Note: Sorry I took so long, I'm slow I know sorry don't shot me. I am a bit bored of this story but i plan to finish it so I'm going to move it along faster that I had originally planed so if it starts going to fast just let me know. also i know the title of this chapter sucks.... sorry again

8. Things I Won't Say

Hinata sighed she was back in the safety of her hotel room with Temari and Ten-Ten telling them about her event filled evening with Gaara and Sasuke, who by the way happened to pick up an annoying habit. He kept calling her Mrs. Uchiha, knowing full well she hated it.

"No way it was wet?"

"Gaara knows

Ten-Ten nodded taking in everything that happened, However Temari couldn't get over the fact that Hinata actually told Gaara that they spent his money.

"So were staying here until our originally planned flight..."

"No" Hinata almost screamed she couldn't last that long.

"Or" Temari rolled her eyes "at least until I can round up enough money to pay Gaara back."

"What are you talking about" Hinata hollered "You're a lawyer"

Ten-Ten chuckled shaking her head "how soon we forget, Hinata, Temari can't take that much money at one time." Hinata mentally slapped herself. Temari is a recovering shopaholic. The book and movie inspired her to do something about her shopping she said however Ten-Ten and Hinata figured Shikamaru's hatred for miss managed money is a part of it too. So now the she can only take out a fixed amount of money out of the bank at a time.

"I'm sure I can get the cap removed it just might take a while."

"And while we're waiting you can stay as far away from Gaara as possible" Hinata said with a false sense of enlightenment.

Temari smirked playing along with Hinata's little game. "I knew you'd understand"

"Oh for Christ sake Temari he's your younger brother what is he going to do." The room went silent. The truth is Gaara could a tad unreasonable at times, especially when he was upset but he's better now.

"Hinata you do realize he is the kid that burned his house down , right" this fact always bothered Ten-Ten it made her nervous and she always found a way to bring it up in any conversation that involved Gaara. It concerned her so much that she found him a therapist that of course he never went to. She was also upset that his family supported him saying he grow out of it. According to Ten- ten you not just grow out of that shit.

"He was six"

"Hinata" Ten-Ten hollered. "I can't believe you defending that"

"Okay Hinata" Temari started folding her arms over her chest. "You can go back to Yamahana with him"

"No way"

"Exactly" Temari said triumphantly. "So were staying, so sit tight and I'll work on getting you a new document."

Hinata sighed defeated there was no way was going with Gaara it would be to awkward but if he stayed then she would have to put up with an increasingly frustrating Uchiha Sasuke. Hinata fell backwards onto the bed sighing, she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon and she hated being stagnant.


Did you get it?"

Surprisingly, Sasuke actual felt guilt he shook his head no while he played with the engagement ring in his pocket he got from Hinata earlier on. As much as he hated lying to Shikamaru, he would be doing him an injustice if he let him marry Ino.

"Sasuke you couldn't have just remembered to ask her for it."

"Hey you forgot too." The truth is Sasuke didn't forget he was hoping she would go home with it or pawn it off anything. It was a waste of money Shikamaru shouldn't have bought it.

Shikamaru sighed shaking his head and leaning back in the cream color couch. He did forget. Sasuke watched Shikamaru try to please this girl for far too long had he known he planned to marry her he would have exposed her long ago but it was too late. He couldn't tell Shikamaru the truth without hurting him.

"Don't do it" Sasuke let the words slip out

"Don't do what..." Shikamaru started but he caught on right away. His face curled up into the ugly furious face he made whenever Sasuke tried to talk to, him about it. These conversations never went well. "Why not"

"She's a slut okay!" Sasuke shouted he cared about Shikamaru more than his own brother and any girlfriend he ever had.

"How would you know?"

This is the part he didn't want to answer, not thoroughly anyway. "She slept with... a friend." Shikamaru's faced twisted into one of confusion. Sasuke already knew what he was going to say before the smug look crossed his features.

"Sasuke you don't have friends"

Sasuke rolled his eyes as true as the statement was he did have one very good friend. One he valued more than Shikamaru. Inhaling deeply Sasuke wondered where or not he should tell him now or later.

"Did you sleep with her?"

"What!?" the question caught him off guard.

"Did you sleep with her?" Sasuke glared at Shikamaru from the corner off his eyes. Sasuke grumbled he would never, ever even think it. "Really the 'she slept with my friend' is so elementary..."

"Shikamaru..." Sasuke said strangely calmly.

"Well, you're so sure that she gets around..."

"I...would Never" Sasuke spoke slowly in order to hold back the outrage he felt.

"It's okay Sasuke you can tell me if you were hittin' it."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "When the fuck did you start talking like that?" Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders. He really did not need to spend any more time with Kiba.

Sasuke shook his head Shikamaru was definitely different. Then his phone rang. The name flashed across the causing a deep throated sigh from Sasuke.

"Its Naruto right" Shikamaru asked, Sasuke nodded "I swear he's in love you"

Sasuke disregarded Shikamaru's statement answering the phone. "What do you want Naruto"

"A favor" how many favors was he planning to ask for this month alone? That's when he heard a women's voice asking him if he need anything else when he said no she responded by saying "hope you enjoy your flight." Then Sasuke knew exactly what he wanted.


"Please, it's the last time" there was a moment of silence. "I promise"

Sasuke growled knowing damn well that it was not the last time. Every time was never the last time. He should have never agreed to help him in the first place. "Naruto" he stated as if it were a threat

"Sasuke" he said back in the same tone. Sasuke looked behind him a Shikamaru who had stopped listening to them awhile ago. As much as he wanted to say no he couldn't he owed Naruto he's the reason that he was everything he owns.

"Fine this is the last time I mean it"

Naruto let out a victorious laugh before saying "thanks Sasuke I love you man"

"Yeah yeah, I'll distract him today but the rest of the time you're on your own"

Naruto agreed and hung up the phone. Sasuke inhaled deeply.

"What did he want to know if you were cheating on him?" Shikamaru asked jokingly

Sasuke chuckled it was ironic he should say that because if anything Naruto was cheating him. "funny, you want to go play pool?


Naruto laid back in his seat contently. He grew tired of looking out the window at sky, sky and more sky. Clear and blue with minimal clouds. He had never enjoyed plane rides. He found them to be quiet uneventful and plain. The most excitement on a plane is perhaps a baby crying on the way down. He also hated the feeling of his ears popping. The feeling always lingered for a while.

"Please fasten your seat belt the plane will be landing now"

"Finally" Naruto thought chewing gum while putting is ear plugs in and braced himself for the landing. Unfortunately the plugs didn't block out the high pitch screams of the three year old behind him.

"It's okay it's almost finished" the child's mother said hushing him.

Naruto couldn't shake the cries of the child. It picked at his brain. He cried a lot as a child and hated the sound. "Here" he said offering the child some gum "it will help". The child nodded and toke the gum before his mom could say otherwise. He chewed hard and fast. He didn't stop making noise all together but he did resort to little winces instead.

The mother whispered an air thank you. Naruto nodded to her saying "no problem"

"Thank you for riding with Konoha Airlines, we hope you had a safe ride."

Naruto exited the plane, with a craving for quality coffee. He walked into the little airline café. "Can I get a large double double" Two long slender arms wrapped around his neck and soft blonde hair tickled his cheek.

"Make that two"


The women smirked whispering. "How did you know it was me?" Naruto didn't bother to answer instead he pulled Ino in and gave her a fine kiss on the lip.

"Sir that will be $3.05" the young women around the counter her tag read Mia she couldn't be older than sixteen. He was sure she was talking to him yet she was looking at Ino almost venomously. Naruto gazed the aqua colored boat neck sheath dress she was wearing after paying for the coffee

"What" she asked

Naruto shook his head. "Nothing you look beautiful."

Ino blushed lightly thanking him. "Don't you want to see how good I look without clothes?"

Naruto chuckled talking her hand. "So, to your hotel then?"

Ino nodded eagerly walking faster.


"Hey, Mia Why were you staring at that woman?" Bre, Mia's her co-worker inquired. "Do you know her or something?"

"She slept with my brother a couple days ago" Mia replayed calmly

Bre rolled her eyes. "That settles it you brother has an STI"

Mia hated when people bad mouthed her family but she could allow this one her brother had made quiet a name for himself "maybe two"