Author's Note: I'm back, bitches! Heh. I've been absent in the writing world for a while. Basically... I had this girlfriend, and then I had this depression, and now I don't have this girlfriend, so... I'm back. Yeah. Anyway! Please accept my apology for the long (Over a year? EEK! Sorry!) wait for this newest chapter. But now that the plot is rolling again, hopefully it'll roll on down to the finish line. What are you waiting for? Get reading! Onward!

Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note. If I owned Death Note, I would have a hell of a lot more fangirls. u.u

Warnings: Same as previous chapters. Cussing, Sex, and a Deadly Dangerous Blonde Bishie. Hell yes.

"Hey, Mello, have you ever walked to the Wall before?" Matt's eyes lower a little, and I stop pawing through magazines long enough to focus on his question.

"The Wall? Which wall?" I ask. He says nothing at first, and I frown at his hesitation. He looks away for a moment before he'll speak again.

"The Wall. Where they put the sinners in Heaven."

This is news to me. There are sinners in Heaven? Is that the divine punishment that I was warned about before? I stand slowly and move closer to Matt, sitting beside him.

"I've never heard of it," I say. "Why do you ask?"

"God said that the people who chose to commit major sins while living in Heaven would be put behind the Wall. We don't know what happens to them. But they can't ever, ever come out. It's supposed to be a Hell in Heaven." Matt pulls his goggles across his eyes.

"Huh," I mumble, wrapping my arm around Matt's shoulders. "Well, we won't have to worry about it, right? We just have to keep the sins down."

"Yeah..." Matt sighs.

I watch him for a moment longer. He still looks uneasy. Matt, is there something you aren't telling me?

"Dear Matt," the blonde wrote. "I know you aren't going to understand why I left, but I just..."

He crumpled the paper into a ball and thew it into the trash. It bounced off the other ten balls of crumbled paper already sitting there.

The rain spattered against the window, casting small shadows against the fresh sheet of paper in front of him.

"Matty," he started again, "L is dead, and I can't stick around. Come find me. Your partner in crime, Mello."

He stared at the paper, tracing his fingers over the name "Matty." Gently, he folded it and slid it into an unmarked envelope. Just as he slipped the envelope into the desk drawer, a harsh knock sounded against his door.

"Kid, we've got to GO! Grab your shit and be downstairs before we leave your ass."

The thug turned the corner, knocking on other doors. Mello jumped up, heart racing, and shoved his clothes into the one canvas bag he owned. He cleared his bed, his dresser, his closet. Before he could reach his desk, the alarm was sounded, and he had to leave.

Halfway to London, the teen closed his eyes in grief. Looks like that letter would never be sent.

Matt keeps going out for long walks, and I don't understand why. I love going with him on walks, but lately, he seems to want to be alone. I don't think I've made him angry. I don't know what I could have done.

I keep walking around our home, touching the marble, remembering the first time we walked this house together. I keep thinking about that first time he led me into the bedroom, and how I pushed him onto the bed. I remember how we were so gentle with each other, even though we were both craving the dirty, rough sex that we both love so much. I still love how our first time in Heaven was so beautiful, pure, and perfect.

I look out the window, watching the eternal skies, wondering where my Matt is now. He walk for hours, all around Heaven. I need to talk to him tonight.

God sent me a Summon today. When He needs to speak with one of His children privately, He requests their presence in this gigantic building in the center of our Heavenly city. I actually have to laugh at how businesslike and professional the system works. I wonder if God files paperwork, too.

I want to talk to Matt about the Summon. I want to know what it means.

But Matt is out for a walk, and I guess I'm on my own for this one.

"Roger, where'd you put Matt's GameBoy? Come on, you old coot, give it back to him!"

"Mello, please. Matt broke a rule, and his GameBoy has been confiscated for the remainder of the week."

"But that's all he has! You can't just take his life away from him like that!"

"Well, then, I suppose you'll have to give him something else to live for. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to work. I highly suggest that you quiet yourself before you lose something of yours as well."

"No! You can't take his GameBoy away. Take something of mine instead."

"Are you telling me that you would sacrifice something of yours to give your friend his toy back? Even when you've done nothing wrong, surprisingly enough, to warrent the removal of your object?"

"In a heartbeat."

Matt pulls me into a deep hug as soon as I see him, and I hold him tightly against my body. His mouth seeks mine, and our kisses are hungry and desperate. His hands slip around my waist and cup my backside. I give him that special moan that makes him shudder.

He pushed me against the wall, and I get a thrill that I haven't felt in so long. He whispers into my ear, "I want to take you, Mello," and I nearly melt.

Yes, he can take me. I'm not used to being on bottom, but when I am, it is the definition of Heaven. It's a rarity for him to be so possessive. I like it.

He turns me around and spreads my legs. I'm shivering under his touch. I feel his tongue against my collarbone, tracing a wet line to my ear. He nibbles lightly, making me squirm, as he presses himself against me. I tense up at first, but his hands gently scratching my hips brings me back to that wonderful, trusting place.

It hurts, barely, and then it just feels incredible. Much better than it ever did in life. The first time he did this, it hurt so badly that I could barely move the next day. But here, surrounded by ivory and marble, bare feet slipping on onyx floors, I feel nothing but ecstasy.

I trust Matt. I've always trusted Matt. And next time I top him, I'll make sure he feels just as much pleasure. And more.