You, Me, We

Summary: Sakura and Eriol decide to swap high school lives. 1. Sakura wants good grades and to meet boys 2. Eriol loves pranks and girls. Only rule? No one can find out.

Chapter one. Hands up

A blue-haired boy stared up at the building, a piece of paper in his hand. He wiped his brow and grinned widely.

"Holy pickles, I'm finally here!" He laughed.

Ring ring…

"Moshi moshi?"

"Sakura! Have you reached your school yet?" A loud voice demanded.

"Yes, Touya," sigh, "I have. What are you being so excited about?"

"Don't get lost! If you need me, call me! I'll come to see you next week!"

"No need, you're busy anyways. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine! Just concentrate on your new job!"

"Even if you say so…"

"Touya! Don't be so annoying! You have your own life now. Anyways, ja ne!"

"Wait! But—"

"Ah, that's better," Sakura put the phone back in her pocket.

"Now back to being the man." She laughed and adjusted her blue hair.

She raised her arms up and shouted gleefully, "All right! Let my high school years begin!"

(Around a month, more or less, ago…)

Sakura groaned. Please…not again…

"And then he freaking wants to break up with me all because he's so freaking selfish and I'm so freaking pretty and beau-ti-ful and he knows that but he freaking doesn't care because he says he's freaking seen so many freaking pretty girls already and who the heck freaking knows what the heck he's freaking been smoking because you know what? I don't give a damn. Sakura? Are you listening?"

Sakura's fingers were tingling with the urge to slam the phone into the pillows and shut her up if she ever heard the word 'freaking' again. But then that glorious image of sitting in the cafeteria beside all the skinny, dieting girls, pushing aside their lunch trays right into her hands… she sighed.

"Yes, yes I am. I totally think he's a bitch. You totally deserve better…" Sakura rolled her eyes while speaking in an ironic tone. Luckily, Yena was dense enough to think Sakura actually meant what she said.

"Anyways, did I freaking tell you about that freaking incident that happened, like, freaking yesterday?"

Sakura was already stuffing her head underneath her pillow while her hand trembled with thin patience…


"I'm telling you, she's the most annoyingest human on earth, ever. EVER. No kidding." Sakura was slamming her head into the desk.

"Well, chill," Eriol shrugged, "At least you can imagine a tank rolling over that abyss mouth of hers."

"Ha ha, you're right," Sakura pushed back her hair and tried picturing Yena flat on the asphalt, her mouth swallowing air instead of belching out words.

"School is starting soon," Sakura felt like slapping her own face, "What am I going to do?"

"We'll be highschoolers soon," Eriol said glumly, "And I'll be in an all-boys school where no girls exist. Again!" He raised his fists and shook them at the sky angrily, "Will the heavens continue punishing me like this?"

"You're not the only one! I'll be in an all-girls school, again! And this time I need at least C's in my classes or else my dad is making me work in a fish factory!" Sakura buried her head in her arms.

The two sat beside each other for a while, shouting complaints at nobody in particular.

"Excuse me…could I buy this please?"

Sakura looked up, an imprint on the left side of her face.

"Hm? Yah, sure. Eriol, you take care of it." And then she dropped her face into the desk once more.

Eriol stood up and walked over the cash register, pushing buttons and collecting and distributing money. Sakura watched, thoughts running through her head. When Eriol was finished, he sat down again, staring gloomily at the books on the shelves.

Sakura suddenly stood up, her face bright with an idea.

"You reek aye!" She shouted, throwing her hands up, "I have an idea!"

"It's eureka, but nevermind, what is it?" Eriol looked up curiously.

"Look Eriol, you're smart, aren't you?" She pointed at him excitedly.

He pushed his glasses up his nose and cleared his throat, "Well, I can't deny the fact that I'm—"

"Yah! And you want to see more of girls, don't you?"

He was now rubbing some drool from the corner of his mouth, "Urm, well, that is…"

"Yah! And I need good grades, and I hate girls and would rather be with guys…and, oh my god this totally works! Eriol! You can be me!"

Eriol stared at her for a moment, "What do you mean I can be—oh! What a brilliant idea!" A wide grin spread over his face, "Sakura! I never thought I'd say this in my entire life, but you are one heck of a genius!"

"I know! Wait, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Doesn't matter! Quickly, we have little time to plan this." He took out a pen and a paper pad he had taken out of thin air, "We need to execute this plan perfectly and without any chance of being found out."

"Ok," Sakura nodded eagerly, "Let's start."

And the game begins.


This is for fun! Whee! And yes…I was re-reading Hana Kimi… so… rolls eyes…don't blame me for that.

Review please.