Edward, take Bella's left hand and place this ring on her finger, and repeat after me." I smiled as I met Bella's gaze once more, and did as I was told.

"With this ring," I repeated, "as a symbol of my unending love for you, I thee wed." I slid the tiny ring fully onto her finger, and then lifted her hand to my mouth, brushing my lips across her knuckles.

"Now, Bella, take Edward's left hand and place this ring on his finger, and repeat after me." Bella drew a shaky breath and squared her shoulders as her warm hand found mine. She smiled at me through her tears, placing the band at the tip of my finger.

"With this ring," she whispered, "as a symbol of my unending love for you, I thee wed." She slid the ring onto my finger and squeezed my hand, a few more tears spilling over her eyes. She was glorious to behold. And I got to keep her for eternity. She chose me. She said yes to me. The countless insecurities I had at the beginning of our relationship, all those months ago in that fluorescent-lit biology classroom, completely dissolved. She had said yes to me. And I would never want for anything again.

"Isabella Marie Swan," Mr. Weber asked, "do you take Edward Anthony Cullen to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

She blinked the tears out of her eyes, and they streamed down her face as she whispered very clearly.

"I do."

"And do you, Edward Anthony Cullen, take Isabella Marie Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

I wanted to shout my vow from the rooftops, grab Bella by the waist and swing her around until we were both breathless, and run thousands of laps around my house and guests in triumph. However, I kept my joy in respectable check as I loudly and clearly vowed my eternal love for Bella.

"I do."

Bella gazed at me exuberantly through her tears, her shoulders hunched upwards and her mouth opened in a playful grin in a way that clearly stood for a loud shout of excitement. She squeezed both of my hands and I had to keep myself in check—I had to wait until Mr. Weber told me I could kiss her. She turned and grabbed her bouquet from Alice once more, prepared to be presented as Mrs. Bella Cullen.

"By the powers vested in me in the state of Washington, and in the presence of these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife." We glanced at him and then back at each other joyfully.

"Edward? You may kiss your bride!"

As eager as I was, I wanted to cherish this moment for the rest of my existence. I dropped Bella's hands and took her face in my own, smoothing my thumbs gently across the streaks of tears on her cheeks. I cradled her face in such a way that I knew she could feel how preciously I held her in my heart, and I could feel the almost-painful pricks of the vampire equivalent of tears behind my eyes for the second time in a few short hours.

I inched slowly towards her smiling face, and her eyes reflected the joy that I felt as the distance between us was finally closed. She stretched up to the tips of her toes and threw both arms around my neck, her lips victorious against my own.

I knew that one day soon, her human memories would become filmy. I wanted to ensure that this kiss, our first as husband and wife, remained seared into her memory for the rest of eternity. I filled the kiss with as much love, passion, tenderness, adoration, and devotion as I was capable.

As I allowed the thoughts of the guests begin to filter through my head once more, I heard my Emmett's internal guffaw.

Geez, kids, get a room already…!

I smiled against Bella's lips, and used my hands to pull back from her face and look once more into her eyes. She clung to me, unwilling to stop kissing me, though she was so averse to public displays of attention. I smirked at her, but even then I could not hide my pure, unadulterated joy. And then we turned, to face the world as Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.

Our families rushed to greet us, and Renee quickly found Bella's waist and pulled her into a tight hug. Jasper clapped his hand against my shoulder, and Seth Clearwater's heated hand squeezed my arm in congratulations. All the while, I never let go of my wife's left hand—and I squeezed it gently, rubbing my thumb across the tiny band that bound her to me for eternity.

As the sun set behind the trees, Bella and I walked into the backyard, where the reception party began seamlessly. We shook countless hands, received many hugs, and shared small conversations amongst the guests. Even Billy Black seemed relatively pleased, though he seemed to be guarding his thoughts from me. It did not matter to me what he was thinking—I knew that Bella appreciated his presence, even though his son would not grant her the same gift.

After a pleasant exchange with Angela and Ben, I forced myself to smile in appreciation at Jessica's shallow congratulations and Mike's overly-appreciative gaze.

Next up was the Denali clan, whom I had not seen in several months. I felt Bella's hand tense in mine, and I knew that she was nervous about meeting what she insanely considered her "competition."

Tanya immediately reached for me, as her sister and the others gazed at Bella in greeting. Tanya's thoughts breached my guards, and she whispered into my ear.

"Ah, Edward, I've missed you."

I laughed at her softly, and twisted myself from her embrace. I placed a friendly hand on her shoulder in an effort to distance myself. Though she would never admit it openly, I knew that she was jealous.

"It's been too long, Tanya. You look well."

She smiled softly, seeming a bit more resigned. "So do you." You're glowing, Edward. It's…wonderful to see you so content. I'm glad I made sure you came back here all those months ago. Aren't you going to—

I intercepted her thoughts.

"Let me introduce you to my wife."

I smiled for what seemed like the millionth time, happier than I had been in my century of existence. As Bella and I ended the conversation with the Denalis, I led her over to the cake. All the traditional ceremonies took place. I smirked as Bella watched me eat the piece of cake she delicately placed in my mouth with wide-eyed wonder.

"If someone dared you to eat dirt, you could, couldn't you?" The memory filled my heart with nostalgia and a fresh wave of happiness came over me.

She threw her bouquet into Angela's arms, and I knew that it would shock her if I removed her garter in a relatively risqué manner. As she sat in the chair, pulling the hem of her dress up a few inches, I knelt to one knee and took her small ankle in my cold hand. She jumped a little at the temperature, then smiled as I slowly found the garter with my hand as she blushed.

Then I winked at her and watched her eyes grow wide once more as I deftly ducked below her dress and found myself faced with the lacey garter on her knee. I could not resist placing a soft kiss on her shin as I ever-so-carefully guided the scrap of fabric down her leg with my teeth. I could hear my brother's loud laughter as I emerged, and I saw Bella's deep blush. Four thousand, nine hundred and seventy three.

I smirked and winked at her once more before flicking the garter right into Mike Newton's face.

And then, I took my chance to pull Bella onto the dance floor. As I took her in my arms, I heard the soft notes of the music fill the air and once again tuned out the thoughts that filled the room. There was only my Bella, twirling with surprising grace under the soft candlelight. Of all the human moments I had given her thus far, I knew that this would be the one that I would remember for eternity.