"Some events happen in life in order to bring secret traits to the surface"

It was 11:40 in the morning and Grimmjow was eager, eager for lunch and a break from his stupid classes. Grimmjow is a big guy with light blue hair and a feline complexion. He has daring blue eyes and a huge grin when he smiles. Grimmjow looks like one of those guys that do stupid things just for laughs.

Grimmjow Watched the minutes go by on the clock but it felt like it took fifty years for twenty minutes to pass. Then the bell rang. Grimmjow instantly was out of his chair and headed for the door, he wasn't the only one either Half the class was gone the second that bell ring. While Grimmjow was running down the hall almost to the out side, He ran right into someone.

This person was smaller than Grimmjow much smaller, and had longish spiked black hair, his skin is stark white. This guy has vibrant dreamy green eyes and has dark turquoise running lines under his eyes making him look highly depressed.

It was a guy named Ulquiorra, the class emo; the kid you would think carried a knife just to make himself feel better. "Watch it" Ulquiorra snapped at Grimmjow as he continued walking. Grimmjow thought after that, wait that was the first time he had ever spoke to me…. it was true Grimmjow and Ulquiorra had never spoken in the six years they had gone to the same school, wow and their first words were negative….

Grimmjow walked over to the trees where two other boys were. One boy is completely white with spiky hair, the only color he has is his black and yellow eyes. The other boy is tall with red hair gathered back in a ponytail. He has strange tattoos on his body and wears a cloth around his head.

"Wut took ya s'long?" the white haired boy asks, a massive smile plastered on his pale face.

"Yeah Grimm where ya been?" the red head asks consecutively after his white friend.

"I ran into somebody on the way out…" was Grimmjow's response.

that night

Grimmjow didn't want to be out so late it was almost midnight, but well he ran out of soda and had nothing else to drink. So he has got to go to the small store on the corner, at night, in a big city, when there just happened to be a rapist on the loose.

When he got to the store it was almost empty of people except the one person by the soda cases and the store clerk. Grimmjow walked back to the refrigeration section and noticed the other person was Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra was looking at the stack of soda in front of him obviously trying to decide which kind of soda he would buy.

Suddenly some one walks into the store. This person is wearing a large black sweatshirt with the hood drawn up. This guy wears dark sunglasses so you can't identify him. The man draws a gun, and points it as the store clerk. He draws another gun pointing it up shooting the thin fake ceiling.

"EVERYONE DOWN OR I'LL SHOOT YOU!!" the man shouts

Grimmjow slowly moved to the floor, hell no he wasn't gonna be shot, that would just fucking suck. Ulquiorra was still standing he was short enough to hide behind the shelf, the robber didn't even know of him being in the store.

"GIVE ME THE MONEY!!" the thief yells at the clerk, making her break out in tears as she was about to open the register.

That was all it took Grimmjow was standing in seconds. He couldn't stand to see her crying. He ran at the robber. The robber only had time to squeeze off one shot. Contact. The bullet got Grimmjow right in the side. The shot didn't stop Grimmjow though. Grimmjow tackles the robber and tries to force the guns from his hands. He got one away from the robber but he couldn't get the other.

At this time Ulquiorra had run to the clerk and safely pulled her out of the store. He hid behind the counter and called 911. Ulquiorra was shaking with fear as he talked to the dispatcher. Then a shot was fired. Ulquiorra looked around the counter to see the robber out cold and Grimmjow lying on the floor. He ran to Grimmjow. One shot to the side and one through the shoulder. Ulquiorra couldn't help it, he cried. Ulquiorra lifted Grimmjow's head. Grimmjow was unconscious and Ulquiorra was glad for he couldn't see his weakness. Ulquiorra leaned down and kissed Grimmjow's forehead. Now he would wait for the cops to arrive.

the next day

Grimmjow lays in a hospital bed wondering what exactly happened last night. Then a nurse walks in with a bouquet of flowers. She smiles at him and places them on the nightstand next to his bed. Grimmjow waits for her to leave and then takes the card from the flowers and read it slowly it read "Heal soon my hero." in some of the nicest handwriting he'd ever seen. He thought hero? Me?