Disclamer: Roses are red, violets are blue, I do not own twilight and neither do you (unless your Stephanie Meyer)Oh! And i don't own Princess Bride either, i only used one line from them, but just to be on the safe side I don't own them either

I want to dedicate this chapter to a very awsome person who has been really nice to me, even though I some times am a pain in the butt... I love you neheshemushu! Oh and y'all should check out her story it is crazy good!

Chapter One Renee's POV

"Hmm… Lovely," I said to no one in particular. I took another deep whiff in. I loved the smell of my fresh new bag of loot. It smelled amazing. Tonight I was raking in the money. Maybe I'll be able to buy Bella that new crib. The new one with the blue rims and the small canopy. Oh! I can picture it now, how darling!

Wait! Renee focus! Okay, focused! Now you may find it strange that I smell a bag of 'goodies' from various rich people. I would not expect you to understand unless you were a mugger. I ran down Fox Creek, trying to get away from the police that were right on my tail. My hair was coming out of the messy bun on top of my head, and my maroon dress was starting to stick to the sweat on my body. Not only that, but the crisp October air was burning my ankles. Besides all of that, I felt rather lucky though, it was 1931, so it was not as if the police were all that fast. I think I had a good shot at getting away.

I turned down the next street, running, always running, when I was face to face with a brick wall. When I mean 'face to face', I mean something shoved me into the wall. Not hard enough to make me bleed, but hard enough so that my nose was into the wall, and my skirt was tangled in the handle of the dumpster that was right next to me. I racked my brain to try to figure out exactly were I was, that way when I retell this story, I can get a better reaction from my audience.

Anyway, after about three seconds, I figured out were I was. I was down the alley only a block or two away from my house. We call this 'Crime Corner', and we call it that for a reason. If you intend to keep everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you came with you do not go down this alley.

So now, how did I get here? I was running down the road… when… when -Oh! - When two white arms grabbed me and threw me in here. I turned around. If someone brought me here, I was here for a reason. I needed to find a way out. Sure, my chances of leaving were slim, but come one, we're all human, we can make a mistake or two. And, by the time they had realize their mistake, I'll be gone. That's when I saw him.

Him, the murderer, the worst type of criminal. I could just tell that he was a murderer. This man was not normal. He did not dress normally. He wore black pants and a black shirt. He wore no mask. That's what got me. He had no mask on. Most criminals in New York wore a mask. Not this man. He didn't care who saw him. Who could identify him to the police. He didn't care because he would kill them first. So what was he doing with me?

That's when it hit me… again. He was going to kill me. I saw a glint of amusement pass through his eyes. His eyes. This killer had shining -gulp- red eyes. Even in the middle of the night, his eyes glowed. If I took a good look at him, nothing about him seemed normal. His eyes, his strange hairdo, his clothes, his skin color, nothing seemed slightly normal. He seemed otherworldly or even -dare I say- inhuman. His eyes were red. His hair was everywhere on his head, as if he had not combed it in months. His strange all black clothes. His skin was lighter than mine was, and my grandmother was albino.

He sauntered towards me. He moved so slowly that it was almost taunting. As he took his next step toward me, he flashed his gleaming white teeth that were shining so bright that they sparkled under the street lamp.

That's when I realized I wasn't afraid of him. I knew what was going to happen to me. He was going to kill me. Sure, this thing -he was not human of that much I was sure- was going to kill me, but I had nothing to fear of the afterlife. Really, what happened is what happened, it wasn't going to change. And, I was not going to give this killer the satisfaction of knowing I was scared of him. His red eyes flared up with amusement again, almost as if what I was thinking was funny.

That was when my anger flared up. I had had enough of his silly little games. I guess I should be thanking him for giving almost another five minutes to live, but come on. This was going to end right now. I took one-step forward, closing the gap in between us. My head went to his neck, but I didn't think it made me look any less threatening. I looked straight into those eyes and said,

"This is New York, baby, you're going to have to stand on a few broken backs to make it here. Maybe if you stopped killing people for the fun of it, you might make some money. As you can see, I have done nothing wrong, so I have no reason to fear the afterlife. Just kill me already. You've had you're fun,"

He chuckled, and replied, "As you wish."

I'd hate to admit it, but his voice was so smooth and silky it would be really… sexy if… the circumstances weren't like this.

He jumped on me a half-second later and bite me. He bit me! He was… a vampire! He was going to suck out all of my blood! Eww… that's gross.

Oh my god! My Bella, my baby Bella, was only going to have Charlie to take care of her. No wa-

A/N: Okay I am sorry for the Princess Bride run in, I couldn't help it! Okay now this is my first fan fiction so if you want to help me that would be awsome, and if you want to flame me picture me as a cute puppy. Could you flame a cute little puppy? I couldn't. Review Please!