AN: This is my first attempt to make a yaoi story (not a one-shot). Uh, I was inspired because I work at a floral shop and I was bored because there was nothing to do XD And this is not based on true events or anything, I wish, lol.

If you don't like yaoi then don't read it. It's simple really.

Warnings: Language mostly.

Summary; Ryou works at a flower shop. One day a stranger comes and buys a single red rose, after that the stranger doesn't seem to get out of Ryou's head. In Ryou's despair he asks his best friend, Yugi, for help. RyouxBakura, YugixYami

It was a nice summer day in Domino city and poor Ryou was forced to stay inside a flower shop where he worked for Mrs. Fugimoto, his dad's boss' wife. About two years ago, when his father told his boss about his son, it slipped out of his mouth that Ryou was quite good at flower arranging and his boss told his wife who was always fond of Ryou that. After a while Mrs. Fugimoto wanted to try him out at the shop and so he was hired. Ryou took shifts or all weekends after school and worked in the summer.

Ryou cussed at his father's slip of the tongue. Surely it wasn't normal for a 17-year-old boy to be good at flower arranging...?


Ryou sighed bored and glanced over the shop, searching for something to do but with fail, he had done anything his mind could think of. He had prepared the newly bought flowers; cut the thorns off the new roses and put them in vases with water, cleaned the floral cooler, made couple of flower bouquets, cleaned every flower vase he had found, dusted every corner, swept he floor... twice, mopped the floor... twice, swept the sidewalk in front of the shop and even cleaned the windows.

While he was cleaning the windows he felt depressed watching the people walking down he streets, laughing and doing fun stuff together on this sunny day. He tried to clean the smudgy windows harder, looking like a maniac to the people walking by the shop. Ryou stopped and held the rug in his hand, sighing. It wasn't like he was ungrateful or anything, not at all, he loved working there and he enjoyed his job... when there was something to do.

Ryou hoped that his friend Yugi was doing better in the Kame Game Shop, then he realized that the range of people who would buy playing cards on this day was much more likely and he pouted. Duel Monsters sure was popular. Ryou looked at one of the vases and took it in the back to put new water in it and when he returned back, he bumped into the wall and all of the water splashed on him.

"Oh, great," he heard chuckling he looked up and blushed wildly when he saw that someone had to witness that clumsy act. "Umm, can I help you?" Ryou hesitatingly asked and the guy stood there with a smirk on his face, making Ryou uneasy.

He was probably around twenty or so, wearing a black and white tuxedo. Ryou had to admit that their appearance were rather similar; they both had white-ish hair, the stranger's was quite wilder and his eyes were more reddish than his own brown and they were both pale.

His gaze was so intense making Ryou squirm but then he turned to the floral cooler and pointed at a rose, "I want a single red rose," he said and Ryou hurried and picked out the best of the red roses he could find. "Will it go into water soon?" Ryou asked gently and looked at him who thought for a moment and replied, "Not in an hour or so." Ryou nodded and put water on the end, "should I wrap it in for you?"

"No, I'll take it as it is." Ryou nodded and told him the price, the guy grabbed the rose and put the yen on the table, while winking Ryou, "Thank you, wet-kun." Ryou blushed and looked down at his chest-area, which was indeed still wet. When the guy was opening the door to exit, Ryou called out, "It's Ryou! My name is Ryou!" But the guy just stood there with his back against him, waved him and then walked out into the crowd with the single red rose.

When it was around closing time, Mrs. Fugimoto walked inside, in her little fur coat and saw Ryou who was groveling on the table and she patted him on the back, "Oh Ryou, you're such a hard-worker," she smiled and Ryou looked up at the touch and he blushed a bit. "Oh, it's nothing Fugimoto-san!" He stood up and grinned sheepishly.

Mrs. Fugimoto smiled again, "You can go now, I will close the shop today." Ryou nodded relieved, the truth was that he was extremely exhausted after today and wanted to go home. "Thanks again for your hard work!"

"See you later Fugimoto-san!" Ryou said putting on his jacket and hurried outside. When he stepped outside he saw Yugi leaning against the wall and when he saw Ryou he grinned happily running towards him, "Hi Ryou!" Ryou grinned too at his best friend and Yugi asked how his day was. Ryou told him about how there was nothing to do and Yugi nodded, fully understanding how he felt.

"Also, I made a total fool out of myself," Ryou continued and Yugi looked at him surprised, "How so?" Ryou blushed at the memory and Yugi smirked, "So what happened?" They were now outside Ryou's house, "I'll tell you inside, come in," Ryou invited and Yugi nodded.

Ryou and Yugi were now in the kitchen and Ryou had found hidden cookies in the cupboard and poured them milk in a glass. Yugi happily accepted the cookies and looked at Ryou eagerly, wanting him to continue with his embarrassing story.

Ryou rolled his eyes at Yugi's excitement, he felt that Yugi enjoyed his shameful experiences a bit too much but it was always nice to talk about your day to someone, even if it was your little sadistic best friend. Ryou took his time tormenting Yugi while he could, munching on the cookie he had in his hand, chewing on it slowly, letting the chocolaty goodness fill his senses.

Yugi narrowed his eyes at Ryou and chomped down his cookie viciously making Ryou giggle and swallow, "Alright! Alright!" Ryou took Yugi's hand and put it on his chest, "do you feel that?" Yugi tilted his head to the side with a little blush, "what exactly do you want me to feel...?" Ryou shook his head, "it's kind of wet, right?" Yugi nodded a little and Ryou withdrew Yugi's hand, "You see, I had a little accident and this guy kind of saw me..." Yugi's eyes widened, "Ryou! You peed on yourself?!"

Ryou waved his hands, "Nonono! The water from the vase splashed on me!" Ryou rolled his eyes at Yugi's assumption. Yugi laughed nervously, "I can't help it, it just always comes to mind when someone says that they 'had a little accident'... plus you were wet!" Ryou rolled his eyes again and Yugi grinned, "Soooo, why is it so embarrassing that this guy saw you? Hmm? Was he cute?"

Ryou blinked completely stunned at Yugi, "Of course it's embarrassing to make a fool out of yourself in front of some stranger! He must think I'm so clumsy! And he was NOT cute!" Yugi chuckled, "So you got a little wet, I mean you work with water all the time... all I am saying is that why does a stranger's opinion matter? You'll probably never see him again anyway," Yugi pointed out casually and drank his milk.

Ryou lowered his head, of course he wouldn't see him again, he was just another customer that was just walking by in need of a rose, for someone else but why did it make him feel depressed?

Yugi put his glass in the sink and then hugged the sitting Ryou's head tightly, "Aw come on, I make a fool out of myself a loads of times at work! Cheer up, you don't have to worry about it! Well! I have to go to Yami before he cries like a baby thinking I was molested on the way home or something!" Yugi pecked Ryou on the cheek and walked out of the door, "Ja ne!" then there was a slam.

Ryou just sat there in the quiet kitchen for a while, thinking about what Yugi had said. 'All I am saying is that why does a stranger's opinion matter? You'll probably never see him again anyway' Ryou stood up and shook his head, trying to get his thoughts out of his head. He looked at the clock, it was nearing 10 pm and he decided to go to bed. It was only Friday and he had work tomorrow after all. He yawned and took off his shirt, it was not completely dry after the incident and Ryou looked at it and then threw it on the floor.

When the pants were off he crawled tiredly into the bed and turned off he lamp. He glanced at the shirt on the floor and rolled his eyes, turning to the other side.


Ryou swept the clean floor dazed, all the energy drained from him. Again, there was very little to do and he had done anything he could imagine. He dropped the broom and lazily went onto all fours and banged his fist on the floor in frustration.

He heard a chuckle and a low, "Hello again, wet-kun..."