This was a fic challenge for BlueEyedDemonLiz over at CWESS (check us out on my profile!). One that, as always, has Limp!Sam and Overprotective!Dean. Liz, I hope I did the story justice!

The saddest realization came to me the other day. I don't own Sam and Dean, and I make no money writing stories in the world of Supernatural. However, Kripke, if you are hiring…

Set in Season 1, and rated T for some innuendos and Dean's Ka-Ka mouth – or maybe that's my Ka-Ka mouth.

I'm so sorry the last installment took so long, the hubby got a new job, and is currently in another state, so with so much to do to get him ready to go, writing was put on the back burner.


The weight on his wrists lifted, but Sam was too busy trying to stop his head from spinning to notice he was no longer bound to the wall. A tug at his hand had him turning his head in that lackadaisical manner that usually signified a drunk or a drug addict. And while Sam was definitely high, it wasn't of his own doing.


His other arm was grabbed, the dual force pulling him upward, making the world tilt off its axis and his head spin as color danced before his eyes. His stomach quivered with the effort of trying to make his head stop its roller coaster ride up that rickety track before you just knew the bottom was going to drop out.

"Shhhh, you're okay, Sam…"

Another tug and his world shifted, his weight unbalanced, and coltish legs were forced under him as hands pressed at his back, his chest; and Sam just shook his head in denial as he was forced to his feet.

"Nuuu Dean, mmm'ssick…"

"Come on Sam, it'll all be over soon."

He lilted to the left, hands catching and pressing, forcing him back upright as pushes and prods got his legs moving, though he only made it two steps before he leaned right … and emptied whatever had been in his stomach. The shrieks of the girl he'd vomited on went past deaf ears as he tried to expel whatever had been left, though ended up dry heaving before trying to sink to his knees.

"Just shut up and help me get him moving again!"

"But he puked on me!"

Had Sam been coherent he definitely would have laughed as miss slap happy stood there, his vomit clinging to her pants and shoes. But as it were, he was being jerked back up, his legs forced to stumble forward. Later, when Dean was here, he'd tell him that he showed her by puking all over her. That one thought alone had him pausing as twelve women tried urging him forward. They tugged, he stumbled a step, and stopped in true Winchester stubbornness … true Sam stubbornness.

"Where'ssss Dean?"

His own mouth betrayed him in that slur, but now was not the time to worry about getting it under control. His brother was missing, and for all he knew the coven of witches hurt him!

"He's waiting for you, Sam…"

It took a moment to focus, a moment to turn to the correct voice (Anna's) and smirk.

"You lying bitch…"

That, while slightly muffled with his mouth going mutiny, was definitely coherent enough for Anna to frown, then glare as she reached up to curl her fingers around the back of his head, and despite the fact he had just thrown up, she tugged him down to her until their lips nearly met.

"Perhaps, but soon I'll be your lying bitch."

Despite his drugged state, despite the fact that Sam felt like a poltergeist had tossed him around for a game of human catch … Sam smirked and wavered out of her fingers. The hands that seemed to be everywhere (including a few places Sam would later deny!) pushed him forward. And even as he stumbled, he chuckled, that Winchester stubbornness shining through like a beacon in the darkness.

"I don't think so…"

Anna frowned, the glare she sent to follow a stumbling Sam Winchester enough to kill, had looks been able to do just that. But, had they, she'd have been dead days ago with the daggers Dean Winchester shot at her the moment he realized she had his brother.


"Get out."

Penelope didn't even notice the car skid to halt as she gave one of those blank, too into your own thoughts stares out the passenger window of the black car she'd stolen just before cutting the power to the jail where they'd taken Sam's brother. It had been hours before they had believed she was kidnapped by one Dean Winchester on his insane plot to rescue his brother. Hours that Sam didn't have. But now, as she blinked to brush away the cobwebs of her own thoughts to turn and look at a very irate Winchester, she furrowed her brows in confusion at his command.

"I already have enough to worry about with getting Sam out of there in one piece; I don't want to be worrying about keeping you safe too."

With an exhaled breath that blew a lock of red from her brow, she stared at the man that Sam had asked for in his sleep. He was giving her the nastiest look, one full of hatred, but something else … worry. Underneath that showmanship of that fuck you attitude, Penny could see that Dean Winchester would do anything to save his brother. And it was in that moment that it became all too clear why it was Dean's name that Sam had mumbled.

"You won't make it through there without me, not in time."

Hard eyes met hers, assessing in that moment, the thoughts running through his head so clear before he pulled out the gun, nearly making her flinch.

"Fine. But if you get in the way of me and Sam, I'll shoot you where you stand."


The more Sam tried to concentrate, the more the room spun with the effort. Whatever they had given him had done the trick of making his mind scrambled and his limbs totally betray any command his shattered thoughts tried giving.

He ended up in what was probably an exercise yard, and the first thing he did when he was pushed out was look up toward the sky, the stars as the first drop of rain hit his face and inhale a deep breath. A rough shove got him moving again, though he stumbled and damn near fell into the girl he puked on.

Hands that had once been nearly erotic were rough and forceful as they pushed and pulled him toward what had probably been an exam table … complete with restraints.


His legs were coltish and fumbled in his attempt at escape, the movement that would have put him into a dead sprint only had him nearly falling as the drugs made him theirs to control; though even doped Sam was pretty sure that was their plan all along.

"Oh no Sam, we have a date … remember?"

He tried to push away, but twelve pairs of hands were pushing him down (and God was that puke he smelled?) so despite his own best efforts (pretty shitty given the circumstances!) he ended up on his back on that fucking table. That didn't necessarily mean Sam made it easy for the bitches, because he was all flailing arms and legs as he tried rolling out of his current predicament, even if that meant he'd end up on the floor face down. It was a far better cry than strapped to a fucking table!

"Hold him down!"

"I'm trying, fucking bastard is strong!"

"I thought the drugs were supposed to stop this?"

"I didn't want to have to carry him here!"

A hand pressed against his face, pushing it to the side and against the table as a strangled yell came from his own mouth; the restraints he had been fighting so hard not to be put into clicking into place one at a time.

It wasn't those clicks that stopped his struggles (though he was well aware of his losing battle) it was the song of metal as it was unsheathed, and the lead witch leaned over him, her face fuzzy and hard to focus on.

"Now, Sam, it's time to meet your maker…"

The blade came down in a slow arc, not for a fatal blow, but to trail down the center of Sam's shirt, slicing it free of flesh. The gunshot that pierced the air turned twelve heads as the most beautiful voice Sam had ever rose above the silence.

"Not while I'm around … bitch."


Dean Winchester stood, smoking gun in hand where he'd shot the blade out the witches hand, leaving her to stare at him in shock. And while his gaze was on the lead witch, his focus was on his little brother.

"Sammy …?"

Sam's muffled "De…." Was enough to ensure him that, while not great, Sam was breathing, and in the Winchester book of secrets, sometimes that was enough.

"You can't kill all of us."

"No…" And hazels leveled on the lead witch, the bitch that taunted him by the lake with his brother's capture, the muzzle of the gun aimed right for her head. "But I can certainly take you with me."

The candles they had lit flickered, a wind drifting through a place that should have been stagnant in air save for the large droplets of water that did little to ease the heat. Anna smirked, her gaze filled with mirth as she looked back toward Dean, the amusement on her face clearly saying she had won.

Dean, however, smirked right back as Penny's voice piped up behind him.

"Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus, Pater Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, qui illum réfugam tyránnum et apóstatam gehénnae ígnibus deputásti, quique Unigénitum tuum in hunc mundum misísti, ut illum rugiéntem contéret: velóciter atténdem accélera, ut erípias hóminem ad imáginem et similitúdinem tuam creátum, a ruína et dæmónio meridiáno."

The candles flickered, the current of air picking up until the flames were doused both by wind and rain. A screech came, one of pain, of anger, and Anna turned to try and find the source. A ripple of electricity flew through the area, sending five witches against the walls. One skidded across the floor to slam into the doorway, the jerk of her body upon impact left little doubt that she'd not survived the blow.

"Da, Dómine, terrórem tuum super béstiam, quæ extérminat vineam tuam. Da fidúciam servis tuis contra nequíssimum dracónem pugnáre fortíssime, ne contémnat sperántes in te, et ne dicat, sicut in Pharaóne, qui jam dixit: Deum non novi, nec Israël dimítto."

The windows rattled, what was able to behind the bars that held prisoners caged, and Dean rushed into the electrical storm that was one pissed off demon, to unbind his brother so they could get the hell out of dodge.

Anna spun to watch another one of her cohorts fly into a barred window, her head all but exploding on impact. Another screamed though Dean was too busy pulling Sam off of the table to give a rat's ass if the bitch was okay or not.

In Dean's mind, they'd brought this all on themselves.

"You're not going anywhere!"

With most of Sam's weight leaning on him, holding him up when Anna stepped in their path wasn't the easiest of tasks, but Dean held on tight as a mostly incoherent Sam leaned into him.

"I'm taking my brother, and we're leaving…"

His words were slow, calculated, and left little doubt that Dean Winchester would have shot her where she stood had she gotten in his way of getting Sam to safety. As it were, Dean didn't have to do anything, the demon she'd put all of her faith into materialized in a cloud of black smoke for just an instant before engulfing her in inky blackness then dissipating with a shriek that was hard to tell if it was the demon … or Anna.

Dean didn't look back.


The beating drum in his head was more than a little annoying, and if you asked Sam, it was downright rude. But despite the audacity of that continual thump's disrespect, Sam had no choice but to face waking. It wasn't the easiest task. Sam, being born in a long line of stubborn Winchester's, fought this task with everything he had. But, unlucky for him, it wasn't much considering he felt like a Bigfoot had used him as the ball in a game of human jacks. So despite Sam's most stubborn efforts to stay oblivious … he cracked an eye open with a groan.

No sooner had the sound left his lips than something small was being pressed into his hands.

"Take these…"

And then something smooth and cool into the other.

Sam tried leaning up to drink the water, but moving proved quite a task, what with the really bad rock band rehearsing something loud and obnoxious (Dean would have loved it!) inside his head. But the hand at the back of his head leant support.

Dean always did know when he needed him, even if it was just something as small as helping him take some Tylenol.


Sam finally managed to croak after he swallowed the pills down, but instead of falling back onto the pillow, he tried pushing up to manage some semblance of life.

"About two hours from that coven of bitches. About as far as I dared go…"


Dean seemed to speak fluent hurt Sammy, and chuckled.

"Seems one of the witches had the hots for you, Sammy boy…"


"Oh don't play dumb with me! While I was searching the entire county, you were busy being playboy."

"Dean! I was chained to a wall!"

"I don't want to hear about your kinky fantasies, Sam!"

Sam huffed, though it was meek in comparison to some of his usual little brother poutiness, and his eye roll only caused more pain.

"God Dean, I almost got sacrificed to a demon and all you can do is be a jerk…"

Dean didn't hesitate, just smirked that Winchester trademark grin.

"That's only because you're such a bitch, Sammy…"

And in that Sam grinned … no matter the streak of bad luck the Winchester's had since he was six months old, one thing was for certain … Dean would always come for him.
