Zoro growled to himself as another burst of laughter from the prow interrupted his doze.

Ever since the arrival of the little reindeer, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper had become an inseparable trio. The three were constantly playing games about the ship, disturbing the general peace with their joyous mischief.

Zoro didn't really begrudge them their fun, but he was starting to miss his napping partner. Luffy's attention was completely focused on Chopper, amazed by the concept of a talking reindeer that could change forms at will.

He'd been happy for a distraction from the constant interruptions of his schedule at first, but after several days of being ignored…well, he was starting to feel almost lonely.

And a little bit hurt, though he couldn't exactly figure out why.

And all this, plus the constant peals of laughter, were not making for a very happy swordsman.

With an irritated sigh, Zoro stretched and stood, slipping his swords back into his belt and heading for the prow.

"Oi, stop being so loud over here. I'm trying to sle—"

Zoro was cut off as Luffy slapped him over the head, dashing away with a gleeful chuckle and a shouted "Tag, Zoro's it!"

With a snarl, Zoro sprinted after his captain and the chase was on.

"Is she gone?"

Zoro peaked around the side of won of the crates carefully, looking for any signs of the rampaging navigator. Their loud 'game' of tag had suddenly turned into Hide & Seek after Nami burst through the cabin door, clima-tact in hand and the glint of death in her eye.

"I don't see her…"

The two breathed a sigh of relief, but neither moved, not ready to brave the dangers of being caught with their guard down. Luffy pouted, perching his chin over Zoro's shoulder as the captain took a look as well.

"Nyah, Zoro. I'm tired from all that running…"

Smirking at the irony, Zoro leaned back deeper into their hiding spot, grabbing Luffy by the collar and pulling him down next to him.

"How about a nap?"
