Holy sht, we have gone over 3,000 words! Craz-y

Sorry for the late update I've been in South Carolina for a week and didn't get back till yesterday, unpacking everything was a rather taxing task. Anywho i just wanted to say thank you to all of my lovely reviewers and readers especially InfinityOntheRun for pointing out to me that i was spelling Komui's name wrone in the last chapter :)

Enjoy :D

The three exorcists climbed up the metal stairs that lead to one of the many compartments of the rusted red train sitting on its weathered tracks. Crowds of mothers and children stood in front of the station waving their yellow tickets in the air.

"Allen-kun please stay close" Lenalee warned the little boy and grabbed his hand as he began to wander through the crowd looking at all the yellow tickets in peoples hands. He had the slightest temptation to jump up and grab them but they were quickly brushed away by the sound of his companion's voice.

"Okay Lenalee" he smiled happily and clung loosely to her skirt

She sighed and patted him on the head "That goes for you too Lavi" she barked at the redhead who had decided that the group of pretty girls were more interesting than his friends.

Lavi quickly turned his head and walked back over to the two of them. He puffed out his cheeks and blew a stream of air out of the corner of his mouth. "Lenalee" he whined "can I hold Allen?"

"Don't ask me, ask Allen-kun" she replied flatly

Lavi turned towards Allen and held out him arms "pleeeease Allen, I don't know when you'll change back to normal and you're just so cute!"

Allen laughed and barreled straight into Lavi knocking him over onto his back "Laviiiii" he sang while sitting on his chest "pick me up please."

The redhead made squealing noises and scooped up his friend crushing him against his chest and swung around in gleeful circles.

"Lavi you're making a spectacle of yourself" Lenalee hissed slightly jealous of Allen's affection "people are staring at us."

Lavi stopped mid swing and tried to compose himself once more; he coughed into his hand and straightened his posture. Allen scrambled up his shoulder and perched himself onto his shoulder.

"Sowwy Lenalee" Allen apologized

She gave a short gasp at his babyish lisp He's reverting further she thought

"Lenalee?" he asked as Lavi pulled the boy off his shoulder and into his arms

The girl snapped out of her trance and smiled "yes Allen-kun?" she questioned

"You were staring funny" Allen stated

She gave a short laugh and touched his cheek lightly "I'm just anxious to get back and see everyone that's all." She lied "but it's sweet of you to worry"

Allen beamed at Lenalee and turned back to Lavi "Lavi" he asked "when do we get on the twain?"

There it is again she voiced to herself

"Well whenever we get to the front of the line we can get on" he answered

Allen crossed his arms against his chest and pouted "can't we just sneak up 'dere?" he asked

Lavi laughed and shifted Allen around to the nook of his arm so his boots weren't digging into his ribs. "No Allen we can't do that we have to wait like everyone else"

"Hmph" he pouted "if Lavi says so…"

A few of the people in front of them took a couple steps forward, the echo of their footsteps bouncing off the walls. "Yippeeee" Allen yelled as Lavi stepped forward with their luggage in one hand. As soon as he moved a few inches up in the line he had stopped and slouched against a decorative pole. "Why doesn't 'dey move faster?" Allen asked once more

Lavi sighed at the barrage of stupid questions "because there are people in front of them and if they move faster than them then they'll run into them."

"Oh" Allen commented "…so why don't the people in front of them move faster?"

He sighed once more "I don't know Allen" he said quickly

Allen reached out and poked Lavi's cheek "Okay" he replied happily

The three of them stood in line for about an hour or so until they finally reached the front and boarded the train. Lenalee felt a heavy burden lift off of her shoulders, they were on the train and all she had to do was make sure that they got there, nothing more nothing less. "Lenalee" Allen said extending his arms in her direction "hold me pweese"

She returned the small boy's smile but shook her head "Allen-kun why don't you spend some time with Lavi?" Allen's gleeful expression changed to one of confusion in an instant "I have to call Nii-san to let him know we're on the train."

"Oh okay, hurry back and play with me" he responded

Lavi slid the door to one of the compartments open and set Allen down on a red cushioned bench. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him quickly

"Laviii" Allen whined "I'm hungwy"

Lavi stared at him for a moment and then smashed Allen into another one of his "you're so cute" frenzies. "You're hungwy?" he repeated emphasizing on the fact that he said "hungwy" instead of "hungry"

Allen nodded his head, he opened his mouth and pointed inside of it "hungwy" he stated rubbing his stomach.

Lavi reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of candy "Sorry Allen, Lenalee has all the money right now so this will have to do until then."

Allen grabbed the round sugary ball with both hands and popped it into his mouth "mmm" he cooed "watermelon" Lavi forced his tired feet over to the bench where Allen sat and plopped down on its plush exterior. He laid his head back and draped both arms over the back of the bench. His mind was just beginning to shut down for a nice rest when he felt something heavy on his lap. Lavi cracked open an eye and glanced down, if he wasn't so tired he would have gone into another frenzy. Allen had curled into a loose ball on top of Lavi's lap. He could hear the small boy sucking on the piece of hard candy as he nuzzled his face into Lavi's stomach. Lavi dropped one arm off the bench and placed it protectively on Allen's back. A thought occurred to him and he moved that hand up into Allen's hair. It was fluffy and soft, you wouldn't expect it to be so from the appearance of it but looks can be deceiving. Lavi twirled a strand of his snowy locks between his fingers.

"No wonder Lenalee does this all the time" he whispered as he laid his head back against the wall and shut his eyes. It was oddly peaceful having another body so close, Lavi could feel every flinch and twitch Allen made while he slept as well as every breath he took. I wouldn't mind having a little Allen someday he thought to himself.

The train whistled and lurched to life as the giant metal mass sluggishly moved along the track. "Now we begin the ride back home" he muttered to no one in particular "maybe I can convince little Allen to stay in my room…I could have all of his cuteness to myself…"

Lavi heard the door slide open and the sound of soft footsteps in their compartment "How's everything back at HQ?" Lavi asked without opening his eyes.

He heard Lenalee sit down on the bench facing the two "fine, Nii-san's frantic like always."

"That's good" he replied absentmindedly, letting his thoughts roam free dipping into random subjects like what's for dinner and I wonder if I made my bed before I left.

"It's soft isn't it?" she commented, obviously talking about Lavi's hand burrowed in Allen's hair.

Lavi chuckled and opened his eyes "yeah now I know why you're always playing with it" he sat up carefully as to not wake the sleeping child on his lap.

Lenalee smiled and looked out at the trees rolling past the window "He's still reverting back" she said solemnly "did you notice it?"

Lavi nodded and looked down at Allen's peaceful visage "yeah he's developed a baby's lisp." He began "pweese, twain, hungwy, …I know it sounds serious but General Cross said that it would wear off with time, we just have to take care of him until then."

She bit her bottom lip "I know it's just that it scares me, it makes me think that he'll never return to the normal Allen-kun that I lo-…"

Lavi raised an eyebrow as Lenalee cut her sentence short and left it hanging "yeah?" Lavi urged her to go on further "that you…what?"

Lenalee blushed several shades of red and turned her head away "n-nothing I meant to say that I love to go on missions with…"

An awkward silence fell over the small room as Lavi began to laugh "yeah…riiight…you LOVE to go on missions with, I gotcha"

Lenalee blushed again "don't tell anyone okay" she said in a quiet voice as her large violet eyes met his "…please?"

Lavi nodded his head and spoke "So you DO like him eh?"

She looked at her feet and replied with a quiet "yes"

He pumped his fists in the air "I KNEW it!" he exclaimed quietly

"B-but you can't tell ANYONE!" She frantically waved her hands in the air "no one can know."

Lavi relaxed once again and let his head thump against the wall behind him "yeah yeah I got it no one except for me will ever know, I swear on my pride as a bookman okay?"

Lenalee breathed a sigh of relief and tucked her legs under her bottom; she fixed her knee length skirt and smoothed out all the wrinkles. Lavi watched pull her book out of the bag at her feet she ran her hand down the smooth cover and opened it to a bookmarked page.

Lavi sighed and ruffled Allen's hair; it was going to be a long hour.

Two hours the train lurched to a stop grinding its metal against the tracks with an earsplitting screech. Allen was still sound asleep and drooling all over Lavi's leg when Lenalee gathered all of heir belongings together. "Lavi wake up" she whispered gently shaking his arm. He opened an eye with hesitation and let out a long groan

"ugh are we there already?" he asked sleepily rubbing his eyes and yawning

"Yeah grab Allen-kun and let's go, the train's stopped" she announced

"Alright alright already gimme a minute" Lavi scooped up Allen's sleeping form and stretched out. "Okay now we can go" he said standing up and cradling Allen

Lenalee picked up the suitcases and walked out of the compartment and down the isle with Lavi on her heels. The sharp rays of sunlight blinded them as they walked out of the train. "I'll go check in with Nii-san again so he knows we'll be coming in through the gates soon." Lenalee announced "be right back" she weaved through the crowd and made her way to a payphone. Meanwhile Lavi sat down on a bench next to the suitcases with Allen still asleep in his arms. He hummed to himself and twisted a lock of Allen's hair around his finger. Lavi watched the crowds stroll by some were in a hurry and some were taking their good 'ol time meandering through the square littered with small specialty shops and boisterous vibrant flowers. Allen twitched and loosely clung to Lavi's shirt, he could feel his friends stomach rise and fall with every breath he took into his body. Allen cooed and rolled onto his side, his elbow jutting into Lavi's stomach. As soon as Lavi voiced the fact that Allen was a dangerous sleeper Lenalee came bouncing out of the crowd and stood next to Lavi.

"We're all good, all we have to do is take the canal route into headquarters" she stated while picking up the suitcases once again.

"Awesome" Lavi replied "I can't wait to sleep in my bed and eat some of Jerry's home cooking!"

Lenalee laughed and playfully punched her friend in the shoulder "is that all you think about?" she joked "anyway it looks like you and my little Allen-kun are getting along just fine."

Lavi smiled and then pointed to a dark splotch on his thigh "yeah just great, I'm his napkin…he drooled on me."

Lenalee laughed again "Lavi he's kind of like a toddler you know, drooling comes with the package."

Lavi returned her laugh "are your arms okay with carrying the suitcases?" he asked looking at the size of their bags.

"I'm good for now, I'll hand them off to you when we get to the canal entrance okay?"

Lavi shrugged "works for me" he looked down to the sleeping boy "it just means that I can cuddle with little Allen for a while longer." He said happily as he trotted along behind her.

"Yeah I know, I figure I hogged him enough during our mission." She replied as they came to a stop and waited for a cart to pass them.

"eh it's cool I know his cuteness is just so …so …cute!" Lavi squealed

Lenalee shot him a cautious look "watch it Lavi, people might think you're gay or something."

Lavi snorted "Lenalee I am offended you know of my love for beautiful women"

"I'm just teasing Lavi jeez"

After what seemed to be forever the canal to the order finally came into view, Lavi traded off Allen for the suitcases with puppy dog eyes and a quivering lip.

"You can have him back later" Lenalee said holding Allen close to her body "right now he's mine"

Lavi helped her into one of the gondolas and then seated himself across from her; dumping the suitcases behind him he grabbed an oar he dipped it into the ink black water. The paddle cut through the water like paper and quietly sent the boat gliding down the tunnel. The lanterns embedded into the stone walls glowed an eerie orange and made Lenalee shudder and cling to Allen tighter. As she did so the little boy stirred to life with a few twitches followed by a loud yawn that echoes down the tunnel. Allen sat up in Lenalee's lap and rubbed his eyes

"hewwo" he mumbled groggily "Awe we in the tunnel?"

Lenalee grimaced at the apparent fact that Allen's baby lisp was getting worse "yes we're in the tunnel Allen-kun, we'll be at headquarters soon."

He looked around and met Lavi's eyes "Lavi is paddling?" he questioned

Lavi nodded his head, Allen looked back at Lenalee "Can I pweese help Lavi paddle Lenalee?"

The girl couldn't help but say yes, Allen scampered carefully over to Lavi and grabbed an oar. He dipped it into the water and splashed it around "I'm paddling!" he exclaimed whilst thoroughly soaking the other two teenagers.

"A-Allen-kun why don't you come and sit with me?" Lenalee asked trying to get the boy away from the oar.

Allen looked up and smiled at his female friend "okay Lenalee!" He ran lightly back to her and climbed up into her lap and hugged her around the neck. "Lenaleeeeee" he sang loudly causing the tunnel to ring with his voice.

"Allen-kun ssssh" Lenalee lightly scolded "we're coming up to the entrance, Nii-san might be there too."

Allen's eyes grew and he suddenly didn't appear to be as energetic as he was a moment ago. "L-Lenalee" he began "can I s-stay in the boat?" Allen stared at the floorboards beneath his feet.

Lenalee picked him up into a hug "now why would you want to stay in the boat?" she asked

"I-I don't want everyone to stare at me" he replied quietly "they'll make fun of me"

The girl hugged him close to her chest and kissed his forehead "Allen-kun no one will make fun of you, Lavi and I will make sure of that." She reassured him

"pwomise?" He asked raising his head so she could see the sincerity within his blue eyes.

"I pwomise" she replied as Lavi steered the boat over towards the underground dock and tied the boat to a metal hitch in the ground.

"Alright you two let's get this show on the road" Lavi commented throwing the suitcases out of the boat and onto the ground. He gingerly stepped out of the boat and helped Lenalee navigate out with Allen pressed to her chest once more.

"L-Lenaleeee" someone sang with joy, Lavi could hear their footsteps reverberate off the walls. "You're back, brother was so worried!"

"Nii-san" Lenalee breathed "it's Nii-san" she handed Allen to Lavi and ran to greet her brother with open arms.

After almost smothering Lenalee with affection Komui turned his attention to the little boy in Lavi's arms. "Allen-kun?" he asked

Allen snapped his head up and tried to look at Komui without meeting his eyes. "Y-Yes?"

Komui laughed and sprang foreword wrenching Allen out of Lavi's arms. "Allen-kun you're adorable!" He was about to continue on when Lenalee interrupted him by smacking him on the head with one of the suitcases.

"Nii-san!" she scolded "you're just as bad as Lavi give Allen-kun to me"

Komui whimpered and looked at the boy

"NOW" Lenalee yelled, Komui hesitantly handed over little Allen and hung his head "you can help Lavi carry the suitcases." She said heading down the hall with Allen safe in her arms and her head held high. "You'll be just fine Allen-kun" she whispered and ruffled his hair. Lenalee pushed open the doors and was met by a loud crowd shouting their welcome backs to the two of them. They all stared at the child in Lenalee's arms, it looked like Allen but some weren't entirely sure if it was or not.

Allen sighed and hung his head "I knew 'dis would happen" he muttered quietly trying to hide his face.

Lenalee sensed her friend's embarrassment and decided to do something about it. She walked into the middle of the crowd and cleared her throat.

"Excuse me everyone" she announced loudly "Allen-kun has had an accident" she began "he'll be like this for a while but I expect everyone to treat him as if he were his normal size." The stern look plastered to her face made everyone nod out of fear.

"Maybe this won't be so bad" Allen whispered under his breath "…I hope…"

Alright so how was it? I know a lot of it was just pointless talking but sometimes a story needs that, yah know?

Aah my apologies for the indepth info. on the order, i really have no idea if there is a canal connected to the town or whatnot, i just kind of made it up as i went -;

And yes i PROMISE that the next chapter will have more characters introduced into it (Kanda, Miranda, Krory, Bookman, ect.)

I really like the Lavi x Allen bond (not like romantic or anything, just the friendship kind) he kind of seemed like a father figure in this chapter XD but liddle Allen-kun still favors Lenalee above everyone 'cause they is looovers!

Me: Say it again

Allen-kun: ...twian...

Me: what?

Allen-kun: gets flustered today i wode the twain! :O


Thanks for reading :)

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