Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot, everything else belongs to Stephanie Meyer.

Full Summery: Bella is a runaway from Italy because her parents are forcing her to marry Michael Newton. Other then the fact that she totally despises him Bella wants to see the world and have a story to tell. While running she stumbles across a castle. Prince Edward lives in the castel alone and has for 9 years when his love died. Can this open, free spirited girl teach Edward to love or will his isolation from the world get in the way? 1600's.

Soundtrack: Alive- Melissa O'Neil

Breakaway- Kelly Clarkson

Independent women- Destiny's child

Independent women- Kelly Clarkson

Umbrella- Rihanna

Jesse McCarty- Leavin'

Authors Note:Hey everyone! I know your probably thinking "why in the world is she starting another story?" mainly because the idea just popped into my head and I don't want to continue its all in the leading, I wrote the first chapter many times but it just doesn't feel right, I might continue it but…of well, if you like the idea tell me, 3 reviews to continue! Also I will not stop writing the other stories, if you want to check them out on my profile be my guest there are two other -all human- stories and 2 other ones? anyway every one of my stories takes place before the 1900's if your old fashuioned like that R and R!

Love: Under-the-ocean 3