Dedicated to one of my best friends, Saki. She loves this pairing, so even though she can't read it right now, I decided to write it for her.

Iruka was late. Again. Every student in the academy class he taught was getting frustrated and curious. He was never like this before. At the same time they were desperate to lnow why their teacher was so late and when asked, came up with the latest excuses. So when they asked him what kept him this time, they weren't suprised to hear "I got lost on the road to life." The students were fed up, and one brilliant kunoichi's plan later, they were spying on their favorite teacher. As they followed him around they noticed he was carrying a small rectangular package. They watched as he came upon a small deserted park, save for one man, a siliver haired one.

"Hey Kakashi. I got something for ya." He whipped out the wrapped package and handed it to him. Kakashi, as they had heard Iruka call him, ripped the colorful paper from it and kissed the younger man, suprising everybody. At least they knew what to accuse thir teacher of, not to mention tease him!

Because Iruka's bound to pick up some habits right?