
"Itachi . . . these days you seem a bit off. You've had quiet a lot of miscalculations during our assignments. What's wrong?" Kisame asked, seating himself next to his partner on the edge of their bed. Itachi shrugged and kept his stare at the floor. The room was very silent and only the chirps of the crickets from outside were heard. "Itachi . . . there must be something wrong . . . You're usually very accurate and precise when you attack." Kisame stated, a bit more concerned.

Itachi's eyes turned to Kisame. He didn't feel like talking about it. Not to someone that knows him that well. Itachi sighed and stood up. "It's none of your business Kisame. As long as the mission gets done, you shouldn't worry about petty things like that." Itachi took a step forward to leave, he didn't want to talk to him anymore, but a hand grasped his. Itachi stopped.

"It's all of my business. You're my partner and I have a right of what's going on in your life. We've been together for 2 years, what could possibly be going on that you can't tell me?" Kisame asked. Itachi didn't answer. There's so many things that I can't tell you. You can't say that. Kisame pulled on Itachi's arm, making him back up a bit. Itachi kept his lips shut. He would not tell. He could not tell.

Kisame let up his grip and Itachi just stood there, not moving. He wanted to leave but his body wouldn't let him. It wanted to stay. It wanted to say something. But Itachi wouldn't allow it. I can't . . . not him. "Itachi . . ."

Itachi sat back down on the bed. His body won that fight. Suddenly, arms encircled him. He looked at Kisame. "You can tell me."

"I can't . . ." the words had escaped Itachi's lips. Did I just say that out loud? Kisame held him tighter and Itachi's arms seemed to move on their own, encompassing Kisame's neck. Stop . . . Kisame looked caringly into Itachi's eyes.

"You can. You can tell me anything Itachi."

No I can't.

"You can trust me with your secrets."

I can't trust anybody. You can easily turn on me.

"Let me know what's wrong, I'll help you."

No one can help me. It's gone far beyond that point.

"Tell me."

no . . .

"Why not . . .?"

He can see my answers . . . I don't want to be this close to someone to where they can do that

"I don't understand."

"You will never understand . . ." Itachi muttered, his eyes looking away from Kisame's.

"I will . . ."

"No you won't!" Itachi's eyes closed. Go away, I don't want to talk to you. Itachi's arms held Kisame tighter. They didn't want him to go. Go . . . Kisame held him tighter as well. Itachi opened his eyes. They were so close. I'm so confused . . . what do I want? I don't even know that anymore. I just . . . don't want to . . . be hurt . . . I want to be held but I don't want to be touched. I want to be cared for but I don't want somebody worrying about me. A tear escaped Itachi's eyes. He closed them tightly. I don't want bonds . . . I want to live without them. "I . . . regret . . ." Itachi muttered.

"I regret killing . . . I regret killing the people that were close to me . . . Now . . . I have no one . . . to . . . love . . . me," Itachi said almost like a whisper, "I want . . . to be loved."

". . . you are . . . loved." Kisame's lips slowly pressed against Itachi's. "I . . . love you."