Another Blue Drop

He listened intently to the gentle tap of raindrops on the roof, the fast rushing of the water through the eaves. When he sat by the window watching everything like this, he got to see Karakura when it was dead and quiet, nothing but the odd car and the music of the rain that made him feel nostalgic.

He'd managed to get over it, the overwhelming sense of failure he got whenever it rained. Now there was just a sort of filled emptiness. It was lonely. and so he was left to simply stare out the window, waiting for the sun to shine.

He didn't hate the rain. He enjoyed the clean feeling it gave him afterwards as the clouds moved on and the sun dried the puddles till the only evidence left was the moist humid smell of water. He liked the feeling after the rain, as everything quieted and was left in a drowsy silence. But the rain itself, he couldn't find any feelings in himself for.

His eyes followed a streak of water as it ran down the glass of his window. The chill of the wind was making him shiver, but he liked the fresh smell, so he didn't close the window. He sighed, feeling the emptiness swell as thunder cracked loudly.

"Dammit. Raining in there, Raining out here. I don't think I'll ever escape it." he turned, finding his hollow grinning.

"There's nothing I can do about it." he told the albino firmly, earning a 'depressed' sigh and a pout.

"I'm starting to hate the rain as much as ya." there was silence for a minute, before the hollow's yellow eyes flashed brightly. He took hold of his king's hand. "I'm going to show you something," he was roughly pulled off the bed and forced to follow out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"Where are we...? what are we doing?" he asked, pulling back and forcing the hollow to stop.

"We're going to dance. Hurry or the best part will start without us." his face contorted in confusion as his hollow slipped out of his sandals and socks, and pulled him outside in the back yard without allowing him to slip on his shoes.

He was dragged out to stand in the damp grass in his bare feet. He hadn't done that since he was a child. He wiggled his toes, eying the insects flying lazily around his feet. He was still hand in hand with the hollow, whose unnatural eyes were closed, head tilted up.

"What're we –?"

"Shh. Just wait." The thunder rumbled and rolled, lightening flashed. A gentle trickle of rain flowed from the heavens. His hollow grinned. "Any minute now..." there was a deafening crash of thunder, and the rain pelted the ground in torrents, as if the sky was about to rip open. The hollow grabbed his other hand, forcing him to twirl.

The rough feeling of water tearing at his skin, flattening his hair to his skull, dripping off his body and soaking his clothes was strangely light. He felt very much alive. He laughed. And his hollow only giggled at him.

"Told you." they kept dancing until the rain lightened. He let out gasping breaths, smiling. "Feel better, sweet king?"

He nodded, slipping back into the house and shedding his water drenched clothes, shaking himself off like a dog.

"The rain's only sad if you look at it that way." before he could answer or thank the hollow, he was gone, retreating to the far reaches of his mind. He smiled to himself.



mmm, I was listening to the rain early this morning And I came up with this. Hope you enjoyed, review please!