I cried when I saw little Kaiya's head, and I cried when Hinata collapsed against the pillow, also crying. The baby was whisked away to be cleaned, and Naruto gathered an exhausted Hinata in his arms and buried his face in her shoulder.

His eyes had a shiny look to them, so I guessed he had been close to crying like the nurses were. And I suddenly felt like an outsider when Kaiya Uzumaki was brought back into the room all clean and gurgling and handed to Hinata.

Together, they made a beautiful family.

So me, without a family of my own, leaned back against the wall and watched as Naruto and Hinata gazed down at their daughter with an indescribable look in their eyes. I was still crying, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, when Hinata looked up at me.

"Do you want to hold her?"

Without hesitation, I stepped forward, and Hinata held out Kaiya to me. She felt like nothing but a doll in my arms and I cradled her in my arms. I could make out the beginnings of fine dark hairs on her head, and when I cooed her name softly she opened her eyes to reveal their bright cerulean hue.

I pressed my cheek to her forehead gently before handing her to Naruto. There was a burst of noise outside, and I curiously peeked my head out. The whole wedding party was standing outside, looking ridiculously out of place in their formal attire.

I laughed and stepped outside. "Tenten!" Sakura and Ino cried when they saw me.

"It's a girl," I stated and everyone whooped loudly.

"Well, let's get on with this wedding then," Tsunade said, stepping into the room.

And right there, seventeen minutes after their daughter was born, Naruto and Hinata were married.

The other three patients in the maternity ward cried when they crept out of their rooms to watch. Sakura hugged Sasuke tightly and cried. Ino smiled up at Shikamaru while she cried. Tsunade tried not to cry as she preformed the ceremony. Hinata cried when she kissed Naruto and held her daughter.

Standing back in a small corner, I cried alone.

After the ceremony, everyone stayed to get a glimpse of the infant, and I stepped out into the hall where everyone waited. I caught sight of Neji and Mai stealing off, and my heart wrenched viciously.

There was I slight pressure on my shoulder, and I looked down at Hiashi's hand. "I've always preferred you," he stated, giving me a sympathetic look (surprising, I know) and a pat on the shoulder before slipping away.

It suddenly felt too crowded in the hall, and I made my way out of the building. The night air was cool and refreshing on my face, and I slipped my heels off with a sigh. The grass surrounding the lake was soft and tickled my feet, and I smiled to myself. It was a beautiful night.

"So you're Tenten," came a voice as gentle as wind chimes.

I turned and found myself face to face with Mai. Her gaze looked dejected, and I felt sorry for her for some reason. I realized in that moment that I didn't hate her. I just hated the fact that she could be what I couldn't for Neji.

"Yes," I answered meekly, nervous with that intense gaze of hers.

She ran her eyes along my face before sighing, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I always knew you would be beautiful," she said softly with a bitter edge.

She always knew? Man, I was confused. "Excuse me?" I finally said.

Her voice sounded thick when she spoke, like she was about to cry. "I always knew the girl who broke Neji's heart had to have been beautiful. I mean, he was a god himself, and if he was the one with a broken heart than the girl who did the breaking must have really been something."

I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or something along the lines of an insult.

She continued. "I was pretty sure I had done a great job of healing him, but when he got here he got all stiff and cold again, like he had been when I first met him. I knew it was because of you. Then, when he figured out that you hadn't really lied to him, he just shut himself away in our room. He told me he wasn't upset, but I knew he was lying."

She broke off and let out a soft sob. "He proposed the next day, and I couldn't help but be happy for myself. I mean, I really love him, but it's hard being with someone who doesn't feel the same. And when he came home that one night with his clothes a mess and his hair all wild, I knew he had been with you, and I knew you had been the one to stop whatever you had been doing because his eyes looked hurt and confused. If I had been in your position, I probably wouldn't have stopped."

She slipped the diamond ring off her finger, gazing at it sadly for a moment, before handing it to me. Numbly, I took it, letting it rest in my shaking palm.

"Take care of him for me," she said softly before beginning to walk away.

"You're just letting him go?" I asked, and she smiled sorrowfully.

"I don't think I ever really had him to begin with." She continued to walk away but stopped suddenly. "Besides, my name doesn't start with a 't'."

My brow furrowed. What did she mean by that? I watched her walk away, her shoulders shaking and her head down.

Then, my gaze turned to the ring. It glinted in the moonlight, and I felt my heart squeeze as I turned it around on my palm. I'd wanted this so bad. I caught sight of something etched on the inside of the silver band and brought it up to my face.

N.H & T.H forever.

Huh? Then finally it registered in my mind.

'Besides, my name doesn't start with a 't'.'

The rush of emotions was nearly too much, and I had to fight to hold myself up. Then hurt and anger, hot and furious filled me. I raised my hand with the ring in it towards the lake and prepared to-

"That was expensive, you know," an all too familiar voice said from behind me.

I froze, my breath catching, before slowly turning. There he was, with his hands in his pockets, staring at me with that indifferent look on his face.

"If you don't want it, can I at least have it back?"

There was a severe flash of hurt ripping through me, and I lowered my eyes so he wouldn't see the tears.

"Here," I said angrily, chunking the ring at him, which he caught easily, and I turned to walk away. This was beyond mortifying.

Fingers enclosed around my wrist and I was jerked to a stop. "I'm sorry."His voice sounded pained, and those two simple words made my tears finally fall. Still, I didn't turn around. "Ten, will you look at me."

He jerked me around to face him, and I slapped him. He obviously wasn't expecting it, and the look on his face was so worth it.

"That," I said, my voice shaking. "Was for calling me a whore the night you left."

Relief flashed across his face, and I collapsed against him, sobbing and fisting his shirt. And he held me close, like he always used to, with one hand buried in my hair and one on my back. I cried so hard my body felt weak, and I savored the feel of his muscular chest and solidness and the way his strong arms supported me.

It seemed slightly sad and pathetically desperate that all he did was say two small words, and I was in his arms again. But that was the thing with Neji. He never had to say much for me to understand what he meant. Neither of us was really at fault here. We had both been hurt and confused and hadn't really known how to react to all this. I didn't care because right now those two small words meant the world to me.

It was a while before I calmed down a bit, and leaned lazily against him. He still smelled likeā€¦no wait. He smelled like something else.

"You smell funny," I said, scrunching up my nose and leaning back to look at him.

He let a sigh. "Ino made me put on this cologne shit. She can be pretty intimidating sometimes."

I giggled, but it faded when he slipped the ring on my finger. I pulled back to look at it, just staring and blinking.

"I was going to propose that night," he said softly. "But then I found that damn thing, and I didn't."

"Obviously," I said faintly, still in a bit of a trance. Then, I looked up at his serious face and smiled. "You've got good taste. Are you sure you aren't a girl in disguise or something?"

He smirked and pulled me closer. "I got your friends to help me."

I knew exactly what friends he spoke of. "Those bitches," I fumed. "And they never even bothered to tell me after all this time. I should-"

He cut me off with his lips, not that I minded, and I forgot about the revenge I was plotting. I really loved kissing him. And it must have been pretty evident that I missed it because he smirked against my lips and slowly massaged his tongue against mine, savoring every moment. His fingers traveling along my spine made me shudder, and I pushed myself flat against him.

We parted when I grew dizzy, and he pressed his cheek against the top of my head. And we just stood there, breathing heavily and pressed against eachother. Tears still clung to the corners of my eyes, and I blinked them away. I missed everything about this and to have it back after so long was overwhelming and wonderful.

I never felt so secure in my life, with his arms wrapped around me like that. I glanced at the ring. It was only a ring, just a symbol. What really mattered was what we felt and held between us. If I never married Neji it wouldn't really matter as long as we were together because that's what was really important, right?( Still, it did feel kind of good to have the weight of the ring on my finger.)

And now, every moment from here on out would be about me and Neji. Every moment of my life, I was sure I would spend with him.

A/N: Cheesy! Cheesy! Cheesy! I feel like nachos right now. I wasn't sure what chapter would be the last, and this one is it so yeah. Lol. I know Tenten can't spend every moment with Neji, but it's just an ending to a damn story, so just bear with me. Well, I guess that's it. Later.