Okay, this is going to be my first Vampire Knight fanfic, so I hope you guys enjoy it

Okay, this is going to be my first Vampire Knight fanfic, so I hope you guys enjoy it. But in this one, Kaname will not be her brother.

It won't follow the plot of the manga, 'cause I always like to put my own twist to things. :p But the pairing will be my favorite pair.

Rated M for future chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight or any of its character's. (Though I wish I did.
) I just own this plot.

By the way, I got Yuki's name spelling from wikipedia com. If it is wrong, please let me know.


Prologue: A Knight in White

"Yuki, get back here! Kaname will be here soon!" My mother called up the stairs to me.

"I don't care!" I screamed back down to her. My name is Yuki. That is all you are going to get from me. My last name is of no importance. But, more to the point, I would like to tell you what my mother is forcing me to do.

She is forcing me to get married! And the wedding is supposed to take place in six months. In November. It was just May now; in the middle of the month.

And I am only 17!

How she could arrange a marriage for her only daughter is beyond my comprehension. But, that is not the only horrible part of my situation. She has chosen Kuran Kaname as my future husband. The most self-centered, egotistical, man-whore she could have found! Sighing, I opened my window, and looked over the horizon, loving how the sun painted the sky so many wonderful colors.

I looked down to myself and my frilly bright red dress my mother had all but shoved me into. 'You have to make a good impression, Yuki. You wouldn't want Kaname to be offended, would you?'

Oh, no, wouldn't want that mother, I thought sarcastically. I wouldn't care if Kaname got hit in the head with a meteoroid, or if he just randomly decided to commit suicide. I just didn't like him. Upon my first meeting with him, when I had at least expected him to be nice, he was just distant and cold. He didn't even speak to me except to say goodnight and goodbye. I have to admit though, before arriving, my mother and father had both talked so highly of him, that I had already developed a small crush. But how was I supposed to feel about him after the first impression he gave me? He was three years older than me, for one. And all older men want the same thing. And I am not going to give that up without a fight, and you can bet your ass that I would scream rape if he ever did anything to me.

And that is another thing that I think Kaname will, fortunately for myself, not like about me. I am a very outgoing girl, and a bit on the rough side. I'm not a tomboy, exactly, but I guess you could categorize my personality with that. I like to play sports, but mainly football. Yes, football. Not rugby, or any sissy game such as that. Football. Where the guys treat me like one of them, and we get dirty. I love being treated as one of the guys. Which brings us back to point one. I hate wearing dresses!

"Yuki, if you aren't down here in three minutes, you are going to wish you had been!" My father now called up to me.

"I doubt that," I mumbled.

As I gazed out of my window at the almost set sun, I decided that anywhere would be better than facing that stuck-up and distant Kuran again. So, I jumped out of my window and landed gracefully on the ground. As I walked around the streets, I got curious and interested stares. Some were just curious as to why I was wearing such a dress and walking on the streets. Others were filled with something that I would rather not think about.


I shivered as just that word past through my mind. Deciding to get away from the view of others, I turned down an ally way. I know what you are thinking. Don't go down there, something will happen to you. Well, I have to disagree with you. With Cross Academy being so close, no one, or thing, would dare to attack me. Yes, everyone knows that vampires exist, and walk among us. The only myth that is true is the part about the blood.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, I walked past a dumpster and heard a cat hiss. Looking down, I saw that is was only a kitten, and with loving animals like I do, I picked it up and tried to comfort it. The kitten was white, with just a few black and brown spots of fur on it's face and paws. It licked my hand when I touched his nose.

"It's okay, kitty. I can help you. You are so kawii. Shh," I soothed it. "No need to cry now. I am going to take you home with me."

"But, I'm afraid you won't make it home this night, sweetheart." I heard from directly behind me. Suddenly the kitten in my arms disappeared and whirled around to face my predator. Seeing no one upon turning around, I faced in the direction I was walking again, and saw what had to be the ugliest vampire I had ever seen in my life.

"Gotcha," he whispered, as he grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the wall.


With Yuki's parents, when Kaname arrives. Kaname's P.O.V.

As the doorbell sounded, I got butterflies in my stomach again. Just the thought of seeing Yuki again did that to me. It had been years sense I had first saw her. And she looked more a child then anything. And I am sure I didn't make a good impression on her. Well, how could I with the knowledge I had just learned that night? That hunter's that go by the name, Kiryuu, had killed my parents. The most known hunter's of our world killed my parents that night, so of course I was distant and cold.

Hopefully Yuki will understand and except my apology. I quickly glanced down at myself to see if my attire was in complete order. I hadn't bothered to brush my hair, since most people said it looked better that way, and I just wore my Cross Academy uniform. It was white and elegant, and I thought it would fit the occasion.

I glanced up again as the door opened, but only to see a red-eyed Mrs. Hetami standing in front of me.

"What's wrong," I asked quickly, fearing the worst. And indeed my fear had come true.

"It's Yu-Yuki, Kaname. She left less than an hour ago and has not returned, and it is dark out. I do n-not mean to offend your race or anything of that sort but-"

"Yes, I know," I cut her off. " Vampire's will kill each other to get to Yuki's blood."

Her mother nodded, tears still seeping out of her eyes. Her husband placed a hand comfortingly on her shoulder.

"Will you go and look for her, Kaname? I know-"

I was already out the door.

I tried to follow her scent, but the scents of the city were covering it up. So, I asked strangers if they had seen a young girl of seventeen pass through. They all said they had, but it was a while back. I passed one man on the street, and he grabbed by shoulder. I looked to this human curiously. But, it wasn't a human at all.

It was Kiryuu Zero. My hands balled up at the thought of him. Although I do not hold him accountable for my parents death, I still had a strong disliking for him.

"What do you want, Kiryuu?"

"You're looking for a girl in a red dress, had brown hair and huge innocent eyes?"

"Yes. Have you seen her recently?" I asked urgently.

Kiryuu smirked, and I clinched my fist at the sight. I really dislike this guy, but if it would help me find Yuki, then I could bite my tongue.

"Damn, how did you land a pretty one like that, Kuran? I thought you only went for things of your own species."

"Which way?" I hissed. I was ready to kill him if he gave me any false information.

He hitched his thumb up and pointed to an ally way, and I quickly strode past him. As I walked down the darkened ally way, I couldn't help but think of why Yuki would run away. Do I really frighten her that much? I thought to myself, sidestepping a dead animal. I couldn't scare her that badly. I mean, we have really only met once, and I didn't talk to her much then. Sighing, I sniffed the air a bit, hoping to find her scent.

And I did.

Just a little further down and I should find her. Right about…Here, I thought, as I looked to the side of the dumpster. What I saw there almost sent me into a rage of insanity.


With Yuki. Yuki's P.O.V

I lost all of my breath as he pushed me up against the wall and trapped me. I could feel his bloodlust, and I could tell by his eyes. That's one thing I had always managed to do. Was tell what people really feel by looking in their eyes. And this vampire was level E.

What does that mean, you ask? Well, I will have to explain that at another moment when he isn't trying to suck the life out of me!

"My, but you are a pretty one, Yuki," he murmured, cupping my cheek in what he thought was a gentle caress. But to me it felt like he was clawing my skin off. So, I did what I like to do a lot.

I spat in his face.

And then he slapped me with enough force so that it made blood drip from my lip. Upon seeing my blood, his eyes got as red as possible, and he bent my neck to get better access to lick my blood away. Squirming as best I could as to try and prevent him from taking my blood, he wouldn't stop. His lips got closer to my neck, and then I felt his fangs teasing my skin. I whimpered. I know, not the most courageous thing to do. But hey, would you have done any different?

I screamed then. Maybe I could stop his movements long enough to get away from him if I did that.

And then, he stopped assaulting my neck.

I had closed my eyes when I screamed, but now I opened them. And I saw that it wasn't my scream that stopped him, but a dagger that was pressed to his throat.

"You drink even one drop from her and I'll kill you. Now, back away from her, and to the front of me."

The level E did what he was told. I shivered violently from the relief that I wouldn't have to go through what he could have done to me. I looked to my rescuer and noticed that he had on white.

A knight in white, I thought almost dreamily. That was, until I looked into his eyes by the street light and saw whom they belonged to.

"Kuran Kaname! What are you doing here!?" I demanded loudly.

"Saving you. What the hell does it look like I am doing? Now, I want you to turn away, Yuki."

"But I-" He got in my face, and it wasn't until then that I noticed how beautiful he had truly become.

"Turn away, Yuki. I do not want you seeing this."

Shaking my head, I turned around, if not just to avoid looking at him any longer.

I heard a scream of pain, then what sounded like a man choking. I felt something wet seep through my shoe, and looked down to see what it was. As I noticed the color and thickness of it, I almost vomited.


Suddenly, before I could think any more on the subject, Kaname had grabbed my hand and was dragging me out of the ally way.

"Just where do you think you are taking me!?" I demanded loudly, bringing a few gazes to us.

"I am taking you home, and we are all going to enjoy a peaceful dinner like out parents had planned," Kaname replied calmly.

Seeing as I couldn't break his grip, I just suffered being dragged home by him. But it wouldn't be a peaceful dinner. I would make sure of that.


A/N: Whoo! So, what did you think? Should I continue or not? I really like Vampire Knight, so despite what most of you think; I will more that likely continue writing this anyway. :P But, your reviews are still welcome! 