Note: I have edited the first chapter, really only fixing grammatical errors and making a few word changes. Everything else is the same. Sorry that the next chapter took so long, I was multi-tasking, so to speak. School is making me wierd, not giving assignments much, so I guess I'll do this in my free-time. Please enjoy everyone if you have'nt read this yet. ^///^

Yu Yu Hakusho (c) Yoshihiro Togashi. partners with Pierrot Studio, Shueisha ltd, and FUNimation.

"Nande?!! Shorty, what are you doing here?!" The dark figure just stared at the tall red-head.

"Hn, mou baka-ningen why would I come on my own account? I was invited." The red-head glared at him. The tall challenger however, was wise not to further anger the little hiyouki, not out of respect, hell no; He was aware of how capable the hiyouki was.

"Kazuma-san, I invited him." Yukina explained. She then, turned her attention to the hiyouki; "Welcome Hiei-san," she exclaimed cheerfully. "I'm glad you could come."

"Hn!" was all that Hiei would reply; although, seeing Yukina's kind smile gave him comforting warmth, as a smirk curled upon his lips. Kuwabara turned his head slightly muttering

"Why is Yukina-chan so friendly with him like that?"

"He can hear you Kuwabara" whispered Kurama, "and with his Jagan he can sense your thoughts, this is suppose to be a tranquil meeting, so let's try to avoid animosity." Kuwabara pouted but he remembered how happy Yukina looked when Hiei could come.

You've been spared today shrimp.


Fortunately, the scene had low levels of animosity. Kurama had brought his little half-brother, Suichi while his mother and step-father went on an outing. Therefore little Suichi wanted to spend the day with his brother. The only catch to that was everyone had to call Kurama, "Shuichi", as "Kurama" was a name solely, for those who knew its origin. It was all somewhat awkward but they managed.

Keiko took to Suichi right away; after all, he was almost like a tiny human Kurama.

"You really take after your brother Suichi-kun." Suichi nodded in agreement and beamed.

"Ku…Shuichi-san your brother is very sweet" Yukina accolades; her eyes well up. "I only wish my brother were here as well." Kurama nods,

"Well, never give up hope Yukina-san. You will find your brother someday." Kurama subtly glances at Hiei, as he spoke that encouragement. Hiei was standing off, isolating himself from the group. He was averting his glance, but he was observing Yukina. He caught Kurama's glance, and gave that look

"Don't say anything or you are dead."


"Oi! Botan, Shizuru-san!" Yusuke calls out suddenly. Everyone's heads turned to see to figures enter the park.

"Hey Sis, what took ya so long?" Shizuru's strong arms found there way around her brother and squeezed.

"ACK!" Kuwabara yelped "S-sis I can't breathe."

"Just so you know," Shizuru muttered jovial "Its takes time to make snacks for giant apes, like you. Maybe I should just eat your lunch."

"Okay Sis, I'll be good." The carrot-head stammers. Suichi blinks a few times watching that scene.

Shizuru notices Suichi, and Yukina staring.

"Don't worry, he is an idiot, but he'll turn out all right." she reassures. Suddenly Suichi exclaims.

"Everyone, I have an idea! Let's play a game!" Everyone gathers around Suichi, except for Hiei, whom remains where he is standing. Yukina walks toward him.

"Hiei-san, aren't you going to play too?" Hiei retorted

"Why would I want to play foolish ningen games?"

"Please Hiei-san." Yukina folds her hands around Hiei's muscular arms. Hiei looks up into her eyes. They were shining, and the innocence and plea she voiced were nearly overwhelming.

"Fine." Hiei consents, and allows Yukina to take him to the crowd.

"Suichi-chan, what game are you thinking of?" Keiko asks. Suichi grinned. "First," he states all formal-like as if he were in charge, "I want to decide everyone's part in the game." This was mutual, but what game? "Okay," Suichi reveals. "HOUSE!!"

You read right; HOUSE!
Okay, so this is a little strange, but I had this idea and it seemed so funny in my head. Kinda crappy beginning if you ask me. But this is one of my firsts so Look forward to seeing what Suichi will do when they play HOUSE!
Arigatou gozaimasu minna-san.