So I left for awhile, and I pretty much left a story I had began open and unfinished. Since I forgot my account info and changed my e-mail, I made this account and am going to re-do the story. (:

If you read this and I left, I'm sorry. If you haven't, enjoy and review. I'll post one of the old chapters every day and work on the new ones, so updates shouldn't take that long. Buut I'm working on another story, so yeah. You should read that one, too. (:


Chapter One,
The New Patient, The New Nurse

"Fuck! The cops!" The screeching whine of sirens could be heard in the distance, getting louder by the second.

A ripple of hesitation went through the unorganized mass of men and the few women, and a split second later there was a flurry of movement as people jumped to move. They charged, roughly shoving unwanted enemies from their way and grabbing arms to pull friends along.

Soon, the field was almost deserted; compared to a moment before it looked abandoned and forlorn, like it regretted what its neutral ground brought to itself. Two shaking bodies were struggling to their feet, one managing to get to his knees with his hands braced on the ground. The last body remained unmoving and lifeless as the flashing of blue and red appeared on the sparse grass.


"There was a gang fight?"

A female spoke up, entering the staff room where two of her colleagues were sipping at Styrofoam cups of coffee. She went and got a cone-shaped cup of water from the dispenser near where they were talking and filled it, setting her purse on the nearby couch.

Kagome Higurashi- she was the new nurse, and just about nineteen. At other hospitals she was considered to young to work regularly as a nurse, but here at Sengoku Jidai hospital the dire need for nurses and even doctors made the hospital managers immediately hire young interns that were so ready to work, underage or not. As long as they still attended classes and eventually earned a degree, and as long as they were registered as an intern, nobody bothered to say anything about it.

"Yeah," replied another nurse, Rin, shaking her head. "They caught on quick, though, so less were injured- two were demons."

"One was half," Eri put in, nodding. "Like she said, the cops came quickly. Only three went down. The boy is up on the third floor, the demon ones are on this one. One was hurt pretty badly."

Sipping at her water, Kagome frowned. Gang fights were not uncommon around here, but usually demons weren't injured. Or if they were, they were gone in less than a couple hours or didn't come to the hospital at all. "What gangs?"

"That one gang that no one knows who the boss is and that gang of wolf demons," Rin said, tossing her cup in the trash. "We think the two injured demons fought each other or something."

"Ahh," Kagome replied, nodding. "I see. D'you know who got assigned to them?"

"Nah," Eri said, heading towards the door. "We figure old Kaede. Neither of us got them, and as far as we know, neither did Ayumi or Yuka, as far as I know." Raising a hand in farewell, Eri went through the door as Rin grabbed a folder.

"Here's your folder, Kagome," she said brightly. "I'd better get going. Some old guy needs me to feed him breakfast…" Making a face, she headed towards the door. "Later."

"Bye Rin," Kagome said after her, opening the manila folder in her hands. She sighed when she saw the name and the description of her new patient- this was bound to be interesting. Heading towards the door, she read the profile aloud.

"Takashi, Inuyasha. Hanyou. Twenty-one. Six foot one. Gold eyes and silver…hair?" The female's voice stumbled, as if confused. "Hair?" her brown eyes jumped back to the word Hanyou, which explained the strange coloring- she should have known.

"Have you met your new patient, Kagome?"

The young nurse looked up, biting her lip. She smiled when she saw the old woman coming down the clean hallway- the senior nurse, old Kaede. The woman was much respected and always ready to lend a word or two; her experience often made others sought her thinking. She had grown to something of a grandmother for this Kagome, seeing as the young had interned for the old.

"Yes, a Hanyou by the name of Inuyasha. I'll get trouble from him, no doubt, with his demon side." Kagome sighed and fell into step with the old woman, walking down the hall with her.

"Aye. He'll mouth off, no doubt, or try to sweet you. A trait he picked up from that lecher he calls his best friend." Kaede smiled and stopped before the room, looking at the dull silver handle. "I always thought that he had bad influences; he was a sweet boy, though some things eventually turned him hard."

"Kaede, I wonder how you know so much," Kagome said, shaking her head and turning the knob and taking a paper from the manila folder taped to the door.

"Oh, I've handled this one before. I'll check on you two later. He shouldn't be around long, though. He tends to heal fast- even for a Hanyou. He should be asleep now, however. He was beaten pretty hard."

Nodding, Kagome opened the door. "Thanks Kaede." Walking inside, she shut the door behind her and gasped at the sight- it was definitely not what she was expecting.

There was the Hanyou, with the deserted hospital robes tossed onto the unmade bed. Instead, he was pulling a ripped shirt over his muscled chest, making Kagome stare and blush. Luckily for her, he had already yanked on his pants. That would have been even worse.

Noticing her, he grinned showing pointed canines. "New nurse, eh? Remind me to get 'badly' stabbed and kicked more often," he remarked, making her blush an even deeper shade of red. Reaching down, he picked up a shoe and pulled it on, sitting on the uncomfortable chair beside the bed.

Regaining herself, Kagome went and grabbed the other shoe so he couldn't have it and held it from his reach. "Sit, let me make sure you are okay," she demanded in what she supposed to be a dominating tone- she usually got the response she wanted. He, however, found her manner amusing, and slightly irritating, which he proved by his 'keh'.

Standing, he grabbed her wrist and brought her closer, pulling her into him. "As much as I like to play doctor," he said smoothly, "I have to go. But when we do, remember I prefer less clothes and I like to be the doctor." Tweaking the shoe from her hands, he pulled it on, leaving her speechless.

"Besides, wench, I'm fine." Giving her another look-over, he walked from the room and closed the door with a snap.

Kagome stared, remembering the exceedingly cute ears and the gorgeous eyes. Lost in that thought, she snapped out of it when she realized something- did he call her a wench?

Frowning, she jumped when the door was opened, admitting Kaede. "Where is Inuyasha?" she asked, coming inside. She crumpled an empty paper water cup in her hands and tossed it in the nearby trashcan.

"Oh…he…left," Kagome said, still frowning, reverting her eyes back to staring at the door. "He seemed fine, wasn't limping and didn't seem irritated." Quite the contrary, but Kaede didn't need know that. She didn't want to get a bad reputation within her first week. She needed to know how to handle tough patients, and getting flustered when seeing a bare chest was definitely not a way to prove that she could.

"Stupid boy. Always impatient," Kaede muttered with a touch of annoyance, going over and taking Kagome's clipboard. "It will be his downfall, and I hope his demon ears hear me," she said very loudly. Balling Inuyasha's bio into a ball, she tossed it into the trash, though it did not follow her cup. Instead, it bounced out making her sigh. Holding back a smile, Kagome crouched and got the paper, disposing of it while Kaede started to speak again.

"Come, you can have another new patient, from the same gang…Pretty beat up, but he actually is asleep. This one is human, too. He won't give you a hard time. Poor boy doesn't even look like he belongs in a gang… But I suppose if you must survive…"

Kagome nodded, pushing the Hanyou from her mind. She needed a clear head- she would go have a glass of very cold water before going up to this new boy, and make that scoffing, flirting face disappear from her mind. Rude, arrogant, stupid Hanyou. Playing doctor. Psh.

As Kaede looked at her, Kagome finally replied- she didn't want the elder nurse to suspect anything. "Right. Thank you, Kaede."


There you are. (: Review, please and thanks- its part of my motivation.