Chapter 5: Musaki's New Home

Early in the morning, Po woke up and checked on Musaki to see if he's up. When he opened the door, Musaki was nowhere to be seen. Po searched for Musaki, then heard a little sound coming from outside. Po went outside and saw Musaki doing some yoga. Po walked down the steps and watched Musaki doing a little yoga. When Musaki turned around and saw Po, he was surprised thinking that there was no one here. Musaki chuckled nervously and said, "How long were you sitting here?"

Po stood up and said, "Long enough. That was awesome!"

"Thanks, dude. I love doing yoga. It gives me a chance to relax and release myself when I'm in my moody state." Musaki said.

"Well, I must say I'm impressed. It helps you to relax and forget all your troubles." said Po.

"That's what I'm saying, man." said Musaki.

Shifu came outside and said, "Can I talk to Musaki?"

"Sure. I'll be inside if you need me." said Po.

Po ran inside the temple leaving Musaki and Shifu outside to talk. Shifu said, "I have made some decisions last night, but if you feel like living here, then the temple is your new home. "

Musaki gave him an surprised expression and said, "Seriously?"

"Of course. It would be an honor to have a young panda in this temple. We are your new family. We'll see how it goes. " said Shifu.

Musaki looked at Shifu really happy and hugged him tightly, which crushes Shifu, literally. He exclaimed, "This is so awesome! Thank you so much. How can I thank you also?"

"Letting me go would help. You're crushing me." said Shifu, painfully.

Musaki looked at him and set him down. He chuckled and said, "Sorry. So full of embarrassment right now."

"Okay, then. I realized how much you need someone to take care of you and treat you like the brother or son one of us never had." said Shifu.

"I'll be as sure as heck that I will be like family to you guys." said Musaki.

"That's good. Breakfast?" said Shifu.

Musaki then said, "Heck to the yeah! Let's eat!"

Musaki then walked across the temple until Shifu said, "I got two words for you: Welcome Home."

"You are so awesome!" excliamed Musaki.

"I know. That's what everyone says." said Shifu, happily.