Disclaimer: I do not own anything mentioned in this story, including Gilmore Girls and its characters.


"Hey Steph, sorry I couldn't meet you at the airport, stupid business trip." Colin said, "Anyway how was your trip?"

"Good," Steph said as Colin sat next to her on the couch "I'm convinced Kelly's stepmom is a mail order bride though. But you'll never guess what I just found out."

"Your pregnant with duodecaplets?" Colin said sarcastically

"Uh?" Steph said looking confused.

"It's when you are pregnant with ten babies at once." Colin explained

"Are you calling me fat?" Steph said with anger.

"No not at all." Colin said trying to save himself.

"HA, got you." Steph said with a laugh. "But seriously this is big news."

"Okay you got my full attention." Colin said seriously.

"Rory is having twin girls." Steph said with the shock evident in her voice.

"Really?" Colin questioned. "Identical or fraternal?"

"Identical. I think they're going to look like Mary-Kate and Ashley." Steph said.

"They could look similar with the blond hair and blue eyes thing, but I doubt they'd look just like the Olsen twins."


Two and a half months later:

"Mommy look at my costume." Maya said as she shouted and ran into Rory's room dressed as a blue, pink, and purple butterfly.

"You look just like a little butterfly." Rory said as she picked Maya up and carried her downstairs. Rory herself was dressed up as evening gown Barbie for a costume party her and Logan where going to. "Are you excited to go trick-or-treating with your grandma and your brother?"

"Of course she is." Lorelai said as she walked in dressed up like a 70-year old grandmother. "And I told you it's awna."

"That sounds like Anna Ferris mom." Rory stated.

"No it sounds like something a two-year old who couldn't say nana would say. An where is the almost birthday boy?" Lorelai asked referring to Tyler.

"Shh, mom everytime someone says that Tyler thinks it's his birthday." Rory scolded.

"Whatever you say Barbie." Lorelai said.

"Hey we are mocking the popular girls from never been kissed." Rory said. "I'm evening gown Barbie, Steph is disco Barbie,
Kelly is Malibu Barbie and obviously the guys are our matching Kens."

"How did you get to be evening gown Barbie?" Lorelai asked.

"I played the twins card." Rory said simply as she rested her hand on her 5 and a half month pregnant stomach.

"That's how she got me to dress up as Ken." Logan said as he pushed Tyler in his stroller into the room.

"Aw I get it a caterpillar and a butterfly." Lorelai said commenting on Tyler's costume.

"Anyway Ace we should get going." Logan said as he set out a bowl of candy for the neighbor kids.

"Group photo first." Lorelai said she set up the camera on a timer.

After the picture was taken and approved of Lorelai took one more of just the young family.

"Okay," Lorelai said. "Here's a bag for you Tyler." She said as she put a bag on top of his stroller. "And two for you Maya, remember you have a sick sister at home."

"Mom!" Rory exclaimed shocked. "You stole that idea from Yes Dear!"

"That's what your concerned about Ace?" Logan asked

"Well I understand her train of thought." Rory said as Logan looked at her puzzled. "I mean hello we live in a rich neighborhood, King sized candy bars galore."

"I raised her well." Lorelai said as she put an arm around Rory's shoulders.

Maya laughed as Logan said to her "Your mother and awna are weird."

"I'll let that comment slide since you actually called me awna." Lorelai said. "Now let's go kids before all the good candy is gone."


"These parties are more fun when you aren't pregnant." Steph said sitting next to Rory and Logan.

"At least we aren't alone in the whole no drinking thing." Rory said

"What do you mean?" Steph asked.

"She threatened our sex life for the next ten years." Logan said as he drank his non-spiked apple cider.

"I wish I'd thought of that! Steph exclaimed.

"It's not like I'm getting drunk, I've had one drink." Colin said sitting next to Steph.

"And for once in my life I am not making up for the lack of Colin's drinking." Finn said as he sat down.

"But we are." Kaska and Kati said as they sat on the table. They had tagged along since they had nothing else to do because they never really celebrated Halloween.

"Where's Kelly Finn?" Steph asked.

"I don't know the bathroom I suppose, I saw her only five minutes ago."

"Oh my Gosh! Steph look who it is!" Rory exclaimed.

Steph looked over and saw crazy Jillian on the dance floor.

"Finn do you need me and Colin to rescue you?" Logan teased.

"Nope, she doesn't even see me." Finn answered.

However as soon as the words left Finn's mouth Jillian saw them and walked over towards the table.

"Finny!" Jillian exclaimed as she sat on Finns lap. "How are you it's been eight years and you never called me."

"Actually Jillian," Finn said uncomfortably "I'm not interested I'm engaged."

"Oh relax." Jillian said standing up. "Believe it or not I'm married to wonderful a man named Spencer, he's just getting me a drink."

"I wouldn't be surprised if her new last name was Pratt." Steph whispered to Rory.

"It's Williamson actually." Jillian said. "I have changed in the last eight years, I've become different and I know that Kelly can't say the same thing."

"I beg to differ she is my fiance after all." Finn defended.

"Oh well then that must have been someone else I saw talking to that guy out on the patio." Jillian said. "Anyway I've got to get going good luck Finn, Oh and Rory and Steph I can give you my trainers number if you want. He whipped me into shape after having my kid two months ago." With that Jillian walked away from the table.

"She so meant that as something mean right?" Rory asked Steph.

"I think, but I think we have bigger worries." Steph responded. "Finn is heading out to the patio and he looks mad."

"She wouldn't do that to him." Rory said. "Would she?"


"Jake what are you doing here?" Kelly asked as she spotted him outside on the patio.

"Looking for you." Jake said. "Nice outfit." He said commenting on her Malibu Barbie costume.

"Why are you looking for me?" Kelly said. "I haven't seen you since I was 17, that was 10 years ago."

"You'll be 28 in January." Jake said showing that he remembered her birthday.

"I don't care if you remember my birthday Jake." Kelly said.

"You always liked it that I never forgot stuff like that." Jake said with a smile.

"That was in the past. Now what do you want?" Kelly asked.

"I heard you were getting married and I'm here to stop you." Jake said confidently as he reached for Kelly's hand.

Kelly yanked her hand away and said, "No, we've been over for a decade what would make you think I'd leave my Fiance for you?"

"In High School you said we'd end up married one day, that we would be together for the rest of our lives." Jake reminded her.

"Key words being High School, We are far from being in High School anymore." Kelly reminded him.

"Come on," Jake begged. "We always said we'd end up like my parents. You yourself pointed out they broke up in High School and got back together later in life. So I'm here to stop you from marrying that guy so you can marry me."

"Jake I was seventeen." Kelly said trying to reason with him. "I thought you were it for me, but I was wrong."

"No you weren't." Jake insisted,

"Yes I was. I'm with Finn. I love him and I am going to marry him." Kelly said.

"But you can't marry him, I know I love you more than him and that I know more about you then he does." Jake said.

"No you don't." Kelly insisted. "We are never going to be together again Jake."

"But we are perfect for eachother, just like Lucas and Peyton." Jake said remembering she loved the show when it first started and she knew those two belonged together.

"No, we are not them and we never will be." Kelly said as she started to raise her voice.

"But we can be like them, I can prove it to you." Jake then pulled Kelly in and kissed her just as Finn walked onto the patio.


"Why does that guy have a bloody nose?" Colin asked the group as he saw a guy walk in from the patio bleeding heavily from his nose.

"Oh my gosh!" Katie exclaimed in shock.

"What? Rory asked.

"That's Jake Kelly's old boyfriend form Michigan." Kaska said knowing that Kelly had told Steph and Rory a little but about him.

"Why would he be here?" Logan wondered.

"Probably so he could convince her to finally have those fifteen kids they planned." Katie said drunkenly.

"Fifteen!" Colin exclaimed. "She wanted to have fifteen kids."

"I think it was mostly him. But back in High School they planned they're whole lives together. She even started to convert to his religion before we moved." Kaska said.

"I wondered what happened out there." Steph said and the group all nodded showing they all thought the same as they saw Finn Walk right through the party and out the door as Kelly chased after him.

"Well we should get going anyway I'm sure we'll be filled in soon anyway." Rory said as she stood up.

"Ace it's not like you to not want to know what's going on right now." Logan said.

"Blame the girls" Rory said as she pointed at her stomach smiling.

"But we never got to talk about what's going on with Lindsey and Tristan." Steph said

"Well you decided you wanted to wait to know the sex of your baby so I'm sure you can wait one more day to talk about Tristan.
Plus he will be at the party anyway so we can grill him together." Rory said with a smirk.


"I'm so tired." Rory said as she laid down on her's and Logan's bed after they had checked on the kids and told Lorelai she Could go home and Thank you.

"Ace if you don't get up and change now you'll end up sleeping in your dress." Logan said as he changed into his boxers and a plain t-shirt.

"Can't you just do it for me?" Rory whined.

"No I can't. Because if I do I won't put any clothes back on you." Logan said with a smirk as he climbed onto the bed to hover over Rory.

"I wouldn't mind." Rory said with her own smirk.

"Too bad." Logan said as he pulled Rory up off the bed.

"Your mean." Rory said as she turned around so Logan could unzip her dress.

"Are you sure about that?" Logan whispered into her ear as he slowly unzipped her dress.

Rory turned around and let her dress fall to the floor as she leaned in close to Logan whispered into his ear, "You're right I'm the mean one." She then walked away changed into her pajamas then crawled into bed.

Logan layed down next to her and said, "So have you thought of any baby names?"

Rory turned to look at him and jokingly said, "I don't know. Maybe Mary-kate and Ashley?"

"Very funny Ace. How about Lilli and Rose?" Logan suggested.

"Nah too Sex and the City." Logan just stared at her. "Charllote's Kids." Rory added in a duh tone.

"Well do you want another Lorelai? I mean I know it's Maya's middle name but we could still use it as a first name if you wanted." Logan said.

"No, I don't think it would be the same if she didn't have Gilmore as a last name, although Emily did suggest that me and the kids change our last names to Gilmore Hayden Huntzburger." Rory said with a little laugh at the end.

"That would be a mouthful Ace." Logan said laughing. "How about Rene and Esme." Logan said jokingly.

"I never should have let you read Twilight." Rory said. She then pulled her laptop off the side table where she set it after she was done writing earlier. She opened it and brought up bing to search for baby girl names.

"Ace why are you searching the internet?" Logan asked

"Because I want out girls to have the perfect name, now shush." Rory said as she looked at the computer.

"Okay." Rory said and shut her laptop.

"So." Logan said.

"Autumn and Kylie for the first names." Rory said. "Then in the tradition of having family names as middle names I think we should use great grandmother names. So since you suggested Rose earlier and I remembered that was your dad's grandma's name I thought that it should be Autumn's middle name. Then Kylie's middle name could be Anne, my dad's grandma."

"I really should just let you make all the decisions, you're always are better at it then me." Logan said with a smirk.

"So does that mean you agree?" Rory asked nervously.

Logan didn't say anything he just pulled her in for a kiss.


AN: I Wrote! It's shocking, I know (and if any of you watch Craig Ferguson, the I know was supposed to sound like him)
Anyway for those of you who actually read this chapter and haven't given up on this thank you. I know its been a long time,
exactly 11 months since it just turned 8/20 for me.

If the seperations I put in dont show up I'm very sorry for the confusion im tryting to figure out why thats happening.

I am not going to make any promises but I'm really going to try to finish this story as soon as possible. If you forgot Anything in the long time since the update feel free to ask about it or re-read if you'd like (I'll admit I had to do a little re-reading myself it made me laugh because I forgot how much of myself I put into the story.)

sorry for any typos or grammar errors, I sadly have to use notepad when I write and since I don't have a beta anymore somethings get missed. I hope you enjoyed, maybe if I feel motivated enough I'll give you another update by Saturday, lol.

as always R and R.

PS: Rory's b-day passed in September as it did in the show, she is now 28 and Logan will be 29 in December Obviously Tyler's b-day is November 1st and Maya will be 4 in January.