It was end of school year in Tokyo, Japan, a young 16 year old girl writes in her private journal:

Oh Journal,

What am I going to do? I am love in with my best friend. How messed up am I? Darien and I have always been friends since we were little kids. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I think it is, because Darien is the most amazing person in the whole entire world. He knows everything about me and cares for me deeply. He has a great smart, sarcastic, funny personality that some people find annoying, but I find it perfect. Another thing that makes him more perfect is that he is utterly beautiful. I know, I know usually, guys are handsome, but he is way past that. With his tan skin that goes with his muscular muscles, ebony hair that always seem to go over his deep, piercing ocean eyes…it just AHH! Must add a mental note here: STOP THINKING LIKE THAT! However we are just friends and it will always stay that way. We will never change. But…. Oh how I wish we could be more. Of course though, I'll always his little, tomboy of sister that will be a friend and no more. He will be the man that I adore, long for, and love, but never admit to him. It drives me nuts that I can't tell him how I feel, because as best friends we tell each other everything, however this I can't. If I were to tell him, I probably just screw up the relationship, we already have. Whoa, I can't even think that. I mean Darien deserves a better person than me. I mean my personality is okay, other than acting than a boy part. So what if I overreact at times, klutz out, eat like there is no tomorrow….wait this just proves my point. At least if I were pretty, it would help me, but no. I am not even at most part attractive. Right now I'll just be happy to friend. However, I swear one of this days, I will get Darien to notice me even if it kills me.

Serenity Usagi Tsukino

Third person P.O.V. aka the stalker who watches from a far.

Serena closed her very private journal and hid it under her double mattress of her bed. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Serena had to admit that she has to act like a girl sometimes. However, she wanted no one to ever to find out that she had one of journals, because Serena was known as the tough tomboy. She didn't need to express her feelings.

Though, Serena thought she was attractive, she was the opposite. She was 5'2, though not tall, had very long legs. All of her body was really toned due to the fact that she was in the track team. She had a good size chest even though she thought it was not enough. (AN: I had no idea how describe that area.) She also had very soft, yet notable curves to her body. However, she kept it hidden under the loose, baggy clothes she wore everyday. She had fair skin that complemented with her light cerulean eyes. Her heart-shaped face never had any blemishes to mar her complexion and had with a cute, small nose. She also had long, natural golden blonde hair. Her hair length was nearly down to her waist. Her mother would not let her cut any shorter than her waist, so she always put it up in bun and under a hat. So to say the least she was absolutely gorgeous. Then again her beauty was flawed with the clothes she wore and the way she hid her hair. Her usual outfit was a lose-fitting shirt that had no design on it and her pants that she daily chooses were ample to her legs. Her personality was great yet…like a guy. She was 'in your face', sweet, bubbly, argumentative, tough, stubborn, huge sports/car fan, play tough and is very competitive. Many of the guys liked her for her qualities as well, but never thought as her in a romantic way, more like "dude, she is such a cool chick". Many of the girls in her high school envied her for having so many guys to surround her. However, they hated Serena, because she was best friends with the most handsome hunk in school; Darien Shields. Every single girl would literally drool at his feet, but he was never interested in any of them. The only girl he would spend time with was Serena. Her main group of friend was only Darien and Andrew. Andrew was also best friends with Darien. So naturally, Serena and Andrew became friends as well. Both Darien and Andrew were two years older than Serena, but age didn't matter for the group of friends. They had become friends at the age of seven years old and five years old for Serena. Nothing could get in between the group of friends, even when they weren't in the same school at the same time. (AN: You know cause like Darien & Andrew are two years older so like they would be junior high and she wouldn't… so yeah). However the hardest time for them or at least, Serena was the first time she had notice that she had a crush on her best friend. Once she enter 7th grade, she started to think of Darien in more of a romantic way instead of being just friends. Soon enough she started going through puberty and noticing a lot of changes. Like that fact that Darien and Andrew had a lot of girl worshipers and Darien was looking more than just a boy and more like a man. That was hardest time for her, but she got through it and still is. Though she manages through the pain everyday, she keeps on falling more in love with Darien.

Once Serena got up from hiding her journal, the phone rang. She quickly went to her phone and hoped that it was Darien. She prayed if the caller was him that she didn't have "the voice". "The voice" was when her voice became really high pitched when ever she thought about Darien.

"Moshi Moshi" Serena said in a happy, high pitched voice.

"Hey, Odango is that you?" Damn it. She instantly recognized the voice as Darien's.

She coughed a little to clear her voice.

"Hi Jerk. Yes, it's me. Se-re-na."

They had always called each other names and it was special part of their friendship.

"Why was your voice…nevermind? Serena, I have something to tell you."

She noticed how his voice became a little deeper towards the end.

"Whoa. Is everything okay? You just called me, Serena!"

"Yeah, everything is fine.-quickly changing subjects- I thought you wanted me to call y-"

"Like you ever listen to me, when I say that!" she cut off.

He chuckled, before saying

"Well okay ODANGO, can you meet me at the Arcade in like –pause- 10 minutes?"

"Sure, Mr. Conceited Jerk"

"That is no way to talk to a high school graduate"

"OH..SORRY MR. GRADUATE" her voiced dripped with sarcasm.

"That's much better-he laughed- See in 20 minutes"

"Okay. Ja"

Just as she was going to hang up,

"Oh wait. Serena don't be late" Darien said in his very sexy (at least it was sexy for Serena) voice.

"" she stuttered.

The other line of phone made a click. That brought her back to reality. He was only person that could make her go speech less without even trying. Again, she notice that he had called her Serena. That made her worry. She would confront him about it at the arcade, she told herself. She promptly left her house, right after so she could meet Darien.

Serena's POV

Wow. I made on time for once in my life. Once I stepped into the arcade, my glance went over to the counter where Darien and I go talk to Andrew. I didn't see him there, so I went to go say hi to Andrew and ask him where Darien was. I took a couple steps then someone grabbed my arm. Instead of squealing like many other girls would do, I started to say

"What the f--" Darien's hand covered my mouth before I could finish.

Now if your lips could do that to my lips…Stop doing that!

"Hey! No saying those words" he said, removing his hand. No, keep your hand there!

"Like you don't say them, twenty times a day" I punched him in his rock hard abs.

"I don't. I use other words to replace them with other words. Now let's go into one of the booths" he pushed me playfully.

Oh no. Something bad is going to happen. This is like I was nine and he had to tell me that my cat died…

"Odango, why don't you seat down?" Oh. Ha ha ha. Nervous much.

I sat down hastily. I knew something bad was coming so I couldn't look at him. Instead I focused on the salt and pepper shaker and keep my mouth shut.

"Uh. Serena I don't know how to tell you this…You know"

"Spit it out, Darien" I said still not looking at him. I was getting really anxious and him stuttering didn't help.

"I am moving to America. A school over there has given me a scholarship to go school there to become a doctor." He said with touch of sadness to his voice.

My head snapped up and I stared at him with huge eyes. So many thoughts crossed my mind in that single moment. There were so many thoughts going through my head that I started feeling dizzy. The next thing, I said left my mouth before I could even think about it.

"You can't leave me. I need you. I love y—"